Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

546: A Squad Platoon Strategy Comparable To That Of Eagle Sauce! Resident Training Rotation

Although this exercise was essentially a small scale for both parties participating in the war and could only be regarded as an ordinary training, the officers and soldiers of the Combined Brigade and the 112th Regiment were silenced after this exercise.

After this confrontation between the two sides, the true strength of both sides gave each other a clear understanding.

None of them expected that the opponent's strength was stronger than they expected.

The officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment have such a mentality. They know that the combined brigade is strong, but after this period of training, their combat effectiveness has increased again and they are full of confidence. In addition, this exercise is against Li Ran, the division commander who is personally in charge.

They believe that even if the combined brigade is very strong, it is already at the end of its game.

Who knew that when they entered Taicheng and the two sides fought fierce street battles, the tenacity shown by the combined brigade exceeded their imagination.

Relying on the buildings in Taicheng, the combined brigade fought in squad units. The cooperation between each squad and platoon was very close, and the tactical movements were perfect, showing a tactical movement quality that was no less than that of a bald eagle.

As for the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade, they did not expect that the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment would improve by leaps and bounds in strength in just one month.

Even the new recruits who came this year have participated in the exercise battle. Although they are not too mature in the exercise, they have already established themselves. Compared with the 112th regiment when they first came to fight, they felt completely different. Two extremes.

You know, if the commander of the Z Division was not their old brigade commander, even the first heavy armored Z Division of the field army would not be taken seriously.

But after such a confrontation, they still found that they had underestimated the enemy. The quality of the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment was much better than they expected during the "753" period, and they posed a considerable threat.

At the end of this exercise, the two sides were equivalent to a draw. Although Taicheng was captured by the 112th Regiment, the final battle losses of both sides were similar, which was equivalent to the annihilation of the entire army.

To put it in layman's terms, although Taicheng is in ruins, it is still equivalent to an unoccupied isolated city.

Synthetic brigade station.

After the exercise, the troops returned.

As the brigade commander of the combined brigade, he immediately held a general review meeting of the exercise.

Manzhi has a habit of holding a review meeting immediately after the exercise, no matter how big or small, to make a summary. This is called hot iron.

At the meeting, the chief officers of each unit will be asked to report the situation carefully one by one, without giving any time for preparation.

Manzhi believes that as the chief officer of a unit, after an exercise, if you still need to prepare the report data, it means that you, the chief officer of the unit, have not done enough and your role in the exercise is not significant. Perform the duties of a unit chief with due diligence.

In a battle exercise, if you, as the unit chief, are careful, you will know all the deployments and related battle damage by heart. If you don't even know these, how can you make combat deployments?

The Combined Brigade is a permanent unit at the Zhuhe Exercise Ground. There are many units training at the Zhuhe Exercise Ground, and the Combined Brigade has fought against them many times. "It's considered a kind of training.

The more interactions there are, the more evaluation meetings will be held. In this regard, the quality of the chief officers of each unit will be higher.

In the conference room.

“The commanders of the first, second, and third battalions who participated in the exercise as troops this time reported in front of everyone on the combat status of their respective units and the deployments they made during the exercise.

After the three colonels and battalion commanders finished their reports, they sat in their seats with serious expressions on their faces.

Their three battalions are the three battalions with the strongest combat effectiveness in the combined brigade. However, this time they fought against the 112th Regiment and did not fare well. This is not only a shame but also a greater pressure.

After the officers of other units present learned about the situation of the exercise, they all looked serious.

Everyone couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air, and the pressure suddenly increased.

An old brigade commander is an old brigade commander, and his command quality is still so terrible. After leaving the combined brigade for so long, the first time they fought against each other, he taught them a lesson.

After all three main battle groups of the Z Division have completed their special training at the Zhuhe Exercise Ground, if they continue at this pace, their combined brigade may not really have any chance of winning against the entire Z Division.

This is so stressful!

"This exercise went well."

When everyone was silent, Manzhi, the brigade commander, spoke slowly, setting the tone.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone present fell on Manzhi, their eyes full of confusion.

The combined brigade, which has always crushed its opponents, is now fighting like this, with both sides hurting. Is this a good fight?

Is my brigade commander a little confused because he is under too much pressure?

"Brigadier, what's so good about this exercise?" the chief of staff of the combined brigade couldn't help but ask.

"Although we fought this battle with the 112th Regiment and both sides lost, it also made you clearly realize the terror of the old brigade commander, and you also had a clear understanding of the strength of the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment. It is better to fight now and lose both sides than to be too late." If you underestimate your opponent, you will be beaten up in shame on the day of the actual exercise." Manzhi said again.

Although this time the fight with the 112th Regiment was a lose-lose battle, it was tantamount to a defeat for the defender's combined brigade.

The three strongest battalions were defeated by the 112th Regiment and both suffered losses. Such results were indeed not optimistic.

But in Manzhi's opinion, losing is a good thing, and Synthetic Brigade has done too many exercises to win. In the battles with other units, they were all crushed. In the long run, pride and arrogance grew out of the heart that was uncontrollable.

In this exercise, the old brigade commander taught them a lesson and made them sober.

Therefore, from now on, if you correct your mentality, there is still a chance. When the day comes when the Z Division is actually commanded by the old brigade commander, there is still a chance.

If we continue with this mentality, it will be really bad when we fight Master Z.

"Strategicly, we should attach importance to the enemy and tactically despise the enemy. This sentence has been passed down by our ancestors to this day. Today's battle has once again demonstrated this truth. The sooner we wake up, the sooner we can correct our shortcomings and solve the problem. ." Manzhi said in a deep voice: "In addition, with the experience of this fight, when we really fight against Master Z, we will have a certain understanding in our hearts."

Everyone present nodded repeatedly after listening to Manzhi's words.

Indeed, what Manzhi said makes sense. They were indeed too arrogant before. After all, they have never lost a battle and have been winning until now. The officers and soldiers of the Combined Brigade all think that they are the best in the world.

the other side.

The temporary residence of the 112th Regiment.

Tomorrow we will return to the station from the Zhuhe exercise ground. Tonight, the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment are packing their things overnight and preparing to set off early tomorrow morning.

Inside the office.

Zhao Daqing, the commander of the 112th Regiment, is here. He wants to report to the division commander Li Ran about the situation of this fight with the Synthetic Brigade.

In front of Li Ran, Zhao Daqing narrated a story and took the initiative to report the battle situation of each unit of the 112th Regiment in this battle, as well as his experience of this battle.

Zhao Dazhi was a little depressed, because he took the initiative to come to Li Ran, because he seemed that Li Ran had no intention of talking to him about the exercise review.

After a drill, a drill review is a must, but my teacher doesn't seem to care.

"Is it all over?" Li Ran asked.

"That's it." Zhao Daqing nodded.

"You've made your situation very clear and your feelings very clear. Is there anything else?" Li Ran asked in return.

Hearing this, Zhao Daqing was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Commander, I want to learn. During this exercise, our 112th Regiment has any shortcomings and where we need to improve. Please give us some advice."

After fighting against the Combined Brigade this time, Zhao Daqing was shocked by the amazing strength of the Combined Brigade. It is indeed a unit with the sharpening stone of the entire army, and its combat effectiveness is indeed strong.

After experiencing such a fire bombing, the remaining troops could beat them like this in a street battle. This was something Zhao Daqing never expected. If it were other units, they would have no combat effectiveness.

This is the horror of the synthetic brigade!

"There is nothing to improve, just continue with the current training." Li Ran said: "Your performance this time is good, and it has met my expected standards. You, the regiment leader, can also command."

If you were really determined here, you would definitely be surprised and your eyes would pop out when you hear Li Ran’s comments.

You know, everyone in the entire Synthetic Brigade knows how strict Li Ran is. He is really strict.

No matter how well you perform, Li Ran can always point out problems while praising you. But now, regarding the 112th regiment, Li Ran is completely positive and has no opinion at all. How can this not be shocking?

"Teacher, if you have anything to say, just say it without worrying about my feelings." Hearing Li Ran's words, Zhao Daqing was stunned for a moment, thinking that Li Ran was being sarcastic, and then said with an attitude of not being afraid of criticism... …….…

"That's all I want to say. The 112th Regiment played well this time. This month's training was effective and not in vain. We will continue to do so in the future." Li Ran said.

In Li Ran's opinion, there was nothing wrong with the 112th Regiment's fight this time. A heavy tank regiment was not good at fighting urban assaults.

Moreover, in this command, except at the beginning, when he asked Zhao Daqing to use the tank regiment as an artillery regiment for fire support, subsequent battles, including urban street fighting, were all commanded by Zhao Daqing, and Li Ran never intervened again.

Li Ran's main purpose in this battle with the synthetic brigade was to test the training results of the 112th Regiment, and now he can see the results: "It's effective."

If in just one month, a heavy tank regiment of the 112th Regiment could defeat the combined brigade and directly crush it in such an exercise, then Li Ran would be surprised.

Each unit has its own combat characteristics and areas of expertise. The current squad and tactical teams of the Combined Brigade are quite mature and are extremely good at street fighting. It can be said that their performance in Taicheng is no different from that of a bald eagle.

It's just because there is not enough fire support. If there was enough fire support, this battle would not be like this.

The combat style of the combined brigade emphasizes the coordination of land and air!

"Sir, do you think so?" Seeing Li Ran still saying the same thing, Zhao Daqing confirmed it again.

"What? Do you feel comfortable if I criticize you two times?" Li Ran smiled and said, "If you have nothing to do, go back and clean up. We will return to the base early tomorrow morning to ensure a safe journey.

"Yes!" After hearing this, Zhao Daqing saluted and walked away happily.

It's rare to get a clear affirmation from one's own teacher. This is not an easy thing.

The next day~

Early in the morning, the reorganized 112th Regiment set off from the Zhuhe training ground and returned to the station.

Returning to the base this time, the entire 112th Regiment returned to the base by rail maneuver. The rail maneuver is safer and faster. Although the combined brigade taught a lesson on the way here, there is no need to go back.

Let the 112th Regiment return to the station safely and early, and take a good look at the effects and experiences of this month's training.

At the same time as the 112th Regiment returned.

On the other side, the 113th Regiment received the order to set off.

Early in the morning, as it was getting dark, the emergency assembly whistle blew.



As the whistle sounded, the officers and soldiers of various grassroots units got up from the bed. All these actions have long been developed as body instincts.

"Move quickly, hurry up."

"Emergency gathering, hurry up.


Soon, a 0.5 bang bang sound was heard in each corridor, and officers and soldiers of each company, fully armed, gathered in front of the dormitory building.

"Report the number.


"Everyone has it, target the parking lot, and run forward.

"One two one, one two one, one two three four!"

"one two three four!"

The roars of the officers and soldiers echoed through the sky, and they were full of momentum. The officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment had already prepared for this day.

They knew that the three regiments would take turns going to the Zhuhe training ground for training for one month.

Upon arrival at the depot, relevant personnel immediately conducted pre-departure inspections of the chariot.

"The engine test is normal!"

The water temperature is normal!”

"Fire control is normal!"

"Tiger 1 everything is fine!"

"Everything is normal in Tiger 2!"

There was an old sergeant on the side who recorded it in his log.

After the test is completed, ho ho ho~

As roars sounded, the tanks drove out of the garage. Under the command of each platoon leader, they drove out in an orderly manner and headed towards the temporary assembly area in an orderly queue.

There, they will be installed.

At the emergency gathering place, all the officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment were assembled.

"Comrade Commander, the entire 113th Regiment has assembled, please give instructions." The deputy commander trotted up to the leader of the 113th Regiment, stood at attention with a snap, and said loudly.

After hearing this, Yang Xiong glanced at the officers and soldiers present, waved his hand and said: "Let's go without further ado."

"Yes! Let's go."

With an order, the entire 113th regiment left the station and headed towards the Zhuhe training ground...

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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