Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

445: Vacation Is Over! The General Staff Named Li Ran To Handle The New Case

When old friends meet, they will eventually say goodbye.

From top to bottom in the combined brigade, although they all hope that the old brigade commander Li Ran can stay for a while, as soldiers, they all know that such an idea is always unrealistic.

This is in the army, not playing house, nor in the outside society. Between friends and brothers, you can stay together as long as you want.

Everyone has very clear responsibilities in the army.

It was quite difficult for Li Ran, an old brigade commander, to take time out of his busy schedule to come back to see them.

Besides, as the first brigade commander of the Combined Brigade, Li Ran has an extraordinary significance to the entire Combined Brigade. It’s enough to meet the old troops for one night and stay there for a long time. What?

This will also have some negative effects on the work of the current brigade commander, Manzhi.

Therefore, after only staying in the Hesheng Brigade for one night, Li Ran set off to go back.

Li Ran knows that the daily training of the Synthetic Brigade is intense and everyone is very busy. If he stays here all the time, it will only make everyone uncomfortable and it will not be of any benefit to the Synthetic Brigade.

On the training ground.

The roars of training were mixed with various sounds, and Li Ran slowly left in a jeep. There was no need for a so-called farewell ceremony. He only needed to take a look at the troops he had created while leaving.

This time is different from last time.

The officers and soldiers of the combined brigade were all training seriously. Even though they saw the vehicle the old brigade commander left, everyone still focused on training.

No one stopped training and looked at Li Ran.

Because they received the order to let the brigade commander leave naturally without disturbing anyone.

"Platoon commander, are you really not going to see off the old brigade commander?" a first-phase officer couldn't help but said.

"The brigade commander has issued an order. The training will continue as usual. Just pretend that the old brigade commander has never been here and let the old brigade commander leave without any pressure." The second lieutenant said in a deep voice.

Although he really wanted to send the old brigade commander off in his heart, but the order was given, and all they could do was obey.

They also understand the current brigade commander's hard work. Everyone trains as usual and allows the old brigade commander to leave naturally, just like coming home for a visit and leaving naturally, so as not to put pressure on the old brigade commander.

Only in this way, next time, the old brigade commander will have time and opportunity to come here without pressure.

Because, for the old brigade commander, the Synthetic Brigade will always be his home.

"Manzhi is good. These boys have really grown up."

Seeing this, Li Ran nodded secretly and praised him.

Manzhi's mature arrangement makes Li Ran very satisfied. Everyone has not changed, nothing has changed, and the Hesheng Brigade is still the familiar Hesheng Brigade. It is right to leave it to Manzhi, and Li Ran is relieved.

in the car.

"Chief, I have seen many troops before I joined the Liangshan Brigade, but this is the first time I have seen a unit like the Combined Brigade. It really gives me a different feeling, very different." Fang Qiang couldn't help but say. sighed.

I think back then, he was also a member of the special forces selected from the grassroots level.

When I was in the special forces, I frequently participated in exercises with other troops and also participated in actual combat.

Fang Qiang had seen a lot of conventional troops, but this was the first time for Fang Qiang to see a unit like the Combined Brigade. The temperament of the entire unit impressed Fang Qiang very deeply.

It is indeed a troop led by a legendary officer. It is indeed different.

Hearing Fang Qiang's words, Li Ran smiled lightly and said: "In the future, you will find that the troops in the field room will have such a temperament.

"I look forward to that day."

The Synthetic Brigade was founded by Li Ran. At first, Li Ran sowed the information-based and synthetic combat system like a seed, and then watered it and instilled nutrients with his own hands. Finally, step by step, the Synthetic Brigade was like a big tree. Like a tree.

Now, it is time to let this big tree deliver nutrients to the various units of the field army and help other units complete the transformation of the new combat system as soon as possible.

This day is not too far away!

It took the field army a long time to move from light infantry to semi-mechanization, and then from semi-mechanization to mechanization.

But now, it does not take long to move from mechanization to informatization and synthesis.

With the combined brigade as the foundation support, the changes in the combat system will go quickly and very steadily!

This was Li Ran's plan when he formed a combined battalion to develop military equipment. All the plans were for the present, accelerating the pace of becoming stronger in combat effectiveness.

But it's not the ultimate goal yet. The ultimate goal is to overtake directly, become the strongest army on the surface, and achieve great rejuvenation!

There are only three days left in the half-month vacation. During these three days, Li Ran didn't go anywhere else and just stayed at home.

While staying there, he also trained the team sent by his superiors to pretend to be around to protect his family.

"Your location is not good, it is easy to be discovered. This is a good location and needs to be guarded for a long time.

"The look in your eyes is wrong. I can tell at a glance that something is wrong with you. You will be exposed if you do this."

"And you, can you practice your acting skills again? Your disguise is so bad."

"Who is your captain? I think it is necessary for your captain to retrain you.

"Well, I am the captain."

The middle-aged man who had just been discovered by Li Ran and clearly pointed out the shortcomings said with an embarrassed look.

"Well, it seems that you also need to receive some training. Your disguise and protection measures are too poor, and there are too many loopholes." Li Ran couldn't help but said, his tone full of disappointment.

"Director Li, we are already in the third batch. If you choose again, no one will be able to come." The middle-aged man said depressedly.

They were sent by their superiors to lurk around and disguise themselves. Whether as nearby residents or passers-by, their only job was to protect the safety of Li Ran's family around the clock.

Originally, this task was performed well, but since Li Ran came back, everything has changed.

Their people will always be discovered by Li Ran. If they are discovered, they will be discovered. Li Ran will directly find out and correct the shortcomings.

They were sent to perform a protection mission, but not only were they discovered by the target, but their mistakes were also pointed out by the target. How could this happen?

So, the team that found the problem had to go back and a new team came over, but every team could not escape Li Ran's sharp eyes.

This is already the third team, and there will really be no one left. Everyone in the department has been there, but none of them are satisfied with Ji Ran.

"Forget it, I will make a detailed protection plan for you, and you can just send people over according to my plan." After Li Ran thought for a while, he decided to make a protection plan on his own.

Li Ran was really worried about pinning his hopes on these people.

Although my standards are indeed too high, only if the standards are high can accidents not happen, right?

Li Ran's words made a group of people stare. Are they being discriminated against?

Although they were discriminated against, all their disguise methods were useless in front of Li Ran. Li Ran could always find their location quickly and accurately.

0......Please give me flowers......

After a while, Li Ran came over with the protection plan he had drawn up.

Seeing that Li Ran actually made a protection plan on his own, the middle-aged man who led the team finally couldn't bear it anymore.

You can question their strength, but you cannot question their professionalism.

Their profession is to do this, but now they are looked down upon by others, and they even take the initiative to formulate a protection plan for them. If this spreads out, where will their face be?

"Director Li, please trust us. If you are dissatisfied with our protection plan, we can reformulate it until you..."

As he spoke, the middle-aged man couldn't continue because Li Ran had already thrown the protection plan he had made to him. After the middle-aged man looked at it with a questioning attitude, he was attracted by the detailed plan above. Shocked.

The protection plan drawn up by Li Ran was so detailed that every location in the surrounding area, how many people should be placed, and how to integrate into the surrounding environment and camouflage it in the long term were clearly explained.


This level of professionalism made the middle-aged man doubt Ji Ran's identity for a while.

He suspected that Li Ran was not a professional agent. He was too professional, even more professional than them. The professionalism made them feel scary.

Li Ran's professionalism made the middle-aged man even think that if Li Ran wanted to do something to them, he was fully capable of letting them kill the people they assigned one by one without noticing.

This is really terrible!

The middle-aged man was glad in his heart that such a person was one of his own.

After reporting the protection plan drawn up by Li Ran, the middle-aged man's superior quickly issued an order for them to implement the protection plan drawn up by Ji Ran.

Even their superiors reminded them that they should have the opportunity to learn more from Li Ran.

The rest of the holiday passed in a blink of an eye, and the half-month holiday finally officially ended.

With the end of Li Ran's vacation, Fang Qiang, who was temporarily serving as Li Ran's guard, also completed his mission and returned to the Liangshan Brigade.

Li Ran's current identity and level, it is indeed a bit excessive to have a member of the Liangshan Brigade who is equipped with real guns and live ammunition as a guard, but who made it personally arranged by the General Staff boss, no one dares to have an objection.


Second Hall of the General Staff.

Li Ran, the director of the Second Department, returned to work in the Second Department after his vacation. As soon as he came back, many people looked at Li Ran strangely.

During Li Ran's vacation, several major events occurred in the General Staff Office in Beijing, which even affected the field army.

Although no one knew exactly what happened, they were all sure that it was directly or indirectly related to Li Ran. At the same time, they understood better why Li Ran, the director of the Second Department, suddenly took half a month's leave.

Inside the office.

Not long after Li Ran came back, Ren Fei, the deputy director of the Second Department, came up to him.

"Old Ren, you have worked hard these past half months while I was away." Seeing Ren Fei coming over, Li Ran thought he was here to report to him about the situation in the second hall during his absence during the past half month.

Unexpectedly, Ren Fei looked very serious, handed a thick stack of documents to Li Ran, and said seriously: "Director Li, the General Staff has named you to handle these cases.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Li Ran was surprised.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you on your knees!!!! Spoon).

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