Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

044: Sudden Crisis! Hungry Tibetan Wolves

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

In the tent, snoring continued. After a long day, everyone was very tired and basically fell asleep.

Although I didn’t have a full stomach, it was nice to be given a bowl of broth to drink before going to bed.

What the recruits didn't realize was that while they were sleeping, three platoon leaders were taking turns standing guard outside the tent while ensuring that the fire in front of the tent would not go out.

Do you think the fire outside is just to keep everyone warm?

Wrong, on such a grassland, there are wild beasts, and that is wolves.

Don't think that there are no wolves in high-altitude areas. You are wrong. There are wolves, and these Tibetan wolves prey on some wild animals, such as antelopes, but the wolves here also eat humans.

Being able to survive in such a harsh environment means that their population inheritance has withstood the test, and they are even more wild and ferocious at heart.

Therefore, when sleeping at night, make sure that someone is standing guard and that the fire will not go out.

Some people may say that with so many people here, nearly a hundred or so people in total, how can we still be afraid of just a few wolves?

Wrong, not to mention that these are just a group of new recruits, even a group of veterans are frightened by the wolves in this area. Although they carry guns, there are no live ammunition in the guns.

The wolves here can thrive and survive at such an altitude, and are more ferocious than wolves in other areas.

One or two wolves is nothing, but if you are unlucky enough to encounter a pack of wolves, dozens or twenty of them, there is no guarantee that there will be no casualties.

There were no bullets in the recruits' guns, but there were bullets in the magazine of the company platoon leader's gun, not many. Each man also only had five bullets.

But if there is no accident, basically nothing will happen.

Wang Erniu woke up from peeing and walked out of the tent in a daze.

"Platoon leader, why aren't you asleep yet?" Wang Erniu asked in surprise when he saw Chen Hai.

"I'll stand guard for you, go to sleep quickly." Chen Hai said with a smile, but he didn't say that there might be wolves nearby. Once he did, Wang Erniu wouldn't be able to sleep well.

After hearing Chen Hai's words, Li Erniu didn't think much and went to put water around.

When the sleepy Li Erniu released the water, he suddenly felt a little obedient, as if a pair of eyes were staring at him.

Li Erniu looked up and saw a pair of green eyes staring at him dozens of meters away from him. Under the moonlight, he could vaguely see the figure ahead.

After seeing the figure in front of him clearly, Li Erniu's sleepiness disappeared all of a sudden, and the hair on his body exploded, and goosebumps appeared on his skin.

Wolf! There are wolves.

The next second, Li Erniu didn't hesitate, and ran towards the camp without even having time to pull up his pants.

"Wolf! There are wolves." Li Erniu shouted at the top of his lungs.

Hearing Li Erniu's panicked shouts, Chen Hai's expression changed and he immediately went to support with a gun.


There was a gunshot, a direct shot, but it missed.


At this time, howling sounds came from all directions, followed by wolf howls, which were not the sounds of a wolf.

The sound of gunfire and howling of wolves immediately surprised everyone.

Li Hu, the second platoon leader and the third platoon leader reacted immediately and rushed out with guns.

The sleeping recruits were also frightened, but none of them knew what happened.

"What's going on? Why are there gunshots?"

"What's that sound outside?"

"what happened?"

A group of new recruits were like a two-foot-long monk who was confused. Li Ran was the first to react, his senses were sharp, and he woke up when Li Erniu yelled.

"Get your weapons and come out, there are wolves." Li Ran yelled.

"Holy shit, there really is a wolf."

"What a bad luck to meet a wolf in this damn place."

"Made, how dare we come here with so many people and wolves, we can't be wolves."

Outside the tent.

Li Hu and the three platoon leaders tried their best to protect the recruits. There were rustling sounds from all directions, and the howling of wolves had never been heard. Judging from this situation, they should have encountered a pack of wolves.

"Company Commander, we encountered a pack of wolves." Chen Hai said bitterly.

"Damn, we're so unlucky. Something that only happens once in a century happened to us." Li Hu cursed.

It is normal for wolves to appear in this place, but at most one or two appear together. The probability of a whole pack of wolves appearing is really low.

"Platoon leader, we don't have enough bullets. Facing so many wolves, that group of new recruits probably don't have much fighting ability." The second platoon leader said with an ugly expression.

It was impossible for so many of them to be wiped out by just a dozen wolves, but they had to ensure that there were no casualties among the new recruits.

"No matter what, we can't let anything happen to these new recruits." Li Hu's attitude was very firm.

The recruits also came out of the tent, one or two holding guns in their hands, but there were no bullets.

"Everyone, be careful. Stay next to the fire and don't go out." Li Hu warned, and at the same time, he asked the three platoon leaders to separate the other three points. The four of them formed a protective circle to protect the recruits inside.


Following the Wolf King's order, the wolves directly launched an attack.

Li Hu and the other three did not hesitate and fired directly. They were all single-point shots and the bullets were limited. They thought it would be enough to scare away the wolves.

But the wolves seemed to be going crazy. Not only were they not afraid, but they charged even harder.

"It is probably the smell of the broth at night that stimulated these wolves who had not found food for several days, otherwise it would not be like this." Li Hu guessed in his mind.

There were so many of them, the fire was never extinguished, and gunshots were ringing out. The wolves were not frightened at all, but charged even more fiercely.

There is only one possibility, and that is that this group of wolves are hungry and crazy, and under the command of the Wolf King, they are desperate.

Da da da~

The gunshots continued, but soon they ran out of bullets.

"Fire the bayonet!"

Li Hu shouted loudly.

It was impossible for four people to completely protect all the recruits. The wolves kept breaking in. The recruits had no combat experience at all. They were in a panic and had forgotten all the fighting skills they had learned.


Li Ran knocked a wolf away with a hard punch.

"Don't panic, don't be chaotic, we have the advantage in numbers." Li Ran said loudly.

At this time.

"Ding! Mission released: Kill the wolf king among the wolves. Mission completed: 1,000 achievement points will be awarded. Mission failure: no punishment for now."

Hearing the system prompt ringing in his ears, Li Ran's eyes lit up. The next second, Li Ran rushed out with a bayonet.

"Li Ran, come back!"

Seeing Li Ran suddenly rushing out, Li Hu's expression changed drastically and he shouted quickly.

(Third update, please ask for all kinds of data support, flowers, evaluation votes, monthly votes, rewards, reminders, everything, thank you!!!)

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