Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

053: Investiture Ceremony! Go To The Seventh Reconnaissance Company

The last night of the recruit company.

The next day, everyone will be separated into companies. Some people may be assigned to a company, and some people may be the only recruit in that company.

Even if we are in a group, we don’t know if we will have a chance to meet again.

Three months is neither short nor long.

"Everyone will be leaving the company tomorrow, so I will make an exception tonight to let you relax and drink freely." Li Hu asked people to bring boxes of beer.

You're definitely not allowed to drink during normal times, but tomorrow we'll get down to the company and all the recruit company assessments have ended, so we can make an exception.

"Company Commander Niubi."

The recruits didn't expect that there would be beer to drink tonight. They were all very surprised and shouted in celebration.

"There is enough beer tonight, but I have only one request, and that is to fill my stomach first." Li Hu said loudly.


In the cafeteria, a simple farewell ceremony was held for the recruits to join the company tomorrow.

It's not easy to be a soldier on the plateau. Veterans all know the hardships, so this little bit of romance can still be given to the new recruits.

Besides, when these new recruits join the company, things won't be so easy at first.

There is an old saying in the army, new recruits go to the company, veterans celebrate the New Year!

The veterans of each company are all waiting for these new recruits to join the company. They were tortured so badly by the veterans when they joined the company, and they finally became veterans. They had to experience the joy of veterans.

“Brother Ran, here’s to you.”

"Brother Ran, let's have a drink."

"Deputy, I respect you, but I can't bear to leave you."

"Woooooo, squad deputy, you are the best squad deputy in my heart. No matter where I go, I will never forget you."

Whether they were recruits from Class 3 or other classes, they all came to drink and clink glasses with Li Ran.

During his time in the recruit company, Li Ran's conduct as a person was outstanding. He was excellent, and he was also very generous. He was also very friendly to his comrades and helped each other.

Especially in the minds of everyone in class three, the status of the class deputy is even more important than that of Wang Qiang, the class leader.

When I thought about not being able to stay with such a good class deputy like Li Ran after I was transferred to the company, many people in the third class felt very uncomfortable. Coupled with the impact of alcohol, tears came out all at once.

"We are all comrades-in-arms and brothers. No matter where we go, let's work hard together. Come on." Li Ran encouraged everyone.

Not only was there drinking, but everyone was also smoking.

When everyone first arrived, all the cigarettes collected by the squad leaders were returned. Tomorrow they will be sent to the company, and they can actually smoke.

Recruit companies are not allowed to smoke. The fundamental reason is that they are worried that the recruits will learn badly and affect their physical fitness.

But now that the recruit training is over, there are not so many requirements.

In the army, cigarettes are hard currency and the pressure is high. If you don't give them cigarettes, you must not suffocate them to death.

On the last night of the recruit company, everyone ate, drank, and smoked happily. In one word, it was great!

The next day!

On the playground.

The awarding ceremony for the new recruits is held here!

Eighty-one people stood in line, with unconcealed excitement on everyone's face. They were about to be awarded a rank. They finally had a military rank on their shoulders. Although they were only the lowest rank of Private, with the military rank, they really became a soldier. .

This is worthy of their three months of hard training here.

"After three months of training, I'm very happy that you can persevere. You will soon experience the first and most meaningful turning point in the military stage, which is the awarding stage!"

"Military ranks vary, but the missions and responsibilities of soldiers are no matter how big or small. The moment you wear the military rank on your shoulders, you will officially become a soldier of the Dragon Kingdom Field Army. I hope that in the next road, you can strengthen your ideals, beliefs, and uphold the values ​​​​of Honor, dare to strive for the first place, and take the first step in your military career.”

"The investiture ceremony begins now!"

Starting from a row and a class, in order of class, the squad leader of each class wears military ranks on the recruits of his class.

After everyone wore their military ranks, Li Ran, as an outstanding recruit, began to take the oath on behalf of everyone.

Under the banner of the August 1st Army!

All the recruits were in high spirits and impassioned. They raised their right fists and solemnly swore an oath. Their faces were full of perseverance, their clear eyes were full of pride, and the clank oath resounded in the sky.

"I swear..."

A crutch is the starting point of a soldier's military career!

Carrying this crutch on your shoulders, the mission is as heavy as a mountain!

The awarding ceremony officially ended and everyone arrived at the entrance of the recruit training base. Five troop carriers were already waiting at the entrance.

The results of the division of the new recruits into the next company have also come out. Li Hu, the commander of the new recruit company, stood in front of everyone with the list in hand and announced the division of the company.

"Gao Qiang, one battalion and three companies."

"Wu Hehai, Second Battalion and Fourth Company."

"Chen Xishan, Third Battalion and Sixth Company."


Although they were a little reluctant to leave, it was time to say goodbye, and everyone boarded the troop carrier one by one.

Li Ran was undoubtedly assigned to the reconnaissance company, the strongest company in the fifth border defense regiment. In addition, there was another person who was also assigned to the reconnaissance company, and that was Wang Erniu.

Wang Erniu was overjoyed when he learned that he was assigned to the same reconnaissance company as Li Ran.

"Brother Ran, I'm so happy that I can still be with you." Wang Erniu said happily.

"Er Niu, I told you you can do it." Li Ran smiled.

As a company of eighty-one people, only he and Wang Erniu were assigned to the reconnaissance company. It was enough to show that although Wang Erniu was stupid, his personal quality was not bad and he was outstanding among the recruits in the same batch.

The troop carriers set off one after another and will take everyone to their assigned company.

Li Ran was very calm about the upcoming reconnaissance company, but Wang Erniu was very excited.

"Brother Ran, I wonder if the squad leader of the reconnaissance company is not getting along with me? Are we getting along well? What if they think I'm stupid?" Wang Erniu asked anxiously.

"Er Niu, relax, don't be so anxious, believe in yourself." Li Ran encouraged.

"Brother Ran, as long as I can be in the same class as you, I will feel confident." Wang Erniu said.

The new recruits are joining the company, and the veterans are celebrating the New Year!

The fifth border defense regiment, reconnaissance company.

Class three!

"It's finally time for the new recruits to join the company, but I have been waiting for this day."

"Keep everything tidy. When the new recruit Danzi arrives, let him feel at home first. Don't scare people into tears."

"There are probably two new recruits who can come to our reconnaissance company. Don't you guys capsize in the gutter?"

"There are two brushes who are also new recruits. When they come to the reconnaissance company, they have to be coiled up by me, and they have to be laid down by me."

The veterans were all very excited, finally waiting for this day.

The old rule is that when the new recruit Danzi arrives, he should have a nice attitude first and create a feeling of home for the new recruit Danzi. Then at night, he will tidy up properly and let the new recruit Danzi know his identity.

In the army, there are two things that are very important, and even exceeded military rank for a time.

That is qualifications and strength!

Without these two, even if an officer comes to the company now, the veteran will not look down on you.

Two hours later, Li Ran and Wang Erniu finally arrived at the reconnaissance company station.

"First platoon leader, the two of them will be assigned to your third squad." Li Hu said to Chen Pai.


"Come with me." Chen Hai said to the two of them.

Chen Hai is Li Hu's best platoon leader and also Li Hu's favorite platoon leader.

But this does not mean that the strength of the first platoon is the strongest in the entire reconnaissance company.

Li Hu could find a way to get all the best people to join the reconnaissance company, but it was impossible to gather all the best people in the company in one platoon.

Because this will lead to an imbalance in the development of the reconnaissance company, the strong ones will only become stronger, and the weak ones will only become weaker.

A top player can have a great impact in a class. For the overall strength of the Seventh Company, the three platoons must be relatively balanced.

Because Chen Hai was Li Ran's platoon leader in the new recruit company, he continued to assign Li Ran to the first platoon. As for Wang Erniu, it was because Li Hu discovered that Wang Erniu would grow faster by Li Hu's side.

In the recruit company, Wang Erniu's performance was not top-notch when he first arrived. Later, he became top-notch under the influence of Li Ran.

Therefore, Li Hu simply let Wang Erniu continue to be in the same class as Li Ran.

Under the leadership of Chen Hai, the two came to the third squad. The third squad here is different from the third squad of the recruit company. The people here are all reconnaissance veterans, not recruits.

(The second update is here, please give me flowers, review votes, monthly tickets, rewards, reminders, book review support, everything!!! It will be on the shelves soon, don’t keep the book, please support me.)

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