Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

433: A Thunderstorm! Li Ran Offended Someone

D Group Army F Division.

With the arrival of Li Ran, the newly appointed director of the Second Department and the review team, a storm is unfolding.

In the conference room.

In front of a captain, a lieutenant from the review team read out the review discipline.

After the discipline was read out, Li Ran, as the team leader, conducted a disciplinary review on the captain. This scene was not unfamiliar to Li Ran. He had been reviewed twice before, but that time the disciplinary team came from the military region's disciplinary department. of.

The captain who was under scrutiny looked at the shameless young colonel in front of him and sneered inwardly.

Is there no one in the second hall? Let such a young colonel be the leader of the review team? Can he have the aura to hold it down?

After a while.

The captain, who had not taken Li Ran into his heart at first, walked out of the conference room in despair, as if he had been emptied out.

The more than half an hour of being examined seemed to the captain like a year had passed.

Outside the conference room, some people couldn't help but started talking after seeing the captain come out without a trace.

"Lianchang Hao has come out. Looking at Lianchang Hao's appearance, something doesn't seem right."

"This is already the fourth time today. Everyone who has been examined comes out like this."

"No, the battalion commander looked even worse when he came out."

"It is said that the young colonel in the review team is the newly appointed young director of the Second Department of the General Staff and the former commander of the Synthetic Brigade. Despite his youth, his methods are quite extraordinary."

For the combat units of the field army, the disciplinary inspection departments in the military regions used to make them tremble, but now that the Second Office of the General Staff comes directly, it is even more frightening.

Of course, some senior people still despised Li Ran in their hearts after seeing how young Li Ran was.

What begins as contempt quickly turns to fear as scrutiny progresses.

The fear of Li Ran comes from the heart. No one can remain calm and composed under Li Ran's powerful aura. Being locked by Li Ran's aura, it is as if he is being pressed by a mountain and can't breathe.

Sometimes, just a look from Li Ran can make the subject of the review tell the truth. No one can get away with the evidence Li Ran has.

For a time, wherever the review team led by Li Ran went, there was a rumbling sound and everyone was trembling. Everyone knew that in such a storm, anyone who was called for review by the review team would basically be unlucky.

the other side.

The review team composed of Xie Hua, deputy director of the Second Department, also started taking action under the arrangement of Li Ran.

The two review teams work together, one at the front and one at the back, forming a double echelon.

As the review continues, the truth of the matter is gradually emerging, and the people involved behind it are becoming more and more frightening.

As the investigation proceeds, Xie Hua becomes more and more shocked. The truth of the case exceeds his expectation. One clue after another points to the fact that there is a big fish behind it, and there are more than one.

Now Xie Hua finally understood why Li Ran went to the General Staff to apply for authorization.

Judging from the current progress of case review, the authority of the Second Office itself is really not enough.

A week later, with the push of Li Ran, the investigation of the case finally came to light. The water behind the case was so murky that people couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

If Li Ran hadn't keenly noticed the clues from the case files handled by the Second Department in the past three years, the subsequent situation would have only gotten worse.

In the General Staff Office.

The head of the General Staff looked at the data compiled and reported after reviewing it for a period of time, and his face was terrifyingly gloomy.

After reading it, the head of the General Staff slapped the table angrily.

"These worms are shameless and scum~" The chief of the General Staff gnashed his teeth and was extremely angry. He didn't expect that someone would dare to do such a thing. It wasn't just one person, it was a group of people.

Sure enough, when cockroaches were found in the house, there was already more than one.

"Chief, according to the review results, this matter has nothing to do with Colonel Song Hu, the commander of Division F." Li Ran said.

Speaking of which, Song Hu, the commander of Division F, was indeed unlucky this time. The case came to light and had nothing to do with him as the commander.

If we go by it before, Song Hu, the commander of Division F, may still be derelict in his duties, but looking at it now, it can only be said to be unlucky.

There is a huge network chain behind this, which cannot be controlled or detected by Song Hu, the commander of Division F.

"We will not wrongly accuse a good person, nor let a bad person go. The cleanup plan has begun." General Staff Lu said in a deep voice.


So, that night, the cleaning operation officially began.

People from relevant units began to act according to orders from superiors.

F Division Headquarters.

"Old Ji, you..." Song Hu saw the chief of staff who had worked with him for many years being taken away like this, and was so shocked that he could not speak.

"Old Song, the matter has come to an end. There is nothing more to say. Take care." The chief of staff of the colonel was very indifferent at this time. The matter has come to this, and he already knows that there is nothing he can do. He just has a deep feeling in his heart for Song Hu, an old friend of many years. A hint of guilt.

"You are confused." Song Hu couldn't help but say, his tone full of helplessness.

He didn't expect such a thing to happen at all, nor did he expect that his old friend of many years would be confused about matters of principle.

The "Thunder Cleaning" operation that took place in Army Group D shocked all major military regions.

After the operation, the head of the General Staff held a military region meeting to use this incident as an example to remind all military regions.

I would like to remind everyone not to make mistakes in principle. Once you make some mistakes, you will have no chance to turn back. No matter who you are, don’t take chances.

As long as something is wrong in principle, there will be no laxity and it will be dealt with seriously in accordance with relevant regulations and will never be lenient.

The case is over, the matter is over.

Li Ran, the newly appointed director of the Second Department, also became famous because of this incident. Everyone knows that if it weren't for Li Ran this time, this case would not have been discovered and there would be no way to get to the bottom of it.

After all, no one can clearly record the things handled by the Second Hall in the past three years, and have such a keen awareness.

This case can be said to be one of the most important cases handled by the Second Department in many years.

Everyone in the second hall admired Li Ran, the newly appointed director, to the extreme.

"The director is really awesome. He personally handled such a big case just after taking office."

"If it weren't for the director, who would have discovered it. To be honest, it's shocking."

"I worship you, the director is the real master. [Before, I was blind to the mountains."

"You don't know that when I went to review with the director, the director's aura when he was at full strength was so scary that I was even scared."

"No matter who it is, if they look at our director, they all have to kneel down."

Xie Hua, who is the deputy director of the second department, heard everyone in the second department talking about Li Ran, the new director. Although he didn't say anything, he also expressed his agreement in his heart.

Although the newly appointed director is young, his ruthless and decisive methods are scary.

As the leader of the second-tier review team, Xie Hua knew very well that if it hadn't been for Li Ran this time, not only would this case not have been handled so quickly, it wouldn't have been handled so cleanly either.

From deciding to personally lead the review team to review, to applying for permission from the General Staff, the speed was so fast that people couldn't react at all.

This was one of the reasons why "those people" also failed to react.

"Those people" didn't expect that the review action of the Second Office would come at once, and the direction of the review was so precise that "those people" were unable to take any countermeasures.

Office of the General Staff Boss.

Li Ran was called here by the boss of the General Staff.

"`"What? Vacation?" Li Ran was very surprised after hearing what the chief of the General Staff said.

Suddenly, the boss of the General Staff said he wanted to see him, and Li Ran rushed over immediately. He thought there would be some new task assigned to him, but he didn't expect that the boss of the General Staff wanted to give him some time off to rest.

"Yes, I'll give you half a month's leave to rest. Whether you go back to your old unit for a stroll or go home." The general staff boss seemed to have expected that Li Ran would be surprised and said very calmly.

"Chief, why do you suddenly give me a day off? I'm not tired and don't need a rest." Li Ran couldn't help but say.

If these words were heard by other officers, they would probably be furious. It is really more irritating than others.

They work so much every day that they are so busy that they have no time to take a vacation. As a result, when Li Ran arrives, she is unwilling to take a vacation. She is so addicted to work.

"There's no reason. I just see you're too tired." The chief of the General Staff said calmly.

The Second Office had just settled a major case, and the General Staff boss had deep intentions in arranging for Li Ran to take leave at this time.

Moreover, Li Ran has indeed done too many things since he joined the army. Things that others cannot accomplish in a lifetime. Li Ran has been in the army for less than two years and has come to this point. It doesn't matter if he takes a short vacation to rest.

Another reason is that this case seems to have been settled, but some subsequent impacts and potential factors need to be settled.

Li Ran is currently unable to do this finishing work. Only the general staff boss has this ability.

This time, the General Staff boss was determined and cleaned up thoroughly. No "garbage" must be left behind. Let Li Ran rest for a period of time, which can also be regarded as a way of protecting Li Ran (thank you Nuo Zhao).

There must be something evil when things go wrong. Li Ran could feel that the boss of the General Staff must have something in mind that he had not told him, but judging from his attitude, Li Ran also knew that there was no point in asking.

Those who can speak will naturally take the initiative to tell themselves, and those who can't speak will not be able to ask no matter how much they ask.

"Yes, I obey the order." Li Ran said, accepting the arrangement of the General Staff boss, let's take a holiday. It's only half a month anyway, not that long.

"I will arrange a few guards for you. I have only one request. No matter where you go, you must take them with you. They must know your whereabouts at any time." The boss of the General Staff said to Li Ran with a serious face.

This matter was decided by him after careful consideration, and there was no room for negotiation, which meant that Li Ran had to accept it.

"Guard manpower, chief, that's not it. I'm not qualified yet." Hearing this, Li Ran didn't expect it.

If he was still in the combined brigade, he, as a brigade commander, could be equipped with a guard, but now, he is just a colonel, how can he be qualified to be equipped with a guard Zhu?

"This is nothing for you to worry about. I will make arrangements and leave like this." The chief of the General Staff had made up his mind and would not give Li Ran a chance to bargain.

Li Ran could only accept this and make some guesses. This was to protect his own safety. After all, he had offended many people overtly and covertly this time...

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you on your knees! Thank you for the reward, thank you!).

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