Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

561: The General Staff Boss Is Furious! Tactics And Firepower Coexist

Manzhi is a little depressed now.

The people in the brigade went out to perform missions. He, the brigade commander, had been frightened at home for so long. He finally came back. Not only did he show concern and greetings to him as the brigade commander, give him a hug, etc., he just said "Old Brigade" Long cow ratio.

What's going on?

Although he knew about the old brigade commander Niu Bi, after he went out to perform a mission for Mao, he took the initiative to emphasize the old brigade commander Niu Bi again.

Isn’t he, the current brigade commander of the synthetic brigade, so awesome?

"Brigadier Commander, you don't know how well we cooperated on our first mission. The training methods formulated by the old brigade commander are really amazing. Oh, forget it, I can't tell you too much. Anyway, the old brigade commander lives and dies. .

A team member excitedly explained to Manzhi, but the mission had confidentiality regulations, so he simply said it and then stopped talking about it.

"Forget it, as long as you are fine, if you ask the old brigade commander, I will tell him when he comes back." Manzhi said.

Although Manzhi was very curious about what thrilling mission the eight people went out to perform, he couldn't ask because of the confidentiality regulations.

I can only comfort myself in my heart, just come back safely and complete the task, nothing else matters.


General staff!

"Mr. Li, it's been a long time since we've seen each other. You haven't been here for a long time."

"Mr. Li, have you forgotten us? Come back and have a look when you have time."

"I haven't seen you for such a long time. Mr. Li, you are still as charming as ever."

"Come and take a look when you have nothing to do. Coming to the General Staff is just like going home."

With the arrival of Li Ran, the General Staff became lively. No matter which department they were in, when they saw Li Ran, they would say hello and say hello in a lively manner.

Everyone is so enthusiastic. On the one hand, Li Ran is doing well in the General Staff. Although he is young, he is good at getting things done, treats others gently, and is very popular.

On the other hand, everyone in the General Staff knows Li Ran's abilities and Li Ran's status in the heart of the General Staff boss. There are even rumors now that Li Ran is the next successor in the heart of the General Staff boss.

Who wouldn't want to have a good relationship with such a young man who is easy-going and has a bright future?

Especially the single young female staff officers in the General Staff, knowing that Li Ran is still single, they all covet Li Ran.

Li Ran, if you have good looks, good body, good abilities, and everything you want, who wouldn’t want to find someone like this to be your future husband?

Li Ran——responded to everyone who greeted him, then came to the inner door of the General Staff boss's office and knocked on the door.

What is the status of the General Staff boss in the General Staff? Let alone major generals, even some generals must make an appointment in advance if they want to meet the General Staff boss.

But Li Ran is different. He has a green channel to meet the boss of the General Staff. The boss of the General Staff specifically explained that there is no need to report in advance.

There are not five people in the entire field army who are treated like this. Others are treated like this, or they are on the same level as the General Staff boss, and are also bosses.

Dong Dong Dong~

Li Ran knocked on the door.

"Come in."

In the room, the voice of the general staff boss came out.

Li Ran opened the door and strode in. When he came to the General Staff boss, he stood at attention and saluted, and said loudly: "Commander Ji Ran has been ordered to report!"

Hearing Li Ran's voice, the general staff boss who was reading documents slowly raised his head.

After looking Li Ran up and down, he said calmly: "Have you brought the self-reflection letter?"

"Bring it here, please review it."

Li Ran said, handing the 10,000-word self-reflection letter to the chief of the General Staff.

After receiving the complaint, the chief of the General Staff just took a casual look at it, put it away, slowly took out a cigarette, Li Ran, with quick eyesight and quick hands, immediately went to give it to the chief of the General Staff Qiu.

After lighting the cigarette, Li Ran habitually put the lighter in his pocket.

"Put down the lighter for me. Who did you learn from me? I always like to follow other people's lighters." The chief of the General Staff laughed and scolded.

With that said, he threw another cigarette to Li Ran.

Li Ran took it, lit it, and put the lighter on the table with a smile.

"Okay, sit down. If you want, you can pour the water yourself and make the tea yourself." The chief of the General Staff said calmly, not treating Li Ran as an outsider at all.

Li Ran obviously didn't regard himself as an outsider, so he went directly to make himself a cup of tea. The tea from the General Staff boss was all of the best tea, and it was very fragrant.

"You are so courageous. You came out to formulate an action plan. You dare to issue orders without authorization. Fortunately, the mission was successfully completed. If the mission failed and there were casualties in the action team, you would have to go to a military court. Don’t know?” the chief of the General Staff admonished Li Ran.

He knew that Li Ran was bold and had many ideas, but this time he issued an order privately, which still caught the General Staff boss by surprise.

"Yes, what the chief taught me is that I promise I won't do it next time." Li Ran said immediately.

"Next time? Do you still want a next time?" Hearing this, the head of the General Staff said angrily: "This time in front of so many big bosses from other departments, if I hadn't tried my best to protect you, you would have thought that it was just a share. Can the problem be solved with a self-examination letter? Can you please save me some trouble?"

The head of the General Staff knows Li Ran's temper.

Once you make a mistake, it is very straightforward to admit your mistake. It belongs to the kind of person who accepts it humbly and never corrects it despite repeated admonitions.

Of course, Li Ran would not make mistakes in principle, but such behavior was still too bold and risky.

In order to let Li Ran know his good intentions as a leader and how much he had paid to protect Li Ran, the head of the General Staff specially said this in front of Li Ran.

He portrays the bosses of other departments as demons and himself as Li Ran's strong shield.

"Ah? No way. Big bosses from the Foreign Affairs Department and several other departments have contacted me and want me to be their guests. They told me that you want to deal with me seriously this time. They After a lot of effort, I was asked to write a letter of apology." Li Ran said curiously.

Hearing this, the general staff boss who had just taken a sip of water couldn't hold back and squirted out instantly.

He scolded those big guys in his heart that they were nothing. He knew that after seeing Li Ran's outstanding abilities, these people would definitely have ideas about Li Ran. He didn't expect to act so quickly.

He directly bypassed him, contacted Li Ran privately, and invited Li Ran to be a guest. He was a no-nonsense guest. He clearly wanted to take the opportunity to persuade Li Ran to instill some ideas about job-hopping in Ji Ran.

"Fart, do you believe what these bastards say?" The head of the General Staff got angry and retorted: "You are a senior officer of my field army. You are not allowed to go to their place without my permission. What do I do to you kid?" , you kid should know whether to believe what they say or what I say.0

"Chief, don't get excited. Of course I believe what you said. The Field Army is my home, and you, Chief, are my family. I was born as a member of the Field Army, and I will die as a ghost of the Field Army. Seeing that the boss of the General Staff got excited, Li Ran He quickly comforted him.

He was worried that if the head of the General Staff got excited, his blood pressure would rise, and something would go wrong.

Hearing Li Ran say this, the general staff boss finally felt a little better.

"What are you talking about? Tian Mo will die." The chief of the General Staff said dissatisfied.

The head of the General Staff was very dissatisfied with Li Ran's constant use of the word "death", which was unlucky.

Now in the field army, anything can happen to anyone, but nothing can happen to Li Ran. He still wants to let Li Ran take over his class in the future.

With talents like Li Ran taking over, the field army will definitely be able to reach a qualitative peak. It is not a dream to surpass the Bald Eagle and become the strongest on the planet.

"Chief, when you called me here this time, you probably didn't just ask me to hand in a self-reflection letter." Li Ran said, turning the topic back to the topic.

"As for your suggestion of using the tactical actions of the action team during this mission as a teaching template for the field army's special forces, I have thought about it. It's not impossible, but what about the looks of those thugs?" said the general staff boss.

It can be said that the operation team performed the task perfectly.

Especially when executing the orders issued by Li Ran, infiltrating the base camp of the armed forces, and executing the killing mission, the team cooperation can be regarded as a tactical teaching template.

All the actions of the team were recorded and photographed, because the tactical helmets worn by each team were equipped with camera systems, similar to GoPro.

In addition, the footage shot by drones can be used as a movie clip. It is indeed very exciting.

It would be a pity not to use such standard and perfect tactical teaching for other special forces to learn from.

For this reason, after the mission was over, Li Ran specifically mentioned this matter to the boss of the General Staff. After all, it involved confidentiality, and Li Ran could not make decisions casually.

"It's easy, just add a mosaic." Li Ran said.

This kind of thing is no big deal.

"Then I'll leave this matter to you. I've watched the whole process. It's very exciting. To be honest, I thought it was Bald Eagle's special forces performing the mission." The chief of the General Staff exclaimed.

When he first saw the footage in the video, he really thought it was Bald Eagle's special forces carrying out the operation.

As all bald eagles know, they are rich and powerful, and the special forces are equipped with advanced equipment. There was a time when they learned a lot of tactics from the field army, and now they are out of control.

The special forces that perform missions are armed to the teeth with advanced equipment and coordinate with tactical actions to perform missions with high efficiency.

The field army has been obsessed with the pursuit of firepower over the years, and has slacked off on tactics.

Although it is a bit embarrassing, it is undeniable that the tactical movements of the Bald Eagle Special Forces are definitely the best in the world. After all, they have been tested in actual combat missions time and time again.

Now is the time to improve the tactical level of the special forces of the field army. Such practical teaching videos are a treasure of Tianfen.

"Promise to complete the task." Li Ran accepted the task.

"By the way, there is one more thing." The chief of the General Staff spoke again.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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