Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

552: Shocked The Whole Audience! Li Ran’S Performance Was Incredible

Inside the command vehicle.

The video call with the General Staff was successfully established. After the technician conducted simple equipment debugging, he said to Li Ran: "Report to the division commander, the debugging is completed."


Hearing this, Li Ran picked up the phone, faced the screen and said, "Chief, what's the urgent task?"

When people from other departments saw Li Ran's appearance in the video in the General Staff Conference room, they were already surprised, but now they were even more shocked.

This face is too young. How old is this young man? He is probably in his twenties.

Is he already a university teacher at such a young age?

Moreover, they also heard from Li Ran's tone that Li Ran had an unusual relationship with the General Staff boss, and his tone of voice was quite casual, which showed that the relationship between the two was not shallow.

At Li Ran's age, and thinking about the attitude of the General Staff boss towards Li Ran, the bosses from other departments couldn't help but have an idea in their hearts.

Could this young man be the illegitimate son of the General Staff boss?

Apart from the relationship of being an illegitimate child, they really couldn't imagine how a young man could become a senior colonel and a teacher at this age?

Don’t senior officers in the field army attach great importance to seniority?

Qualifications are something that must be earned over time.

The expressions of everyone present were naturally seen by the general staff boss, but he had no intention of explaining. Regardless of whether there was time now, even if there was time, the general staff boss would not explain.

Explanation has no meaning at all, everything has to rely on strength to speak for itself.

If Li Ran can come up with a solution to this matter within thirty minutes, this is the best explanation. The main reason is that the General Staff boss believes that Li Ran has such ability.

Because Li Ran never disappoints.

"Li Ran, there is a riot in Rwanda, and the situation is escalating. The lives of our people there are under great threat, and we need to come up with a plan to help them retreat within thirty minutes." General Staff Sergeant The guy said slowly.

Hearing this 08, Li Ran didn't say much and said directly: "I need all the information I have so far, the more detailed the better."

"Commander Song, tell him the details and detailed data." The general staff boss said to a colonel.


"Currently, the number of our people in Rwanya is..."

In the video, the colonel and Li Ran talked about all the information they have so far, as well as the various departments responsible for participating in the evacuation.

"Commander Li, that's all the current situation." said the colonel.

"Understood." Li Ran nodded.

"Can you complete the mission?" the general staff leader asked.

"Twenty minutes is enough to formulate a plan. There is no problem in evacuating our people. I just don't know if you, chief, are interested in conducting another operation there." Li Ran said with an extremely relaxed tone.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked.

Good guy, you are confident that you can come up with a detailed combat plan just after listening to a colonel's oral report? Those data can be remembered after listening to them once? It's too nonsense.

Can it be completed in twenty minutes? Don't make this matter so simple, okay? This will make the people here appear to be very incompetent.

What does it mean to help our people retreat and then conduct a tactical operation?

"Okay, I'll give you twenty minutes." Seeing Li Ran say no problem, the general staff leader breathed a sigh of relief and agreed to Li Ran's request for combat.

He knew that no one other than Li Ran could solve this matter in such a short period of time.

Only at this critical moment can a person's powerful abilities be revealed.

It would be a miracle if the action plan proposed by Li Ran could successfully complete the retreat mission.

"Chief, I will contact you in twenty minutes, and I promise to be on time." Li Ran said.


The video call is temporarily suspended.

In the General Staff Conference Room, the video call with Li Ran had just been interrupted, which aroused a lot of doubts.

"Mr. Yan, what's going on? You can come up with a plan in twenty minutes. This is no child's play."

"Yes, Mr. Yan, this Mr. Li is a bit too young, right? The detailed data has not been transmitted here, so he dares to say that it can be solved?"

"If you can really complete the retreat mission, it's already pretty good. What does it mean to also carry out a combat mission?"

"Mr. Yan, what kind of ability does Mr. Li have that makes you believe this? Can you bring up his file information and show it to us?"

The head of the General Staff was not angry at the doubts raised by the bosses of other departments present. At this time, it was normal for some people to question Li Ran when he said such things.

Indeed, if he had not had a deep understanding of Li Ran's personal abilities, he would not have believed that Li Ran could come up with a reliable action plan in a short period of time.

It's just that Li Ran has already created many miracles. In this matter, he believes that Li Ran can also create miracles.

"His files belong to the highest-level files and cannot be accessed below the general level." The general staff boss said lightly: "At this time, we have no choice but to believe in him, and I also believe in his abilities."


As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.

The file information of this young university teacher is the highest level? The general does not have permission to access it?

At present, there are not many people who can be treated like this at the file level. This young man is too awesome. Who is he?

They did not doubt the authenticity of the words of the chief of the General Staff, because the identity of the chief of the General Staff was there, and it was impossible to say something unnecessary.

"Since Mr. Yan has said so, I have nothing more to say."

"Now we can only look at the performance of this young teacher."

"Apart from anything else, I didn't expect that such a strong man would appear in the field army. What a blessing to the Dragon Kingdom.

"If Mr. Li does something beautifully this time, I will definitely help him take credit."

The chief of the General Staff has already said this. Naturally, everyone present will not continue to question. It does not make much sense to continue to question. Now they will wait patiently to see the performance of this young division commander.

Time passed slowly, and fifteen minutes after Li Ran ended the video call, the sound of the video connection rang again, which instantly plucked everyone's heartstrings.

"Chief, I have prepared the specific mission plan. It would be a waste of time to transmit it to you. I will express it directly to you orally." Li Ran said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned again.

Li Ran's operations have completely exceeded their expectations, which temporarily made their mental endurance somewhat insufficient.

They were puzzled, is this young colonel really so smart?

When you understand intelligence data, you don't need to record it, you just need to listen to it. Now when you report on the formulated combat mission, you only need to dictate it, and don't you need to draft it?

"Just say it directly," the general staff boss said.

"Judging from the current situation, it is completely insufficient for us to simply send people out to assist these people in evacuating them. The attitude of the local military is also very obvious. They do not intend to help.

"So, there is only one way, and that is to let these people who are relatively hit stay where they are."

As soon as Li Ran said this, someone immediately raised objections.

"Sorry, Mr. Li, let me interrupt. We do not have enough manpower at present, but if you want the people to wait on the spot, the risk is too high. Once the riot approaches them, even if we send manpower to rescue them, it will be It has become more difficult and safety cannot be guaranteed." said the boss of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In their view, the current thinking is just one, before the riot has spread to all sides, quickly send out personnel to bring our people back, and then evacuate and bring them back together, and that's it.

It's just that we are currently suffering from a shortage of manpower. The easiest way is to come up with a way to provide manpower.

Isn't it a joke to ask the people to stay put? Once the ambush and riot starts, it will be even more difficult to pick up people.

Regarding the doubts raised by the boss of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Li Ran's expression did not show any emotion, and he said in a very calm tone: "Although the current domestic situation in Rwanda is relatively chaotic, I can be sure that the riots will not break out in full force. There is still a In a relatively controllable state.”

"In my judgment, it won't take many times for this riot to be controlled. For example, our large companies there will not be attacked at all, and our foreign affairs department will not be attacked by the two ethnic groups. .”


As soon as these words came out, even the general staff boss who had always believed in Li Ran couldn't help but gasp.

Li Ran's judgment was too decisive, and his tone was too certain, "The key is that the General Staff bosses don't even know where Ji Ran came from to make such a judgment.

Why do we say that the battle between the two ethnic groups will not affect us? Who dares to make such a guarantee?

"Mr. Li, we cannot jump to conclusions at this time. I want to know where your judgment comes from." The boss of the Foreign Affairs Department continued to ask.

Many people, including him, feel that what Li Ran is saying is getting more and more nonsense and is completely inconsistent with reality.

"It's actually very simple. If you analyze it carefully, you can see that this riot is completely controlled by the mastermind behind it. The purpose of the mastermind is not to cause a full-scale riot to break out in the country. I can give you an analysis first... .”

After Li Ran finished speaking, he began to analyze the current domestic situation in Rwanda for everyone present, as well as the goals that the mastermind behind the scenes wanted to achieve and the ongoing plans based on the information he had grasped.

After some analysis, everyone present couldn't help but nodded.

Such an analysis seems to make sense, and it really does happen.

"Mr. Li, even if what you said is right, the situation there is complicated and no one can guarantee what accidents will happen. How can you guarantee the safety of our people?"

"It's simple. We have to be on guard against the two ethnic groups in Rwanya, but just some thugs who want to take advantage of this chaotic time to grab something." Li Ran said: "If my judgment is correct, Our company that had supplies robbed over there only lost supplies. Those thugs would leave directly after getting the supplies. I believe that only one such thing has happened so far."


These words exploded in everyone's ears like thunder.

The eyes of the 560 people present became extremely shocked, because Li Ran was right. So far, there has only been one case of supplies being stolen.

The thugs left immediately after getting the supplies. According to the latest intelligence, the thugs who arrived later would bypass the companies that had already stolen the supplies, with a very clear purpose.

"You're right." The boss of the headquarters said, "This is the latest information."

"So, the purpose of the person behind the scenes is actually very clear. He doesn't want to go too far with us. All he wants is the materials in our hands. In this case, we only need to allocate limited manpower to focus on Just protect those small businesses and scattered individual people and retreat. I have also formulated a plan.

According to this route, the currently available manpower is divided into three groups. According to this route, time can be greatly saved and the rescue efficiency can be maximized. "


As Li Ran explained his mission plan in an orderly and orderly manner, everyone present was so shocked that they didn't know what to say.

For some big guys who had questions in their hearts, all their questions were instantly cleared up by Li Ran’s explanation.

at last.

"I modeled the data in my mind, and the feasibility of my action plan is 90.3%."


After Li Ran said these last words, everyone present took a breath of air-conditioning.

Abnormal, really abnormal, data modeling, I still have time to model data in my mind, and it is accurate to the decimal point.

They were very suspicious of how long this young colonel's brain was. It was even better than a computer. Not everyone could have such a rigorous and clear thinking. First of all,

You must have a strong psychological quality.

"Do you have any different opinions on Master Li's mission plan?" After listening to Li Ran, the general staff boss looked at the others and asked.


Everyone shook their heads. They really had no different opinions, and all the questions raised were answered by Li Ran.

"Okay, let's implement it immediately according to the action plan formulated by Commander Li." The head of the General Staff issued the order.

The head of the General Staff is the commander-in-chief of this joint operation and has the final say.

After the Rwanya Foreign Affairs Ministry received the mission plan, the person in charge, Zhou Qiang, took a look at it and began to make arrangements out of his inner trust in the General Staff boss.

After the arrangements were completed, Zhou Qiang couldn't help but said: "Sorry, I have a question."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Qiang added: "I'm just a question, not a question."

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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