Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

538: Full Of Determination! Continue The Peeping To The End

On the vast grassland, the cool breeze blew.

But at this time, the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment, although they were in the cold wind, felt warm both physically and mentally.

Everyone has a military-style instant pot, and he eats it bite after bite. Not to mention how fragrant it is, it tastes good, has a generous portion, and has a spicy flavor. It's simply not that satisfying.

In the army, eating such delicacies early in the morning is like celebrating the New Year.

“It’s so fragrant and delicious.”

"This is a really good thing that the teacher got. I love it so much."

"Uuuuuuuuah, eating hot pot in the morning, what kind of treatment is this? In the entire field army, only our Z Division can do it.

"Who invented this? I want to give him a thumbs up."

"It tastes really good. It tastes exactly like the hot pot I eat. It's so delicious."

The officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment all admired the military instant pot in their hands and ate very happily.

"Commander, where did you find this? It's an artifact of individual soldier rations. It tastes really good." Zhao Daqing, the leader of the 112th Regiment, asked happily.

"When I was a recruit in the Tibetan Military Region, a comrade in the recruit company researched it. Some time ago, he came to my home and wanted me to invest. I thought this thing was also suitable for military use, so I invested." Li Ran said lightly.

Li Ran was a little more modest when he said it, and did not make it clear to Zhao Daqing that he had come up with this idea himself.

"Sir, you are an expert, and your comrades are also not simple. You can definitely make a fortune with this thing." Zhao Daqing said in admiration.

Although many veterans have started their own businesses, very few have succeeded. Is it so easy to start a business? Everyone wants to be a boss, but is it that easy to be a boss?

Although some non-commissioned officers or officers who have been in the army for a long time can choose to either arrange a job or directly receive a retirement payment after retirement, this money is all earned in exchange for time.

The biggest warning that many squad leaders give to veterans is to keep their money and don't spend it carelessly. This money is not easy.

Now that he has realized the convenience and power of the military instant pot in his hand, even Zhao Daqing, who does not know how to do business, knows that this thing will definitely become popular and make a fortune.

"It's okay. I just invested 10 million in it, which is not a lot. There is a gap between military and civilian use, and the civilian component is smaller." Li Ran said.

Li Ran asked his old comrade to treat the military instant pot and the civilian instant pot differently.

Military use requires more weight. After all, officers and soldiers are training and they are all energetic young men. They eat a lot, so they must be full. You can't finish it in three or two mouthfuls. Your stomach is not full. If you make less, you will make less. I understand.

Civilian consumption does not require particularly large portions. Many people throw away the food before finishing it, which will only be a waste.

If you put this in the army, who would dare to waste it?

Of course, there will also be a price gap between the two parties.

It was only 10 million. Li Ran's rich but very plain tone shocked Zhao Daqing, and he was amazed in his heart. Sure enough, the rumors from the outside world were true.

My division commander is a super rich second generation who has too much money to spend. He could have gone back to being a rich second generation and waited for death, but in the end he still performed so well in the army.

How come all good things happen to one person?

Talent, ability, and wealth all coexist on Li Ran.

"During this period of special training at the Zhuhe training ground, all the food is like this, or just compressed biscuits, the cooking class is not open, and the time spent on eating is also used on training as much as possible, do you understand?" Li Ran said to Zhao Daqing said.

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission." Zhao Daqing immediately promised.

If this thing is used as rations, even if the cooking team does not open fire, the officers and soldiers will never have any objection, because eating this thing is almost the same as eating food, and it tastes pretty good.

far away.

Manzhi and Zhengwei, shivering in the cold wind, looked at this scene with binoculars.

"Brigadier, what are they eating? Instant noodles? They eat instant noodles in the morning.?" The officer asked curiously as the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment each held something similar to barreled instant noodles.

"I don't know, it doesn't look like instant noodles. Are there such big dishes in instant noodles?" Manzhi shook his head and asked doubtfully.

He specifically focused on a soldier and watched him eat the food one bite at a time. Apart from the noodles, when had the instant noodles been eaten so quickly?

"It's okay, Brigadier. Anyway, I saw that their cooking team didn't start the fire. It's probably not delicious. I'm just trying to survive a few mouthfuls." When the official said this, he couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, the 112th Regiment's The officers and soldiers are so pitiful. They get up for training at three in the morning and only eat this kind of food for breakfast. The old brigade commander is really cruel."

"But didn't you find a problem?" Hearing this, Manzhi said.

"What's the problem?" the political commissar was surprised.

"Although they ate such a thing for breakfast, the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment had a very happy time. I observed that no one was dissatisfied. Everyone ate as sweetly as if they were eating something delicious." Manzhi was puzzled. road.

According to his analysis, if the officers and soldiers had something like this for breakfast, it would be better if they didn't curse in front of them, or at least their expressions were very dissatisfied.

But he looked around and found that none of the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment were dissatisfied. Instead, their eyes were full of surprise.

The question is, where did this surprise come from?

"I found out when you said that. It's true, isn't it? The officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment are so satisfied. What kind of life did they live before." Zhengwei felt very strong sympathy for the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment. .

Even the combined brigade will only use compressed biscuits to survive unless it occasionally conducts a special forced march training.

At other times, a lot of money was spent on the meals of the officers and soldiers, so that the officers and soldiers could eat well.

I didn't expect that the officers and soldiers of Z Division lived in such a miserable life.

"This is the brilliance of the old brigade commander." Manzhi said seriously: "No matter how cruel the old brigade commander is to them, he can still convince the grassroots officers and soldiers without any complaints.

There is not even an expression, which is enough to illustrate the charm of the old brigade commander. This is something we should learn from.

"You're right. Let me ask, brigade commander, can we go back now? I haven't eaten breakfast yet and I'm hungry." The official changed the topic, and his stomach was already protesting.

"Go back? The next step is the key point. How can we go back? I brought food." After Manzhi finished speaking, he took out a compressed biscuit from his body and handed it to the official and said: "Let's eat together, officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment After training for such a long time, we can still get by, so why can’t the two of us get by?”

"Yes, compared with them, we two are already very happy." Zhengwei took the compressed biscuit from Manzhi's hand and took a big bite, but because he ate too much too fast, he almost choked.

After the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment had a meal and took a brief rest, under Li Ran's order, the entire regiment began training again.

This time, the training momentum of the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment was faster and more active than before.

They were all prepared to endure hardships at the Zhuhe training ground this time. Even if they were asked to eat compressed biscuits three times a day, they would accept it, but the teacher would not.

We also prepared such delicious new things for them, which moved them deeply.

Sure enough, although the division commander was strict with them, he also cared about them from the bottom of his heart. What was there to fear? Just go out and train with your life.

Determined to learn secret training methods from Li Ran, Manzhi kept lurking around with his subordinates, observing the training of the 112th Regiment from a distance.

But the more he watched, the more frightened Manzhi became. The training spirit and momentum of the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment exceeded his expectations.

This momentum is so strong that it is no worse than the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade. Is this the strength of the old brigade commander?

To be able to lead an army like this in a short period of time, there must be some secret to it.

Time passed little by little and it was noon.

The officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment got up to train at three in the morning, trained until dawn, had breakfast, and then at noon.

At noon, I continued to eat the military instant pot, but this time the instant pot was different from the one in the morning. The one in the morning was similar to a hot pot with soup, while the one at noon was similar to a claypot rice, with rice, sausage, and Meat.

You must have a full meal at noon, enough rice to fill your stomach and add enough carbohydrates to the soldiers.

Similarly, the different types of instant pots from the morning made the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment shine again.

"Wow, there's sausage rice for lunch."

"Mine is fat beef rice, it's so delicious."

"Compared to hot pot, I still like to eat rice. I didn't expect it to be available. It's great."

"It tastes so delicious, so good. I love this thing so much."

"Although this thing is a finished product, the taste is not much different from the food cooked by the cooking class."

The only ones who were in a bad mood at this time were those in the cooking class of the 112th Regiment.

"Squad leader, if this continues, I feel there is no need for our cooking class to exist." A soldier in the cooking class complained to his squad leader.

"Yes, squad leader, people are saying now that with this thing, our cooking class is no longer needed. Although this thing tastes good, can it compare with the craftsmanship of our cooking class?" Another soldier from the cooking class said, But it was obvious that some of his words were careless. As soon as he finished speaking, he took a big bite with a look of enjoyment on his face.

"You two are still a bit too young." The older and experienced cooking team leader analyzed the two of them very calmly: "`]Although this food is convenient to eat and tastes good, but now you are It’s the first time I’ve eaten it, and it feels fresh. I won’t say too much, but you can try eating this three meals a day for a week? In any case, it’s all cooked food, with preservatives definitely added, and freshly fried rice every day. It’s really different.”

As the old squad leader of the cooking class, he has rich experience and analyzed the pros and cons of this military instant pot in one sentence.

This thing can only be changed occasionally, or if you are hungry at night, you can try it again.

It tastes better than compressed biscuits and has more oil and water than instant noodles, but if it is used as a staple food and eaten three meals a day, absolutely no one can bear it.

Today is the first time I've eaten it. It's been a long time since I've eaten it, and I probably feel like vomiting just looking at it.

No matter what, it can't be compared with the fried rice cooked by the cooking class. If it could be compared, I wouldn't open a restaurant and just sell this.

"Old squad leader, you still have a far-sighted view and your analysis makes sense."

The two nodded, Tian Fen's approval.

Just like compressed biscuits, when they first joined the army, they felt like they were getting by eating them. But as time went by and they ate too much, they felt like vomiting.

But at least for now, this military instant pot tastes good.

far away.

Manzhi and Zhengwei were gnawing on the remaining compressed biscuits and staring at the people of the 112th Regiment.

"Brigadier, their cooking team didn't start the fire. They really plan to eat compressed biscuits three times a day." The official couldn't help but said.

The breakfast was just like that, but the lunch was still the same.

"The old brigade commander is still as ruthless as ever. I discovered the greatness of the old brigade commander's move." Manzhi said.

"What's so wonderful about it?"

"Didn't you notice? They don't take more than ten minutes to eat in total. The officers and soldiers usually take at least half an hour to eat. This saves 20 minutes.

I can squeeze in at least one hour of training time every day, one hour. "Manzhi exclaimed.

After hearing Manzhi's analysis, the official also reacted, and (Li Nuozhao) couldn't help but take a breath of air.


"The old brigade commander's move is really amazing. It frees up time." Zhengwei exclaimed.

"You see, the old brigade commander's methods are more than that. With such high-intensity training and making do with food, the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment enjoyed it one by one. It's enough to say

The old brigade commander Ming must have conducted PUA on them before. This is the most terrifying thing about the old brigade commander. Even if he sells you, he can still make you count the money willingly. "Manzhi said.

He had been the commander of the synthetic brigade for so long that Shi Zhong was studying Ji Ran's PUA method.

Think about how many times when Li Ran was still in the combined brigade, he carried out training measures that made people want to curse. However, no matter how much the officers and soldiers complained at the time, Li Ran

After some PUA, all the complaints disappeared.

When it comes to guiding the ideological work of officers and soldiers, even the committee members, instructors, instructors and others who are specifically responsible for this work are at a disadvantage.

If a unit chief officer has PUA ability like Li Ran, will he not be able to guarantee morale?

"Brigadier, let's keep an eye on it here today, can we go inside the brigade?" the official asked.

"Don't worry, I made everything clear before coming here, and the training has been arranged. The old brigade commander is no longer in the synthetic brigade, and there are fewer and fewer opportunities to learn skills from him. We must

hold. "Manzhi said very seriously.

In this way, Manzhi and Zhengwei kept peeping at the training of the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment from a distance. It was not until dark at night when the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment returned to the station that they followed them back.

Went to Yang.

However, as soon as Manzhi returned to the Hesheng Brigade station, he immediately convened an emergency meeting.

Not long after, in the conference room, all the chief officers of the units of the Synthetic Brigade were present.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!).

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