Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

430: Plan To Break Through The Island Chain Blockade! Served As Director Of The Second Department Of

The General Staff Office, the General Staff boss’s office!

After learning that Li Ran came to see him, the general staff boss felt his scalp numb. No need to think too much, he must have come for military rank matters.

Thinking of this, the head of the General Staff felt a little helpless. Only yesterday he awarded Li Ran the First Class Hero Model Medal in public, which was a great recognition of Li Ran's achievements during this period.

At that time, Li Ran raised the matter of military rank, and the head of the General Staff comforted him, telling Li Ran to be patient and not to be anxious. When the time comes, promotion will come naturally.

Now it seems that yesterday's words were in vain. Li Ran is definitely here for this matter, and the general staff boss doesn't even have to think about it.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." The chief of the General Staff said, his tone full of helplessness.

What to do, Li Ran has come, he can't say no, after all, he is a rising star that he is optimistic about, and the general staff boss has placed great hopes on Li Ran, so he can only pamper her.

The door opened, and Li Ran walked in with high steps and head held high.

"Okay, stop pretending, let it go quickly."

Seeing Li Ran standing there seriously, the general staff boss smiled and cursed.

"Chief, I'm here to deliver a report." Li Ran said.

"Report? What report?"

Hearing this, the head of the General Staff looked confused. If it was a work report, Li Ran should not have sent it to him. The affairs of the Intelligence Department were under the control of the Fourth Machinery Department. If it was the work of the Fourth Machinery Department,

Li Ran sent it directly to him, which was considered an overstep of authority.

The main reason is that he opened a green channel for Li Ran, but it was not for Li Ran to use it this way.

"These are some of my thoughts on breaking through the island blockade." Li Ran said something that shocked the General Staff boss.

"Give me the report." The head of the General Staff immediately urged him. After taking the report from Li Ran, he immediately started reading it.

The island blockade has always been a problem. If this problem is not relieved for a day, it will always be a hidden danger, like a time bomb.

But it is not a simple matter to solve it. There are too many factors that need to be taken into consideration. If not handled well, it will lead to serious consequences.

As a result, Li Ran now has ideas about breaking through the island blockade, and the General Staff boss naturally attaches great importance to it.

While the chief of the General Staff was reading the report he had written, Li Ran silently poured himself a glass of water, picked up the special offer on the table of the chief of the General Staff, took out one and lit it, and put the rest in In his pocket.

Li Ran is the only person who can be so casual in front of the General Staff boss and treat the General Staff boss's office as his own home. Li Ran is the only one who has such treatment.

In the quiet office, the only sound was the sound of the General Staff boss turning pages of reports and the scraping of paper.

After a while, after roughly reading the report, the chief of the General Staff let out a long sigh of relief, with an expression of unconcealable excitement on his face.

Even because he was too excited and couldn't calm down for a long time, the chief of the General Staff searched for a long time on the table, wanting to smoke a cigarette to calm down. After searching for a long time, he found that the cigarette was missing.

Seeing this, Li Ran had quick eyesight and quick hands, and immediately made arrangements for the boss of the General Staff.


The chief of the General Staff blew out a puff of smoke, calmed down briefly, and stared at Li Ran and said: "The locations of the sea areas you mentioned in the report are indeed critical and have important strategic significance, but how to control those areas is one question."

"It's actually very simple, artificial island building." Li Ran said.

As soon as these words came out, the head of the General Staff's eyes lit up, and his thoughts were instantly opened up.

Yes, it is completely possible to carry out artificial island building plan, why did you forget this?

"In the three island chains, around each island, we can carry out artificial island building projects in key areas. In this way, the so-called island blockade will naturally break down." Li Ran said.

His thoughts were opened. Listening to Li Ran's thoughts, the chief staff officer's breathing became rapid.

This method is feasible, absolutely feasible, and is the most appropriate method under the current circumstances.

As for whether there will be any obstacles when artificially building islands, the General Staff boss is not worried at all on this issue, because it is his own sea area and he has the final say where to build islands, even if he is a "rogue" "The most I can do is be incompetent and furious, and there is no real solution.

"Has anyone else read this report?" asked the general staff boss.

"No, as soon as the report is written, I will send it to the chief as soon as possible." Li Ran said.

Hearing this, the head of the General Staff nodded and said slowly: "I will study this report carefully."

After finishing speaking, seeing that Li Ran didn't mean to leave yet, he asked again: "Is there anything else?"

"Chief, it's about this." Li Ran pointed to the military rank on his shoulder with a smile. It was a bit inappropriate that such a report of great strategic significance could not be exchanged for a promotion in military rank.

Upon hearing this, the chief of the General Staff was speechless for a moment.

Sure enough, he knew that Li Ran was still evil and wanted to be promoted in the military rank. Was he so anxious?

"Wait until you complete the rotation of all departments." said the general staff boss.

"Thank you, chief." Li Ran thanked him. Although he was not promoted immediately, the general staff boss's words gave him some time.

It is not difficult for Li Ran to complete the rotation of all departments.

Intelligence Division.

After returning from the General Staff, Li Ran once again transformed into a workaholic. There is nothing to say, just work, and then go to the next department as soon as possible.

For Li Ran, the workload of just an intelligence office is indeed a bit small.

"Commander Zhou, go and ask the Second and Third Divisions if they need our help in any way?" Li Ran said to Zhou Xiaotong after finishing what he was doing.

"Ah?" As soon as these words came out, Zhou Xiaotong was a little confused at first.

The Intelligence Division has so many things to do, and the people in the units below are busy working overtime every day. How can they have extra time and energy to help the Second and Third Divisions?

"Deputy Director, the Second and Third Divisions have not taken the initiative to apply, so we should finish our work first," Zhou Xiaotong said.

Are you kidding me? I haven't handled the matters in my own department well. To help the second and third offices, isn't this a complete retardation?

"Consultant Zhou, you misunderstood me. Go and ask the Second and Third Divisions if there is anything I can personally help with. I have nothing to do when I'm free." Li Ran explained

To help the second and third divisions, it must be Li Ran personally. It is impossible to let people from the lower units help other departments.

"Deputy Director, have you finished today's work?" Hearing this, Zhou Xiaotong said in surprise.

This efficiency seems to be much faster than the previous few days.

"This workload is not enough for me to fill my teeth. Go and ask for me. I just want to know about the second and third offices." Li Ran said.

Seeing that Li Ran was so determined, Zhou Xiaotong had no choice but to do it.

After the directors of the Second and Third Divisions learned about Li Ran's ideas from Zhou Xiaotong, they immediately expressed their welcome to Li Ran to come to the Second and Third Divisions to help.

In the recent short period of time, there has been a lot of work in the second and third offices. It would be best if someone came to help.

What's more, the person who came to help was Li Ran, and no one would question Li Ran's ability.

After learning that the Second and Third Divisions needed him, Li Ran was very happy, but he was afraid that he would have no place to vent his enthusiasm. The things in the Intelligence Division alone could not satisfy him at all.

I am completely familiar with the affairs of the Second and Third Offices, and my study in the entire Fourth Machinery Department is almost the same.

Zhou Xiaotong shook her head helplessly at Li Ran's excessive or even overcapacity behavior. As Li Ran's assistant, she was very aware of Li Ran's work ability.

It can be said that except for Li Ran, no one else can do this kind of thing quickly.

When Ren Fei, the director of the Intelligence Division, found out, he didn't say anything. What could he say? Li Ran personally went to Division 2 and Division 3 to help and contribute on the premise that all department matters were settled. What's the problem?

After the director of the Fourth Machinery Department learned about this incident, he said nothing and fully acquiesced.

As for Li Ran, he knew very well that the General Staff arranged for Li Ran to come to the Fourth Machinery Department just to see more, learn more, and enrich his resume. Before coming to the Fourth Machinery Department, he had already visited the Military Affairs Department and the Engineering Corps Department.

The directors of the Second and Third Divisions originally welcomed Li Ran's arrival, but within just two days, they discovered that something was wrong.

"What? Is everything settled?"

"B-But this is only half a day."

"Deputy Director Li, your efficiency is terrifying."

"Please, Deputy Director Li, please give me some work to do."

"Don't be like this. I'll treat you to dinner when I have time. I just hope you let me do some work."

The deputy directors and directors of the second and third divisions changed from joy at the beginning to panic now.

They were even a little impulsive. Why did they agree to Li Ran coming to their place to help? Now it's okay, because Li Ran's arrival basically has nothing to do with them.

Whenever I want to do something, I find that Li Ran has done all the work.

These deputy directors and directors have been doing nothing all day long and don't know what to do.

If this continues, they can get out. Li Ran in the second and third offices is enough.

So, not long after, the scene that happened in the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Ministry of Engineering happened again, and the Minister of the Fourth Machinery Department had no choice but to find the boss of the General Staff, that's all.

0…………Please give me flowers…0

I hope the boss of the General Staff will transfer Li Ran. There is no need for Li Ran to stay in the Fourth Machine Department. The stage of the Fourth Machine Department is too small and not enough for Li Ran to display his personal abilities.

The General Staff boss is already used to this. The Military Affairs Department and the Engineering Department have experienced this, and the Fourth Machinery Department is nothing to Li Ran.

After thinking for a while, the head of the General Staff issued another transfer order, ordering Li Ran to go to the General Staff Office to serve as the director of the Second Department and to serve as a supervisor.

Four machine departments!

After learning that Li Ran was going to be transferred to the General Staff Office as the director of the Second Department, everyone was shocked from top to bottom.

Because they are very aware of the content of the General Staff Office, and Li Ran directly serves as the director of the Second Department. The Second Department is responsible for supervision and monitoring of all military regions to see if there are any violations of disciplines.

I think back then, Li Ran had been subject to disciplinary review, more than once, but it was only the disciplinary inspection department from the military region. Li Ran is now the Second Office of the General Staff and has become the superior leader of these departments.

"It's really awesome. Going to be the director of the second department is really a big leap."

"He was transferred out of our Fourth Machinery Department within two weeks of arriving. No one else has this speed.

"Our director hopes that he will leave every day. If he doesn't leave, our director will have to leave."

"As the director of the Second Department, no matter which military region you go to from now on, which military region will not tremble from top to bottom?"

"It's a very powerful department with real power, but it's easy to offend people if it's not handled well."


Many people in the Fourth Machinery Department were talking about it.

Everyone was shocked, reluctant to part, and worshiped, but the one who was most reluctant to part was Zhou Xiaotong.

Li Ran was transferred out now? He only stayed in the Fourth Machinery Department for a short time before he was transferred away. The time he stayed here was too short. Zhou Xiaotong didn’t want Li Ran to leave at all. He became Li Ran’s assistant and let Zhou Xiaotong learned a lot

She hasn't had enough yet.

But the General Staff's order came down, and Zhou Xiaotong had no choice but to give up.

General Staff Office, Second Office!

News that a young colonel was parachuted in as the director of the department also spread throughout the second hall.

There was a very heated discussion in the Second Hall for a while. You know, the Second Hall is a very special department in the General Staff who was parachuted in to take up a certain position. This is still the case.

But everyone in the second hall basically knows that the officers who are airborne are usually here to enrich their resumes, gain experience, and prepare for a higher level in the future.

Therefore, many people in the second hall were talking about this visitor.

"It is said that the legendary officer came to serve as the director of our second department. He is very capable."

"That 19-year-old colonel? I know him."

"That's him. I heard that he seems to have been to several departments recently. The rotation speed of this department is a bit fast."

"Even if I'm brushing up my resume, it's not like this. The departments rotate so quickly, it's more like going through the motions than going through the motions."

"I guess you won't stay long in our second hall."

Here, Li Ran has also arrived outside the second hall. After successful identity registration and verification, he entered smoothly.

After receiving the news, a colonel came out to greet Li Ran. The colonel was Colonel Xie Hua, deputy director of the Second Department.

Xie Hua was a little depressed inside. He originally thought that the old director had left and the position had been vacated. He, the deputy director, could finally become a full-time official. Unexpectedly, a colonel was parachuted in.

This was something he didn't expect at all.

"Director Li, hello, I am Xie Hua, deputy director of the Second Department." Although he was depressed, Xie Hua had heard of Li Ran's name, so he was very polite.

After all, a young colonel who can be directly transferred by the General Staff and airborne to serve as the director of the Second Department is definitely extraordinary.

Regardless of ability or background, there must be one thing that is beyond his reach.

"Hello, Deputy Director Xie, I'm new here. If there's anything I don't understand, I'd like to ask you for advice." Li Ran said politely.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." Xie Hua said quickly.

When they came to the second hall, Xie Hua, the deputy director, personally took Li Ran on a tour to learn about the basic operations of each unit in the second hall. At the same time, Li Ran, the new director, also showed his face in front of the people in each unit.

After a brief understanding, Li Ran, the director of the department on his first day in office, planned to conduct research and inspections in various units.

If you want to lead a team well, you must get along with the people in the units below and become familiar with them.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for you, a newcomer, even if you are the director, to start your work smoothly because no one will pay attention to you.

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!! and).

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