Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

531: Familiar Routine! I Am So Full Of Ambition That I Dare To Show Off.

At this time, just as all the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment were releasing water, suddenly, a fighter jet flew over everyone's heads.

The explosion in the air instantly attracted everyone's attention, causing many officers and soldiers to look up.

"Huh? Is that Dragon 10 or Dragon 20?"

"There are air force patrols in this place too?"

"The patrol in this area seems to be the Sixth Air Division."

"I didn't expect to meet the patrol troops of the Sixth Air Force Division here and say hello to them.

"Brother, hello!"

Someone actually howled at the sky and waved to the sky.

"What are you yelling about? Get in the car as soon as the water is released." The next second, the squad leader scolded him. Although he was not doing a drill now, looking at the fighter jets flying over his head, the second-phase sergeant felt a little nervous.

After all, they are heavily armed troops, especially in such a maneuvering state, they have an inexplicable fear of fighter jets.

The friendly air force is not bad, but if it were the enemy, they would all be finished after a bombing attack.

Just when this idea passed through the mind of the second-term sergeant, suddenly, 咻咻咻~

I saw the air fighter jets firing three air-to-ground missiles directly at them, ambushing and exploding around them.

The huge explosion frightened everyone, and some officers and soldiers who were still in the process of releasing the water trembled in fright and threw themselves away.

But they can't care about this now, they are all confused.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"Damn, isn't this a friendly force? Why are they opening fire on us?"

"What do you mean? Is this a place where you can open fire casually?"

"What's going on? Do you think we are the enemy? We "490" are brotherly troops."

"Damn, I was shocked. What did the Kong Sixth Division do?"

In an instant, the officers and soldiers were talking a lot, and all of them were very angry and wanted to curse.

The key is that none of them expected such a move, it was so scary.

Here, on the command vehicle of the 112th Regiment.

The colonel also heard the noise and immediately picked up the phone and asked directly: "What happened?"

"Report to the leader, a fighter jet is attacking us."

On the phone, the words just fell, and then.

Bang bang bang∼

Several more explosions were heard.

"Report to the leader, not just one, but another fighter jet has appeared."

"What's going on? Can you see the fighter number clearly?" the colonel asked immediately.

"You can't see clearly, the speed is very fast, but this area is under the jurisdiction of the Sixth Air Division. Commander, should we organize anti-air fire shooters now? Or should we avoid it?"

"You're so evasive. They're all flying over your head. How can you still run away? Immediately organize anti-air fire and drive them away." The colonel said angrily.

Although he didn't know what happened, the colonel still remained rational.

It is absolutely impossible for fighter jets from other countries to appear here, because no one has the courage and strength yet. If fighter jets from other countries appeared here, the emergency call would have been called long ago.

Since it was not another country's fighter jet, it was our own and a friendly force. Although it exploded, it was obviously a training bomb. It was just a simple explosion and did not cause any substantial damage.

This made the colonel a little suspicious for a moment. Could it be that this was a subject assigned by his division commander?

The colonel asked people to organize anti-air fire shooting, and was not worried about posing too great a threat to the fighter jets, because the equipment of the 112th Regiment were also training ammunition, not live ammunition.

After reading, the colonel picked up the phone again and contacted the radar investigation department.

"Did the radar detect their movements? Are there any markings?"

"Report to the head of the regiment, we have detected two Dragon 10 fighters with red markings and belong to the enemy camp." the radar reconnaissance department replied.

"Understood, continue investigating and remain vigilant.


At this moment, the colonel was completely sure that this was definitely a test subject arranged by his division commander, and such an air raid was arranged on their way to the Zhuhe training ground.

The purpose is to test their battlefield adaptability!

"Attention all units, set off immediately and organize anti-air fire. This is a battle. Please cheer up." The colonel issued an order to all units.

The colonel was a little helpless, but he seemed to be expecting it.

When he set out before, he always felt as if something was missing, but he couldn't remember what was missing for a while.

Now I know that what is lacking is nothing else but the subjects assigned by my teacher. After all, with the character of my teacher, I wish they could experience the baptism of war 24 hours a day and cultivate war consciousness.

It is absolutely impossible for them to go to the Zhuhe training ground safely like this. It is so smooth. They must be assigned some subjects and set up some checkpoints on the way.

Isn’t this coming?

Thinking of this, the colonel quickly contacted the chief of staff leading the railway mobile team. He must remind them to make preparations in advance and not to take it lightly.

I only contacted him for a long time, but found that I couldn't reach him no matter how I contacted him.

"The division commander will really make it more difficult for us." The colonel said with a helpless smile.

Obviously, this is definitely the fault of his teacher.

After receiving the colonel's order, each unit did not dare to neglect it, and the chief officers of each unit took action immediately.

"Get in the car immediately, the battle begins, hurry up, don't leave any ink."

"Anti-aircraft gun battalion prepared."

"Spread out, all spread out, and beat the damn guy down."

For a moment, da da da~

Thump, thump!

The sound of anti-aircraft artillery and gunfire continued to attack the two fighter jets in the air.

With the performance of today's fighter jets, mere anti-aircraft guns pose little threat to them. As long as they do not seek death, get too close to the ground, or move too slowly, they will basically not be hit.

In today's air combat, basically only fighter jets can defeat fighter jets, and the threat to them from ground forces is quite small.

As for the 112th Regiment's maneuver, there was no air force cover at all. Before arriving, they did not expect to encounter attacks on their way.

So now they can only speed up, spread out, and stay together, which will only make the fighter bombers comfortable.

In the air, the two fighter jets obviously had no intention of annihilating all the troops of the 112th Regiment on the ground. They just fired all the mounted training ammunition and returned.

These attacks by the two fighter jets were more of a warning.

It seems to be saying that next time there will be more than two fighter jets, let the commander of the 112th regiment have a snack. If he is so careless next time, he will directly wipe out the entire 112th regiment.

After seeing the two fighter jets leaving, the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment on the ground breathed a sigh of relief.

"Damn, what's going on? How did everything turn into a drill?"

"I don't know. I hit him when I asked him to. He didn't even say hello."

"It's so irritating, just watching them leave like this?"

"Then what can you do? We don't have an air force escort for this maneuver."

"I'm so frustrated. What do you mean?"

In fact, the colonel was indeed careless this time. He just naively thought that he was rushing to the Zhuhe training ground. He did not expect that he would encounter an attack test on the way.

If he had known about it, he would have turned on the radar detection department at full power. Judging from the feedback from the radar department, the two sides were marked, and once the fighter jets were detected, they would be automatically identified as the enemy.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be so aggrieved this time and caught off guard like this.

"Captain, the chief of staff can't be contacted. They will probably suffer the same thing as us." A lieutenant colonel in the command car couldn't help but said.

"What can we do? We can't contact them. This must be what the division commander wants." The colonel said helplessly.

"Oh, we were careless. With the commander's temper, he would definitely not let us simply go to the Zhuhe training ground." The lieutenant colonel said depressedly.

the other side.

The other half of the 112th Regiment, led by the chief of staff of the 112th Regiment, moved to the Zhuhe exercise ground by rail maneuver, and was also attacked by fighter jets at this time.

In the air, the same two fighter jets continued to launch air-to-ground missiles around the train, causing constant explosions.

On the train pallet, the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment were using anti-aircraft guns to counterattack the fighters in the air. This is the way railway maneuvers are carried out. When running on a train, their only anti-aircraft firepower is the anti-aircraft gun regiment.

But under such circumstances, the threat posed by the anti-aircraft gun to the two fighter jets was very limited. It was like a cannon hitting a mosquito. It was not that easy to hit.

The Chief of Staff of the 112th Regiment, after being attacked, immediately asked someone to organize a counterattack, and also asked someone to immediately contact the colonel commander.

"Chief of Staff, we can't contact you."

"Keep in touch."


The chief of staff now feels something is wrong and has lost contact with his regiment leader. Obviously this is a premeditated attack.

Although it was just an exercise, I could tell with my feet who the person behind the arrangement was, and it must be my teacher.

After only a short time of walking, the fighter jets came out, and I didn't know how to mess with them later.

Originally, I planned to contact my team leader to discuss countermeasures, but now it seems that there is no way to discuss it because I can't get in touch at all.

After the two fighter jets in the air fired their loaded ammunition, they also left directly...

This made the chief of staff of the 112th Regiment breathe a sigh of relief. He could see that it was just a warning now, and the fighter jets were aimed at their surroundings. If next time, they would probably be directed towards the train to greet them.

Things were just as expected by the commander and chief of staff of the 112th Regiment. All of this was indeed arranged by Ji Ran.

It was arranged by Li Ran, but not entirely, because Li Ran just made a phone call, and the rest of the attack on the 112th Regiment was not arranged by Li Ran, but by the current brigade commander of the Synthetic Brigade, Man Zhi.

The time goes back to an hour before the departure of Group 112.

Z Division Headquarters, in the division commander's office.

Li Ran had direct internal contact with Zhu He and the combined brigade at the exercise ground.

"Hello, I'm Manzhi, the commander of the Hesheng Brigade." Manzhi's voice came from the phone.

Hearing this long-lost familiar voice, Li Ran smiled and said deliberately: "Hey, Brigadier Man, you are very confident.

"Hey, it turns out to be the old brigade commander, who I thought he was." Manzhi immediately recognized Li Ran's voice. Li Ran's voice was something he would never forget in his life.

"You can tell it's me." Seeing that Manzhi immediately recognized himself by the voice, Li Ran smiled and said, "How are you doing lately? You, the commander of the synthetic brigade, are quite famous now."

"Old brigade commander, what's the matter?" Manzhi asked very warily about Li Ran's concern.

Manzhi knew very well about Li Ran, the old brigade commander. After all, he was brought out by Li Ran and was deeply influenced by Ji Ran.

Especially Li Ran's temperament of being attentive to others and committing adultery or stealing for no reason, Manzhi is very clear about it.

The old brigade commander was so polite, and even took the initiative to ask himself how he was doing recently, and also praised him. There was definitely something going on, and it was very likely not a good thing.

Now that you have said so, I have something to say directly. Li Ran said directly: "The 112th Regiment will leave for the Zhuhe training ground in an hour. I want you to fly to their machine."

Set some difficulties for them during the journey and teach them a lesson. "

As soon as Li Ran finished speaking, Manzhi understood instantly. For a moment, he felt pity for the 112th Regiment in his heart.

Alas, just admit it when you have such a division commander. He will not make you feel comfortable during the training. But when I think of Li Ran when he was still in the Hesheng Brigade, Manzhi is relieved. I think back then, they also

This is how it came about.

But Manzhi still has doubts about the arrangement made by his old leader.

"Old leader, do you have any orders?" Manzhi asked.

If they were asked to take action together, they would have to leave the Zhuhe training ground. This would require an order from their superiors before they could take action.

"There is no order, so I asked my brother troops to help." Li Ran said calmly.

There is a shitty order. This is what I want to arrange, and it is not arranged by my superiors. This trivial matter is purely a matter of training. As for applying to my superiors?

"Mr. Li, although you are my old commander, it will be very difficult for me to handle this matter without the 5.4 order from my superiors." After hearing that there was no order, Manzhi started to speak in an official tone and even called him

Everything has changed.

In order to show his difficulty, Manzhi continued to explain: "Our Synthetic Brigade actually has training arrangements today. Without orders, we set up training for our brother units.

Test, this will disrupt our day's training plan, affect our subsequent training progress, and affect the overall training plan..."

Manzhi talked a lot on the phone, and what he wanted to express was that he didn't really like Wang.

"Listen to what you said, it's really difficult to do." After hearing what Manzhi said, Li Ran said lightly: "If it's so difficult to do, then don't do it. I just plan to let Master Z become the

For the new equipment test unit of the military factory, why not take over the qualifications of your combined brigade? Anyway, the current equipment of your combined brigade is completely sufficient. "

As soon as these words came out, Manzhi was immediately dumbfounded and became anxious. He quickly changed his tone and said: "Old chief, I have thought about it carefully. No matter how difficult it is, big things can't be solved in the future."

Old chief, I have to step aside before everything you arrange. Moreover, helping our brother units make progress is also the foundation of our Hengtong Brigade. I will do my best to do this, old chief.

Even if you don't let me help you now, I won't.

What Manzhi said was serious and upright, completely different from his previous appearance.

"Are you sure it can be done now?" Hearing this, Li Ran asked lightly.

"Definitely and definitely." Manzhi said.

"That's it." After saying that, Li Ran hung up the phone directly.

"You bastard, you're just pretending to be in front of me. Do you think you can get away with me?" Li Ran said with disdain in his heart.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!!!).

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