Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

545: Both Sides Were Silent During A Drill.

The one-month training time is up. Under the leadership of Li Ran, the 112th Regiment completed a month of training at the Zhuhe Exercise Field.

Tomorrow, the 112th Regiment will leave the Zhuhe training ground and head to the original station.

Before leaving, Li Ran naturally wanted to test the training results of the 112th Regiment to determine whether this month's training was effective for the 112th Regiment.

The most intuitive and simple way to test the effectiveness of resident training is to conduct a drill and confrontation.

The opponent, Li Ran, chose the synthetic brigade.

In the content of the confrontation, the combined brigade consisted of three battalions stationed in the simulated strategic city of Taicheng located in the important strategic area of ​​the Zhuhe Exercise Ground, and the 112th Regiment served as the defensive side.

If the 112th Regiment fails to capture Taicheng within seven hours, the exercise will be considered a defeat for the 112th Regiment.

Manzhi readily agreed to the old brigade commander's invitation to fight.

Although this was just a training exercise and not formal, Manzhi's blood began to boil. This was the first time he fought against the old brigade commander.

In any case, playing a game first to feel the pressure of the old brigade commander's strength will be of great help to the subsequent head-on exercises and confrontations between the Z Division and the combined brigade, and you can gain a little experience.

Manzhi did not think that he would lose. Although in terms of strength, the three battalions and the 112th Regiment were slightly different, they were the defenders, and the 112th Regiment was a heavy-armed regiment. Not suitable.

Without more than three times the strength of the defenders, no commander would dare to say that he dares to capture a city.

Heavy troops cannot be used in the city, and the combined brigade has too many defensive tactics. Even if the 112th Regiment attacks, they can make full use of the urban environment to fight street battles.

No matter how you look at it, the exercise hasn't even started yet, so the advantage lies with them.

In Taicheng.

A temporary headquarters for the combined brigade has been established.

Manzhi, the commander of the synthetic brigade, personally took command of this exercise and confrontation. The three battalions were the three battalions he carefully selected. Since the synthetic brigade was upgraded from a regiment to a brigade, it no longer retains a regiment-level organization.

The next level within the combined brigade is composed of multiple battalion-level organizations, which has better command efficiency and stronger combat effectiveness.

The three battalions selected by Manzhi are also the three battalions with the strongest combat effectiveness. The three battalion commanders are all colonels and are old men who have been there when the combined battalion was first established.

"The first battalion deployed a defensive line outside the city."

"The Second Battalion established a blocking defense line in the city."

"The third battalion occupies important landmark buildings and is ready to support the first and second battalions as well as the final street fighting."

Manzhi quickly made the following arrangements within the headquarters.

Taicheng was very familiar to Manzhi. The combined brigade was stationed at the Zhuhe Exercise Ground and often conducted street fighting and training in Taicheng, a simulated combat city.

For the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade, they all know a stone in Taicheng.

In the three-step defensive operation, Manzhi used three battalions to deploy Taicheng very firmly and tightly, waiting patiently for the attack of the 112th Regiment.

the other side.

112th Regiment Headquarters.

As the leader of the 112th Regiment, Zhao Daqing looked at the floor plan of Taicheng and felt his scalp numb. A heavily armored tank regiment would not have an advantage in fighting such a city battle.

It's like a tiger facing a turtle. Faced with the opponent's very solid shell, it feels like it's hard to eat for a while.

It would be really hard to eat if the other person keeps hiding in his shell.

As long as the combined brigade is not stupid, it will definitely not go out of the city for a head-on confrontation with the 112th Regiment.

"Commander, this battle is not going to be easy." After watching for a long time, Zhao Daqing said helplessly: "We are a heavily armored tank regiment, and no one is guilty of a collision on the plains, but this battle is not disadvantageous at all."

The opponents of both sides in this exercise are not equipped with air support, and it is impossible to cover them from air strikes.

"What's not easy to fight?" Hearing this, Li Ran asked lightly.

"Nowhere is easy to hit, you can't get in at all." Zhao Daqing said.

"Isn't a fully equipped heavy tank regiment with such powerful artillery support enough to open a hole directly?" Li Ran said.

"Commander, do you mean to put the tank in a fixed position to support artillery fire?" Zhao Daqing heard something from Li Ran's words.

"Hundreds of tanks gathered together as fixed artillery fire, direct bombardment." After Li Ran finished speaking, he marked multiple points on the map and said: "There is no doubt that they will set up defenses in these areas. After the precise artillery fire, the machine-gunned Camp up to harvest corn.

After saying these words, Zhao Daqing understood.

As the king of land warfare, tanks are invincible when a heavily armored tank regiment launches a collective charge on the plains, just like the difference between heavy cavalry and light cavalry in ancient armies.

A heavy cavalry may not necessarily be able to defeat a light cavalry, and they will be fooled to a great extent.

But a hundred heavy cavalry fighting a hundred light cavalry will definitely annihilate the opponent's entire army, and the battle damage itself will only be 50% at most.

This is the horror of the scale of the heavily armed forces.

But tanks can also be used as fixed forts, and tank regiments can be used as artillery regiments. The baptism of artillery fire by a tank regiment is absolutely terrifying.

"I once wrote a report, which detailed the use of the tank as a fixed turret, as well as the adjustment of angle and azimuth parameters. Don't tell me you haven't read it." Li Ran added.

"Commander, it's impossible that you haven't read it. This report you wrote has been used as a template textbook by the heavy armor regiment and the artillery regiment. If anyone has not read it, he is not qualified to say that he is an officer." Zhao Daqing said quickly.

This move was used by Li Ran to deal with a group of mid-level officers on the defensive side when he was still in the Lu Yuan.

Afterwards, at the request of the dean of the Armored Command Department, Li Ran wrote a detailed report, detailing how to use a Land War King as a fixed turret, as well as how to adjust parameters such as muzzle angle and orientation. specific formula.

It caused a huge sensation at that time. Even some commanders of the artillery regiment were studying the research reports carefully to improve themselves and learn how to fire cannon accurately without firing.

Knowing the battle plan, Zhao Daqing immediately made arrangements.

As a result, hundreds of the latest Tiger 9 tanks in the 112th Regiment went to the designated location, organized as a tank battalion, to prepare for bombing the designated bombing area.


"Hurry up, dig another 10 centimeters here."

"Tiger 6, angle raised 5"

"Tiger 8, keep up."

Under the command of each tank commander, the officers and soldiers of the engineer battalion helped the tank battalion dig holes, while the tank crews adjusted their angles and orientations.

At the same time, a mechanized infantry battalion of the 112th Regiment headed for Taicheng, preparing to enter Taicheng under the cover of artillery fire.

0......Please give me flowers......

200 meters in front of Taicheng, the 112th regiment's infantry battalion was already in place and lurking.

"Squad leader, do you think our regiment's tank regiment will be bombing towards Taicheng and won't hit us?" A superior soldier couldn't help but ask.

"Don't talk nonsense. It's the tank battalion's fault that they bombed us. It's our fault that they didn't attack the city." The second-term sergeant taught.

While the two were talking.

Boom boom boom~

There was a huge sound behind him, one after another, louder than thunder on a rainy day.

Bang bang bang∼

Not long after, I saw gunpowder smoke rising everywhere in Taicheng, and explosions kept coming.

Hundreds of tank regiments fired hundreds of artillery shells every time they fired. They were densely packed and overwhelmingly bombarding Taicheng. The power was no less than the firepower of an artillery regiment.

The two battalions responsible for the first and second lines of defense in Taicheng were instantly stunned by the bombing.

"Holy shit, what's going on?"

"Nima, this bombardment requires the firepower of an artillery regiment."

"It's cheating. It's so cruel. It's like the cannonball is equipped with positioning. It's so accurate."

"Let me go, the fortifications we built are completely useless."

In an instant, the officers and soldiers of the two battalions suffered huge battle losses. The defense line originally built for defense and blockade was destroyed in an instant, leaving them without any resistance.

Within the headquarters.

"Brigadier Commander, the first and second lines of defense are all gone. The battle damage of the two battalions is very serious. If you continue to stay there, they will all be destroyed."

After receiving the report from the front line, Manzhi was stunned for a moment, then thought about it, and couldn't help but said angrily: "Damn it, I forgot that the old brigade commander knew this trick. The tanks of a tank regiment are used as fixed forts. That's the artillery regiment. The old brigade commander must have guessed the coordinates of the position I deployed. We are carrying the bombardment of an artillery regiment naked."

When fighting against Li Ran, I said I didn't panic at all, but that's a lie. Manzhi only thought that it would be difficult for the 112th Regiment to attack, and completely forgot about this move.

"The first and second battalions abandoned their positions and all retreated to the third line of defense. Together with the third battalion, they cooperated in street fighting and brought them in." Manzhi immediately readjusted his deployment.

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible to block the 112th Regiment from outside. We can only let the 112th Regiment come in to fight in the streets.

Even if the 112th Regiment acts as an artillery regiment in Li Ran's hands, it is impossible to directly bombard the third line of defense. They are all inside the building, and the lethality of the artillery shells is limited.

Similarly, under the fire cover of a tank regiment acting as an artillery regiment behind them, the 112th Infantry Regiment's Infantry Battalion also successfully invaded Taicheng and engaged in a street battle with the Combined Brigade in the city.

All the rear troops of the 112th Regiment also moved into Taicheng.

For a time, gunshots and cannon fire continued in Taicheng, gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the smell of gunpowder and diesel was very strong.

The fighting between the two sides was very fierce, and the battle losses were increasing sharply.

The individual combat quality of the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade is obviously better than that of the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment. However, after this period of on-site training, the combat quality of the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment is also different.

In this way, the two sides fought for more than four hours, and finally the battle was over.

But after this exercise and battle, both the combined brigade and the 112th Regiment were silenced for a while...

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!! pills).

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