Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

553: The Pillar Of The Country! Top Secret Operation, Code Name: Vulture

The situation is basically settled now.

The boss of the General Staff made the decision, and many bosses also strongly supported the action plan designated by Li Ran. However, as the responsible person of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zhou Qiang is currently in Rwanda.

Regarding the situation here, I naturally feel more empathy than others and have the most say.

The action plan designated by Li Ran seems to be the only best plan at present by Zhou Qiang, and the analysis is very reasonable, but he still has a problem.

Note that in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, Zhou Qiang also specifically emphasized that it was a question, not a question.

If he questions now, he will be questioning all the big guys present, and he will definitely be reprimanded. If he has questions, why didn't he raise them earlier and wait until they are confirmed? Isn't that intentional?

"you say."

Seeing that Zhou Qiang, the head of the Foreign Affairs Department in Rwanda, had a problem, the general staff boss spoke up and motioned Zhou Qiang to speak directly.

"Suppose, I am just talking about what if, Master Li said that there was a mastermind behind the riots in Rwangya, and the current situation is also a plan of this mastermind, but if the mastermind's plan emerges, In an accident, some people from the two ethnic groups in Rwanya lost control and took the opportunity to launch indiscriminate attacks. What should we do? If we use this opportunity to attack all our people together first, will it be worse? Safer?" Zhou Qiang said.

As soon as Zhou Qiang said these words, many big guys present looked at Zhou Qiang instantly, with some disappointment in their eyes.

That's right, they were just disappointed. They couldn't imagine why, as the person in charge of the foreign affairs department there, they would ask such a question.

After Zhou Qiang finished speaking, he saw something strange in the eyes of many big bosses. He seemed to understand something and his face turned red.

He reacted. Because he was in such a dangerous environment and was affected by the environment, he actually asked a question that he shouldn't have asked, such a stupid question.

That is, there are so many what-ifs. The situation he mentioned is completely uncontrollable. The question he asked is just selling anxiety and adding unnecessary troubles.

If we still need to consider this issue at this time, there will be no point in taking action.

Worry about this, worry about that, if this will happen, if that will happen, what else can you do? Nothing can be done.

Everything has two sides. Although the more comprehensive the consideration, the better. However, this comprehensive consideration must be based on a relatively scientific basis and cannot consider everything.

If there is the ability to control the success or failure of the mastermind, why not just go to the mastermind directly to warn him?

"Ambassador Zhou, I understand your mood in asking this question, but under the current situation, the question you asked can be..." The boss of the General Staff said slowly at this time, just about to give Zhou Qiang a step down, let this person The matter was over.

Unexpectedly, Li Ran directly interrupted the words of the General Staff boss, shocking everyone present.

"This question is naturally on my mind. Since I asked this question, I have to talk about carrying out an operation." Li Ran said with a smile

It seems that everything is under his control.


The general staff boss who was interrupted was not angry. Instead, he didn't know what to say and was very surprised.

The other big guys present all looked at Li Ran on the screen with expressions of disbelief. Huge waves were already rising in their hearts, and they were all shocked beyond measure.

What? This issue has been considered? Can the so-called action still be carried out?

Doesn’t the action plan just formulated include so-called actions?

How come you don’t finish your sentence in one sentence? It’s already this time, and you still ask someone to ask questions before you answer them?

"Can you, kid, finish all your words in one breath? It's already this time. Why bother? If you are sure of the bigger plan, you will naturally adopt the best plan." The chief of the General Staff said angrily.

Li Ran acted so calmly, and his mood relaxed, because he knew that Li Ran was always confident in doing things, and there had never been any deviations.

"I understand what Ambassador Zhou meant just now. The best way is to gather our people as much as possible. In this case, some action will inevitably be taken. We are short of manpower, and it is impossible to send even the most sufficient manpower now. , so we must find someone who is capable of helping us." Li Ran said slowly.

After Li Ran explained his tactical actions in front of everyone, everyone present, including the general staff boss, was stunned, dumbfounded, and opened their mouths so much that they didn't even know what to say.

It's horrifying, it's really horrifying, that someone can actually analyze and consider such an emergency in such a short period of time, and formulate such a reliable action plan that makes it impossible to find fault.

Monster, really a monster.

If such a person were an enemy, the field army would be crying now. Such talents have a great impact on an army or even a country.

There are all big bosses from various departments present, and they naturally have a good eye for looking at people, and they also have a relatively long-term view.

They have no doubt that the young senior colonel in front of them will definitely become a pillar of the field army and even the Dragon Kingdom in the future. Once he can take over the position of the general staff boss, he will definitely win at least another fifty years of luck for the Dragon Kingdom.

The national destiny must be retained by absolute talents!

For a moment, the bosses from various departments present looked at Li Ran with something wrong. Who wouldn’t want such a talent? Although Li Ran is a soldier, with such a mind and thinking, he can make a difference in any department. Achievement.

If Li Ran can be hired into his own unit, he will have a successor and can carry forward his career.

"Commander Li, I have to say that your tactical idea is very good, but very bold. I have been in Rwanda for so many years, and I have had more contact with people from some local departments. I also know their personalities well. This group of people are greedy and have no bottom line at all. Will they agree to it? They will even raise the price on the spot to blackmail us." Zhou Qiang was shocked by the tactical action proposed by Li Ran and expressed his inner concerns again. .

Because he is in Rwanya, he has more contact with the local people and is very familiar with the folk customs here.

"This is not simple. I didn't say that you should talk to him calmly. If you don't obey, you will scare him. If you don't obey, you will beat him. If you don't obey, you will kill him. The more greedy they are, the less courageous they will be, and the greater the success rate of the action. As long as By executing this tactical action, the success rate of my previous data modeling can be increased by nine points." Li Ran said calmly.

Such a plain yet decisive temperament shocked all the bosses present.

They didn't realize that this young, harmless-looking senior colonel was actually quite ruthless at heart and not indecisive at all.

"Do you have any opinions on the tactical actions proposed by Commander Li?" The head of the General Staff spoke at this time and looked at the crowd and asked.

"`"No objection. "

"I agree with Commander Li's tactical actions."

"Those who are not of my race must have different minds. There is no point in being a gentleman when dealing with these barbarians.

"People don't speak secretly. I like Mr. Li's way of doing things."

For a time, the bosses of various units present once again expressed their support for Li Ran's proposal. ;

"Since we all have no objections, let's carry out this tactical operation." After the general staff boss finished speaking, he said to Li Ran: "The command of the operation is all left to you. Where to deploy the manpower is all up to you."

Certainly. "


With the authorization from the General Staff boss, Li Ran had nothing to worry about. After ending the video call immediately, he went directly to the Synthetic Brigade.

This time is a good opportunity for the synthetic brigade to exercise.

For this tactical operation, the number of people does not need to be large. A special team is enough. However, there is no need to mobilize special forces from other military regions. The special operations brigade of the combined brigade can complete it by drawing out elite members.

It is also an opportunity for actual combat to train the combined brigade special operations team.

The existence of the combined brigade, in addition to serving as the grindstone force of the entire army, is also to prepare for actual combat. If there is an opportunity for actual combat, naturally it cannot be missed.

After Li Ran decided to dispatch manpower from the Special Operations Group of the Combined Brigade, the General Staff's call was directly sent to the Combined Brigade.

Synthetic brigade, brigade headquarters.

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission and obey all instructions from Commander Li." Manzhi said.

The boss of the General Staff personally called (Li Dezhao) and asked him to obey Li Ran's orders from now on. Li Ran would give it to whomever he wanted. He didn't know the specific actions, but he only received one order, and that was Cooperate with Ji Ran unconditionally.

At the same time, Li Ran also came to the Synthetic Brigade.

"Old brigade commander, the general staff's order has been issued. Whoever you want, just tell me." Manzhi said straight to the point without any nonsense.

"Select eight elites from your special operations team." Li Ran said.


Manzhi immediately called for the captain of the special operations brigade and asked him to select eight elites from the special operations brigade. Soon, eight elites, including the deputy captain, came to Li Ran

"Without further ado, let me tell you the action plan for this time. In five minutes, a special machine will take you to your destination." Li Ran said to the eight people in front of him: "This operation is very dangerous and also a test. Your opportunity, on the plane, you can write your own suicide note. No matter which one of you dies, you will not tell your family where you went, and you will not leave any representative identity during the action. The code name of this operation: Vulture, the confidentiality level is top secret, and it will be unsealed after thirty years. If you are afraid, you can choose to withdraw.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!!).

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