Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

582: Everything Is Ready! The Battle Officially Begins

Using old-fashioned radio communication equipment to communicate, Li Ran's words completely exceeded the expectations of everyone present.

With the continuous development of science and technology, especially the advent of the information age, all units of the field army have not only upgraded and improved their intuitive combat equipment, but also their communications.

In previous wars, communication relied entirely on old-fashioned radio stations, telephones, or sending people to deliver messages, which was very inconvenient.

If you are not careful, the communication between the headquarters and various units will be interrupted.

But now, while each unit is equipped with radio stations, it also uses more advanced network communication equipment and uses military satellites to communicate, which is convenient and fast.

As a result, my teacher actually asked them to give up this advanced communication method and use old-fashioned radio stations. Isn't this equivalent to cutting off an arm?

"Commander, why is this happening? Even if we put a Trojan horse virus into our communication system, it does not mean that our communication is completely paralyzed. We can build a backup communication system network." Zhang Kun couldn't help but say.

As the leader of the 114th Regiment, Zhang Kun knew that it was possible to do this with current technology, and there was no need to give up completely.

"I said, we will only use old-fashioned radio communication equipment this time. Remember, our opponents are synthetic brigades, but they also represent our imaginary enemies. In the current battle situation, what we are simulating is that the technological strength is completely inferior to the opponent. If the other party's methods can really control our communication network, won't we fight this battle? You won't fight it? What is the purpose of not losing the training of old communication equipment with repeated orders? Just wait for now ." Li Ran said with a loud voice.

After Li Ran became the commander of Division Z, he discovered that since communication methods are now developed, all units have a habit, that is, the communication units have completely abandoned old-fashioned radio and other communication methods.

In their opinion, it is an outdated thing. It is not only troublesome to use, but also costs 180,000 yuan to set up on the battlefield.

Although these old-fashioned communication equipment still exist in various units, most of them have become decorations and are only used for viewing.

After Li Ran became the division commander, he issued an order for all units to pick up the training of old communication equipment. Not only must they start training, but they must also be very strict and cannot be careless in the slightest.

Even on the simulated battlefield, what should I do if the telephone line set up was broken by a shell and the connection could not be connected?

Then rely on the human body as a conductor to connect. Hold a telephone line in each hand, and the current will pass through the body. Although it is painful, it is useful.

Don’t forget, this is how we came here.

Now fighting against the Hesheng Brigade, Li Ran had already made such a plan to abandon the advanced network communication system, directly use old-fashioned radio stations, and build an old-fashioned telephone system.

Even if one day comes, when technology has developed to an outrageous level, this thing still cannot be lost.

Because, at critical times, the simplest things will cause no problems and are the most practical.

After hearing Li Ran's words, everyone present fell silent. They finally understood why Li Ran asked each unit to take out all the old-fashioned inventory during the previous training, and why he had to conduct special training and assessment.

It turns out that the division commander thinks in such a long-term way, not only in the long-term, but also in times of peace, thinking of the worst-case scenario and fighting according to the worst-case scenario. Only in this way can such a unit have the strongest combat effectiveness when the final battle comes.

"Does anyone else have any opinions?" Li Ran looked around and asked calmly.

"No." Everyone expressed their opinions.

The words have been made so clear that no one has any objections.

"Since there are no objections, let's continue. The electronic warfare has been solved. Now it's about the logistics supply." Li Ran continued: "The distance for each unit to go to the Zhuhe exercise ground is nearly a thousand kilometers. Such a long distance, It is a test, how to transport the logistics safely is also a test."

Although oil pipelines have been laid at the Zhuhe Exercise Ground for a long time, in terms of fuel consumption, replenishment can be carried out.

It's just that the director's department posed a problem for Li Ran this time, that is, all logistics must be solved by Division Z himself. In other words, the oil pipeline on Zhuhe's training ground has nothing to do with Division Z.

Everything had to be carried by the units of Division Z from their home bases.

Originally, long-distance maneuvering was a test for mechanized troops, but now that there are material issues, the test is even greater.

When they arrive at the Zhuhe training ground, the two sides will definitely engage in a tank battle.

Oil is the most critical thing for a tank. Without it, the tank would really be unable to survive.

"Division Commander, how about we just break the logistics convoy into parts, so even if the combined brigade discovers it, they won't be able to take care of it." The leader of the 112th Regiment said.

I think I have used this trick before.

It was just that at that time, when Li Ran was still the commander of the combined regiment, the chief officers of each unit were thinking about how to safely arrive at Zhuhe's training ground under Li Ran's nose, so they chose to break the entire division into parts in order to conduct military training. Level units were organized and headed towards the Zhuhe training ground.

One of the biggest advantages of this is that there are many scattered targets, and it is not easy for the combined brigade to focus on them.

If a division-level unit is dispersed into a battalion-level organization, there will be many battalions, which cannot be taken care of at all.

"I think this method is feasible. Let's break the logistics unit into parts."

"It would be best if the entire division is broken down into parts and equipped with corresponding logistics convoys at the battalion level."

"By the way, we can also get a camouflage convoy to confuse the combined brigade."

The colonel's method was recognized and approved by everyone around him.

This is indeed a good idea.

"Okay, since you all have no objections to this method, let's do this. The entire division will be broken down into parts, organized at the battalion level, and each battalion-level unit will be equipped with corresponding logistics." Li Ran said.

The colonel was a little surprised to see Li Ran agreeing with his idea.

He thought that his teacher would put forward some different opinions and deny the method he mentioned.

In fact, Li Ran has many tactical methods to deal with the combined brigade, but it is not necessary. Although he is the commander of Z Division, Li Ran's purpose is not simply to win.

If it was just for the purpose of winning, it would be too simple.

For example, right now, does this combat meeting need to be held? For Li Ran, it is not necessary at all.

The chief officer of each unit only needs to execute the deployment according to the orders he issued. He can definitely form a brigade, but this is meaningless.

The chief officers of each unit must be allowed to grow, improve their thinking, and stimulate their strategic imagination. This is fundamental.

"Commander, I have a question." At this time, Zhang Kun, leader of the 114th Regiment, asked.


"I'm thinking that with the style of the combined brigade, they will not necessarily only cause air strikes during our maneuvers, but will most likely arrange manpower to camouflage on our crossing." Zhang Kun said.

During the maneuvering stage, the possibility of the combined brigade launching an air strike is basically 100%, which is not only beneficial to reconnaissance, but also provides opportunities to attack their logistics.

But air strikes are not the only means of the combined brigade. People may also be sent to camouflage on the road.

Disguise what?

It is impossible for the field army not to help some groups pretending to be fellow villagers or encountering difficulties.

The field army can take advantage of this loophole and carry out some vicious attacks on them.

My teacher did this before.

I remember that when the seven combined battalions fought together, two of them were eliminated by their own division commanders using this method. At that time, the two combined battalions did not reach the prescribed exercise area.

"It's very simple. When you encounter fellow villagers who are in difficulty, contact the local PL unit directly and ask them to assist and identify the personnel. We will continue to perform the task regardless of other matters."

"If you encounter the so-called drill officer who changes or orders any drill tasks, don't hesitate and arrest him directly. Without my order, even if the King of Heaven comes, you can't do it. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand." Everyone said.

If Li Ran puts words like this in front, they will feel relieved.

In this way, if they encounter similar emergencies on the road, they will know how to deal with them.

After a while, everything that needed to be said was said, and the chief officers of each unit had a clear idea of ​​how to conduct this exercise.

The meeting ended, and at the same time, orders were formally issued from Ji Ran to all units.

"Order! The entire division is divided into parts, with the battalion level as the unit, and the logistics support is with the battalion level as the unit, and will be provided in batches."

"Order! Contact the local PL unit when passing by and ask them for assistance. Once a suspicious person is found, let them conduct identity screening..."


As orders were issued one after another, all units of Division Z began to move at this moment.

112th Regiment.

"Quick, quick, move quickly.

"Follow them all."

"Goal, field, run forward."

In the corridor, the footsteps of officers and soldiers resounded loudly, and they immediately headed towards the parking lot after joining the ranks.

After a series of basic tank inspections were completed, the tanks were shipped out of the warehouse under the command of each platoon leader.

Immediately afterwards, the battalion level was organized, and each battalion set off directly in accordance with the orders and routes issued by the regiment headquarters.

There is no need to assemble the whole regiment as in the past and break it into parts. Each battalion-level unit is independent and does its own thing without interfering with each other.

At the same time, each battalion is equipped with enough logistics supplies for one battalion.

As for whether they can reach the Zhuhe training ground safely, it depends on each battalion.

Group 113~

The 114th Regiment was all like this. Each battalion moved quickly and set off in an orderly and orderly manner. Every officer and soldier had high morale on his face.

They have waited for this moment for too long.

Capture Manzhi alive and liberate Zhu He, today, this day has finally come.

As the Z Division's large forces began to take action, the Combined Brigade located at the Zhuhe Exercise Ground was also not idle.

Zhuhe exercise ground, combined brigade, first headquarters!

The long-awaited and long-prepared exercise finally arrived. As the commander of the combined brigade, Manzhi, including all the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade, paid great attention to it.

Everyone knows that the old brigade commander is strong.

The legend that the Synthetic Brigade has created the myth of being undefeated until now is also true.

Whether it's for face, for honor, or to prove to the old brigade commander, even if you leave, we have been training hard and never dare to slack off. This exercise

The combined brigade must win.

For this exercise, the Combined Brigade was located at the Zhuhe Exercise Ground. Although it occupies a geographical advantage, for the sake of safety, Manzhi set up a total of three headquarters.

At the First Command, he, the brigade commander, was sitting in charge with a group of combat staff.

At the second headquarters, the chief officer of the combined brigade and a group of combat staff were sitting in charge.

In the third headquarters, the chief of staff of the combined brigade is sitting with a group of combat staff.

The headquarters of the three echelons try their best to expand the command authority of the unit commander to the maximum extent. The purpose of doing so is also to ensure that no matter who is unfortunately beheaded, the command system of the combined brigade can still ensure that there will be no problems.

Inside the First Command.

"The exercise has begun, let's give our old brigade commander an appetizer first.

After Manzhi finished speaking, the electronic countermeasures brigade that was ready immediately began to take action.

A group of technicians kept tapping on the keyboard, launching an intrusion into the communication system and reconnaissance system of the synthetic brigade.

The two sides have not yet met, and electronic warfare is an appetizer. Manzhi will never let go of the advantages of the combined brigade.

The electronic countermeasures brigade of the synthetic brigade is a unit that Manzhi has been continuously cultivating after inheriting what the old brigade commander left behind. For this purpose, Manzhi spent a lot of manpower and material resources.

Every member of the electronic countermeasures brigade of the synthetic brigade is a computer expert, and everyone has undergone special training.

The computer textbooks written by the old brigade commander have become template textbooks in the field army. If you want to become a master, you have not read or studied the computer textbooks written by the old brigade commander.

In addition, during the recruitment process, Manzhi has always paid special attention to talents in this area. For this reason, special admissions and promotions will be given to talents with strong abilities in this area.

It is not a problem for the technical personnel of the electronic countermeasures brigade to have poor physical fitness. As long as you have technical strength and are strong enough, you will definitely be able to exert your due value in the position you should have.

Recruiting people from colleges and universities with related majors from the outside world, and digging for similar talents in the major military regions of the field army, Manzhi can be said to have put his face on the line.

Because of this matter, I was often scolded by other unit chiefs in private.

But Manzhi doesn't care about this. He just wants to cultivate an electronic countermeasures brigade with the strongest computer technology in the entire field army.

In the information age, strength in this area is really important.

Once you can successfully invade the opponent's communication and reconnaissance system, the three major elements of modern warfare, and the communication link, it is equivalent to winning.

After Manzhi gave an order, a group of technicians began to perform. Various codes were typed out continuously, turning into programs and invading the communication system and reconnaissance system of Division Z.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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