Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

051: Recruit Assessment Arrives As Scheduled

Had a meal in the cafeteria.

Li Hu left enough space and time to Li Ran's family. It was not easy to come all the way to visit.

Li Ran took his parents around the recruit training base. When he saw the horizontal bar on the playground, Li Jun got hot and went up to practice a few times.

However, I have neglected to exercise for many years and am getting older. I am exhausted and out of breath after just two or three exercises.

From the beginning to the end, Li Ran showed patience and respect for his parents. Li Jun and his wife saw it in their eyes and were very happy in their hearts.

It's really useful to have Li Ran join the army. There have been such big changes during the recruitment period.

As Xia Qin's mother, she has no objection to Li Ran becoming a soldier, but she is still very worried about Li Ran serving as a soldier here.

"Son, it's hard to be a soldier, and it's even harder to be a soldier here, and I've heard people say that soldiers on the plateau are very dangerous." Xia Qin said worriedly.

"Mom, it's okay. Look, I'm fine. I won't be in any danger." Li Ran said, "Besides, being a soldier is not hard. I'm not the only one serving as a soldier here. It's okay."

"Son, I walked around your place in the afternoon, and I felt heartbroken when I saw the other people. Most of them were children the same age as you, and their faces and mouths were cracked by the wind. "

Thinking of this, Xia Qin, a mother, felt very uncomfortable.

In the afternoon, Li Ran took her around the camp. When the recruits from other classes saw her, they all enthusiastically came up to say hello and thank her.

Most of them are children about the same age as Li Ran. Their faces are still very young, but their young faces are full of traces of being damaged by wind and rain.

She felt heartbroken when she thought that here, even vegetables and fruits could not be supplied in sufficient quantities.

Which parent doesn't feel bad when he sees his son working so hard?

"Mom, it's okay. I'm used to it. It will get better and better in the future." Li Ran comforted her.

"Okay, stop talking about this. You've already said it. They're all kids the same age as him. Everyone can endure hardship. Why can't he endure hardship? He's no more valuable than others." Li Jun couldn't listen. He said, "Besides, I will be a compulsory soldier for two years, and I will come back after two years."

"I'm sorry, son, mom is losing her temper."

"Mom, let me tell you something happy. I met a Tibetan girl here called Basang Dolma. She is a very beautiful Tibetan girl. She is kind at heart and a very nice person. She gave me a gift. Eaten several times.”

Sure enough, any mother who hears her son mention girls will instantly become interested.

All the previous worries and worries disappeared in an instant.

"Beautiful Tibetan girl? Where is she? Can you introduce her to us now?"

"Mom, we can't do that now. Her family is a herdsman from the Tibetan area, grazing herds on the plateau. I don't know where she lives yet, but she came to find me."

Seeing his mother's sudden excitement, Li Ran broke into a cold sweat.

"Do you have a photo?"

"No, there are no cameras here."

"It's okay. I brought you a digital camera this time. If that girl comes to see you next time, take a photo of her and send it back to me."

Speaking of this, Xia Qin suddenly said expectantly: "It seems good if my daughter-in-law is a Tibetan girl. Although the family conditions are not good, it doesn't matter. Our family is not short of money. When you retire from the army, we will bring the girl back with you. We will discuss your marriage then, I am very happy just thinking about it..."

Seeing that her mother was thinking more and more, Xia Qin became happier and happier.

"Mom, she and I are just friends. You are thinking too far." Li Ran said quickly.

"Stop pretending. I heard your Captain Li mention the matter about that Tibetan girl. It's the herdsman's family you helped. It doesn't matter. Mom is not rigid and supports free love. Come on, son." Xia Qin cheered for Li Ran. road.

That night, Xia Qin and Li Jun spent the night at a guest house specially prepared by the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, and planned to return to Kyoto early the next morning.

Although they knew that Li Ran and the others would be resting the next day and did not need to train, they still left.

Just come to visit and know that everything is fine with Li Ran here. When Li Ran is discharged from the company, he will have a chance to visit again.

Before his parents left, Li Ran specially took a lot of photos of the two of them with the digital camera brought by his mother, including photos in the military camp and photos of the beautiful scenery of Tibet.

In short, this visit trip made Li Jun and his wife very satisfied.


In the dormitory!

Everyone else had fallen asleep, only Wang Erniu and Li Ran, who were in the bunk beds, were still talking quietly.

"Brother Ran, I really envy you for having a father and mother who love you so much." Wang Erniu said with an envious look on his face.

"What should I envy? Who's parents don't love their children? Besides, aren't we all the same now? We are all new recruits." Li Ran joked.

"Brother Ran, thank you for the gift you gave me. This is the first time I have received a gift from someone else since I was a child." Wang Erniu was very touched.

This time Li Ran's parents came. In addition to bringing some supplies, Li Ran also asked them to bring some small gifts, which were given to other comrades in squad three, including the squad leader.

The recruit assessment is about to be divided into companies. It is impossible for all the comrades in a recruit class to be together, so they will be separated. I would like to send a gift as a thought.

Everyone in Class 3 is very grateful to Li Ran!

The squad deputy was really touched that he had such a heart to remember them.

"It's just a small gift, keep it as a souvenir, Erniu, work hard for the recruit assessment, and try to go to the reconnaissance company together." Li Ran encouraged.

"Don't worry, Brother Ran, I will work hard." Wang Erniu said.

The next day!

The last day for everyone to rest and adjust!

Just like what Li Hu said, after the five-kilometer cross-country tour in full gear was completed early in the morning, the team disbanded to let everyone rest.

The recruit training and assessment will be held tomorrow. Many people are still a little nervous and looking forward to it, and they are adjusting their status.

Li Ran was very relaxed, holding a digital camera in his hand to take pictures!

Although the recruit company only lasted three months, it was still worth remembering.

In this era, digital cameras are a very rare thing. They are so expensive that ordinary families cannot afford them, and ordinary families will not spend tens of thousands of meters to buy this thing.

In the 1999s, ten thousand yuan was quite valuable!

Moreover, the card that stores photos in a digital camera is not called an SD card, but an MS card, commonly known as a memory stick.

The capacity is small, but it is quite expensive, and it is completely incomparable with the technological development of later generations.

Digital cameras are an absolute rarity here, attracting many people to watch and ask Li Ran to help arrange photos. Considering the memory limit, each person can only take one photo.

In the afternoon, something unexpected happened to Li Ran. Basang Dolma came.

"I heard that you guys have a day off today, so I came here specially." Basang Dolma said happily.

"How did you know?" Li Ran was very surprised.

"I won't tell you." Basang Dolma looked mysterious.

"My parents came to see me yesterday. I told them that I met a beautiful Tibetan girl as a friend here. They all want to meet you. If you came yesterday, they could see you. "Li Ran said casually.

Hearing this, Basang Dolma's face suddenly turned red.

"What is this??" Basang Dolma asked curiously when he saw the digital camera in Li Ran's hand.

"A digital camera that can take pictures is just right. Let me take some photos for you. The scenery is so beautiful." Li Ran suggested.

A beautiful Tibetan girl who can sing, dance, and ride horses is paired with the spectacular Tibetan scenery. Even though Li Ran is not a professional photographer, the photos she took can be called blockbusters, simply beautiful and picturesque.

Li Ran spent the entire afternoon taking photos, and the photos ended only when the memory was full.

At the same time, Basang Zhuolma also knew that Li Ran was about to leave the company, which meant that the next time he looked for Li Ran, he would not come here to look for him.

The recruits were given two days of rest and adjustment time.

The recruit assessment finally arrived as scheduled...

(The fifth update is here. In the previous chapter, Wang Erniu was written as Li Erniu. Sorry, I will pay attention to it later. Please send me a wave of data support, various kinds, everything, flowers, and evaluation votes, brothers. Also, thank you brother for the tip!)

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