Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

584: Satisfactory Analysis! Air Combat Is About To Break Out

Although the communication and monitoring systems of Division Z have been completely paralyzed, the Synthetic Brigade is also in trouble. It takes technicians from the electronic countermeasures department ten hours to clear out this dense virus.

Although these technicians can ensure that these virus Trojans cannot invade their own communication systems, it takes effort and time.

This means that during these ten hours, the electronic countermeasures department of the synthetic brigade was unable to monitor the movements of Division Z in real time.

The only method is to send out drones to search for traces of Division Z.

But Manzhi did not dare to take risks for a while, because last time when the 114th Regiment came, a large drone was sent out to monitor the 114th Regiment, but the drone was shot down by the 114th Regiment, leaving them with nothing. A drone.

At that time, Manzhi almost fainted without being heartbroken.

This kind of large-scale integrated surveillance and combat drone is very precious. Even the combined brigade only has three of them now. After the loss of the last one, they went to the military factory to get another one with full ambition. .

Most of the reasons why the military factory can give him this face is because of Li Ran's face.

Now in the exercise, if such a drone is lost early, it will be a huge loss to the combined brigade.

Just launch a surprise attack during the period when the units of Division Z are on the move. This opportunity must not be missed.

Division Z cannot be allowed to arrive at the Zhuhe training ground safely like this!

But after Manzhi thought for a while, he decided to send two drones out to check. It would not be Manzhi's style to give up this opportunity just because he felt sorry for the loss.

"Brigade commander, why don't you send one out? We only have three in total. If we lose all of them, how will we fight the rest of the battle?" Seeing this, the lieutenant colonel on the side persuaded.

The reconnaissance field of view that this kind of drone can provide is so critical. If the two sent out are lost, only one will be left, which will be very detrimental to the subsequent operations at the Zhuhe exercise ground.

"Although Division Z has the means to deal with drones, they will not find out so easily. Their communication system has been completely paralyzed, and their electronic equipment has definitely been affected. They keep the drones flying at high altitudes. All they need to do is find them Just follow the trend." Manzhi said after some analysis.

He has naturally considered the consequences, but as long as the drone keeps flying at a high altitude of 420 degrees, he does not need the surveillance screen to clearly see the appearance of the officers and soldiers of the Z Division, he only needs to find the marching movements of the Z Division.

"Have the Kong Sixth Division on standby. Once the Z Division's whereabouts are discovered, they will be dispatched immediately." Manzhi added.


Following Manzhi's order, two large-scale integrated surveillance and combat drones flew out.

At the same time, the Eighth Air Division base hundreds of miles away was not idle either. The fighter formations were on standby and would be dispatched as soon as the order came.

Return to Division Z.

The headquarters set up by Li Ran set off last, and it was also the command of three echelons. The Z division chief led a team, and the Z division chief of staff led a team, a total of three echelons.

Of course, Li Ran was not worried that he would be beheaded, he just wanted to let others exercise as much as possible.

It is not difficult to defeat the combined brigade, but what is difficult is how much the officers and soldiers of Division Z can learn from this exercise.

"Division Commander, all units have set off. According to your order, the size of the battalion-level units and the routes are spread out as much as possible." The lieutenant colonel staff officer on the side said after receiving the latest report.

"I know, let's go." Li Ran said.


Following Li Ran's order, the entire Z Division was dispatched and headed towards the Zhuhe training ground.

The director's perspective is the most intuitive. Looking at the map, blue light spots representing Division Z are almost everywhere on the map, starting from different routes.

And every battalion-level unit carries sufficient logistics supplies, so there is no need to worry about anything.

Even if the combined brigade now sends people to sneak attack the Z Division's base camp [that has no meaning at all.

Because all the logistics supplies of Division Z have been taken away, Division Z's base camp is now empty. Even if the combined brigade comes to sneak attack and occupy Division Z's base camp, it will not get anything valuable.

After both sides experienced an electronic battle, the battle officially began.

in the air.

The Sixth Air Division, which is affiliated with the Z Division, formed a fighter escort formation to ensure that once the Eighth Air Division attacks, they can respond immediately.

The only one that can defeat the Air Force is the Air Force.

Since the departure was in battalion-level formation, each unit marched very quickly.

Director's Department.

With the deployment of both sides fully unfolded, everyone in the director department also knew that Division Z was the focus of more attention.

"Commander Li's courage is definitely enough to break it down into parts. The key is that each battalion-level unit carries enough logistics. This is something I did not expect."

"This is equivalent to fighting a war with logistics behind its back. It is scattered into so many troops that the combined brigade should not be able to take care of them for a while.

"If the combined brigade uses the air force to attack a battalion, it will be overkill.

"I estimate that when the synthetic brigade detects this situation, it will definitely be confused."

A group of officers and staff members were talking about it. It was still in the marching stage and the fierce battle had not started yet, so everyone still had time to discuss.

When the two sides really started to fight fiercely, there was no time to discuss. The dense data reports were hard to read.

Just as a group of officers and staff were discussing, after the two large drones sent by the combined brigade detected the movements of the Z Division, they were not happy for a long time, and the decision was made immediately.

Combined Brigade, First Command!

on the big screen.

"Report, the movement of Division Z has been detected." At this time, the technician responsible for controlling the drone reported.

Immediately afterwards, a blue flashing light spot appeared on the screen.

"Bring up the picture." Manzhi heard this and said quickly.

Finally, the movement of Division Z was successfully found, and everything went smoothly.


The technicians who controlled the drone carefully and gradually lowered the flying height of the drone. They only needed to capture the footage of the Z Division troops. They did not need to be too clear.

Soon, the picture was transmitted back, and it was indeed the troops of the Z Division marching.

"Old chief, I finally found you." Upon seeing this, Manzhi said happily.

Unexpectedly, at this time, another technician controlling the drone also reported: "Report, the movement of Division Z was discovered."

The next second, a blue cursor appeared on the screen again, indicating that the Z Division troops were also discovered.

"I found them all." Seeing this, Manzhi felt even better.

It was indeed so smooth, and he easily captured the movements of the Z Division troops. But the next second, the smile on Manzhi's face suddenly became solemn, and he realized that something was wrong.

"Why is there only one battalion-sized troop?" Manzhi asked in surprise.

Although it can't be seen clearly, from the perspective of the marching column, this size is at best a battalion-level unit.

A battalion-level unit is nothing to a division.

What surprised Manzhi even more was that the other drone detected only a battalion-level unit.

"Continue to investigate." Manzhi said.


As the combined brigade drones continued to conduct reconnaissance, more and more blue cursors appeared on the screen. Obviously, so many cursors could not all be large units of the Z Division.

"It's a tactic of breaking everything into parts." Seeing this, Manzhi also reacted.

This trick was actually not new to him, and it wasn't really a new trick. I think back when the combined regiment and the main divisions of the field army were doing exercises, some people chose to break the tactic into parts in order to avoid the attack of the combined regiment. .

It's just that these tactics were nipped in the bud in the end.

"Contact me the official." Manzhi said.


Soon, Manzhi got in touch with his chief executive.

The battle conditions collected by the combined brigade are shared by the three headquarters in real time, so the main officers also know that the Z Division's current tactics are broken down into parts.

"Brigadier, the old leader used the tactics of breaking up into parts, and the troops have been dispersed. What do you think?" asked the official on the phone.

To be honest, since it is a tactic of breaking things down into parts, the main committee does not recommend using the Sixth Air Division for bombing.

That would be equivalent to using a cannon to hit mosquitoes, which means nothing at all.

Although both sides have air forces, the number of sorties dispatched by the air force is not unlimited. There are certain restrictions, so they must be used in key positions.

"Before I discovered the convoy where the old leader's headquarters was located, I had no plans to use the Kongba Division for the time being." Manzhi said.

"How about sending someone to attack the headquarters of Division Z? Cut off their logistical supplies?" Zhengwei asked tentatively.

"I do think so, but will our old chief make such a series of stupid mistakes?" | Man Zhiwu Na said: "Look at the latest video transmitted back."


On the phone, the first thing I asked was Shii. The call started coming immediately without hanging up.

"Damn it, old commander, this is too much. Every battalion-level unit is equipped with logistics. Doesn't it mean that the Z Division headquarters is empty now?" The official was stunned.

He saw in the latest video transmitted back that each battalion-level unit is equipped with a certain logistics fleet. The supplies carried by this size far exceed the logistics equipment that a battalion-level unit should have.

There was obviously only one result, and that was that the old chief knew that they might attack the base camp, so he simply evacuated the base camp.

Even if they send people to sneak attack the Z Division headquarters now, the logistics materials inside are gone and empty. It has no meaning except a waste of manpower and material resources.

"Everything we can think of, the old chief has thought of," Manzhi said.

In the fight against Li Ran, Manzhi was actually under a lot of pressure. He really didn't have much to do against the all-pervasive old leader.

"Then let them come directly like this?" Zhengwei said unwillingly.

This deployment of Division Z seems to be sure to defeat his combined brigade.

"Wait a minute, I understand." Manzhi said excitedly as if he had thought of something.

"Do you have any idea?"

"Let the Sixth Air Division send out a fighter formation to conduct reconnaissance and find out which route the Eighth Air Division took to escort the old leader's convoy," Manzhi said.

"What are you doing?"

"Think about it, if the Sixth Air Division is performing an escort mission, obviously the escort convoy below is the most important. What is most important, besides logistics, heavy equipment, and the headquarters." Manzhi said, the more he spoke, the more important he was. I think my idea is very reasonable.

"I understand what you mean. Do you want to find the old leader's headquarters to carry out an aerial killing operation?" asked the official.

Operation aerial beheading, also known as aerial beheading operation.

It is different to let the special operations brigade perform the beheading mission. It is different to directly let the air force go to behead and launch an air attack on the target headquarters.

No matter which method the Z Division uses to maneuver, the Air Force Sixth Division under the command of the Z Division will definitely not be idle and will definitely organize a fighter formation to escort the convoy.

At present, the Z Division is so scattered that the escort of the Sixth Air Division cannot take care of every convoy, so the ones it takes care of must be important.


Each unit is equipped, and the only thing left is the convoy where the headquarters is located.

As for the heavy tanks, if the heavy tank regiment is mobile, the air force still has the capital to attack. Now it is just a tank battalion, and there is no need to use artillery to fight mosquitoes.

"Yes, money should be spent wisely." Manzhi said.

"Then do as you wish."

After learning about Manzhi's idea, the official also agreed very much.

Indeed, the troops of Division Z that can be escorted by the Sixth Air Division must be the convoy where the headquarters is located. As long as the beheading operation is successfully carried out, the attack of the Eighth Air Division will not be in vain.

At least they can avoid capturing the marching route of the Z Division headquarters.

Soon, after receiving the order, under the guidance of the ground staff at the 8th Air Division base, Dragon 10s took off one after another, in a formation of two, one wingman and one main engine.

Conduct investigation missions.


"Please speak when you receive it!"

"This reconnaissance mission was carried out. After discovering the fighter jets of the Sixth Air Division, do not be reluctant to fight. Report the route, retreat safely, and wait for orders.

"Eagle 2 received!"

"Eagle 3 received!"


The ultra-high-horsepower aviation engine made a terrifying roar, and the fighter planes of the Eighth Air Division flew out safely one after another.

The other side~

A ground battalion-level unit escorted by the Sixth Air Division is maneuvering.

At this time, the equipped radar vehicle suddenly issued an early warning.

"Warning, Eighth Air Division fighter jets detected."

"Warning, Eighth Air Division fighter jets detected.

The radar kept sending out early warnings, and at the same time, the technicians on the side quickly reported the situation.

"Deputy division commander, we have discovered the Eighth Air Division fighter jets and they are expected to arrive in three minutes."

"I know, let's inform Eagle Team 2."


"Eagle Team 2, received."

In the air, the Second Eagle Team, which was performing an escort mission, responded immediately, changed from an escort posture to an attack posture, and flew at high speed in the direction of the 8th Air Division fighter planes.

Not long after, the pilots of both sides' fighter planes discovered each other's presence.

The air battle is about to break out~

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!!).

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