Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

520: Sensational Army Group! Li Ran's Way Of Controlling Women

At this moment, the H Army Club became completely sensational.

Because of the competition between the two girls Tan Xiaoling and Ai Xue, a group of people gathered to watch.

In the club, everyone gathered around, whether they were here for entertainment or taking advantage of this time to go on a blind date. The competition between a female captain and a female lieutenant colonel was very rare.

Some people even recognized it. Isn't this female lieutenant the daughter of the commander of their own group army?

Such a scene is so rare.

The two women are currently competing in a chess game. You have a knight, and I have a cannon. They are full of offensive energy. Judging from the situation on the chessboard, the two women are almost even. No one is inferior.

The onlookers looked at this in amazement, because from the beginning of the competition to the present, the two women have never been able to tell the winner.

"The smell of gunpowder is so strong. This momentum is really unparalleled."

"Hey, that lieutenant is the daughter of our army commander. What's going on?"

"I don't know. That female lieutenant colonel has a good background. She is not a civilian. I don't know which unit she is the chief operations officer of."

"Both of them seem to have different relationships with Chief of Staff Li."

"You don't know yet? The two of them are competing for the sake of Chief of Staff Li, and they are jealous of each other."

The onlookers whispered, not loudly, but they were clearly heard in Li Ran's ears.

Li Ran looked helpless at this time. He had never expected that things would develop to this point. Originally, he planned to bring Ai Xue on a blind date today. Isn't a blind date just a blind date? If he doesn't want anything else, the two sides should get to know each other and make friends. As a friend, we can have a meal together at most.

But who would have thought that when he arrived, Ai Xue and Tan Xiaoling started chatting before he said a word, and within a few words, the smell of gunpowder started to rise, and they have continued to compete until now.


If you have to decide the winner, whoever wins will get his heart, right?

"Another draw."

After the two women were in a stalemate on the chessboard for another five minutes, in the end, both of them had almost all the pieces on the chess board. Neither one could force the other into a dead end, and the result was another draw.

In various competitions so far, the two women have all drawn. Such a scene is indeed very rare.

Li Ran also didn't expect that both Ai Xue and Tan Xiaoling are really versatile and capable of doing anything.

"This captain is really not that simple. He can actually compete with me. Until now, I still can't beat her." Ai Xue looked at Tan Xialing, amazed in her heart, her eyes full of fear.

Ai Xue has been strong since she was a child. She can basically do everything. Not only can she do it, but her level is pretty good.

For example, she never showed off playing billiards or chess even when she was in the combined brigade, and even Li Ran didn't know about it, mainly because she didn't have enough time for training.

Occasionally I play two games, but I can't find an opponent. I didn't expect to meet an opponent here.

Similarly, Tan Xiaoling looked at Ai Xue with fear. She really met her opponent today. Fortunately, she had participated in many hobby classes since she was a child. She learned a lot and her level was good. Otherwise, she really met her opponent today. Shame on you here.

"There is no winner, so let's continue the competition. This time we will compete in fighting. Can you do it?" Ai Xue looked at Tan Xiaoling and asked directly.

As a girl, fighting is a bit rough. Moreover, I am not a female special operations soldier, but at this point, the only thing I can do is compete.

"Come just come, no one is afraid of anyone." Tan Xiaoling agreed directly.

Although she works in an agency, she is also good at fighting. With a father who is a military commander and a soldier, how could she not be good at fighting?


Hearing that the two women were now competing in a fight, there was an uproar around them.

It was another exciting drama. A female lieutenant and a female lieutenant colonel actually competed in fighting. Many people around liked to watch women fight.

To some extent, fights between women are more exciting than fights between men.

"Stop it, both of you, please be honest and let's go."

At this time, Li Ran finally couldn't stand it anymore. He grabbed the two women with one hand and pulled them out.

Just kidding, fighting, is this a place for fighting? The point is, what is the point of competing here?

There are enough people around, and these two people don't care about their identities. A military commander's daughter and a combined brigade commander are competing here to compete in fighting. If word spreads, what will others think?

As it is now, it is estimated that it won't be long before rumors about the three of them are flying all over the army.

"Don't even look at it. Don't look at it. There's nothing good to see."

Seeing the people still watching the excitement, Li Ran said something loudly and dissatisfied, and then pushed back those who wanted to follow.

Hearing Li Ran's words, other people present knew that the show was over, but seeing these today was worth it. It's a rare sight in a hundred years.

After Li Ran pulled the two girls out, he said helplessly: "Auntie, what do you two want to do? Did you two have a quarrel before?"

"I didn't know her before the festival," Ai Xue said.

"Today is also the first time I met her." Tan Xiaoling also said.

"When we first met, why were you two so explosive? I don't know why I thought there was any deep hatred between you two." After Li Ran finished speaking, he scolded the two women one by one.

The first is Ai Zhong.

"Captain Ai, you are the chief officer of the synthetic brigade. How did I teach you before? You usually do things without considering the impact at all? Without considering your own identity?" Li Ran said directly

When Li Ran said this, Ai Xue wanted to explain, but Li Ran refused to give her a chance and pointed the finger at Tan Xiaoling.

"Captain Tan, although you are only a captain, your father is a military commander. If you do this, you are not afraid of others talking about your father." Li Ran added.

"How do you know my dad is the army commander?" Hearing this, Tan Xiaoling said in shock.

"Don't I know that your dad is the commander of the army, and I also know that your dad is the commander of our group army. Do you think you want to hide this kind of thing?" Li Ran said angrily.

Tan Xiaoling reminded him of Xia Xiaotong, a strong woman he met in the Military Affairs Department of the General Staff. Xia Xiaotong also knew about it and thought that no one knew her identity. However, everyone knew it.

"You two, the captain of the electronic countermeasures brigade of the synthetic brigade, and the daughter of a military commander, don't you think it's shameful to do such a thing on this occasion? You don't think it's embarrassing, I still think it's embarrassing." Li Ran Said helplessly.

As soon as these words came out, the two people who spoke directly were speechless.

"You have nothing to say, right?" Seeing that the two women remained silent, Li Ran said, "Let's get here first today."

After saying that, of course he planned to leave with Ai Xue.

The original plan was that if things went well, I would at least have a meal or something with my blind date. After all, it was introduced by my army commander. Regardless of whether they are suitable or not, face must be given.

But now it seems that the two women cannot be allowed to stay together, otherwise, I don’t know what will happen.

"Where are you going now?" Seeing Li Ran was leaving, Tan Xiaoling asked.

"Back to Master Z, where else can we go?" Li Ran said: "I originally planned to treat you to a meal at noon, but now it seems that it is better not to eat this meal. If you two continue to stay together, I guess there will be more trouble."

"I'll go to Division Z with you." Unexpectedly, Xiaoling said directly.

"Why are you and I going to Division Z?" Li Ran asked helplessly.

"It's our first official meeting today, you should treat me to a meal." Tan Xiaoling found a reason and said: "Don't worry, I won't continue to meet her.

"It's because I don't know the same as you." After hearing this, Ai Xue retorted dissatisfied.

"Stop it. Whoever continues to cause trouble between you two should leave."

After Li Ran said this, the two women finally settled down.

There was no other way, so Li Ran had no choice but to take Ai Xue and Tan Xiaoling back to Division Z.

Here, things in the club quickly started to ferment. Just in time for this period of time, all units of the group army were in a relatively relaxed state, and the news spread quickly.

Everyone is very interested in gossip, especially gossip involving Li Ran, the legendary officer and the commander's daughter.

"Have you heard? The army commander's daughter and a female lieutenant colonel were jealous over Chief of Staff Li, and they got into a fight in the club."

"I know that Lieutenant Colonel, he is from the Synthetic Brigade and was the former subordinate of Chief of Staff Yuan Ji.

"Good guy, when women fight, does the military commander's daughter still have such a tough side?"

"No, it really opened my eyes. Chief of Staff Li is so charming."

"I'm so envious. We're both men, but why is there such a big gap? I'm still worried about finding a wife, but it turns out that my wife is better off and the women are fighting over each other.

The spread of gossip directly turned the competition between the two women into a fight.

Indeed, if Li Ran hadn't interfered, the two might have fought.

Army Group Headquarters.

In the army commander's office, Tan Fei was humming a tune and dealing with the things at hand. There weren't many things going on recently, and today was the day when his daughter went on a blind date with Li Ran, so Tan Fei was in an extremely comfortable mood.

In his opinion, there is still a good chance that his daughter and Li Ran will be together, and Li Ran is the one he values ​​the most among so many young officers.

0…………Please give me flowers…………

Therefore, if Li Ran became his son-in-law, he would be willing to let Tan Fei retire now.

At this time, the door opened and Zhou Wending, chief of staff of the group army, walked in.

Have you heard about Lao Tan?" Zhou Ruding said directly as soon as he came in.

"What did you hear?" Hearing this, Tan Fei looked confused.

"Your daughter met Li Ran at the club today, right?" Zhou Ruding asked.

"You already know this. You are quite well-informed." Tan Fei said with a smile. Even Zhou Ruding, the chief of staff of the group army, knew about it, which means that the two met successfully.

"This is what I'm telling you. I heard that your daughter got into a fight with someone else." Zhou Ruding said.

"A fight started?" When Tan Fei heard this, he was dumbfounded: "Who did you fight with? Why did you start a fight?"

"I don't know the specific reason for the fight with Ai Xue, a female lieutenant colonel and the captain of the electronic countermeasures brigade of the synthetic brigade. Anyway, I heard that they started fighting." Zhou Ruding said.


At this time, Tan Fei was dumbfounded. He had foreseen many endings. The worst ending was that the two of them didn't see eye to eye, but they could just make friends and have a meal together.

But he really didn't expect the fight.

So the question is, how come the captain of the electronic countermeasures brigade of the synthetic brigade went to introduce Li Ran to a blind date with his daughter?

"What's going on?" Tan Fei couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know the specifics. I just heard about it. Now it has spread throughout the army. You'd better find out for yourself." Zhou Ruding said.

Hearing this, Tan Fei directly picked up the phone, intending to find out more about the matter.

the other side.

Li Ran took Ai Xue and Tan Xiaoling back to Division Z.

It was still early for lunch, so the people at the division headquarters were a little surprised when they saw Li Ran coming back.

Because when Li Ran went out, he took one person with him. When he came back, there was another person, a beautiful female captain. They knew this captain.

I had been to Division Z before, the captain who was responsible for photographing Division Z.

Although they were confused, no one dared to come over and ask Li Ran directly.

After returning to Division Z, Li Ran took out the fishing gear he bought before in front of the two women.

"What are you doing?" Tan Xiaoling asked curiously.

"Fishing, there's nothing to do anyway, and it's not time for lunch now. Let's go fishing and cultivate ourselves." Li Ran said, picked up the things, looked at the two women and said: Are you two going? No. If so, I'm alone. "

"I'll go and take one with you." Ai Xue said.

"I'll go too."1

Seeing that Ai Xue has gone, Tan Xiaoling also wants to go, although she has never fished before.

So, Li Ran took the two girls to a river near the division headquarters. When they got there, Li Ran skillfully took out the small horse trap, fixed the fishing rod, and started fishing.

"Don't you two want to compete? Now is the opportunity. Each of you has a fishing rod to see who can catch more fish." Li Ran said deliberately.

Upon hearing this, the two women immediately became excited. Each of them took a fishing rod and started fishing just like Li Ran did.

Seeing this, Li Ran smiled inwardly. One of the most important things in fishing is his new temperament. An impatient person cannot catch fish, and the two of them didn't adjust their floats well, so they could only wait to die.

This is a wild river, and the fish in it are also wild. It is not easy to catch it.

Li Ran also took the opportunity to calm down the two women.

Time passed little by little, and Li Ran caught a fish from time to time, but on the two women's side, the fish float remained motionless and the novice aura of fishing had no effect at all.

The fishing time passed quickly. He looked at his watch and found that it was almost time. Li Ran put away his pole and stood up, carrying a small half bucket of fish. He was very satisfied and said: "It's almost time. Let's go back to eat. By the way, let the canteen bring what we caught today." Treat the fish.”

Ai Xue and Tan Xiaoling looked at each other, feeling very unconvinced, but they had no choice. Neither of them caught a single fish.

I was surprised in my heart, is fishing so difficult?

They all used the same bait and the same fishing rod. Why was Li Ran able to catch fish? Neither of them caught a single fish.

Seeing that the two women were silent, Li Ran was very happy. This trick is really useful. If he had not used this trick to catch the two girls, he didn't know what kind of son he would get during lunch. 0

Qi Long had just returned from vacation and was about to go to the canteen to have a meal. Who knew that a call from the Army Headquarters called Qi Long over.

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!! Soil).

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