Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

521: Unexpected Disaster! Li Ran Is Happy To Be A Father

Qi Long was in a good mood during this period, although since Li Ran arrived, his prestige as the commander of Division Z has plummeted in the division.

Division Z's top position is gradually being replaced by Li Ran, but there is an advantage to having a strong person in charge, that is, you don't need to worry too much about anything.

Li Ran successfully supported Division Z with his excellent abilities and led Division Z better and better. This phenomenon is naturally what Qi Long wants to see.

After this year, he was about to be transferred to the Group Army Headquarters as deputy commander, so Qi Long took advantage of this time to hand over all the affairs of the Z Division to Li Ran, and he took advantage of this free time to retire. a holiday.

The vacation is not long, but it is definitely not short. Division Z is still the division on duty this year. Qi Long knows that if it were not for Li Ran, he would definitely not be able to take this vacation.

Taking advantage of his vacation, Qi Long successfully added a new child to his family. His wife was also pregnant, and his old Qi family had a successor.

Overall, Qi Long was in a very good mood during this period.

After all, he was on duty, so Qi Long saw that it was almost time and returned to Division Z. According to his estimation, during this period, all members of Division Z should also be finishing the work, and there was nothing special going on.

Spend this new year peacefully, and when others see him from now on, they will call him Deputy Commander Qi.

Although he has a subtitle, Qi Long was promoted faster than the current army commander Tan Fei. A large part of the reason for this was because of Li Ran.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Qi Long returned to Division Z and before he was even warmed up on the bench, a phone call came from the Army Headquarters, asking him to go to the headquarters. "The Army Commander personally talked to him.

On the road.

Qi Long wondered in his heart, at this time, what could happen if the commander of the "927" army suddenly summoned him for a talk?

Could it be that the promotion order was issued in advance?

Thinking of this, Qi Long became a little uncontrollably excited. After struggling for so many years, he finally managed to overcome this hurdle and became a man with an ear of wheat. It was not easy.

But after careful analysis, Veyron felt something was wrong.

Even if it is a promotion order, the Army Headquarters can just issue the order directly to Z Division. There is no need for me to make a special trip.

With inner doubts, Qi Long came to the H Army headquarters.

Dong Dong Dong~

Coming to the door, Qi Long knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Tan Fei's voice came from inside.

Qi Long opened the door, strode in, walked up to the lieutenant general, stood upright with a snap, and said very seriously: "Z Division Commander Qi Long has been ordered to report.

Tan Fei looked at Qi Long, and after a while, he slowly said: "Is the vacation over?"

"Yes, Commander, it's over. I just returned to Division Z not long ago." Qi Long said directly, feeling a little touched in his heart.

The commander still cares about himself and knows that he is on vacation.

"This year, your Z division is on duty. I don't need to say anything more about things that need attention." Tan Fei said again.

"Commander, please rest assured that Division Z will complete its duty mission and there will never be any problems." Qi Long assured.

"It's a good thing to have this confidence, but you still can't be careless." Tan Fei nodded slightly and reminded.


"sit down."

Tan Fei asked Qi Long to sit down. Upon seeing this, Qi Long sat down directly. He felt uncontrollably excited and asked himself to sit down, indicating that there were many things to talk about.

The conversation at this time was most likely about an order about promotion.

Thinking of this, Qi Long couldn't hide his excitement. After so many years, he was finally making progress again. This time, there would be a qualitative change.

Just when Qi Long thought that the lieutenant general was going to tell him the promotion order, who knew the next second.

"Mr. Qi, what is your purpose as a teacher?"

The lieutenant general's tone suddenly became stern, and he changed the topic and became very sharp, catching Qi Long off guard.

The sudden change stunned Qi Long and he didn't recover for a long time.

But Qi Long's scolding continued.

"As a division commander, at the important moment of the end of the year, you take an early vacation. Your Z division is still the combat division on duty this year. You, the division commander, have handed over all the work of the entire division to others. Where is your sense of responsibility? Where is your awareness? ?..."

Tan Fei started to scold Qi Long incessantly, and he wanted to spit directly on Qi Long's face.

Facing the lieutenant general's reprimand, Qi Long felt aggrieved. He wanted to explain and refute for a moment, but there was no chance at all.

Qi Long felt wronged and wronged in his heart. He submitted an application for vacation with the headquarters, and the headquarters agreed. He left the division's current affairs to Li Ran, and the group army headquarters also acquiesced.

Everyone knew that he was about to be promoted to deputy commander, and Li Ran was also going to be the commander of Z Division. He had to transfer his job in advance to let Li Ran get used to it, and Qi Long also took a vacation.

But now, what was originally a promise, why did it suddenly become his fault?

Not only that, Qi Long felt something was wrong as he listened, because the subsequent reprimands given to him by the military commander were all about trivial matters.

He was even blamed for the mistake of many officers of Division Z being single. This made Qi Long very depressed. The officers were not able to live up to their expectations when finding wives. What does this have to do with him?

Besides, even as a teacher, he had just found a wife not long ago. It was all thanks to Li Ran. Otherwise, he would probably still be a bachelor now.

Qi Long felt something was different. He felt that the commander's current reprimand was purely to vent his anger, and that he had just become the unlucky victim.

But where did the commander's anger come from? Qi Long really didn't know. He was away during this period and had no idea what happened.

Nearly an hour later, Qi Long came out of the army commander's office.

As soon as he came out, Qi Long couldn't help but wash his face. He couldn't help it. There was too much saliva from the commander, and it all sprayed on his face.

If the lieutenant general hadn't lost his strength in the end and had nothing to say, he would probably have to be reprimanded for a while.

On the way back.

"Did Master Z make any mistakes during this time?" Qi Long asked the driver directly.

"I haven't heard of it," the second lieutenant said.

"Where did the commander get his anger? It was all because of me." Qi Long asked in confusion.

"Commander Qi, I don't know about this, but you just came back and something happened today, which has been spread throughout the army. Maybe the commander is angry because of this." The second lieutenant thought for a while and said.

"What's going on?" Qi Long asked quickly.

"That's right..."

The second lieutenant told what happened in the club. Because the matter involved the commander's daughter, everyone was very concerned.

"Holy shit, there's still this thing."

After listening, Qi Long couldn't help but burst out. He didn't expect such a thing to happen.

The daughter of his army commander actually got into a fight with the female lieutenant colonel of the synthetic brigade. The reason for the fight turned out to be because she was jealous of Li Ran.

At this moment, Qi Long suddenly realized why the commander suddenly called him over and reprimanded him.

I bet he was angry for Li Ran. The commander's anger was probably directed at Li Ran, but he just called him over and treated him as a doormat to vent his anger.

As for why him? No one else.

Maybe it's because he is the commander of Division Z and Li Ran's fellow senior, so he has the closest relationship with Li Ran.

"It's an unreasonable disaster, it's an unreasonable disaster."

Thinking of this, Qi Long couldn't help but sigh.

Now that the matter has been clarified, there is nothing he can do. He has already been scolded. There is no way he can go back to the army commander to argue with him now and ask the army commander why he wants to vent his anger on Ji Ran on himself?

Qi Long didn't have the courage. If he really went back and said such words in front of the army commander, then he would really commit suicide.

"I'm really convinced. I'm sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky. Li Ran, you really cheated your senior brother." Qi Long said speechlessly.

There is no way, no matter who makes Li Ran's face and status high, even so, the army commander is reluctant to call Li Ran directly to vent his anger, but vents his anger on him.

It can only be blamed on him that compared with Li Ran, his status in the heart of the military commander is much worse than Li Ran.

Division Z.

In the cafeteria, Li Ran took Tan Xiaoling and Ai Xue for lunch. The fish they caught were processed in the cafeteria, including braised, steamed, and stewed.

Although everyone else present had food on their lips, their eyes were all peeking towards Li Ran from time to time.

Everyone is filled with admiration. My chief of staff is really awesome. A beautiful lieutenant colonel just came here a few days ago, and a beautiful captain came today. The three of them even had dinner together.

None of this is critical, the key thing is that they have heard about what happened in the club.

It turned out that they had all thought wrong before. Their chief of staff was still single and unmarried, so the two beautiful officers actually got into a fight over their chief of staff's jealousy.

This made everyone admire her. If they could get a beauty of this level to be their wife, they would laugh out of their dreams.

How could Li Ran have the ability to make a beauty of this level jealous...

In the cafeteria, although the two women did not speak, their eyes were communicating, sparks bursting out. Because of Li Ran's presence, the two women were somewhat restrained.

Li Ran pretended not to see her and ate silently, planning to have Tan Xiaoling sent back after finishing the meal.

Here, Qi Long just came back from the headquarters and asked where Li Ran was. After learning that Li Ran was in the canteen, he came directly.

"Senior brother, your vacation is over? Have you eaten?"

Seeing Qi Long coming, Li Ran asked in surprise.

He didn't expect Qi Long to come back suddenly today.

Qi Long came to Li Ran, and the two women saluted and greeted him very politely. Qi Long smiled and returned the greeting, and then said to Li Ran: "Come out, I have something to say to you.

Hearing this, Li Ran stood up and followed Weilong out.

"Brother, what's going on?" Li Ran asked.

"Let me ask you, between these two, which one do you choose?" Qi Long went straight to the point.

"Why should I choose which one? Senior brother, what are you talking about?" Li Ran was stunned by Qi Long's words.

Good guy, come up and ask yourself which one to choose and how to choose? Why should you choose?

Only elementary school students make choices because everyone wants them all.

"Are you still pretending to me? It's not like you don't know their identities. That Tan Xiaoling is the military commander's daughter. I've heard about what happened in the club. They were jealous of you and got into a fight in the club. You're so big To save face." Qi Long said helplessly.

"Brother, who is talking nonsense? There is no fight." Li Ran said dissatisfiedly, although the two of them would have fought if he hadn't stepped forward in the end, but in the end they didn't fight.

"Is it really necessary now? The whole army has spread the news. Because of this incident, the commander called me to the headquarters as soon as I came back and scolded me." Qi Long said depressedly.

"The commander scolded you? What did you do to make the commander angry?" Li Ran asked in confusion.

He didn't understand that this matter had something to do with Qi Long

what relationship.

"It's not all because of you." Qi Long said dissatisfied: "The commander was reluctant to scold you, but he also wanted to save face. He was angry, so he could only take it out on me. I was scolded for a whole hour.

Yes, yes, no. Let me remind you, kid, don’t rely on being single to act inappropriately on personal issues. Whichever of the two of them you like, you should quickly confirm the relationship and save yourself on personal issues in the future.

Make mistakes. "

Speaking of this, Qi Long was very helpless.

Thinking back to the time when he was trying to find a wife, he worked so hard and couldn't find her at all, but now it's better for Li Ran to show her to her door and make her jealous.

"Brother, they and I are all friends. When I joined the army, I swore to Bai Yun that I would not consider personal matters until I was promoted to major general." Li Ran

Said seriously.

"There is a loose connection between your finding a partner and your promotion to major general. [Did finding a partner affect your promotion to major general? Or did your promotion to major general affect your dating?" Weilong said speechlessly.

This was the first time he heard someone say such nonsense.

If they were all like Li Ran, 99% of the officers in the field army would probably be bachelors for the rest of their lives.

"Brother, you don't understand, don't worry about me, I'll be fine." Li Ran smiled.

"I'm worried about you, but I'm worried about myself. If you do something like this again, I'll probably be the unlucky one. I'll probably be at the headquarters by then, and the commander will scold me.

I am more respectable, I am begging you as a brother, please hurry up and make a choice, don't hurt innocent people. "Qi Long begged.

He was really frightened by Li Ran. He was sitting at home and the pot came from the sky.

The key point is that Li Ran made a mistake, and the superiors were reluctant to mess with Li Ran and came to mess with him. Who should he talk to for reasoning?

"Brother, if you have nothing else to talk to me about, go and do what you are supposed to do. Don't waste time on me." Li Ran didn't want to waste time on this topic with Qi Long.

Went down.

After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Wait a minute, there's something else." Seeing Li Ran was about to leave, Qi Long quickly grabbed Li Ran.

"Just tell me if you have anything to say."

"Your sister-in-law is pregnant. Your sister-in-law said that when the child is born, she will ask you to be the child's godfather. Are you willing?" Qi Long said this, feeling a little embarrassed.

Although he and Li Ran are brothers in the same discipline, they are quite different in age.

But having said that, Li Ran is now 20, and there are many people at this age who are father-in-law.

"Sure, no problem. I'll give my godson or goddaughter a generous gift when the time comes." Li Ran happily agreed.


(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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