Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

052: Record Breaking! Best Recruit Ever

The recruit assessment begins.

All eighty-one recruits from the recruit company gathered on the playground. Small stools had been placed on Nuo Da's playground.

In the morning, there is a theoretical examination. The examination content, relevant internal affairs regulations and military-related knowledge are all learned when the recruits were in the company, and there will be no content that exceeds the stipulations.

The recruits sat on the spot, lying on small stools and writing.

As for one table per person, I’m kidding, the conditions in Tibet are so difficult, where can we find so many tables? It would be nice to have a bench to lie down on and write test papers.

This is the same as using a basin to make instant noodles. They are both unique.

The monitors of the three classes and the three platoon leaders began to hand out test papers and invigilate the examination.

"It doesn't matter if you can't do it, it doesn't matter if you can't write it out. There is only one requirement: no whispering, no cheating, and honesty. Once cheating is discovered, the score will be zero and sanctions will be given."

Do not cheat in exams, this is a manifestation of morality.

In the army, you are allowed to have poor grades, and you can find ways to improve them, but if you are not morally good, that is absolutely not possible. This is the bottom line and principle.

The test papers were distributed and everyone began to answer the questions.

The questions on the test paper are trivial to Li Ran, and the relevant knowledge such as internal affairs regulations are engraved in his mind.

Swish swish swish~

Li Ran wrote quickly on the test paper, very fast, and he didn't need to think about it to answer each question.

Compared to Li Ran's speed in answering questions, others were not so good.

Many people were scratching their heads. They had seen the questions on the test paper, but for some reason they couldn't remember them.

Or some people just want to write a little bit, but the writing is incomplete.

After all, there are so many internal regulations, and not everyone can recite them word for word in a short period of time like Li Ran.

Li Ran wrote slowly, but it only took him twenty minutes to complete.

The exam lasted for an hour and he couldn't hand in the paper in advance, so Li Ran simply lay down on the stool and slept.

Among the eighty-one people, only Li Ran was lying on the bench sound asleep. This scene attracted the attention of others.

Wang Qiang, the monitor of Class Three, came to Li Ran and originally planned to scold him.

As an excellent recruit, is this how you set an example? Sleeping during an exam?

As a result, when he picked up Li Ran's paper and took a look, what he wrote were exactly the standard answers, all correct.

In the end, I gave up and didn’t care. What should I do?

He finished it in twenty minutes, and everything he wrote was correct. If he wasn't handed in the paper in advance, and he wasn't allowed to sleep, why should he just sit there and stare at it?

Watching this scene, the other recruits called him Niubi in their hearts, but Brother Niubi, even the exam was so eclectic.

After the theoretical examination, everyone continued to take the queue subject examination.

The first is the single-person queue movements: standing at attention, resting, standing astride, turning between stops, saluting, marching and stopping of steps, footwork changes, turning between movements, taking off and wearing hats. Sit, squat, stand.

Then there is the class queue assessment: the class's formation, neatness, counting, getting out of the queue, entering the queue, marching, stopping, formation change, and direction change.

Finally, there is the three-shift and four-post assessment: duty formation, duty duty, duty foreman, rising sentry, standing sentry, changing sentry, and lowering sentry.

These assessments all have one thing in common, that is, they do not consume physical energy and can be completed in one morning.

After lunch, the recruits have a lunch break. After the lunch break, the physical fitness assessment begins.

The first is the five-kilometer cross-country assessment. Normally, it should be the five-kilometer assessment with light equipment. However, for the fifth border defense regiment, the assessment standards are directly based on the assessment standards for the next company, which is more stringent.

The strict assessment of a plateau soldier is only to help him, not to harm him.

After all, if you meet an enemy one day, the enemy will not be kind to you.

On the playground, a class-wide five-kilometer assessment was conducted!

With an order, Li Ran, who was fully armed, rode straight away. In the confused eyes of everyone and the examiner, Li Ran's results came out on the spot, in fifteen minutes!

This is because Li Ran has retained his strength. It is just a recruit assessment, there is no need to use all his strength.

If you really want to show inhuman strength, you have to face many doubts.

However, the fifteen-minute result is scary enough.

According to the current Army training syllabus, a fully equipped five-kilometer cross-country course requires 30 minutes to pass, 27 minutes to be good, and 23 minutes to be excellent.

Fifteen minutes, directly breaking the record.

Wang Qiang, who has run against Li Ran, is not too surprised by Li Ran's results.

Perform normally at Li Ran's level! All are functioning normally!

After the five-kilometer run in full gear, everyone has a thirty-minute rest period to recover before proceeding to the next physical fitness test.

Push-ups: Standard movements, complete 35 times continuously within 2 minutes, passing 18 times.

Sit-ups: standard movements, complete 40 times continuously within 3 minutes, passing 30 times.

Horizontal bar pull-ups: standard movements, complete 10 times in a row, passing 6 times.

Parallel bar arm extension: standard movements, complete 8 times in a row, passing 3 times.

Single-leg squat standing: Correct action, complete 5 times in a row, passing 2 times.

The requirements for these assessment items are relatively low for recruits, but the border defense force is a border defense force, which directly raises the standard to a certain extent. The passing mark for each item must be increased by two additional times.

When Li Ran's results in these subjects were assessed, it once again caused quite a stir.

Li Ran: push-ups: 200, sit-ups: 200, horizontal bar pull-ups: 100, parallel bar arm extension: 100, single-leg squat stand-up: 100.

It is worth mentioning here that in the three assessment items of horizontal bar pull-ups, parallel bar arm extensions, and single-leg squats, since there is no time requirement, you only need to reach the number of times.

When Li Ran was taking the assessment, he was asked to stop before it ended. After all, there were so many people to be assessed, and we couldn't watch Li Ran perform alone.

All assessments on the first day are over. Li Ran once again became the most handsome boy in the recruit company.

All the theoretical and basic movement assessments received full marks, and the physical fitness assessment also received full marks, and they directly broke the record.

He became the best recruit in the history of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, and his assessment results directly broke the record.

Inside the dormitory.

"Brother Ran, you are really awesome. Your scores shocked the examiner."

"Brother Ran, you're so handsome. I heard from the monitor that your assessment results broke the record."

"The squad leader said you are the best recruit in the history of the Fifth Border Guard Regiment. No, you are also the richest."

Everyone in Class Three was extremely impressed.

"Everyone, go to bed early. There is still a 3,000-meter run tomorrow morning. Let's try to get a good result." Li Ran said with a smile.


The next day!

In the morning, the recruit company began the last physical fitness test, a three-thousand-meter cross-country run.

Compared to the 5,000-meter race, the 3,000-meter race is still light and the pressure on everyone is much lighter.

After Li Ran's results came out, they were still scary and broke the record. At nine minutes and thirty seconds, this result directly set a new record.

Compared to Li Ran's terrible results, the overall results of Class 3 are also pretty good.

This makes Wang Qiang, the squad leader of the third squad, always cheerful. The recruits under him are doing well, and he, the squad leader, has a bright face.

Seeing Wang Qiang's proud look, the first squad leader and the second squad leader were jealous and said bitterly: "Third brother, what are you so proud of? Ask yourself, does the good performance of these recruits in squad three have much to do with you? Isn't that all? Because you have Li Ran in class three."

"It's wrong for you two to say this. It doesn't matter much, but it does matter a lot. Without my good guidance, can they embark on a correct growth path? I think you two are just envious and jealous." Wang Qiang said dissatisfied.

In the afternoon, we will conduct the last part of the recruit company assessment, the shooting assessment!

On the shooting range, gunshots continued to ring out. The recruits lay on the ground, holding 81 rods in their hands and aiming at the target. They all aimed carefully, hoping to achieve a good result.

After all, everyone hopes to join a good company.

There is no doubt that Li Ran still outperformed everyone and successfully obtained perfect scores.

At this point, all the assessments of the recruit company have ended, which means that the three-month recruit training for everyone is about to come to an end.

In the following time, superiors will divide the recruits into companies based on their performance.

Tonight is the last night for all the recruits to stay at the recruit training base. To this end, the company commander Li Hu asked someone to bring out special gifts for the recruits.

(First update, please support me with all kinds of data, brothers, please kneel down and ask for everything, ask for everything!!!)

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