Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

054: New Recruits And Veterans Celebrate The New Year

Chen Hai took Li Ran and Wang Erniu into Class 3, and everyone from Class 3 happened to be there.

It's almost time for lunch, and everyone knows that today is the first day for the new recruits to join the company, so they are all staying in the class, preparing to give the new recruits a "welcoming ceremony."

"Third squad leader, these two are new recruits assigned to our company. The company commander has given you the squad." Chen Hai said to a third-term non-commissioned officer.

Wang Qiang was not the squad leader of the third squad of the first platoon of the reconnaissance company. Wang Qiang was the deputy squad leader of the first squad of the first platoon. Wang Qiang was asked to lead the squad leader of the recruit company because Wang Qiang performed well in the reconnaissance company.

As early as the moment Li Ran and Wang Erniu entered the dormitory door, all the veterans' eyes fell on the two people, looking up and down carefully.

After Chen Hai finished speaking, the third-term sergeant came over.

"Platoon commander, I know how to do it."

Hearing this, Chen Hai nodded and left without saying anything.

"Hello, monitor!"

Li Ran immediately saluted the third-term sergeant and said hello.

"Hello, monitor!"

Wang Erniu was a little slow to react, but when he came to his senses, he quickly saluted and said hello.

The third-term sergeant returned the favor with a smile.

"My name is Shi Dahai. On behalf of Class Three, I welcome you two."

Bang bang bang bang~

There was warm applause in the dormitory.

"Welcome to the third class, two young comrades." The veterans of the third class greeted enthusiastically.

Li Ran was smiling, and Wang Erniu was extremely moved. He didn't expect the veterans to be so friendly, which completely exceeded his imagination and expectations.

The next company doesn't feel strange at all, but feels like going home. It's great!

"You two should introduce yourselves first. What are your names and where are you from?" After Shi Dahai finished speaking, he said to Li Ran, "I'll start with you."

"Hello everyone, my name is Li Ran, from the Imperial Capital. I hope you can take good care of me in the future."

Then it was Wang Erniu's turn, and Wang Erniu was still a little nervous.

"Hello everyone, my name is Wang Erniu. I come from the imperial capital. I'm quite stupid. I hope you won't dislike me. Thank you."

After hearing the introduction of the two, Shi Dahai said with some surprise: "Are you two fellow villagers?"

"We just come from the same city." Li Ran said.

After Li Ran and Wang Erniu introduced themselves, the veterans in the class also briefly introduced their names and where they came from.

After some introductions, everyone seemed to know each other.

Li Ran silently memorized the names of everyone in the class and recognized every face.

Shi Dahai arranged beds and lockers for Li Ran and Wang Erniu.

"This is the bunk and locker for the two of you. Do not put any irrelevant items in the locker, and things must be arranged neatly." Shi Dahai, the monitor of the third shift, warned.


Li Ran and Wang Erniu put away their things and made the bed.

"The tofu cubes are stacked well."

When a veteran saw the quilt Li Ran folded, he smiled and praised it.

This was the first time they had seen a company of new recruits fold their quilts in such a standard way. It was so standard that it was impossible to be picky.

After the two of them folded their quilts, Shi Dahai said, "Everyone go to the cafeteria to eat."

Under the leadership of squad leader Shi Dahai, everyone in class three went to the cafeteria.

On the way, two new faces, Li Ran and Wang Erniu, attracted the attention of other people in the company.

"You three squads are very lucky. There are only two recruits, and all the company commanders are assigned to your squad." After seeing this, the second squad leader couldn't help but said, feeling a little envious.

"I don't understand why the company commander gave them all to our class. Why don't you go discuss with the company commander and let them go?" Shi Dahai joked.

"I'm not looking for trouble. New recruits have joined. If I can't lead them well, it will drag down the whole class's performance." The second squad leader said, very realistically.

"Then get out of here and don't block the road." Shi Dahai cursed with a smile.

In fact, Shi Dahai himself didn't understand why the company commander gave all two recruits to the third squad.

Logically speaking, two recruits cannot be given to two classes, one to each class.

But this is a matter decided by the company commander. As a squad leader, he does not need to think so much.

Even though he was discharged from the company, the food in the cafeteria was the same as that of the new company, there was no difference at all.

After eating, return to the dormitory.

The first day of the company for new recruits was basically uneventful. It was very leisurely. They sorted out their own affairs, packed up their belongings, and got to know everyone. Other than that, there was nothing else.

"Squad leader, where is the company's library?" Li Ran found Shi Dahai and asked.

The library is a place Li Ran has wanted to go to for a long time. He is very eager to supplement the professional military knowledge in his mind.

The main thing is to have the skill of photographic memory. Learning without reading is simply a waste.

"Are you going to borrow a book to read?" Shi Dahai asked in surprise.

The company library is a place almost forgotten by everyone in their reconnaissance company.

Basically, during the break time, everyone either sleeps or plays other games. Who has time to read a book?


"Just turn right when you go out."

"Thank you monitor."

In Shi Dahai's surprised eyes, Li Ran from the First Tianxia Company went straight to the company library.

the other side.

Wang Erniu, who returned to the dormitory and was about to take a lunch break, was immersed in the warm and caring atmosphere of the veterans. He was imagining that his life after the company would be as colorful as that of the recruit company.

The beautiful fantasy was broken by reality.

Immediately afterwards, the veterans' sudden change of attitude caught Wang Erniu off guard.

"Er Niu, the thermos is out of water. Go get some water."

"Er Niu, this place is dirty, mop it clean."

"Do you have a cigarette? Erniu? You don't smoke. It's boring. Then you can wash my socks."


The sudden change of attitude of the veterans caught Wang Erniu off guard and he was completely unexpected.

Why did his class veteran comrade who was very friendly to him before suddenly seem to be a different person?

Ask him to do this or that. If he doesn't do it, he will glare at him with a vicious look and threaten him with fists as big as sandbags.

Wang Erniu also wanted to ask the squad leader for help, but the squad leader was not there at all.

Li Ran went to the library to read, and his support was gone. If he had known, he would have gone with Li Ran, and he would not have been bullied like this here.

The huge change made Erniu unable to accept it for a while, and he was very sad.

"Er Niu, be obedient. When that new recruit comes, it will be his turn." A veteran patted Wang Er Niu and said sternly.

"When Brother Ran comes back, it will be easier for you." Wang Er was too angry and retorted.

Upon hearing this, the veterans immediately became happy.

"That new recruit thinks everything will be fine if the company goes to the library on the first day? Wait until he comes back and see how we deal with him."

(Third update, please support me with all kinds of data and everything. It will be on the shelves soon. If nothing else, it will be available at midnight tonight. I beg you for your support!)

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