Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

539: The Pressure Is Huge! Only Recognize The Source Of Troops But Not The People

In the conference room.

After receiving the notice, the chief officers of each unit of the synthetic brigade came over immediately. As soon as they arrived in the conference room, everyone felt that the atmosphere was a bit heavy.

Farewell to his brigade commander, his face was very solemn, it seemed that there was something important.

"How is the training situation of the whole brigade today?" Seeing that everyone had arrived, Manzhi asked slowly.

After hearing this, the chief of staff of the combined brigade reported the training status of each unit in public.

In fact, it's the same as usual. How you usually train is how you train today. There isn't much change.

After listening to his chief of staff describe the training situation in the brigade, Manzhi's face became even more ugly, and then he slapped his hand on the table in front of everyone.


The huge sound startled everyone present.

"You have disappointed me so much. You have no idea about the seriousness of the matter now." Manzhi said seriously.

After hearing this, everyone except Zhengwei was stunned and confused.

What did Manzhi mean by his speech? He was disappointed. How could he be disappointed? The key was that they didn't do anything.

I don’t know the seriousness of the matter, and I didn’t say anything about the key, so of course I don’t know anything.

"Brigade commander, what happened?" asked the chief of staff of the synthetic brigade.

He was confused now and didn't know what happened.

"Zhengwei, come and talk to them," Manzhi said.

Hearing this, the chief officer, under the gaze of everyone, said: "Since three o'clock this morning, the brigade commander and I went out to observe the training of the 112th Regiment. We observed it for a whole day and just came back.

When he said this, the 200 people present were not surprised.

They all knew that Manzhi and Zhengwei had gone to spy on the training of the 112th Regiment. Peeping was just a peep. There was no need to observe. They were all their own, so there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

"After our day of observation, we found that the training of the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment is very unusual." The official said again.

"Why is this unusual?" the chief of staff asked quickly.

"After such high-intensity training, they only ate compressed food for three meals a day. The cooking class was not overheated once, and the time for eating three meals was compressed to 30 minutes, which increased the training time by at least one hour a day. "The official said.

As soon as the words fell, there was an uproar.

"Do you only eat compressed biscuits three times a day during such a high-intensity training?"

"No way, if we do this, the officers and soldiers will not be able to survive.

"Yeah, it's okay for a day or two, but it definitely won't work for a long time.

"Old brigade commander, this is too cruel. Are you planning to use the lives of the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment to train and defeat us?"

"Everyone be quiet." Seeing everyone's chattering, Manzhi spoke up. After asking everyone to quiet down, he slowly said: "The old brigade commander's training method is indeed hard, but I found a huge problem. Such a hard training method, There is no trace of resentment on the faces of the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment. Even if they eat this compressed food in the cold wind, every officer and soldier has a smile on their face. Let me ask, can the officers and soldiers of our combined brigade do this?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

"Brigadier, are you sure it's a happy smile? Not a bitter smile?" the chief of staff couldn't help but ask.

The training intensity is high and the food is so poor. How can the grassroots officers and soldiers be happy? Just don't complain and expect them to laugh. That's even more impossible. Shouldn't they be crying?

"Both the brigade commander and I saw it, and we are very sure that it is a happy smile. The happiness from the heart is different from the pretended one." Zhengwei added at the side.

"No way, the grassroots officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment are so satisfied?"

Everyone was very surprised when they saw the official saying the same thing.

Under such circumstances, it would be a great honor for the grassroots officers and soldiers not to complain or refuse training, and to ask them to laugh from the bottom of their hearts is simply impossible.

But how did the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment do this? Is it very easy to be satisfied?

"This is the key point." Manzhi said: "Although our combined brigade is getting better and better equipped and our logistics support is getting better and better, I think the ideological consciousness of our officers and soldiers must be improved and we cannot rely too much on equipment and Logistics needs to bring out the hard-working spirit in our bones, so I decided that starting from tomorrow, all units will be the same as the 112th Regiment. The cooking classes will not be opened, and the three meals will only have a total of thirty minutes."

After observing the training methods of the 112th Regiment today, Manzhi had some insights.

I think that nowadays, they still rely too much on equipment and logistics, and cannot bury their hard-working spirit.

"Brigadier, how long will this last?" someone asked.

"We will persist as long as the old brigade commander trains here. If the officers and soldiers of Z Division can persist, why can't the officers and soldiers of our combined brigade persist?" Manzhi said very seriously.

Upon hearing this, everyone looked desperate.

The old brigade commander will stay here for at least three months. Could it be that for three months, they will only eat compressed biscuits for three meals a day? If this continues, there will really be problems.

Nutrition is simply not enough, and accidents can easily occur under high-intensity training.

Even when the old brigade commander was here, he didn't do this.

"Brigadier Commander, do you want to stop thinking about it? Just do this for two days a week. If it goes on for a long time, the officers and soldiers will definitely not be able to bear it." The chief of staff advised.

Using compressed biscuits as a nutrient supply can be said to be devoid of nutrients. Over time, every officer and soldier of the combined brigade will become malnourished.

"I have decided to do this for the time being. There is no room for negotiation." Manzhi said with a firm attitude: "We are already facing a catastrophe. If you don't pay attention to it, you have to wait until the old brigade commander commands the Z Division to defeat us and step on our faces. Will you be able to wake up (aibh) by then? By then it will be too late."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present fell silent.

Even if the opponent is an old brigade commander, they don't want to lose. The combined brigade is now "notorious" in the field army. If they lose, they will be embarrassed.

It's not easy for the superior leaders to explain. They are equipped with the most advanced weapons and equipment, and have all the necessary logistical support. But in the end, they still lose the battle. Isn't that useless?

"Comrades, the old brigade commander will be our biggest opponent and the biggest hurdle we have encountered so far. No matter what, we must overcome this hurdle. Do you understand me?"

"Yes! Listen clearly."

"Meeting dismissed."

At the end of the meeting, the host of the integrated passenger unit looked very bad.

Everyone is thinking about how to explain the subsequent training to the grassroots.

Using compressed biscuits to replace three meals a day is fine, but if it lasts a long time, it will definitely not work.

But once the order is given, they can only execute it.

After the meeting, Manzhi also returned to his office. Although he was very tired now and had not rested or eaten well today, he had no intention of resting at all.

Li Ran's training method puts more and more pressure on him. As the brigade commander of the synthetic brigade, he must make good judgments about the general direction and how to make changes in the following training.


He must reformulate the follow-up training, and once the 112th Regiment begins training, he will continue to "observe" it.

Dong Dong Dong~

Just when Manzhi was thinking, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in.

The door opened and a colonel walked in.

Seeing the colonel, Manzhi asked directly: "Commander Liu, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Brigade Commander, it's about recruiting troops for our combined brigade this year," the colonel said.

He was responsible for the recruitment work of the combined brigade this year. Seeing that the recruitment work was getting closer and closer, he had wanted to discuss it with the brigade commander Manzhi before.

After all, the combined brigade has very high requirements for the quality of its troops, and other brother units will not give it easily.

"I've told you about the recruitment a long time ago, and the recruitment quota has been given to you," Manzhi said. Although the recruitment was important, his current thoughts were not on it.

"Brigadier, what I mean is, do you want to study a new way to recruit soldiers?" the colonel asked.

Only by diversifying recruitment methods can college students be attracted to sign up for the combined brigade.

"There is no need to study. How we recruited in previous years will be the same this year. Don't worry too much. Other units can recruit only two or three sticks. They are all old routines. The recruitment methods of our combined brigade were guided by the old brigade commander when he was still there. , there is no fault, just use the old method." Manzhi said.

Originally, he planned to study the recruitment methods this year to see if he could come up with any new methods.

But because of the fact that the Z Division came to the Zhuhe Exercise Ground for training, he was no longer in the mood. Anyway, in terms of recruitment, other units could not compare with the Combined Brigade.

"Brigadier Commander, let me remind you that Division Z will also be recruiting troops this year, and the commander of Division Z is our old brigade commander." The colonel reminded him that he had thought of this and was worried about this.

"You don't have to worry about this. Our old brigade commander has been busy leading training recently and has been staying here. He will not deal with the recruitment matter. As long as the old brigade commander doesn't deal with it, we have nothing to be afraid of." Zhi said.

It's not that he hasn't thought about what the colonel said. If Li Ran didn't come to the Zhuhe training ground and stayed in the Z division, he would really have to take precautions.

After all, he has seen the old brigade commander's tactics in recruiting troops.

To put it bluntly, the current recruitment methods of the Combined Brigade are also those taught by the old brigade commander when he was here.

But now, the old brigade commander is at the Zhuhe training ground, concentrating on leading the training of troops, and has no time and energy to take care of the recruitment, so they have nothing to fear.

"Then I'm relieved," said the colonel.

"By the way, you must not be merciful when recruiting troops. Just because the commander of Division Z is now our old brigade commander, you can't be merciful. In front of high-quality soldiers, you can't show any mercy.

Manzhi specifically warned.

"Don't worry, brigade commander, I only recognize the sources of troops and not the people." The colonel assured.

What Manzhi doesn't know is that his current decisions and thoughts are all due to Li Ran's calculations.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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