Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

581: Recast The Glory Of Master Z! It Is Our Duty To

As Li Ran finished speaking, everyone present fell into silence and became confused.

If we can't fight against the synthetic brigade through coordination or electronic confrontation, what else can we fight against?

Nowadays, there are three important points in information warfare: communication chain, logistics, and coordination. If two of them cannot be fought, how about logistics?

Just kidding, their Z Division is heading to the Zhuhe Exercise Ground. The Zhuhe Exercise Ground is the base camp of the Combined Brigade. The Combined Brigade only needs to wait there for their arrival.

Playing logistics is just a dream, as long as your own logistics is not attacked by the synthetic brigade.

"Teacher, we really can't think of anything. Do you have any good suggestions?"

At this time, Zhang Kun, the leader of the 114th Regiment, spoke.

They had ideas before, but after hearing what Li Ran said, it was impossible for their ideas to be successfully implemented. Then they were really in trouble.

"Stupid, I told you to use your brains more often." Seeing that everyone ran out of ideas so quickly, Li Ran said with hatred: "The system can't be defeated, the electronic countermeasures can't be defeated, there's no need to think about logistics, then just defeat Manzhi. .”

"Hit Manzhi?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was confused. Some didn't understand what Ji Ran meant by this.

Of course, they knew that beating Manzhi could never be literal, and that Manzhi would be caught and beaten up.

Seeing everyone's confused looks, Li Ran said slowly: "As for the commander of the Hesheng Brigade, Manzhi, what kind of person is he in your hearts? Just say it, there is nothing to worry about.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present immediately began to speak actively.


""Two Zero Three" is despicable."

"Dirty, uh, no, no morals."

"The combat style has no bottom line, and the goal is achieved by any means, and the division commander, uh, is gone.

Some people wanted to say that Manzhi's fighting style was the same as Li Ran's, but they swallowed it back before the words reached their lips.

Just kidding, the current commander of the Combined Brigade, full of ambition, has exactly the same fighting style as Li Ran. After all, it was Li Ran who brought it up.

Moreover, after Li Ran left, Manzhi served as the commander of the synthetic brigade. He never returned to studying various tactics. He spent all day thinking about how to set traps for others and "how to make brother units suffer."

The Synthetic Brigade is now "notorious" in the Synthetic Brigade, and the brigade commander Manzhi has played a big role.

"From what you say, you are not only familiar with him as a person, but also with his command style." After hearing everyone's remarks, Li Ran added.


Everyone present nodded immediately without any comments.

Although Z Division has not yet fought against the Combined Brigade after Manzhi became the commander of Z Division, the Combined Brigade after Manzhi took over has conducted many exercises with other units, and they have all paid attention to them.

The commanding style is exactly the same as that of Li Ran. It may be a little less mature than Li Ran, but the essence has been fully learned.

If you want to study Manzhi easily, just study your own teachers.

"Since everyone is familiar with Manzhi's command style, you can better understand what I say next." Li Ran said slowly: "Since Manzhi became a combined brigade, the battles with other units have Analyzing the process, it is not difficult to see that the Combined Brigade now likes to engage in information warfare and extreme warfare when fighting with other units. It tries its best to maximize the advantages of the Combined Brigade's mature information combat system and use advanced equipment and individual officers and soldiers. His strong ability and quality have been taken to the extreme. As far as he is concerned, he has no bottom line in the way he directs and plays, and his methods are very despicable. I personally hate this."

Everyone present listened to what Li Ran said, and they all agreed with what he said before.

This last sentence, if they didn't care about Li Ran's majesty, they couldn't help but sigh.

My own teacher actually said that he hated Mizhi's commanding style. How on earth did he have the nerve to say this?

Didn't Manzhi learn this from you? The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Manzhi, the current commander of the synthetic brigade, is going further and further down the path of the Yin people. Li Ran has an unshirkable responsibility.

As a result, Li Ran, the founder of the Synthetic Brigade, is now becoming a good person. Why, he wants to clear his name?

"What? Do you have any objections to what I said?" Seeing the strange looks in the eyes of the people around him, Li Ran asked directly without changing his expression.

"No objection, Commander, what you said is that there is nothing wrong with him at all, continue." Upon seeing this, everyone hurriedly said.

They knew very well that their teachers held grudges. Anyone who dared to show any sarcasm now would definitely be punished in the future.

"Since everyone has no objection to what I said, the question is simple. Why don't we think about this exercise from a different perspective? Let's analyze it from the perspective of full ambition.

What method will he, the commander of the combined brigade, use to attack our Z Division?" Li Ran pointed out the key point of the problem.

In this exercise, Li Ran guided everyone to attack the combined brigade from the perspective of Manzhi, the commander of the combined brigade.

The purpose is to let everyone think and analyze from the perspective of Manzhi, the commander of the combined brigade, and combined with the characteristics of Manzhi's usual combat style, what methods will he come up with to deal with Z Division.

Once you have figured out the opponent's mentality and thinking clearly, won't the problem become simpler?

"Captain Zhang, you are the leader of the 114th Regiment, and also the leader of the only combined group in Division Z. It will not be long before the 114th Regiment is reorganized into a combined group. As the leader of the combined group, you should have some skills in information warfare. You can tell me what you think first." Li Ran named Zhang Kun directly.


Zhang Kun said slowly: "In my opinion, the Synthetic Brigade will definitely use relevant means to invade the communications and monitoring of our Z Division, because the division commander said that the electronic countermeasures unit of the Synthetic Brigade is the most professional and technical. This is Their advantage is that they will definitely fight an electronic warfare battle with us first."

"Is there anything else?" Li Ran nodded slightly and continued to ask Zhang Kun's answer.

"Our long-distance trip to the Zhuhe exercise ground this time, the logistics chain is very important. The combined brigade will definitely find ways to attack our logistics." Zhang Kun added.


"In addition to attacking our logistics, the two heavy tank regiments, the 112th Regiment and the 113th Regiment, are also their focus. I think the key to the air battle is at this stage of our Z Division's maneuvers, it depends on who can control the final air superiority. "Zhang Kun talked eloquently.

As the leader of the 114th Regiment, Zhang Kun talks freely and is very confident.

That's right, Zhang Kun and I are no longer the Zhang Kun of the 114th Regiment before. Now, I am the only Zhang Kun of the Z Division's combined regiment.

As the leader of the synthetic group, he is very familiar with information warfare and has been studying it.

The Combined Brigade's combat methods against the Z Division are nothing more than these. Apart from the first time, what new tricks can they use?

The two captains of the 112th Regiment and the 113th Regiment felt envious when they saw Zhang Kun's high-spirited and talkative appearance.

Damn Zhang Kun, you have finished pretending to be more than you are, and you have finished saying everything. What else will the two of them say later?

But after listening to what Zhang Kun said, Li Ran did not name anyone else, but said: "Captain Zhang said it in great detail. In fact, this is the case. The maneuver phase is the air strike phase, and the electronic countermeasures will begin soon. Now that we know how Manzhi will play, we just need to see the tricks and prepare defenses according to his style of play."

After saying this, everyone present nodded, but their mood was not very relaxed.

It's easy to say, but difficult to do.

Because basically now when every unit of the field army fights, they will attack these three things first. The special points of the combined brigade, relying on the advanced equipment, are often invincible in this regard.

But even if we knew that the combined brigade would do this, how could Division Z defend it?

If there is a suitable method, there is no need to be so entangled.

"Okay, now that the problem is clear, how to solve it? What do you think?" Li Ran glanced at everyone and asked lightly.

After the words fell, no one spoke. Li Ran simply named him directly and said: "Captain Yang, please tell me."

"Division Commander, the combined brigade is equipped with advanced equipment, but the air force is not stronger than ours. I think we have the advantage in air combat during the maneuver phase. We can unite with the Air Force 8th Division and set a trap for the Air Force 6th Division. If the Air Force 6th Division really dares to come, we can use ground forces to With our cooperation, we can take the opportunity to eliminate part of the Sixth Air Division and gain air supremacy, so that we can have an advantage in the subsequent confrontation." Yang Xiong said after thinking for a while.

"The idea is good, but the Sixth Air Division is not a fool, and Manzhi is not a fool. The maneuver phase is good for air combat, but it will not be the decisive battle of the air combat. Manzhi will only give orders to the Sixth Air Division to find opportunities, not to death. Order......" Li Ran said lightly.

If you want to take down part of the strength of the Sixth Air Division during the maneuver, the premise of gaining air superiority is based on the fact that the Sixth Air Division has a life-threatening style of play.

If the Kong Liu Division just keeps testing, fighting when there is a chance, and leaving when there is no chance, our side will not be able to stay at all, and there is no special significance.

Hearing what Li Ran said, Yang Xiong was a little embarrassed, but this was indeed his only thought at the moment.

"Captain Zhang, tell me." Li Ran named the commander of the 112th regiment again.

"Division Commander, since our electronic warfare is not the opponent of the combined brigade, I think it is only a matter of time before the communications and surveillance are successfully invaded. We can communicate using some secret codes that only we understand, and we can also send some troops as a disguise. Used to confuse the synthetic brigade." said the commander of the 112th Regiment.

Once the communications and surveillance are successfully invaded by the synthetic brigade, it means that every next move and communication between the units of Division Z will be under the surveillance of the synthetic brigade.

Since they knew they would be monitored, it was better to exchange passwords and send out troops specially designed to disguise themselves to confuse the combined brigade and interfere with their hearing and hearing.

"The idea is good, but it is outdated for modern troops. Does anyone else have different ideas?" Li Ran continued to ask after making some comments.

Everyone was silent again.

This doesn't work, that doesn't work, and they really don't know what to do.

The most painful thing about fighting the Synthetic Brigade is that they know exactly what methods the Synthetic Brigade will use to deal with them, but the key is that they can't find a good way to deal with the Synthetic Brigade's tricks.

They are still stuck with their own equipment, which is far behind compared with the synthetic brigade.

"Alas, our equipment is still lagging behind and not as advanced as theirs. If we had the same equipment as theirs, it would never be like this." Someone complained.

"If the equipment is not good, it cannot be defeated? What? When did our field army become an army where fighting depends entirely on equipment? What equipment did our ancestors have at that time? Instead of pressing the strongest division of Yingjiang to the ground and rubbing it, what if we changed If you had gone, wouldn't you have been stepped on by Ying Jiang?" Li Ran scolded sternly.

What annoys Li Ran the most is that if he can't defeat him, it's because his equipment is not good and he's not as advanced as others.

If you hold on to this idea, it will be over. Doesn't it mean that you will always be stepped on by Hawk Sauce? Who doesn't know that the military strength of the Hawk Sauce family is the strongest, and it is still the strongest?

But is equipment really everything? The tradition of the field army has always been combat

Fighting ability does not depend on equipment.

Equipment is just the icing on the cake, never the foundation of combat effectiveness.

Seeing Li Ran's anger, everyone present was trembling, especially the lieutenant colonel who had just spoken, who did not dare to raise his head at this time.

Li Ran did not mean to dwell on this topic, and said: "There is a way of playing with good equipment, and there is a way of playing with poor equipment. Synthetic brigade equipment is a trap. The first

Although we can’t defeat a round of electronic warfare, can’t we dig a trap for them?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes fell on Li Ran. They didn't know what this trap meant?

In electronic warfare, how can we dig traps for the opponent?

"The Synthetic Brigade likes to invade, so we will place some Trojan viruses in our communication and monitoring systems in advance. Once they invade, they will take the initiative to attack the virus nest.

Li Zuan, isn't that enough?" Li Ran said lightly.

Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

Yes, this is a great move, why didn’t they think of it?

Placing a Trojan horse virus in your own system in advance, so that it will be automatically triggered as soon as the synthetic brigade invades, is tantamount to causing trouble for yourself.

Poisoning your own family and taking the path of the synthetic brigade to make the synthetic brigade have no way to go is a very clever trick.

"Commander, if we do this, won't our own communication and monitoring systems also be paralyzed?" At this time, Zhang Kun asked.

Although the method of poisoning oneself is good, even if it succeeds, our communication and monitoring system will be in the paralysis stage.

It can be said that this means 10,000 injuries to the enemy and 8,000 losses to oneself.

"This is the second point I'm telling you. During this exercise, all units used old-fashioned communication radios for communication and abandoned modern information and communication methods." Li Ran said

He said something that no one present had expected.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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