Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

560: Severe Punishment! The Evacuation That Shocked The World

The armed forces that committed evil crimes in the local area were bloodbathed in this way.

The entire organization, including the boss and many younger brothers, were all killed, and blood and broken limbs were everywhere.

After completing this mission, the action team first went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and sent back the heads of the two sacrificed soldiers, and then temporarily stayed together to help with the subsequent evacuation matters.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Seeing the team returning from the operation, Zhou Qiang, the head of the Foreign Affairs Department, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The security chief of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs saluted the action team and expressed his solemn gratitude.

The two soldiers who died were his men. They died and their heads were cut off by this group of thugs. If he went back with the mutilated bodies like this, he would not be able to explain to the families of the two soldiers. .

"We have received the order and will assist you in evacuating overseas Chinese," said the squadron leader leading the team.

"Thank you." Zhou Qiang thanked him.

The eight members of the Special Forces Brigade of the Synthetic Brigade experienced a battle, and each of them was in a different state, with a strong smell of blood on their bodies.

Although this was the first actual combat experience for the eight people, the mission was executed beautifully and successfully completed.

All of this is thanks to the usual training, the training methods that completely simulate actual combat, and all the terrifying screening methods, which have created strong psychological and physical qualities for everyone.

The action team successfully completed the mission, and Zhou Qiang quickly reported what happened here and informed the general staff boss.

You must know that this action was ordered privately by the young Commander Li, and the General Staff boss was angry about this matter before.

General Staff Conference Room!

After learning that the action team had successfully completed their mission, everyone, including the general staff boss, breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the mission was successfully completed. If something unexpected happened to the action team, it would be really troublesome.

"Mr. Yan, although this was an order issued privately by Commander Li, the mission was successfully completed and the heads of the sacrificed soldiers were recovered. Commander Li played a major role in this evacuation operation. Please don't give it to Mr. Yan." Mr. Li’s punishment is too severe.” Zhou Qiang took the initiative to plead for Li Ran.

Although he has no personal relationship with Li Ran, if it hadn't been for Li Ran this time, we don't know how serious the situation would have been.

If it weren't for Li Ran, this evacuation operation wouldn't have been so smooth. It's true that Li Ran gave the order in private, but it was also an explanation to the two sacrificed soldiers. There is nothing wrong with paying with blood. Otherwise, all the local militants will still I really thought Long Guo was easy to bully.

"Yes, Mr. Yan, Mr. Li is a great hero this time. Without him, the situation would be far worse."

"Although Master Li gave the order privately, I think there is nothing wrong with this order. Blood debts must be repaid with blood.

"Mr. Yan, the field army has iron-clad discipline, but we treat special situations specially. Think twice."

The bosses from other departments present also spoke up for Li Ran. No one wanted to punish Li Ran. On the contrary, they admired Li Ran's decision very much.

If it were anyone else, they might not have such courage and ability.

"Li Ran, you violated the regulations this time and issued the order privately. Although the operation was successfully completed, it was a mistake if it was wrong. What else do you want to say?" After hearing what everyone said, the head of the General Staff asked Li Ran.

"I have nothing to say, and I am willing to bear all the consequences." Li Ran said very calmly.

The moment he gave the order privately, Li Ran was already prepared and had nothing to worry about.

If you are worried about being punished for violating the rules and issuing orders privately, which will affect your future promotion and future, Li Ran is no longer Li Ran.

There is nothing to say about paying blood debts with blood. No matter who dares to take action, they must bear the consequences.

"In this evacuation mission, you are a great hero, and you deserve credit, but if you make such a mistake, you will be severely punished. Well, afterward, write a 10,000-word self-reflection letter and come to the General Staff in person to give it to me. "The chief of the General Staff said, announcing the trigger on Li Ran.

"That's it?" Hearing this, Li Ran was a little surprised and couldn't help but ask.

He was already prepared to be suspended or locked up in a dark room for a period of time, but he didn't expect to be asked to write an examination?

"What? You're not satisfied?" the chief of the General Staff said angrily.

"Satisfied, thank you, chief." Li Ran thanked him immediately.

Why don't you just write a letter of apology? This is nothing to Li Ran.

Everyone else present was confused for a moment after hearing the punishment given to Li Ran by the head of the General Staff.

Good guy, I dare you to worry about them in vain. This is an unabashed self-protection. Just write a letter of apology. Is this a very severe punishment?

Everyone present had no doubt that if the General Staff boss hadn't considered the inappropriateness, he probably wouldn't have even let Li Ran write a letter of apology, and would have ended with a verbal reprimand at most.

No wonder, who would be willing to punish such a talented person?

There were also a few bosses who couldn't help but beat their chests. They were too careless. They spoke for Li Ran before. On the one hand, they wanted to gain favorability in front of Li Ran and let Li Ran see how well they, the department bosses, took care of their subordinates.

On the other hand, they also planned that once the general staff boss gave a very severe trigger, it would be easier for them to recruit people later.

But in the end, the head of the General Staff gave out this kind of punishment, and he shouldn't have said it if he had known about it.

If they didn't speak up for Li Ran, the punishment might be more severe, and it would be easier for them to poach people.

After everything is decided, the video contact ends.

As soon as the video contact ended, the boss of the Foreign Affairs Department couldn't help but said: "Mr. Yan, your punishment is too harsh. I don't even know what to say."

"Yes, you are too obvious about being a calf protector."

"I admit that Mr. Li is very good and has made great contributions to this mission. However, if the child makes a mistake, we still have to criticize him. Too much pampering can easily lead to a detour."

Some of the big guys present couldn't help but persuade, trying to persuade the head of the General Staff to give Li Ran a heavier punishment.

After hearing what everyone said, the chief of the General Staff just glanced at everyone and said: "This is my own business in the field army. How to manage me appropriately, you don't need to mess around.

Just kidding, how can the General Staff boss not know what these people are thinking.

Everyone pretends to be a good guy in front of Li Ran and wants him to be a bad guy, isn't it because they want to find opportunities to poach Li Ran afterwards.

He would never give such a chance. To be honest, if it weren't for the inappropriateness, the General Staff boss wouldn't even bother to let Li Ran write a review.

For a talent like Li Ran, it's too late for the General Staff boss to hurt him, so how can he be willing to punish him?

Besides, did Li Ran make a mistake? He didn't make a mistake at all. He completed the task very well. He was decisive and decisive at the critical moment without any hesitation.

Only such a commander can control the overall situation and command the troops to win the war if the war starts one day in the future.

Besides, the combined brigade is a force built for war. If you have such an opportunity for actual combat, if you are worried about this or that, then there will be a real problem.

The outstanding performance of the action team in this mission also reflects the combat quality of the entire combined brigade.

The war has really started, and the combined brigade can definitely go directly to the battlefield and fight.

The next day~

Luwangya, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dragon Kingdom.

All our people have been protected here. At this time, under the protection of relevant personnel, the people got on the bus and headed to the airport to prepare to return home.

Finally able to go home, leaving this city full of riots and killings, everyone's face was very excited.

"Set off."

Following Zhou Qiang's order, the bus convoy left the airport.

At the same time, the Third Brigade sent sufficient troops to protect the bus and escort the people of Longguo to the airport.

Such a scene immediately attracted the envy of people in other countries.

"Can you take us with you? Please."

"Where are the people sent by our country to protect us? Why is the Dragon Kingdom so fast, but our country is still indifferent."

"I'm really convinced. Does our country just ignore us?"

"The gap is really a gap. The gap is too big."

The people of other countries in the country of Rwangya are not only the people of the Dragon Kingdom, but also the people of other countries.

But now that the riots have occurred, the relevant departments of Dragon Kingdom are the fastest and most efficient.

This makes the people of other countries envious, but they can only watch helplessly as the people of Dragon Kingdom leave safely, and they are still trapped in such a dangerous environment.

The performance of such a major power's actions naturally attracted applause in the international community.

"Long Guo is so handsome and moves so fast. This is the responsibility of a great country."

"I'm so envious. If I had a motherland like this, I wouldn't be afraid wherever I go."

0...Please give me flowers--

"I'm really convinced. Our country has been bragging about being number one in the world all day long, but at the critical moment, it is completely inferior to others. How can we continue to brag?"

"How can I join the Dragon Kingdom citizenship? Ask online."

"Don't think about it. The nationality of the Dragon Kingdom is the most difficult to obtain."

"As a native of the Dragon Kingdom, I am extremely proud now. This is the confidence to have a strong motherland.

Domestic, an airport.

More than five hours later, the first group of people who evacuated back home arrived safely at the airport.

Many people's families came to the airport to wait.

Amid everyone's expectations, the plane landed slowly, the cabin door opened, and everyone on the plane came down excitedly.

Hugging and cheering with their family members was an experience they would never forget. Everyone felt like they had narrowly escaped death.

"Thank you to the motherland."

"I love my motherland and thank my motherland.

"In the next life, we will still be people of the Dragon Kingdom. At critical times, only the motherland can help us.

"Long live, long live the motherland."

Everyone cheered with joy and excitement, and some even kissed the land under their feet.

No matter when or where you are in danger, motherland will always be able to help you at the critical moment.

In this evacuation operation, Longguo showed the world what it means to be a responsible and powerful country, and it was truly people-oriented.

At the same time, some countries that pride themselves on being free and people-oriented have been ridiculed to a certain extent.


How beautifully I usually speak, but at the critical moment I have diarrhea.

The second and third batches of our people have arrived safely in China one after another.

The bodies of the two sacrificed soldiers were also sent back and sent to the Martyrs Cemetery for burial. Although the heroes died, their spirits will live on forever.

Inside the Martyrs Cemetery.

The family members of the two soldiers held the ashes of their relatives and were extremely sad. In the end, they watched their relatives being buried in the ground with great reluctance.

"Raise the gun!"


Bang bang bang∼

The gunshots rang out at the same time, expressing the highest respect for the heroes.

Outside the Martyrs Cemetery, passers-by who learned of the situation stopped to pray for the heroes and let their souls rest in peace.

Some of these people came here specially after learning about the incident, and some people came back from Rwanda. Everyone came here spontaneously.

It is precisely because of the existence of such heroes that they are guaranteed a stable and happy life.

"Mom, what happened?" A woman held a baby girl in her arms and asked in a childish voice.

The girl was young and ignorant, and she didn’t know what was happening.

"Two uncles have gone to a far away place, and we are praying for them." The woman explained gently.

"What does uncle do?" the girl asked again.

"Uncle has gone to protect us. They will always watch us in the sky and protect us from now on. Can you also pray for uncle together?"


Cemeteries always give people a cold feeling, but only the Martyrs Cemetery gives people a warm feeling no matter when you come here.

Because you know that the people here are good people and heroes.

Just like the image of a field army in people's minds, if one day a field army points a gun at you, don't be afraid, it's because there is an enemy behind you.

These two sacrificed warriors were awarded first-class merit!

For most people, first-class merit is always received by their family members.

Zhuhe exercise ground and Hesheng brigade station.

The team that carried out the mission has also returned successfully. The mission level this time is top secret, and not many people know about it. Even Man Zhi only knows that eight people went to carry out the mission. The specific mission is not clear.

Seeing that the eight people came back safely, Manzhi breathed a sigh of relief and was also proud of the eight people.

The situation was urgent, the mission was completed in a critical situation, and the mission was completed perfectly. This does not mean that the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade have excellent personal qualities and can withstand the test of war.

"Brigadier, is the old brigade commander at the station?" As soon as he came back, the squadron leader who led the team asked excitedly.

"No, the old brigade commander has gone to the General Staff, what's wrong?" Wen Yan [Manzhi asked in confusion.

"The old brigade commander is really awesome." The squadron leader gave this answer.

As soon as these words came out, Manzhi instantly felt depressed...

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!! 2).

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