Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

583: Shocked The Whole Audience! Nostalgic Play Style Is Online

On the big screen, as the electronic countermeasures brigade of the synthetic brigade attacked, a series of codes began to invade the Z Division's communication and reconnaissance system.

Inside the door to see the door, the layman to watch the fun.

People who don't understand this aspect can only see the marked curves on the screen representing the red and blue sides respectively. The red and blue lines are intertwined together, as if a city's road distribution map was formed in one time.

As the brigade commander of the synthetic brigade, Manzhi, although he does not understand this aspect, intuitively speaking, his side currently has the upper hand.

Because the blue line has been launching attacks many times, while the red line can only defend. If this offensive continues, it is only a matter of time before the blue line successfully breaks through.

Manzhi is not very confident about his own electronic countermeasures team.

Director's Department!

The superior commanders attached great importance to the exercise competition between Z Division and the Combined Brigade.

For this reason, the composition of officers in the director's department and some related technical assistance personnel are all well-equipped, which is only a little inferior to last year's annual exercise.

After all, it was an exercise confrontation between two armies at the beginning, but this time it was just a confrontation between a division and a brigade.

In the past, at such a scale, the highest number of high-ranking officials present were at the level of military region commanders, but now, the general staff chief is personally in charge.

It just sends out a signal that we take it seriously.

Except for the boss of the General Staff, all the senior officials of the Northern Military Region were present. Qi Long, the deputy commander of the H Army, was naturally present as well.

Division Z is the first heavy-armed division of the field army and the ace division of Army H. The combined brigade is directly under the jurisdiction of the Northern Military Region Headquarters and is an independent unit. Both of them are of great significance in the Northern Military Region.

This exercise is full of highlights. Everyone is watching and guessing who will be the final winner.

On Nuoda's screen, the electronic warfare between the electronic countermeasures units of the Z Division and the Combined Brigade was also being staged, displayed in front of everyone.

Of course, not many people can understand it, except for a few officers who have done some research in this area.

"What on earth are you talking about? I can't understand it at all?" A lieutenant colonel was confused.

"I can't understand it either. No expert can understand this stuff, but just remember one thing. The red ones represent the Z Division, and the blue ones represent the combined brigade. Whoever can rush through first will win." The colonel on the side explained.

"Oh, I understand. This is similar to playing chess, but it seems that the combined brigade has more momentum. Division Z has been retreating steadily." The lieutenant colonel nodded and said.

"The Electronic Countermeasures Brigade of the Synthetic Brigade recruits talents from the entire field army. I heard that Manzhi even went to some colleges and universities to find talents and made special admissions. "It cost a lot of money," the principal said.

"No wonder, it seems that Division Z is losing the electronic warfare."

"Chief, the combined electronic warfare brigades of both sides are going to win. The Z Division has been able to only defend passively. It is expected that the defense line will be breached in a while." The commander of the Northern Military Region, who was sitting next to the chief of the General Staff, said in a low voice.

"The electronic countermeasures brigade of the synthetic brigade has many experts, so we are not surprised by this result." The chief of the general staff said calmly.

"If this breakthrough is successful, the Z Division's communications and surveillance can be obtained by the combined brigade. How can this Z Division fight?" The general couldn't help but say.

Fighting is no longer what it used to be. There were no such high technologies before.

But now is the age of science and technology. Everything is the Internet and all kinds of technology. If this is invaded, in the eyes of the general, the Z Division has already taken off its clothes and fought with the synthetic brigade.

The synthetic brigade has seen everything, how can you survive?

"There are different ways to play in any situation. I believe Li Ran won't just do these two or three times. Let's see and talk about it later." The chief of the general staff was still very calm.

This comes from the inner trust in Li Ran.

The head of the General Staff did not believe that Li Ran would not have guessed such a result, nor did he believe that Li Ran would not have a way to deal with it.

If Division Z is easily defeated by the combined brigade, then Division Commander Li Ran will be really disappointing.

After hearing what the chief of the General Staff said, the general also fell silent very wisely. He fully agreed with the point of view of the chief of the General Staff.

If Li Ran is stumped by just this little thing, can he still be worthy of the miracles Li Ran has created today?

Just when everyone thought that this electronic warfare was going to end with the Z Division being crushed by the synthetic brigade, suddenly the picture on the big screen changed.

"What's going on? Master Z is planning to give up"~?"

"It seems like we should give up and stop defending ourselves."

"The combined brigade is now like a heavily-armed force going down to the plains, looking at where they are headed."

"Well, in modern warfare, the gap in technology is really the key. If you can't match the technology, you really can't win."

"I didn't expect that a division commander as strong as Mr. Li would be defeated in person.

On the screen, the red line representing Division Z has basically disappeared, and the grid represents the communication and monitoring systems of both parties.

At this time, the grid has basically been completely occupied by the synthetic brigade, and everything is blue as far as the eye can see.

But just when everyone thought that Master Z was going to give up and give up communications and surveillance.

Suddenly, on the screen, flashing black dots suddenly appeared in the grid. These black dots were like mites, wrapped around the blue lines and constantly devouring them.

The blue lines were swallowed up at a speed visible to the naked eye. After being swallowed, the black spots continued to grow in size and began to attack the network position representing the combined brigade.

This scene left everyone confused.

"What's going on? What is this black thing?"

"Isn't there only red and blue? Why is there a black one?"

"This black thing seems to be eating the blue lines and getting bigger. What is it?"

"Is there a third party participating in the war?"

"This is a Trojan virus. Z Division actually placed a large number of Trojan viruses in their communication and monitoring systems. Now that the Synthetic Brigade has occupied Z Division's position, the Trojan virus is activated directly, causing a counterattack against the Synthetic Brigade." A professional The officer said, "I couldn't help but gasp when I saw it.

"Trojan horse virus? What is it? What does it mean? Can you make it clearer?"

Many people still have trouble understanding professional terminology.

"To put it in layman's terms, the synthetic brigade has eaten the poison in advance. If the synthetic brigade eats him, it means he has been poisoned. However, this is a way to kill ten thousand enemies with one move and damage himself by eight thousand. If he wants to fight with The other party will die together."

Such a simple explanation made everyone understand it instantly.

For a while, the sound of gasping for air continued to sound.


"I'll go, Master Z is too cruel."

"This is a plan to die together, to poison ourselves in advance."

"This move is really amazing. I know I can't beat him, and all my previous defenses were just bait."

"This is to let the other party know clearly that even if you eat me, you will lose a few of your teeth.

"Really cruel, let me tell you, how could Master Li be defeated so easily."

The electronic warfare between the two sides was reversed, and everyone was talking about it. It was really exciting, and this was the right way to fight.

On the other side, the combined brigade, headquarters!


The screen kept flashing red light, and an alarm sounded at the same time.

"What happened?" Upon seeing this, Manzhi asked immediately.

Before, Manzhi was still immersed in the joy of taking down Division Z's communication and monitoring network system, but he didn't expect that such a thing would happen in the blink of an eye.

"Brigadier, we have been invaded by a Trojan virus."

"Virus? Where did the virus come from?"

"Z division placed a large number of viruses in their system in advance. If we successfully invade, the Trojan horse program will be activated [and we will be unlucky as well." said the technician with an ugly face.

I thought I finally got the meat in my mouth, but I didn't expect Master Z to be so cruel.

The key to poisoning the meat in advance is that the best result is that both sides will suffer losses. The worst result is that the Z Division system is completely paralyzed, and the synthetic brigade just spends some time to understand the Trojan virus.

"I knew the teacher wouldn't be that simple." Hearing this, Manzhi said angrily.

Then he asked: "Can these viruses be eliminated?"

"It should be possible, but it will take a lot of time. Division Z placed such a virus in their system, and their system will be completely paralyzed. Is it worth it?" The technical staff couldn't help but ask.

"Their system is completely paralyzed?" Manzhi asked in surprise after hearing this.

"Yes, Brigadier. The Trojan virus placed by Division Z is a self-destructive virus that attacks indiscriminately. It will destroy all system programs once activated, regardless of target. Division Z's system has long been eroded by this Trojan virus. Unless a backup system is rebuilt, the previous system will be completely paralyzed, and our combined brigade still has some time to defend." said the technician.

"The teacher is really cruel, but with the teacher's temper, he will definitely have a backup plan." After thinking about it, Manzhi said: "To eliminate the virus with all their strength, how long will it take if they want to establish a backup system?"

"It will take at least three days," the technician said.

The backup system is not so easy to establish, and there are many things involved.

Even if they were to rebuild a backup system, it would take at least three days.

"Three days is not enough time for Division Z." Manzhi said: "Don't worry about all that, let's get rid of the virus first. We must not let the virus erode our system.


The electronic warfare between the two sides instantly transformed into a virus defense war. Although they successfully captured the Z Division's system, Manzhi's happiness was completely gone.

If you get it now, it means you haven't got it. The system of Division Z can be said to be a poison den. There are so many viruses. It would be good if their synthesis brigade can remove these viruses [to protect themselves from being interfered with].

But what Manzhi is wondering now is that based on his understanding of Li Ran, there should be a backup method.

Communication systems and monitoring systems are so critical to troop command.

The system is paralyzed. How to contact the Z Division headquarters and various units? What kind of contact should be used? Radio?

This is somewhat unlikely. The communication method was developed many years ago and has long been outdated.

As we all know, the old brigade commander is a person who loves the new and dislikes the old. His desire for new equipment is stronger than that of the commander of the synthetic brigade, and he will never use those old things.

But for a while now, Manzhi still couldn't think of any backup means that Master Z could have.

Director's Department.

"Chief, the communication monitoring system of Division Z is completely paralyzed, and the combined brigade will need at least ten hours to eliminate the virus intrusion." The technicians made the final judgment on the electronic warfare battle between the two sides.


After the technicians made their judgment, there was an uproar.

The final result of this electronic war is that neither side is the final winner. We can only say who loses more and who loses less.

Obviously, Division Z lost the most. The system was completely paralyzed and judged unusable.

As for the synthetic brigade, the electronic countermeasures brigade needs ten hours to clear the virus. During this period, this

Ten hours also meant that the electronic countermeasures brigade of the synthetic brigade was also in a paralyzed stage.

At the beginning, both sides fought so fiercely in the silent electronic warfare, which made everyone look forward to the next confrontation.

But before that (Li Wanghao), they thought of a problem, that is, the Z Division system was paralyzed. What should the command do?

"Commander Li's move is indeed cruel, but what about the command of the units of Division Z next?"

"Yes, the system is paralyzed, so how can we direct it?"

"Although the Synthetic Brigade needs to eliminate the virus, the communication system is still fully functional and can be used as usual.

"If the communication between the two heavy tank regiments of Division Z is not smooth, why should they turn into a mess?"

Everyone talked one after another.

At this time, the screen that updated the deployment orders of both sides in real time was refreshed on the big screen, and the deployment of Division Z appeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, there are also pictures transmitted back by the directors who followed the front line and the drones that followed the filming.

On the screen, I saw a large Z division marching towards the Zhuhe exercise ground in battalion-level units. This tactic of breaking up into parts is not a big deal. It has been used in previous exercises.

But when they saw the logistics provided by each battalion-level organization, they were all shocked.

"Damn it, all the units in Division Z are running behind their backs on logistics supplies.'

"Isn't this too cruel? Just break it down into parts, and even the logistics are broken down into parts?"

"Even if the combined brigade discovers it, it will be blind. Is it possible to use a fighter formation to bomb a battalion? Our firepower is not that rich, right?

"My eyes have been opened, my eyes have really been opened. It seems that [their units] really don't plan to contact each other."

"Only Mr. Li dares to do this. If it were anyone else, who would have such courage?"

What they didn't know was that what was even more eye-opening for them was yet to come. Everyone present would never have imagined that they would still be able to witness the nostalgic style of modern warfare in their lifetime.


(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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