Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

434: Personally Select Guards! Overwhelm The Liangshan Brigade

Second hall.

"Lao Xie, while I'm resting, I'll leave all the affairs of the second hall to you. Come on, I'll keep an eye on you."

Li Ran smiled and joked with Xie Hua, and handed over some remaining matters to Xie Hua.

As the deputy director of the Second Department, Xie Hua is much more senior than Li Ran. As long as it doesn't encounter another big event like this one, basically one person can handle it.

"Li Chu, I really envy you for being able to take a vacation." Xie Hua said with envy on his face.

"Oh, I don't want to take a vacation either. The head of the General Staff forces me to take a rest." Li Ran said helplessly.

Hearing this, Xie Hua smiled and said nothing. He did not dare to comment on the general staff boss in private like Li Ran.

It can only be said that the comparison between people is irritating, and the difference in treatment is too big.

However, as the deputy director of the Second Battalion, I can roughly guess that the General Staff boss suddenly arranged for Li Ran to take a vacation. On the one hand, it was a vacation, and on the other hand, it was a kind of protection for Li Ran.

After all, there were too many people involved in Operation Thunder. How many people did Li Ran, a newly appointed director, offend overtly or covertly by solving such a matter?

The function of the Second Office is originally a department that can easily offend people. After the thunderstorm, it is normal for Li Ran to take a vacation and take a short break from the limelight.

Everyone in the second hall also knew that Li Ran was going on leave, and they were all extremely envious. The newly appointed director's treatment was different.

Li Ran completed the work handover and just walked out of the second hall door. A camouflage jeep parked at the door. When he saw Li Ran coming out, a major came over and saluted Li Ran first.

"Director Li? I am the staff officer of the Security Department. You can call me Xiao Xu." The major said with a smile, his attitude was very polite.

"Hello, Staff Officer Xu, do you have anything to do with me?" Li Ran asked with a smile.

"Under the order of the chief of the General Staff, I will take you to guard Ning to choose your security personnel." The major said.

Li Ran was very surprised when he heard this.

Li Ran was already surprised when the boss of the General Staff wanted to equip him with security guards. He didn't expect that he would be asked to choose security guards himself. This treatment was a bit too good.

It has to be said that the head of the General Staff knows Li Ran's temper very well now. He knows that assigning guards to Li Ran will definitely not be happy with Li Ran's personality.

Although he agreed openly, who knows if he would deliberately get rid of the guards in private, or arrange two guards that Li Ran didn't like, and 280 would be in trouble again.

Simply let Li Ran choose by himself, and choose the one he likes, which can save a lot of trouble.

"Thank you." Li Ran thanked him and got into the jeep.

Soon, the car started moving towards the guard hall.

The General Staff Guard Office has similar functions to the guard battalions and guard regiments in combat forces, but relatively speaking, its responsibilities are also more extensive.

The experts in the security hall are not only responsible for the safety of some big bosses, but also for the safety of foreign guests. Those who can enter here are all first-class masters.

After arriving at the guard hall, as soon as Li Ran got out of the car, Colonel Riname walked out.

"Director Li, I've heard your name for a long time. I'm Xia Dong, Director of the First Division of the Security Department." The senior colonel greeted warmly.

"Hello, Director Xia." Li Ran responded politely.

The colonel's enthusiastic look shocked everyone around him. In terms of the understanding of the people around him, when had his own director been so polite to anyone? The person who came here was just a young colonel.

Even though his division chief is just a senior colonel, even in front of a major general, his division chief is neither humble nor arrogant, and he is not vain at all.

"I have received the order from the General Staff, please come with me." Xia Dong welcomed Li Ran.

Hearing this, Li Ran nodded and followed the colonel.

Under the leadership of the senior colonel, the two came to a training venue.

The training ground at Nuovo University has shooting ranges, obstacle courses, and special driving training grounds. However, there are only about twenty training personnel in such a large training ground.

After seeing the colonel arriving, a colonel immediately ran over.

"Reporting to the captain, the Liangshan Brigade is undergoing daily training, please give your instructions.

"Keep training."


"Liangshan Brigade?" Li Ran wondered when he heard the title of the brigade.

Judging from the training methods and intensity of these people in front of them, this Liangshan brigade is training exactly like the special forces.

No, it's not even stricter than special forces training.

Take the special driving training going on at the training ground as an example. There are people flying helicopters in the air, and there are people driving tanks and armored vehicles on the ground.

"Director Xia, Liangshan Brigade is a special force?" Li Ran couldn't help but ask. (aiff) Nowadays, every military region has special forces, and Li Ran has heard all the code names of the special forces of each military region, but he has never heard of the name Liangshan Brigade.

"Director Li, to be precise, our Liangshan Brigade is the earliest special forces unit, but it is not under the jurisdiction of the military region, but under the General Staff, so not many people generally know about it." Xia Dong smiled.

The history of Liangshan Brigade is very old, and can be traced back to the last era.

At that time, the concept of special forces had not yet become popular in the field army. The Liangshan Brigade was established as the first pilot special forces and was later placed under the direct jurisdiction of the General Staff.

With the establishment of special forces in major military regions, few people know that there is also a special force under the General Staff.

After hearing the senior colonel's explanation, Li Ran marveled inwardly. Although he is a colonel now, there are so many things he doesn't know. He has been transferred from the combat troops to various departments of the General Staff and has indeed learned a lot and understood a lot. Many things opened my horizons a lot.

"The members who can pass the selection and enter the Liangshan Brigade are the kings of soldiers. We select people directly from the special forces. In addition to excellent shooting and fighting skills, every member of the Liangshan Brigade is also good at driving various vehicles. You also need to be familiar with them, including helicopters and tanks. In addition, each of them has its own special skills. Director Li, you can take a look first and tell me which one you like. I will arrange for him to be the leader. Your bodyguard." Xia Dong said to Li Ran.

When he received the order from the General Staff [Zhongdong, the director of the first division and the captain of the Liangshan Special Warfare Brigade, he was also very shocked.

Although the members of the Liangshan Brigade are responsible for serving as guards for some chiefs, they don't know what level those chiefs are at.

As a result, the General Staff asked them to serve as guards for a colonel this time, and also asked the colonel to choose which one he liked. This was the first time such an arrangement was made.

After Li Ran looked around, he nodded secretly. The quality of these members of the Liangshan Brigade is indeed good. Unfortunately, Li Ran does not need to have such good quality.

In the event of an emergency, Li Ran has enough ability to protect herself.

I remember that during the exercise, a man from the reconnaissance company came to the headquarters of the beheading regiment, but in the end he was easily solved by him alone.

"Director Li, just tell me who you like, you're welcome." Xia Dong said with a smile, very confident in the members of the Liangshan Brigade.

Hearing this, Li Ran was silent for a long time, and for a while he really didn't know who to choose.

"Director Xia, just look at the arrangements. In fact, I don't need guards at all. Arranging guards for me is a waste of human resources." Li Ran said.

To Xia Dong, these words sounded like Li Ran was being polite. I'm sorry to say that he even called the squadron leader over and asked the whole team to stop training immediately and gather together.

"Everyone gather!"

At the command of the colonel squadron leader, on the training ground, all members of the first team of Liangshan Brigade stopped training and gathered immediately.

Soon, twenty-two people stood in a neat queue.

"Director Li, the head of the General Staff specifically told you to choose by yourself. Just tell them which one you like." Xia Dong said.

The orders given by the General Staff boss must be given to Li Ran himself and cannot be discounted.

At this point, Li Ran had no choice but to choose someone at random.

"Fang Qiang."

"From now on, you will serve as Director Li's bodyguard."

"Yes!" After Fang Qiang finished speaking, he added: "Report to the captain, I have a request."

"What's the request?" Upon hearing this, Xiatu's face darkened.

He assigned tasks to his team members, but the team members made demands in front of Li Ran, which made him, the captain, very embarrassed.

"I want to compete with Director Li." Fang Qiang expressed his desire to compete with Li Ran.

As soon as these words came out, Xia Dong's face turned darker.

The General Staff issued an order for the Liangshan Brigade to send people to serve as guards for Li Ran. The result was good, they were polite, but the people on their side actually wanted to compete with Li Ran, without any courtesy at all.

"Fang Qiang, I asked you to work as a guard for Director Li to protect Director Li. I didn't let you compete with Director Li. No matter how big or small you are, I still haven't apologized to Director Li." Xia Dong scolded.

Hearing this, Fang Qiang looked disappointed.

He was selected from the special forces of the Northern Military Region. Although he had not been in Liangshan Brigade for a long time, Li Ran's name was well known to him.

He was especially shocked when he heard that Li Ran once killed a reconnaissance company by himself.

That was the reconnaissance company, with over a hundred people, but they were killed by Li Ran alone. Who wouldn't be shocked to hear this?

Fang Qiang was confident in his own strength, but he was really unsure about defeating a reconnaissance company by himself. Taking this opportunity, he wanted to compete with Li Ran to see if he had the terrifying strength as rumored.

Even if Li Ran didn't choose him to be a guard, Fang Qiang still planned to apply to compete with Li Ran.

Not only Fang Qiang, but also other members of the Liangshan Brigade had this idea in their hearts. After all, it was incredible that one person killed a reconnaissance company of more than a hundred people.

"Director Li, these guys are not used to it anymore. Don't get along with them." Xia Dong said to smooth things over.

"Director Xia, this little thing is nothing. Since Comrade Fang Qiang has said it, let's give it a try." Li Ran smiled and agreed.

As soon as he said this, Li Ran's image in the minds of the members of the Liangshan Brigade immediately improved a lot. They like to deal with courageous people.

"That's it." Seeing this, Xia Dong had no choice but to agree, and reminded Fang Qiang, worried that Fang Qiang might not be too gentle or serious, and it would be bad if he hurt someone.

Li Ran and Fang Qiang came to the training ground.

A group of members of the Liangshan Brigade gathered around to watch.

Everyone is looking forward to this competition, and they all want to see if this young colonel has the abnormal personal strength as rumored.

Not to mention them, even Mafuyu, the captain of the Liangshan Brigade, is looking forward to it.

Li Ran, this young colonel, is a legendary officer in the field army. Anyone who learns about Li Ran's past will be amazed. He is indeed a legendary figure.

"It's up to you to decide." Li Ran handed over the decision-making power to Fang Qiang.

"How about warming up by stretching your arms first?" Fang Qiang thought for a moment and then said.

"No problem." Li Ran had no objection.

The members of the Liangshan Brigade immediately prepared the solid wood table for the arm-wrestling competition. Li Ran and Fang Qiang stood on each side, gaiting their horses and clasping each other's right hands together.

Arm wrestling is a favorite pastime of members of the Liangshan Brigade when they have nothing to do.

Both able

Warm up and test your strength.

"ready, go!"

A whistle blew and the competition officially began.

The moment the whistle sounded, Fang Qiang began to exert force gradually, wanting to test Li Ran's strength first, and also to prevent himself from using too much force and injuring Li Ran.

But gradually, Fang Qiang realized something was wrong.

He was gradually increasing his strength, but Li Ran was as motionless as Mount Tai. The strength he exerted had no effect at all.


Fang Qiang sighed in his heart and stopped hiding it. He used all his strength, but what he got in return was despair.

Feeling that the time was almost up, Li Ran smiled and began to exert force with his right hand. At this moment, Fang Qiang felt as if a mountain was pressing down on him, and he had no ability to resist at all.


Under the gaze of other people around him, Fang Qiang's face turned red from holding back, and he tried his best to suck milk, but it was still to no avail.

As Fang Qiang's right hand fell flat on the table, it was announced that Ji Ran had won the contest.


Li Ran slowly let go of his hand and stood up.

Fang Qiang's right hand was shaking slightly due to excessive force. He was shocked. This strength was so scary.

"What else?" Li Ran said.

"No more competition, I admit defeat." Fang Qiang simply admitted defeat.

After the arm-wrestling just now, Fang Qiang felt the huge gap between him and Li Ran. The gap was not just a tiny bit, and there was no point in fighting.

The power gap between him and Li Ran is so huge, it is estimated that he may not be able to resist Li Ran's punch, and there is no point in continuing the competition.

If you overestimate your capabilities and injure yourself, how can you still serve as a guard for Li Ran?

But as soon as Fang Qiang admitted defeat, everyone around him was in an uproar.

Giving up? Shi Qiang gave up after just an arm wrestling contest? This is completely unlike Fang Qiang’s usual style of doing things?

To admit defeat like this would not only lose Fang Qiang's personal face, but also the face of the entire Liangshan Brigade.

Xia Dong was also very shocked at this time. If he hadn't understood Fang Qiang's temper, he would have even thought that Fang Qiang was deliberately letting off steam and being a worldly person.

But it was because he understood Fang Qiang's temper that he was sure that Fang Qiang was not such a person.

Being able to make Fang Qiang take the initiative to admit defeat shows that Li Ran's strength is indeed frightening, but if he just admits defeat like this, the Liangshan Brigade's face will indeed be lost.

Feeling the unconvinced eyes around him, Li Ran smiled and said: "I just warmed up and haven't had enough yet. If anyone still wants to compete with me, just come forward.

As soon as these words came out, the other members of the Liangshan Brigade around them couldn't hold it any longer.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!!).

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