Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

500: The New Year Is Approaching! The Whole Division Is In A Crazy Involution

After the conference, Li Ran and Qi Long returned to the office.

"Okay now, I have become the person who is hated by the whole teacher. Can you think of me more when good things happen in the future? Let me be the bad guy every time." Qi Long said to Li Ran depressedly

Li Ran helped him get the signature and photo of the commander of the military region, and he accepted Li Ran's favor.

The way to repay this favor is that in this mobilization meeting, he, the teacher, played the black face, and Li Ran played the red face. First, he followed the normal process, and then he made the decision to increase the training intensity, and then Li Ran played the red face. The chief of staff of the division showed the image of a good person who was sympathetic to the grassroots, bargained with him, and even couldn't help but take action, thus confusing the grassroots.

In the end, the two reached an agreement to increase the expected training intensity by 30% - this was planned in advance.

Yes, it's all an act.

"Brother, you are the commander of Division Z. You have been a division commander for a long time. I have not been in office for a long time as the chief of staff. If you attract too much hatred, you will be easily beaten. You should be more patient.

Li Ran smiled and handed Qi Long a cigarette.

"Huh." Qi Long was obviously not satisfied with Li Ran's lame explanation.

Are you kidding? I want to hit you? Who dares to hit you? Who doesn’t know that you are backed by the General Staff boss, and now the commander of the military region is also backing you. Who has the guts to hit Li Ran?

At this time, the official walked in.

I was stunned when I saw Li Ran and Qi Long smoking there very calmly, completely different from the quarrelsome red and white faces before.

"You two reconciled so quickly?" Zhengwei couldn't help but ask.

After he made arrangements for the dissolution of the conference, he hurried over just to avoid a fight between the two.

A division commander and a chief of staff, they are brothers in the same discipline. If they fight, it will be great fun.

"Old Xu, come and have a cigarette. What's the point of making up? He and I never quarreled." Hearing this, Qi Long took half a pack of special supplies from Li Ran and threw one to the colonel.

The official took the cigarette and after hearing Qi Long's words, he understood instantly and couldn't help but ask: "Were all those things fake before? Are you two acting?"

"Old Xu, I'm sorry. I hid this from you. I couldn't help it. The fewer people who know about it, the more real it seems. But having said that, Lao Xu, you behaved well. I didn't even tell you, but you cooperated. I'll let you be the leading actor next time." Li Ran joked.


After hearing Li Ran's words, the colonel couldn't help but take a breath of air. He now fully understood.

Before the relationship, it was all acting, it was all fake, the two of them were playing such a red-faced and white-faced trick.

"What's the matter? They are all officers and soldiers of Z Division, why are you acting to deceive them?" Zhengdu couldn't help but say.

It doesn't matter if this is to deceive people from other troops. The key is the officers and soldiers of Z Division. The two chief officers are still acting like this. They are all obsessed with using their own minds. Is it necessary?

"Old Xu, you don't know this." Li Ran said very seriously: "Because of the mentality of the grassroots officers and soldiers, some things cannot be given rigid orders and forced to be carried out. They must be willing and willing to do so. The best results come from executing from the heart.”

Speaking of this, Li Ran recalled with a look on his face: "I remember that when I was in the Combined Brigade, I often used this method to stimulate the fighting spirit of the officers and soldiers of the Combined Brigade. As the chief officers, you are still in charge and must learn to use more methods. Means PUA grassroots officers and soldiers.

After hearing Li Ran's words, the senior colonel was completely speechless.

As the chief committee member, the colonel is in charge of ideological work, but now after listening to Li Ran's words, in his opinion, "It would be a pity that Li Ran, the chief of staff of the division, should not be the chief of staff."

This method simply grabs people's hearts to death.

That's right, Li Ran is really good at grasping people's hearts. Back then, Li Ran went from the commander of the synthetic battalion to the commander of the synthetic brigade.

The training intensity of the Combined Brigade can be ranked second, and no conventional unit in the entire army dares to be ranked first. Under such high-pressure training intensity, all officers and soldiers of the Combined Brigade persisted.

What does it rely on?

The first is all-round protection, ensuring the safety of officers and soldiers during training, ensuring the diet of officers and soldiers after training, and drinking glucose as water. Which other conventional army can do this?

The second is Li Ran's grasp of people's hearts. He strengthens the psychological quality of the officers and soldiers by frequently PUA, allowing them to break through themselves again and again and persevere, so that no accidents occur.

The two-pronged approach has created the strong combat effectiveness of the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade today.

Even after Li Ran left, the current commander of the combined brigade, Manzhi, still continued some of the styles and methods he led when Li Ran was there through his previous experience.

Although this method is old-fashioned and will be seen by others if used over and over again, it is indeed very useful.

Taking advantage of the general trend of military region commanders coming to inspect grassroots units to inspire the officers and soldiers of the entire division, Li Ran said that the iron is hot and the training intensity is increased. With this energy, the officers and soldiers of the Z Division will never be let down just because the new year is coming. Mentality is affected.

Teacher Z has just made some achievements now. He is proud and satisfied with these achievements. What future can he have?

As a teacher, Qi Long was dissatisfied with Li Ran asking him to play the role of a bad guy, but from the bottom of his heart, he still supported Li Ran's approach.

Making Division Z stronger has always been his unchanging wish as the commander of Division Z.

Under Li Ran's two-pronged approach, Division Z soon started a wave of high-intensity training.

The current training methods of each unit of Z Division are: first, the digital training model, which is more scientific and can identify problems more clearly.

After the mobilization meeting, the chief officers of each unit also made a slogan of racing against time and training at all times in their own units.

The commander of the military region came to inspect and placed great hopes on them. The division commander did not regard them as human beings, and the newly appointed chief of staff of the division sympathized with them and spoke for them.

Nothing can be said to disappoint the military region commander, and the most important thing is not to disappoint the division chief of staff. They must speak with strength and show their inhumane division commander.

Under high-intensity and high-pressure training, the officers and soldiers of each unit are indeed very hard and tired.

Under such training, the most intuitive change is the external change of the officers and soldiers.

Officers and soldiers at the grassroots level get angry earlier than a chicken every day, go to bed later than a dog, and compress and compress their rest time. This is called hard work. Some officers and soldiers who were originally a little out of control have lost weight visibly, and the effect is more effective than drinking slimming tea. .

What grassroots soldiers need every day is training. Among them, some soldiers have more ideas and find time to stay up late to read in order to prepare for the military academy assessment.

In this way, the daily rest time will no longer be compressed. If you stay up late for a long time, your hair will fall out.

Fortunately, I am young and have better daily food security. Although my hair is falling out, it keeps growing.

But for some officers, it's different. In addition to training, officers also need to study and discuss some tactical theory.

Every officer has gone to a military academy for further studies, but this does not mean that if he has attended a military academy for further studies, he will no longer need to continue studying after joining the grassroots army? That is impossible.

Here in Li Ran, it is impossible to get promoted by hanging around and working through seniority. Junior officers, including junior officers, have to study and discuss tactical command every day.

Commander, commander, if you don’t have strong command ability, why should you be a commander?

A stupid commander is a disaster for the soldiers.

As for rest days, the original two-day rest period on weekends was reduced to half a day from the original one day. The half-day rest period during the week became the last sign of everyone's stubbornness.

For example, weekends.

On Saturday, after five days of high-pressure and intensity training, facing this difficult weekend, the officers and soldiers of each squad and platoon all wanted to take a good rest. It would be great to sleep in and replenish their sleep.

No one went out thinking about the rest day, and no one took out a guitar and sang there. My old monitor, how are you doing recently?

The old squad leader didn't know whether he was okay or not, but he knew that he was in a very bad condition now and just wanted to sleep and rest.

When everyone was taking a break, the squad leader jumped out and screamed at everyone.

"Sleep? How can you sleep at your age? You want to sleep. If you die in the future, you will have a chance to sleep. Let's all get up and train. Do you want to be looked down upon by the division commander? Do you want to live up to the expectations of the chief of staff?"

Yes, although there is no order from each unit to require extra training on weekends, with the promotion of each squad leader, extra training on weekends has become the norm.

Saturday is a rest day in name, but there is no rest time at all. If you are lucky, you will have a day off on Sunday. If you are unlucky, you will only have half a day off on Sunday.

Although the squad leader's requirements were very strict and demanding, and although the soldiers were very tired, they all gritted their teeth and gritted their teeth to train.

Under the training model promoted by the newly appointed chief of staff, it is a model where the capable are promoted and the mediocre are demoted. No matter you are a soldier or an officer, even if you are a recruit, as long as you are capable and have excellent professional qualities, you can even have You will have the opportunity to be promoted to the rank of private in advance, and if you are particularly outstanding, you will also have the opportunity to become the Prince Regent.

0…Please give me flowers…

This allows grassroots soldiers to see hope and find a way out in their military careers.

No one wants to spend two years just spending time in the army, dawdling around, and being nothing after retirement. At least they should learn more in the army, either to go further in their military career, or to learn a skill. Category.

Don't underestimate the professional skill learning in the army, whether it's driving, repairing cars, etc., as long as you have the mind to make progress, you can learn a lot.

The soldiers were very busy, and so were the officers.

The battalion commanders led the teams, company commanders, platoon commanders, and other officers all gathered together. Using the evening time, the battalion commander organized the officers together, and then came up with the study topics that had been prepared, and even some good ones. Military professional books allow everyone to discuss and learn.

Use this time to reflect on some of the shortcomings in today's daily team leadership.

The battalion commander took the lead in organizing the study. All this was not for show, because it was completely unnecessary. All it cost was their personal time. If it was just a show, there would be no benefit.

For example, if the battalion commander decides to study a certain topic tonight, even if he stays up until dawn, he must thoroughly understand the topic and study it clearly.

Everyone discusses and analyzes together, and the learning efficiency is very fast.

Under this learning model, officers make rapid progress. Unlike before, they were just scrambling to cope with a certain inspection or prepare for a certain exam.

Everything now is completely voluntary, and independent learning will be the most efficient.

Of course, if you don’t want to study, it doesn’t matter. You can just sleep at night and not participate. No one will force you.

But if you fall behind because of your own lack of ability, then I’m sorry, don’t blame me for being unreasonable.

When you meet your comrades, don't be envious when you see them progressing in their studies and getting honors.

Honor is something that no soldier can resist. Now, whoever does well will be seen by superiors. If it is gold, it will shine and will not be buried.

Go down.

In the face of this digital training mechanism implemented by the division chief of staff, any problems can be seen at a glance, and if they are done well, they can also be seen clearly.

Under this model, the existing problems can be clearly detailed to each company, each platoon, and even each squad and each group. Clearly, the source of the problem is exposed. If you want to

You can't cover it up.

What's even more amazing is that in order to better allow each unit to see the gap between each other, under the promotion of Li Ran, a ranking mechanism was also publicly launched within the division LAN.

Each unit ranks its performance on a battalion basis. One Z Division, dozens of battalions, are ranked according to their performance, and the rankings are also published on the division headquarters LAN. This is both an exposure and a publicity.

A chance to face, and a chance to become an adult.

Think about it, everyone wants to be the number one position because it shows off so much, but the last position is also very visible. They are all units in the Z division. Not to mention that they must strive for the number one spot.

But at least I can't be last.

That last one hangs out on the division LAN all day long, how embarrassing it is.

When the rankings come out, the division leaders can see that a certain regiment and a certain battalion are last, and they are always last. What does the battalion commander of this battalion think? Where does the face come from? The regiment to which this battalion belongs

What do you think?

The sense of honor in the army is collective. You always come in last. Don't even think about any honors. It has nothing to do with you.

The unit that has always been at the bottom still wants honor and fruit, and wants to eat it.

You know, in previous years, at the end of the year, each grassroots unit would be more or less shameless enough to ask the unit chief to tell them about the difficulties at the grassroots level. I hope

You can ask for several honorary fruit quotas.

At that time, even if the performance was not good, it could still be explained by saying that we had tried our best.

But now, as soon as this ranking comes out, you have always been at the bottom, how dare you say that you have tried your best? You still have the nerve to ask for the fruits of honor like this?

In the past, the chief officers of each unit thought that they were all members of their own family, and the palms and backs of their hands were full of flesh. It was okay to give them some amount, but now, they really can't give them.

There is a problem with the attitude. If you are given a quota, you will lose one. "Other officers and soldiers who have been training hard all day will definitely not be willing to do so.

Therefore, under such a pattern and atmosphere, the officers and soldiers of the Z Division units collectively became involuntarily, very involuntarily...

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank!!!).

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