Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

530: Zhu He Is Stationed At The Training Ground For Training! The Monitor Is So Perverted

Z division, officer family area.

The colonel sat in front of the computer, looking at the lively discussion in the forum, with the corners of his mouth raised.

Yes, he was behind all of this to guide public opinion.

Whether it was the previous discussion in the military forum or the current hot discussion in the military forum, he was the one guiding it. Not only him, but also the lieutenant colonel. At the same time, he also found some friends to act as trolls.

To this end, he also specially applied to create a post bar called Soldier Bar. All this is to guide the college students who are serving as soldiers this year to have a potential idea in their minds and go to -Z Division

Why do you say college student?

Because most of the people who search and learn about these things on the Internet are college students. It cannot be said that there are no high school students, but there are definitely not as many as college students.

The more highly educated the group, the more often they are exposed to the latest things.

Looking at the current discussions about the Z Division and the First Heavy Armored Division of the Field Army, the colonel could not hide the smile on his face.

"Lao Zhang, please continue to post. Make a template post in the first person. Tell us about your time in the army to attract these new recruits." The colonel picked up his cell phone and made a call to the lieutenant colonel.

"When I was a soldier, I was different from now. I didn't have much sense of involvement," said the lieutenant colonel.

"Can you just make it up as it is now? Hurry up and stop the ink stains." the colonel urged.

"Okay, okay, I understand."

"Hurry up, I'll post it for you.

According to the recruitment guide given by Li Ran, not only should the topic be introduced to the Z Division, but also a person should be narrated from a first-person perspective about the days of being a soldier in the army, especially when the recruits are transferred to the next company. It's best to do something interesting to attract more attention.

The first-person perspective gives a more immersive feeling, and at the same time, it also reflects the difference between being a soldier in this division and being a soldier in other units.

This is the same as in previous years when recruiting troops, some units would look for a local veteran, especially a local veteran who had done well in the army, as a template.

It's just that that method is outdated. Posting on the Internet and telling it in the first person is just like telling a story, and it also has a more sense of immersion, which can make these college recruits believe more.

It can be said that it is a change of soup without changing the medicine, but it makes full use of the popularity of the Internet.

Of course, all this is on the premise that some important secrets in the army cannot be leaked.

"What are you busy with at night?"

The colonel's wife saw the colonel sitting in front of the computer at night, having fun and typing on the keyboard, and asked curiously.

"Work, work, don't wait for me, go to sleep first." The colonel said.

The colonel now admires Li Ran in his heart. His division commander not only leads the troops well, but also has such unique ideas in recruiting troops.

If Li Ran hadn't given this recruitment strategy, he would never have thought that he could do this.

Create some hot topics on the Internet in advance to attract these college students who will serve as soldiers this year, so that they can transfer to division units.

Although this method is not enough to make all college students choose Z Division when they sign up to select units, and it cannot guarantee that these college students on the Internet will definitely be in the several troop source points they are responsible for, it at least increases the chance. ?

The posts are getting more and more popular. There are so many netizens. Needless to say, are there more than ten or twenty new recruits from the northern region?

You must know that they are the only ones using this method to attract new recruits to sign up for the army this year. The tricks are novel and there is no competition, so the chances will be greater.

The colonel firmly believed that the people in charge of recruitment in other units would never have thought that Z Division would use this method first in recruiting troops this year, even if they broke their heads.

Of course, such means are only the beginning.

Half past five in the morning.

Regiment 112, the emergency assembly whistle suddenly sounded.

"Emergency gathering, get up quickly."

"Emergency gathering."

In the corridors of each company of the 112th Regiment, rapid roars continued to be heard. The sleeping soldiers immediately jumped up from the bed like springs, and everyone moved very quickly.

When hearing the emergency assembly whistle, everyone has only one reaction, which is to put on their equipment and assemble immediately.

This is a habit they have developed over a long period of time.

Even though it's only half past five, everyone is already used to it. Compared to the past, having an emergency gathering at one or two o'clock in the middle of the night is undoubtedly much better.


Heavy and powerful footsteps sounded in the corridor, shaking the dormitory building with a clang.

Not long after, soldiers from each company quickly came to the door of the dormitory building to assemble.

"Report the count."


“Everyone has it, target the car park, and run forward.

"Run, walk!"

Under the leadership of the company commanders of each company, everyone ran towards the parking lot.

"What's going on today? Is it mobile deployment again?"

On the way, someone couldn't help but asked in a low voice, very surprised.

After all, they had just trained on mobile equipment the day before yesterday, and the results were very good. There was no need to do it again today, so early.

"I don't know, no matter how many times it is, mobile deployment is not just mobile deployment. I don't know how many times I have trained."


The officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment are now very open-minded. The mere mobile deployment can no longer shake their hearts, and they have long been accustomed to this.

After arriving at the depot, everyone performed their duties and immediately started inspecting the tanks.

"Fire control is normal!"

"The engine is fine!"

"The water temperature is normal!"

"Tiger 1, everything is normal, over!"

"Everything is normal in Tiger 2, it's over!"

There is an old noncommissioned officer next to each tank, who records the tank inspection work in today's log.

Boom boom boom~

After all inspections were completed, the roars of ferocious beasts sounded. Under the command of each platoon leader, the ferocious beasts came out of the cage one after another.

"Target emergency assembly point, set off."

Everyone got on the chariot and headed to the emergency gathering place.

More than twenty minutes later, the 112th Regiment arrived at the emergency gathering place, and the entire regiment had already assembled.

"Comrade Commander, the entire 112th Regiment has been equipped with mobile equipment, please give instructions!"

The deputy commander trotted up to the colonel, snapped to attention, and said loudly.

"Tell me about it."


"Take a break.

After sweeping his eyes over everyone present, the colonel said loudly: "Comrades, after receiving instructions from comrades from the division headquarters, our regiment will soon be stationed at the Zhuhe Exercise Ground and will conduct a month-long training there.

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the 112th regiment looked at each other, a little shocked at the announcement made by their regiment leader.

They didn't expect that they would go to the Zhuhe training ground for a month of training, which was a place where birds didn't shit.

Of course, they are no strangers there, and the Synthetic Brigade is the permanent unit there.

"Comrades, our training this time is to prepare for the battle with the synthetic brigade later, so I ask you to overcome all difficulties during this one-month training period, not to be afraid of hardship or tiredness, and persevere to the end."

Having said this, the colonel roared again: "What is our goal?"

"Capture Manzhi alive and liberate Zhu He."

Hearing the roar of the crowd, the colonel nodded slightly, Tian Fen was satisfied.

That's right, capturing Manzhi alive and liberating Zhu He is the current goal of the 112th Regiment, the goal of the Z Division, and even the goals of all other units in the entire field army.

The Combined Brigade is so rampant that it has not lost a single battle since its establishment. In the battles with the brother troops, there are countless conspiracy methods and no martial ethics.

Since the Synthetic Brigade does not do personnel work, the current brigade commander Manzhi has become even more frantic and has now become a thorn in the eyes and flesh of various units.

This time they have a rare opportunity to go to the Zhuhe Exercise Ground for training for a month. They must train well and defeat the Combined Brigade. In this way, they will not only be able to take revenge, but also prove to other units of the field army.

Division Z is the strongest! The 112th regiment in Division Z is the strongest regiment.

"Logistics has started distributing supplies and we will set off in ten minutes," the colonel said.


Preparations for the mobile installation have been completed. Now it only needs logistics to distribute the materials. The 112th Regiment can officially set off and go to the Zhuhe exercise ground through both railway and road mobility modes.

The distance from the 112th Regiment station to the Zhuhe training ground is not close.

Railway maneuvers are relatively fast, but road maneuvers take at least three days.

As for why not all of them chose the railway maneuver mode, it was because Li Ran specifically explained that from now on, the 112th Regiment was equivalent to entering a state of combat readiness.

Treat the Zhuhe exercise ground as a battlefield and the combined brigade as an imaginary enemy. Since we are going to a battlefield, how can we all choose railway maneuvers? That is an inappropriate and stupid approach.

Once the imaginary enemy's air forces come over for air strikes, they must all be finished?

Therefore, the colonel arranged the maneuvers as he usually did during drills. The maneuvers over long distances were also an exercise for the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment.

Ten minutes later, the distribution of logistics supplies was completed, mainly compressed biscuits. On the road, there would be no chance for the cooking team to get off the bus to cook [if they were hungry, they would all eat compressed biscuits to carry them.

0......Please give me flowers......

After everything was ready, the 112th Regiment officially set off towards the Zhuhe training ground.

Inside the troop carrier.

The bumps back and forth made the soldiers in the car uncomfortable. Compared with railway maneuvers, road maneuvers were the most uncomfortable.

"What bad luck, this time we are using the railway again. Taking the train is much more comfortable than this," a first-class soldier couldn't help but complain.

"Oh, I guess I can't even feel my butt after sitting all the way to Zhuhe's training ground."

"I can bear to sit there, but I can't bear to eat compressed biscuits all the way. This thing is choking and not delicious."

"Okay, everyone, shut up and keep your spirits up to prevent the enemy from appearing on the road." The squad leader of the second phase non-commissioned officer sitting in the car said, reminding everyone.

"Enemy situation? Where did the enemy situation come from? Squad leader, you are too sensitive."

After hearing this, someone immediately retorted.

"Yes, we are stationed for training this time, not for an exercise. Unless the combined brigade attacks us, who would dare to cause trouble?"

"I'm not afraid even if I encounter a terrorist on the road. If we are in a group, we can drown him even if we urinate."

"Terrorists? The probability of this thing appearing is smaller than that of robbers. I hope I can encounter thieves, human traffickers and the like. This is equivalent to giving us third-class merit."

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of laughter.

Indeed, at this time, many people are always looking forward to something happening on the road for them to help.

One is that it can relieve boredom, and the other is that it is delivered to your door.

It's better to encounter thieves, traffickers and the like.

Time passed little by little, and everyone in the car gradually closed their eyes and fell asleep.

It’s a long journey, and I spend most of the time there

In the car, it is better to sleep, and the time for activities after getting off is limited.

I don't know how long it took, but the car brakes made a squeaking sound, which I listened to slowly, and at the same time, there was a roar.

"In terms of getting off the bus, five minutes, so hurry up."

Everyone in the car was awakened by the sound, their eyes lit up, and they immediately became energetic. They quickly got out of the car and used this time to drink water and smoke a cigarette. It was a rare time to relax.

"Ouch, my bastard."

"It hurts so much. Next time I will put a cloth under it."

"Damn, I should have worn more inner garments earlier."

The soldier who had been sitting for several hours without moving had just stood up. The pain from his buttocks made everyone grimace. The thing they were worried about still happened. This kind of thing is unavoidable.


After looking at everyone, the second-term old sergeant smiled faintly and stood up very calmly. Nothing happened at all.

"Squad leader, doesn't your butt hurt?"

Seeing this, someone couldn't help but ask.

He saw that his squad leader was acting like a normal person. He didn't feel anything at all after sitting in the car for such a long time.

"It's okay, I have a magic weapon." The second-term old sergeant smiled mysteriously.

"What magic weapon?" After hearing this, everyone suddenly became curious.

In front of everyone, the old sergeant of the second period slowly took out two pieces of aunt's towel, waved them around for a while and said: "This thing is really a magic weapon, stick it on your buttocks, it will be soft and soft

Yeah, it doesn't hurt at all when sitting. "


Seeing this, everyone present couldn't help but gasp.

This is too cruel for my squad leader to even buy such a thing.

"Hey, monitor, you are so perverted."

"Yes, monitor, you are so perverted. You are a grown man and you still buy such things."

"Monitor, unless you give me two pieces, I will tell others that you are a pervert.

"And me, give me two slices."

"Go, go, you are a bunch of bastards who dare to threaten me, but you don't know that this thing has such uses. Look at the other squad leaders, who hasn't prepared this?" Issue 2

The old sergeant laughed and cursed.

The longer you stay in the army, the more experience you gain.

The long training and the round trip were the most torturous. Fortunately, they found such an artifact. Although it was a bit abnormal, it was very effective.


In a long queue, the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment stood on the roadside, opened the gate and released water to add some fertilizer to the weeds and wild flowers on the roadside.

It is very rare for so many people to line up and release water at the same time, but everyone is used to it. Maybe many recruits are shy like this when they first come, but it takes a long time.

Already, all numb.

Some people smoke while draining water. Even if there is no water, they still have to drain it. No one knows when the next draining time will be.

Just when everyone was enjoying this rare rest time, suddenly...

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!! Big).

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