Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

045: Go Deep Alone And Kill The Wolf King With A Bayonet

Li Ran rushed out and rushed into the dark wolves.

This scene made Li Hu's face change drastically and he panicked inside.

Li Ran is the deputy squad leader of the third squad of the first platoon of the recruit company. In his heart, he is a candidate for the squad leader of the third squad of the first platoon of the reconnaissance company. He is an outstanding recruit with terrible potential.

If something unexpected happened here, how should he explain it? How to explain to Li Ran’s parents? How to explain to yourself? How to explain to the reconnaissance company?

Chen Pai and others also discovered it, and their expressions changed greatly, and they panicked all of a sudden.

Li Ran rushed into the dark wolf pack alone. Wasn't he looking for death? Too dangerous.

"You protect them here, I'll go find him." After Li Hu finished speaking, he rushed over.

"Company commander." Chen Hai and others shouted.

But it was too late, Li Hu had already rushed in.

As an officer of the field army, Li Hu could not just watch his soldiers in danger and remain indifferent. Even if there was a minefield ahead, he would walk through it first.

The dark night did not cause any obstacles to Li Ran.

The body has been strengthened, and the senses are extremely sharp. It is also said that at high altitudes, closer to the moon, the moon in the sky is brighter.

The terrifying power exploded vividly at this moment. Li Ran finally no longer had to conserve his strength and could use his full strength unscrupulously.

There were wolves that kept rushing towards Li Ran, but without exception, they were all destroyed by Li Ran's punch. Yes, it was just one punch.

Li Ran's punch without any reservation of strength, even a thick-skinned wolf could not resist.

It can be said that Li Ran pushed the wolves all the way and crushed them directly, like a god of war, unstoppable.

Finally, Li Ran discovered the wolf king. The moment he saw Li Ran, the wolf king with a claw mark on his right face stared at Li Ran fiercely. Just now, he watched this human massacre his men with his own eyes.


The Wolf King roared again, knowing that the human in front of him was not easy to mess with, and wanted to mobilize the remaining brothers to help him.

But it was too late, Li Ran didn't give this chance at all and rushed over.

With the terrifying explosive force, in a few breaths, Li Ran rushed to the Wolf King's side, and the bayonet in his hand stabbed directly through the Wolf King's head.

This wolf, which had finally ascended to the throne after being slaughtered by the pack, died under Li Ran's bayonet.

"Ding! Mission accomplished, achievement value +1000!"

Li Ran picked up the corpse of the Wolf King and kept it. These are living meat and cannot be wasted.

Li Hu, who was chasing Li Ran, was very frightened at this time. He stumbled on something under his feet. He looked through the moonlight and saw that it was the body of a wolf.

As he walked forward, wolf carcasses appeared one after another on the ground. There were about six or seven wolves.

This scene shocked Li Hu. These wolves were definitely not killed by them. It was obvious that they were killed by Li Ran.

One person killed so many wolves in a short period of time? Even the damn butcher can't do it!

As he walked, a figure loomed in front of him.

"Company commander." Li Ran greeted with a smile that looked harmless, as long as the blood on his face was ignored.

"Are you okay, kid? Are you injured?" Li Hu asked quickly.


At this time, Li Hu saw the wolf in Li Ran's hand.

"This one should be the wolf king. If I kill it, the remaining wolves will not dare to come." Li Ran took the initiative to explain.

After hearing this, Li Huxin said, no wonder he suddenly couldn't hear the wolf howling.

"Did you kill those wolves on the road?" Li Hu couldn't help but ask.

In this regard, Li Ran had nothing to hide and admitted it.

"This pack of wolves attacked us desperately. I think they were attracted by the smell of broth. I almost killed everyone."

Li Ran was able to figure out the reason for the abnormality of the wolves after just thinking about it.

In a place like this, it's not that easy for wolves to find food. They probably haven't found anything to eat for many days, so they were attracted by the smell of meat. When they saw so many people, they didn't care and just went for it.

Tibetan wolves are originally very ferocious and cannibal.

"Don't say that. As long as you're fine, come back with me right away. Don't act without permission next time." Li Hu got angry when he thought of this and rushed out alone without saying hello, without scaring him to death.


Everyone in the camp suddenly discovered that the wolves had retreated.

Just when Chen Hai was about to organize people to go out and look for Li Hu and Li Ran, the two came back.

"How are you two? Are you injured anywhere?" Chen Hai quickly stepped forward and asked.

"We're fine." Li Hu said.

"Li Ran, who asked you to act without permission? What if something happens?..." Chen Haigang was about to reprimand Li Ran severely.

In the army, what is most feared is this kind of unauthorized action. Li Ran rushed out rashly, taking the company commander with him, which could easily cause a series of negative chain reactions.

"Forget it this time, he killed the Wolf King alone and protected everyone, which can be regarded as atonement." Li Hu said slowly.

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked.

Li Ran killed the Wolf King alone?

It was late at night, it was so dark, and there were so many wolves around. Li Ran went to kill the wolf king alone?

Turtle, isn't Li Ran a legendary martial arts master?

Everyone also saw the corpse of the Wolf King in Li Ran's hand. There were scars left by claws on the right side of the face. It was still a scarred wolf, and it indeed had the temperament of the Wolf King.

"Company commander, why don't you get rid of these corpses first? We still have a long way to go, so they can be used as food rations on the road." Li Ran suggested.

Wolf meat is a good thing. If you don't eat it and throw it away, it will be wasted.

Li Hu thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "It's shameful to waste food. Just take care of it and keep it to eat."

When he said this, the eyes of everyone around him lit up. Good guy, I didn't expect that there would be wolf meat to eat. This is really the first time.

"Company Commander, then I will go get the other wolf corpses."

"Find a few people to go with you."


Ten minutes later, everyone in the recruit company, each squad leader, platoon leader, and even the company commander Li Hu began to process the wolf meat.

There were eight wolves in total, and each one was quite big. It was enough for one of their recruits to eat for all of them, and the skins they peeled off could also be used to keep warm.

A group of people who were originally worried because of the wolf attack suddenly fell into a huge sense of happiness.

What happened was definitely worth bragging rights for the rest of their military careers.

Let me ask, has anyone ever eaten wolf meat?

They had eaten, and the outdoor training was really worth it.

But everyone was once again shocked by Li Ran's strength!

So fierce, a man who can kill the Wolf King,

(Fourth update, please support me with all kinds of data, please ask for everything, please ask for all kinds of support, and please brothers who are pursuing books, send me another wave of support before I put it on the shelf, I beg you on your knees!)

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