Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

502: Annual Work Summary! Li Ran Filled The Cup Again

Northern Military District, Army Group H Headquarters.

As the new year is approaching, all units in the army are also conducting year-end work summaries.

The company summarizes and reports back to the battalion, the battalion reports back to the regiment, the regiment reports back to the division, and the division reports back to the army. This is done level by level, level by level.

Northern Military District, Army Group H Headquarters.

The annual summary meeting of the Army Group was held in the auditorium.

The participants this time were officers above the level of division commander of Army H, and many people in the auditorium had already begun to take their seats.

The annual summary meeting is held every year to summarize the training situation of each unit for the year. All the chief officers of each unit are used to this.

At every work summary meeting, the head of the group army may once again emphasize some commonplace things, and then explain to everyone the direction of follow-up work, etc.

As long as there are no unexpected events, there will basically be no problems at the annual summary meeting.

But this year is different. The Z Division, which was originally the strongest heavy armor division of the H Army and the first strategic assault division of the Field Army, completed the reform of the combat system from division to brigade in just three months. At the same time, the overall combat effectiveness An increase of 30% from before.

Z Division is the strongest division of H Army. There is a gap between the other two divisions and Z Division. The commanders of the other two divisions also admit that there was a gap in the past because Z Division had the largest number of heavy equipment. Even if there is a gap, the gap is limited.

Since Li Ran took office as the chief of staff of Z Division, the gap between the other two divisions and Z Division has become wider and wider. With the current combat effectiveness of Z Division, the other two divisions cannot catch up even if they try to catch up.

There was a gap in the past, but it was not so big or exaggerated, but this year it will be difficult for the other two divisions.


Division Z is the first heavy-armed division in the army. It has strong combat effectiveness. However, it can continue to improve and improve by 30%. Why are you two divisions still standing still?

Didn’t the problem with this suddenly become apparent?

"Z division is really ruthless this year. Its combat effectiveness has increased by 30%. How did you do it?"

"Yes, we are going to be in trouble at this 08 summary meeting, and the military commander will definitely give us a slap in the face."

"No, with this, the tacit balance between our three divisions has been completely broken.

"The current combat effectiveness of the Z Division is definitely the first heavy armored division in the entire army. There may have been controversy before, but now there is no doubt."

"This Chief of Staff Li is so ruthless. In just a few months after taking office, Division Z has undergone a radical change [he is a strong man]."

During the discussion among the chief officers of each unit, at this time, Li Ran, Qi Long and the chief officers of Division Z slowly walked into the auditorium and appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as Li Ran appeared, many people's eyes immediately fell on Li Ran.

"Chief of Staff Li, congratulations, congratulations."

"Chief of Staff Li, there are not many people I admire in my life. You are really awesome."

"It's really amazing. The combat effectiveness of Division Z has been improved to this level in a short period of time. If you have time, you can pass it on to us a few times.

Many senior officers at the division level greeted Li Ran warmly and approached him.

Li Ran responded to all these with a smile.

Qi Long on the side was very embarrassed when he saw this scene, and sighed in his heart, the waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves in front, and the waves in front died on the beach.

In previous years, he, the commander of the heavy equipment division, was the focus of everyone's attention. Unexpectedly, after Li Ran came, all the limelight was stolen by Li Ran. Look at these former friends, all of them have Li in their eyes. However, he, the true commander of the heavy equipment division, was completely ignored.

"Do you think I'm getting old? If things continue like this, it's time for me, the division commander, to give way." Qi Long said with emotion to Zhengdu beside him.

"Old Qi, don't be like this. Although you are indeed inferior to the Chief of Staff, you are senior. After all, you have been the Commander of Division Z for many years. If you leave,

That's also a high promotion, don't panic. "Zhengwei consoled him.

Indeed, although compared with Li Ran, Qi Long, the commander of Division Z, looks inferior and his light is completely obscured, but this does not hinder the fact that Qi Long is an excellent commander.

Compared with other officers, Qi Long, the commander of the heavy armored division, was still outstanding, but compared with Li Ran, he seemed so mediocre.

But the key point is that the field army now only has one Li Ran.

Among the younger generation of officers, all the so-called outstanding rising stars were suppressed by Li Ran, and no one dared to claim to be a genius.

Everyone regards Li Ran as their idol. Who is not convinced? It’s simple. If you have the ability, you can reach the level of Li Ran at this age and do these things. With the title of legendary officer, you can also be a genius.

Among the older generation of officers, they are all very pleased with the emergence of Li Ran, a rising talent. There is hope for such an officer in the field army.

The most important thing is, how old is Li Ran? He is less than 20 years old. He will be 20 years old during the Chinese New Year this year. He has such ability at the age of 20. After taking over the responsibility in the future, he will definitely be able to lead the field army far and far. The future is bright Infinite, there is hope.

After some simple politeness, everyone took their seats.

Not long after, on the podium in the auditorium, H Group Army Commander Tan Fei, Chief of Staff Zhou Ruding and other officials appeared in front of everyone and strode onto the stage.

To everyone's surprise, there was a figure walking in front of Tan Fei, the commander of H Army. The three wheat ears on the figure's shoulders were very conspicuous. He was Zhang Meng, the commander of the Northern Military Region.

With the appearance of the general commander, the officers present looked at each other in shock.

What happened? The commander of the military region actually came to participate in the year-end summary meeting of Army Group H.

This has never happened before. You know, the commander of a military region is the boss of a military region. There are three armies in a military region. Basically, each group army summarizes the work of previous years and reports it to the military region headquarters. That's it.

How can a military region commander have the time and time to personally attend a group army's year-end work summary meeting? [This is the first time.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but focus on Li Ran again. Obviously, the military commander's unusual behavior this time was definitely related to Li Ran.

Apart from Li Ran, they couldn't think of anyone with such dignity who could attract the commander of the military region to come in person.

"stand up!"

As the commander of the military region and others arrived, a loud shout rang out.

All the officers present stood up at once and said, "Stand straight.

After the military commander entered his seat, he glanced at everyone present and said slowly: "Sit down."

Swish swish swish~

All the officers present sat down immediately and moved neatly.

The year-end summary meeting officially began. First, Zhou Ruding, the chief of staff of the group army, took the lead in announcing in public the overall training situation of the three divisions of H Army during the year, as well as the problems that occurred during the year.

These are normal procedures. Among them, Division C had two training accidents this year and was taken out as a template and given a warning.

Although the accident occurred, fortunately it did not cause any major problems.

Seeing that the head of the group army did not pursue too much, the commander of Division C breathed a sigh of relief.

"In the last three short months of Division Z, Division Chief of Staff Li Ran launched a data-based training model. The training effect is clear at a glance, the data is clear, and problems can be found and solved as quickly as possible. This training model is worth Promoted to the whole army, the overall training effect of Z Division is remarkable..."

When talking about the Z Division, the Major General was not stingy about paying for the Z Division, especially Li Ran, the Chief of Staff, who raised it in public.

After Zhou Ruding finished speaking, Tan Fei, the commander of the army, continued: "I don't have much to say, only one thing. In just three months, Division Z not only completed the reform of the division-to-brigade combat system, but also It has been half a year since you two divisions increased their combat effectiveness by 30%. Although the military reform has been completed, it has not been effective. I would like to ask what is the reason?"

"Is it that you two divisions are not training hard enough? Or is there something wrong with the training methods?"

As expected by the other two division commanders, Army Commander Tan Fei directly criticized and reprimanded their two divisions in front of everyone.

As a military commander, Tan Fei values ​​the combat effectiveness of his troops and does not care about anything else.

The Z Division was able to complete the reform of the division-to-brigade combat system in just three months and improve its combat effectiveness. The other two divisions began to reform the combat system as early as half a year ago. They were nominally completed, but compared to Before starting, the improvement in combat effectiveness can be said to be minimal.

This means there is a problem!

If it weren't for the upgrade of Z Division, Tan Fei almost thought that the informatization and synthetic combat system, and the military transformation method of division to brigade would not be able to improve traditional troops like them much.

However, the current performance of the Z Division shows that it is not the military reform direction that is wrong, but the fault of the two divisions themselves.

"You, Commander of Division C, tell me why?" After Tan Fei scolded him, he directly named Commander of Division C.

Division C's scalp was numb, he stood up, and started with self-analysis and said a lot of useless words.

Division C was directly named, and the remaining commanders of Division B could not escape.

Of course, there was a military commander here, and Tan Fei didn't say anything too harsh. He named the two of them just to give them a heads up.

If the two divisions are still in this "half-dead" state in the future, he will really use ruthless measures at that time.

After Tan Fei finished speaking, the commander of the military region finally spoke slowly: "In the annual work summary, many of us now regard this as a coping model. For some mistakes that have been emphasized in every possible way, we should make them or make them. From now on , If someone doesn’t change their mentality and correct their attitude, and is discovered, don’t blame me for being unkind.”

As soon as the admiral spoke, he gave everyone present a stern warning.

As expected of a general, he was full of momentum as soon as he opened his mouth, and everyone present trembled.

Of course, the general just stopped and gave everyone a warning. As for what to do, this is not his concern, this is the H army's own concern.

Having said that, the general named Li Ran directly in front of everyone.

"Li Ran!"


After being called, Li Ran stood up immediately.

"Come up here and tell us how you have improved the combat effectiveness of Z Division to this level in just three months as the chief of staff of Z Division." The general said with a smile, his eyes full of gratification, and at the same time said: "For I have also heard about the intensity of training of your Z Division, and what methods you used to enable the officers and soldiers of Division Z to grit their teeth and persevere under such intensity of training without causing any protests, and you have also shared your experience with everyone."


In the eyes of everyone's envy and admiration, Li Ran slowly walked onto the podium 607.

Li Ran actually didn't know about the arrival of the general. Even when he asked himself to go on stage to share his so-called experience, he also suddenly gave Li Ran a notice [without saying hello ten times].

If it had been anyone else, the Army Group might have said hello, but for Li Ran, that was not necessary.

After Li Ran came to power, he did not make any drafts. He simply shared his experience in leading troops in front of everyone. Sharing experience and so on, for Li Ran, it was completely effortless.

In the eyes of everyone looking forward to it, Li Ran directly revealed the key points of his experience in leading troops.

"I believe that as a unit chief, if you want to lead the troops well, first of all, personal quality is the most basic, and secondly, you must have the ability to incite the grassroots into involution."

At this moment, for the first time, Li Ran began to popularize the true meaning of the word involution in public, and at the same time, he also made everyone understand the benefits that effective PUA methods can bring.

Li Ran's casual remarks made all the officers in the audience mesmerized. They all seemed to be enlightened and suddenly realized.

Many people even took out small notebooks and started recording.

Everyone present was able to reach this position, and they were already quite proficient in some methods of controlling people's hearts. However, after hearing what Li Ran said, they found that compared with Li Ran, their methods of controlling people's hearts were just playing tricks. Likewise, it's totally not enough in front of Li Ran.

He is worthy of being the commander of the combined brigade. He is worthy of being the commander of the combined brigade who was able to defeat seven main battle divisions in the original exercise by relying on endless tactics. He has many ideas.

The general is also very pleased with Li Ran's experience sharing.

After the summary meeting, the commander of the military region called Qi Long, the commander of the heavy armor division, to his office for a talk.

"Commander wants to see me? Are you sure?" Qi Long asked the lieutenant colonel who came to deliver the message with a look of disbelief.

"Commander Qi, the commander just wants to see you and is waiting for you in the office. Go quickly." Youxiao said with a smile.

"I'll be there right away."

Qi Long felt like he was in a dream. In this conference, all the limelight was taken away by Li Ran. Everyone focused on Li Ran, making him, the commander of Division Z, have no sense of existence.

Unexpectedly, after the conference, the commander of the military region came to him alone. He must have wanted to talk to him, but he didn't know what to talk about with him.

"The commander of the military region wants to see me, please wait until I get off." Qi Long said to Li Ran and the Z division chief committee member.

Li Ran nodded, and then Qi Long rushed to the office.

Although all the limelight has been given to Li Ran, he is the commander of Z Division after all, and the military region chief still has him in his heart...

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!!).

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