Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

446: Mission Revival Post-Test! Id: Imperial Fox

Li Ran was a little surprised. He didn't expect that on the first day he came back to work, there would be a case that he needed to handle.

It was still a case that the General Staff personally named for him to handle. Since it was personally named by the General Staff, it must be another serious case.

"Thank you for your hard work, Old Ren." Li Ran took over the case from Ren Fei.

"You didn't have much to do during the half-month vacation. I don't have anything to worry about." Ren Fei said with a smile.

As the deputy director of the Second Office of the General Staff, Ren Fei must know many more things than other people in the Second Office, and he is much clearer.

Although nothing happened in the Second Hall of the General Staff in the past half month, a big storm occurred here, which affected the field army for ten times.

And Li Ran was the core of the storm. He just asked Li Ran to take a half-month vacation. The purpose was to prevent Li Ran from being involved in the storm.

In half a month, the big operation launched by the General Staff boss has basically ended, and now only some finishing work is left.

Li Ran started to look through the case. He didn't know what to look at, but he was shocked when he saw it.

These cases are all small cases. Such small cases need to be handled by him, the director, personally, but considering that they were designated by the General Staff, it is definitely not that simple.

Li Ran put all the cases together and analyzed them.

Combined with his previous understanding of the case files handled by the Second Office, Li Ran soon saw the deep meaning of the General Staff. To a certain extent, this was equivalent to giving the credit directly to his own mouth.

Since the General Staff is so direct, it would be unreasonable not to accept it.

Therefore, Li Ran accepted the credit of delivering it to his door for free with tears in his eyes.

Another reason is that these cases can only be handled by Li Qiran. If it were anyone else, he would not have the "strength" to be killed in minutes.


Li Ran guessed that there must have been some kind of epic "big storm" during the half month he was on vacation, but Ji Ran was not interested in getting in touch with it.

There are some things that you will naturally come into contact with when you sit in a certain position. There is no point in understanding them in advance now.

In just three days, Li Ran finished handling all the cases on his hands, and then suddenly became free.

The Second Department of the General Staff has the power of supervision, but not all kinds of cases are reported here every day. You must know that the cases reported to the Second Department of the General Staff are of a very serious nature.

If it happens every day, then what’s the point?

There are some matters that the Supervision Departments of the major military regions can handle on their own. They can just wait until a unified time and report them to the Second Empress for review.

Li Ran felt uneasy all of a sudden. He was like this, either he was kept idle or he was kept working. Once the aura of a workaholic was aroused, he would be very anxious when he had nothing to do.

Another point is that after staying in the agency for a long time and being far away from the grassroots troops, Li Ran felt quite boring.

Sitting in the office all day long, how can you lead troops, lead training, and engage in exercises?

Of course, Li Ran also knows that staying in the agency is also to enrich his resume and expand his horizons. But according to this progress, when will the military rank on his shoulders be moved?

And judging from this period of time, the General Staff boss has no intention of transferring him from the Second Hall of the General Staff.

Li Ran's current life, if it were anyone else, he would probably laugh out of his dreams. Who wouldn't want to have such a comfortable life?

But Li Ran is different. He just wants to have something to do and be promoted. He doesn't need rest.

General Staff! Office of the General Staff boss.

"It's a matter of life or death."

After seeing Li Ran arrive, the general staff boss directly stated his attitude without saying a word.

Looking at Li Ran's menacing attitude, the general staff boss knew what Li Ran was doing without asking.

"Chief, having no work to do will make me regress. Why don't you let me leave the second hall and go to the next department." Li Ran begged.

When he was in the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Ministry of Engineering, he took other people's jobs and some division chiefs and ministers took the initiative to ask for his transfer.

Now that he is directly serving as the director of the second hall, there is only so much work. Li Ran cannot help the people below him with their work, which is meaningless.

Therefore, Li Ran thought about leaving the second hall and going to a new department.

"Excluding vacation time, your time in the Second Hall is less than a month. If you can't bear to stay for a while, when the time is ripe, you will naturally be transferred. The boss of the General Staff is not in a good mood.

He was really convinced. It was the first time he saw someone anxious because they had nothing to do, thinking about work all day long.

Of course, he was very pleased with such a positive work attitude, but the general staff boss knew clearly that the reason why Li Ran was like this was to get promoted quickly.

The 19-year-old colonel is not satisfied yet. He wants to become a 19-year-old major general. There is no such thing.

"Chief, I have nothing to do in the second hall all day now. I am just in a daze when I go to work. This makes me always have a sense of degenerate guilt." Li Ran said.

"If you really have nothing to do, go fishing or read a book if you can't. Those who want to do great things must be able to keep their composure. Once your composure is tempered, there will definitely be work for you." The boss of the General Staff coaxed Li like a child. Ran.

Li Ran is the successor he values, and he must coax him no matter what.

The General Staff boss knows Li Ran's abilities, so even if Li Ran goes fishing or does other things during working hours, the General Staff boss won't say anything.

It is absolutely impossible for Li Ran to leave from the second hall now.

Seeing that the boss of the General Staff said this, Li Ran knew that leaving from the second hall was out of the question, but an idea came to Li Ran's mind again.

"Chief, please give me a computer so that I can play the game "Mission Revival" in the office." Li Ran made an application.

"Mission Revival" is a completely domestically developed large-scale military game integrating sea, land and air. The game mode includes local special operations, large-scale command operations and other exciting game content. It has now entered the post-testing stage.

Of course, this late-stage test is still only being rolled out to a certain group of people in the field army, and it has not yet reached everyone.

Even so, the number of people participating in the late-stage testing of "Mission Revival" has reached about 100,000. These 100,000 people include people from generals to soldiers, navy, army, air force, multiple arms and multiple military ranks.

A mere 100,000 people is only one-tenth of the field army with more than 2 million people.

"Okay, okay, okay, when you leave, go directly to the logistics department and tell them what you need." After hearing this, the general staff boss agreed without any hesitation.

The game "Mission Revival" was developed under the leadership of Li Ran, and the current test feedback is very good, and the general staff boss is actually paying attention to it.

Li Ran is the lead developer of this game and is personally involved in it. If there are any problems, he can find improvements in time.

Moreover, when Li Ran has something to do, he won't yell about changing departments all day long.

"Chief, I have a small application." After seeing the General Staff boss agree, Jiang Ran said again.

"Put it away quickly." The chief of the General Staff said angrily.

"Then the cigarette is gone, can you, chief?" Li Ran said a little embarrassed.

After all, he is just a colonel now, and the lowest level of his exclusive special offer is that of a major general, so the special offers that Li Ran drew were all given by others who had come through him in the past.

But if you can only get out but not get in, there will definitely be a day when it is used up. No, the last bit of inventory in Li Ran's hand is gone.

"I'll say hello to the logistics, and you can go and get it later." The chief of the General Staff said angrily.

But just wanting to get a special offer is not a big deal to the General Staff boss.

"Thank you, chief."

“If it’s okay, just get out.


Seeing Li Ran leave happily, the smile on the face of the general staff boss became even brighter.

logistics department.

With the approval from the General Staff boss, Li Ran showed no mercy when picking up things. As for the computer, he directly DIYed it by himself, selecting the hardware and assembling it himself.

Although the development of science and technology is like driving a train now than before, due to the times, the current computer hardware configuration is still incomparable with the 3090 and the like in later generations.

But it is enough to play the game "Duty Resurgence" for the time being.

Although the game "Mission Revival" has a lot of game content and a large data storage, the computer configuration requirements are slightly higher, but it is also limited.

Because this is the development and research led by Li Ran, in terms of optimization, everything is the most perfect, but the picture is a little not so exquisite, which is limited by the hardware.

When various aspects of computer hardware gradually develop in the future, the game can be fully optimized simultaneously to improve the visual quality.

Although a large-scale game has high requirements on the computer, if the game is perfectly optimized, it will not put too much pressure on the computer.

Maybe a game with only a few Gs has higher computer hardware requirements than a game with dozens of Gs, just because the optimization of the former is rubbish.

"Director Li, it's almost done."

The person in charge of the logistics department felt his heart bleed when he saw Li Ran stuffing things into the car as if he didn't want money...

Although he is only the person in charge here, and these things are not privately owned by him, watching these things being taken away is like his own things being taken away, which makes his heart drop.

"It's quick, it's quick, don't rush it." Li Ran said.

I have long heard that the logistics department is like a bird, picking everything to death, and would rather leave things in the warehouse to break than take them out. Now it seems that this is indeed the case.

Li Ran had a note personally approved by the General Staff boss. Although the colonel felt distressed, he had no choice but to let Li Ran abuse him.

Finally, Li Ran returned home with the car packed full.

Second Hall of the General Staff!

"What are you doing, director? Why did you take so many things?"

"It seems to be a computer. I also saw a lot of special offers."

"I'm going to go, sir. I'm not going to fight the logistics department.

"Anyway, the director went to the General Staff very early in the morning, probably just for this matter."

"Oh, the director is really talented, I'm so envious."

Inside the office.

Li Ran was assembling a computer by himself. Ren Fei, who came after hearing the news, saw this scene and asked with some confusion: "Li Chu, are you planning to change the computer?"

Ren Fei was a little confused, why did Li Ran, the director of the department, need to do something like changing a computer? All he needed was a phone call and a dedicated person would come to his door.

"Instead of replacing it, install an extra computer for playing games." Li Ran said directly.

"Playing games?" After hearing this, Ren Fei was dumbfounded.

Good guy, is my director now so idle? Want to play games during work hours? The key is to do it so blatantly, I’m so envious!

"Old Ren, I will be working hard for you in the next period of time."

Li Ran said, taking out two packages of special supplies and stuffing them into Ren Fei's hand.

"Huh?" Ren Fei looked at the two packages of special supplies in his hand. After hearing what Li Ran said, he was a little confused and didn't realize what he meant.

"Old Ren, the next one

For a while, I want to focus on playing games. As long as it’s not a big deal, I can handle everything you can. " Li Ran said, as if he wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

In fact, Li Ran also knew in his heart that if he hadn't parachuted in to occupy the position of director, Ren Fei would have been the director now.

Sooner or later he will have to leave, let Ren Fei get used to it first.

"Li Chu, I don't have any objection to working more, but if you play games so blatantly, it won't have a good impact if word gets out." Ren Fei couldn't help but remind him.

Even if Li Ran is deeply loved by the bosses of the General Staff, he still has to have a certain limit. He can play games secretly, or play after get off work. During work hours, it is not necessary to play this. Some people say no.


"It's okay. I've already said hello to the head of the General Staff. I'll thank you for your hard work in the future." Li Ran said.

Hearing Li Ran say this, 0.2 Ren Fei was speechless for a moment. He could only sigh in his heart, it can't be compared, it really can't be compared.

They are the same people, but the gap is too big.

However, Ren Fei is still happy to have special offers. Although Ren Fei usually has some ways to get special offers, he can only try it occasionally, and this is not

Not considered corrosion.

After explaining some things, Li Ran assembled the computer, connected it to the intranet, and downloaded the game.

Open the game and log in!

Enter ID: Imperial Fox

The character is created successfully, select the game mode, and match!

Matching successful, game loading~

From the game startup speed to the current loading progress, Li Ran nodded secretly. Compared with the initial test, there has been a big improvement and the speed is much faster.

Li Ran chose the special operations mode first!

5V5 matching combat, the number of people is based on a standard special operations team, assaulter (3), precision sniper (1), medic (1).

The modes include team confrontation and mission mode.

The content of the game is completely based on the collection of relevant missions of special forces operations to create the model, and the data parameters are close to reality.

Of course, due to some current technical limitations, the game effects cannot yet be 100% realistic, but this is for the purpose of training personnel's thinking.

It is worth mentioning that when creating a character in this game, there is a clear identity and military class certification. In some modes, there are restrictions on players' military class and identity.

Li Ran completely ignores these because he is the developer of this game and it is too easy for him to avoid such restrictions...

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!!).

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