Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

585: A Big Gamble! The Teacher Has Such A Big Appetite

As the air forces of both sides met, the air battle was about to break out.

Even though it only took a few minutes for the radar to detect the fighter jets of the Eighth Air Division arriving here, the speed of the fighter jets was so fast. In these few minutes, the distance traveled by the fighter jets was not short.

At the same time, the fighter formation of the Sixth Air Division performing escort missions and patrolling missions also changed to an attack formation at this time.

"Call Xiong Daying, we have discovered the Eighth Air Division fighter jets and request an attack."

"Agreed, Xiaoying will perform the cover mission, don't pursue us further."


Boom boom boom~

The ultra-high-power engine made a roaring sound in the air. For a fighter jet, this was only a normal speed, and it was not pressurized to increase the speed to supersonic speed.

"Calling Eagle 1, we found a formation of fighter jets from the 6th Air Force Division, flying towards me."

Similarly, the Eighth Air Division also detected the fighter jets of the Sixth Air Division flying towards them. The distance between the two sides was not too far and could be detected by radar.

"Try it out to determine whether the formation can continue, and pay attention to safety."


After receiving the order, two fighter jets from the Eighth Air Division immediately went to conduct reconnaissance and at the same time prepared to retreat.

If it is really the cruise formation of the Air Force 6th Division, it is a full squad. They only have two fighter jets, one of which is a wingman. They are definitely no match, so they have to run.

Whoosh whoosh~

Suddenly, several air-to-air missiles were fired directly at the two fighter jets of the Eighth Air Division.

The fire control kept alarming, indicating that it was locked. The pilots of the two fighter jets of the Eighth Air Division immediately pulled up, pulled the plane upwards, and at the same time released jamming bombs to avoid the missile attack.

Bang bang bang∼

Several missiles successfully exploded under the interference of interference bombs, and two fighter jets of the Eighth Air Division escaped the disaster.

"It's so dangerous, I didn't even realize it was locked."

The two fighter pilots of the Air Force 8th Division breathed a sigh of relief, but they were still careless. They originally just wanted to conduct a reconnaissance, but they didn't expect the fighter pilots of the Air Force 6th Division to be so ruthless, not giving them any chance, and completely attacking them. It comes from posture.

This situation illustrates a problem. The convoy escorted below is an important convoy.

It is very likely that the Z Division headquarters is in the convoy below.

"Call Eagle 1, confirmed."

"Eagle 1 received it and immediately retreated, waiting for support."


The two fighter jets of the Eighth Air Division were no longer hesitant. They had managed to avoid the missiles before, but now they immediately chose to retreat and wait for support.

If all the fighters of the Sixth Air Division were to surround them in a moment, they would have no chance to escape.

Here, the fighters of the Eighth Air Division left without looking back, and the fighters of the Sixth Air Division did not choose to pursue them, and returned to continue their escort mission.

The deputy commander of Division Z, who was leading the team on the ground, also received a report from the radar department. Radar detection showed that the two fighter jets of the Eighth Air Division had flown far away and were no longer within the detection range of the radar.

Although the two fighter jets of the Eighth Air Division had left, the colonel was not in a good mood right now. He couldn't help but say, "Maybe we're not coming. I'm so stingy. Only two of them came."

What's the use? "

"Deputy division commander, do you still want to come over with the entire formation of the Eighth Division?" Hearing this, the combat staff officer on the side laughed.

"That's right, it's best to come as a whole formation." Hearing this, the colonel did not deny it, but rather agreed with what the staff officer said.

After finishing speaking, he informed the escorting Air Force 6th Division above.

"If the Kong Eighth Division comes later, remember to put some water in while preserving your own strength." The colonel said: "At least the ground troops will suffer losses. Even if I die in battle, it won't be a big problem."

After saying these words, the combat staff on the side were dumbfounded.

A captain of the Eighth Air Division formation that was leading the escort mission overhead said: "Understood.

After the call ended, the combat staff once wondered if he had heard wrongly.

Is your deputy division commander crazy? You want the Kong Sixth Division to let go, but you still hope that you will be killed. Is this collaborating with the enemy? Are you deliberately letting the Kong Eighth Division succeed?

"Deputy division commander, what do you mean by this?" the combat staff couldn't help but ask.

"Don't ask, just carry out the order." The colonel obviously had no interest in explaining clearly now and said calmly.

After hearing this, the lieutenant colonel had no choice but to give up, but he was still puzzled.

"Is this a tactical order from my division commander?"

The lieutenant colonel's guess was indeed correct. This order was indeed issued by Li Ran, and the time returned to thirty minutes ago.

The headquarters radio station where Li Ran was located directly contacted the senior colonel.

When he learned that the call was from the headquarters, the colonel was very excited. He thought there was some important task entrusted to him, but he didn't know.

"What? Commander? Why? Why do you want to release the water?"

I heard what my division commander said, if the Kong 8th Division uses a formation to attack, let the Kong 6th Division release water appropriately to give the Kong 8th Division a chance.

When he first received this order, the colonel refused and was confused.

Because Li Ran's order was clearly to let the team led by him, the deputy division commander, die, and his intention was too obvious.

"Execute the order. You can't bear to let your child catch the wolf. For the sake of the overall situation, you must make some sacrifices." After Li Ran finished speaking, he ended the call without talking too much to the colonel.

The military order was difficult, so the colonel could only accept this order.

As for the reason, the senior colonel had some guesses. His division commander's strategic plan should be to use him, the deputy division commander, as bait, but he didn't know how big of a fish he wanted to catch.

But his own division commander has said that considering the overall situation, sacrifices need to be made, so he, the deputy division commander, made this sacrifice.

Another moment passed.

The radar department issued an alarm this time. This time, the Eighth Air Division fighter jets that appeared on the radar screen were no longer the two before, but a whole formation of several fighters.

"Alert, the 8th Air Division fighter squadron has been detected and is expected to arrive in four minutes."

"Alert, the 8th Air Division fighter squadron has been detected and is expected to arrive in four minutes."

Technical staff from the radar department immediately reported the incident.


Hearing this, the colonel muttered silently in his mind, and then issued an order: "At the same time, all units and air defense firepower are preparing to assist the air master in launching an attack on the fighter squadron of the small air division."


Following the colonel's order, all the anti-aircraft firepower equipped by the battalion-level unit was brought out. Although the damage to fighter jets was limited, there was still a chance to cooperate with the Air Force 6th Division fighter jets in the air. ,

At the same time, the fighter formations of the Sixth Air Division immediately rushed forward.

This time, Manzhi used a lot of skill. He directly used the fighter squadron of the 8th Air Division, a fully formed squadron. This situation was like trying to eat up the battalion-level unit of the 6th Air Division's ground escort.

The Sixth Air Division has only one formation with a total of six fighter jets [the Pope is far behind compared to one squadron of the primary and secondary divisions.

Soon, the air battle between the two sides officially started.


Boom boom boom~

In the air, various missiles were flying, and on the ground, all anti-aircraft firepower also opened fire to cover the Sixth Air Division in the air.

The fight between the two sides was fierce, but the Eighth Air Division had the upper hand because it had more fighter jets. The order received by the Zhongsi Primary and Secondary Division was to put the ground on the ground at all costs.

The team will solve it.

Therefore, the main attack target is the ground troops, which makes the pressure on the Sixth Air Division not so great.

Under such circumstances, it didn't take long for both parties to explode at the same time.

When a fighter jet of the Eighth Air Division broke through the fighter defense line of the Sixth Air Division and flew toward the ground at low altitude, it was locked by an anti-aircraft missile of the ground forces and hit directly. This fighter jet meant battle damage.

But before being attacked by the missile, the fighter jet also launched an attack on the ground troops, and the ground troops also suffered heavy losses for a while.

As the battle continued, in the end, the Eighth Air Division, despite losing three fighter jets, finally withstood the attack of the Air Sixth Division's fighter jets and completely destroyed the Lei-level unit on the ground.

This also indicates that the Kongba Division's mission was successful.

Here, in the air battle just now, the Sixth Air Division fighter formation lost one, and the escorting ground troops were destroyed. There is no point in staying here.

The Eighth Kong Division has completely wiped out the ground troops. If they continue to stay here, they will be the unlucky ones.

Therefore, the lieutenant colonel leading the team did not hesitate and directly issued a retreat order.

The remaining fighters of the Sixth Air Division immediately returned to retreat.

The Fighter Squadron of the Eighth Air Division finally completed its mission despite losing three fighter jets. Compared with each other, it only lost one more than the Sixth Air Division. The battle losses were not large.

Seeing that the fighters of the Sixth Air Division had escaped, the Eighth Air Division did not choose to pursue them, but instead chose to return home to rest and resupply.

They had just experienced a battle. If other fighters from the Sixth Air Division came now, they would be the unlucky ones.

0......Please give me flowers 00

Synthetic brigade!

"Report, the Eighth Air Division completed its mission and successfully destroyed the target."


After hearing the report from the combat staff, the first headquarters suddenly burst into applause. Everyone present applauded and was very excited.

In this air battle, we finally got off to a good start.

This battalion-level unit escorted by the 6th Air Division must be an important battalion-level unit. It is very likely that the headquarters of the Z Division is in this battalion-level unit. Now that the 8th Air Division has successfully destroyed it, it is equivalent to the success of the air attack operation. .

"Let the drone close the distance and see if the command headquarters is here." Manzhi gave the order.


Since the ground troops of this battalion-level unit had been completely destroyed and there was no threat to the drone, Manzhi dared to let the technicians fly the drone low.

The drone flew low, and the pictures transmitted back became clearer and clearer.

Finally, I saw in the picture, a senior colonel slowly getting out of a car, because the colonel was still smoking.

"The brigade commander, the senior colonel, is a big fish."

After seeing this man's military rank, a combat staff officer said excitedly.

"What a pity, he's not the old brigade commander, nor the chief executive of Z Division, but just the deputy commander of Z Division." Manzhi recognized the senior colonel and knew that the senior colonel was the deputy commander of Z Division. He felt a little pity for a moment.

It would be great if this senior colonel were Li Ran, the old brigade commander, or the chief committee officer or chief of staff of Z Division.

"Brigadier Commander, we have made a profit. At least we are sure that there are indeed big fish in the troops escorting the Kongxing Division." The lieutenant colonel on the side consoled him.


"That's right, the old brigade commander is lucky this time. He can be caught next time." Manzhi said.

The results of this battle confirmed that his previous speculation was correct. Although the Z Division is now broken into parts and maneuvers in battalion-level units, as long as there are troops escorted by the Sixth Division above, there will be a command established by the Z Division. department.

For example, this battalion-level unit that was just destroyed contained the deputy commander of Division Z.

Obviously, under this break-up mode of maneuver, Z Division also established several echelon headquarters to ensure the dispersion of unit chief officers.

"Let the Eighth Air Division send fighter jets to continue the investigation." Manzhi issued the order.


Manzhi's current plan is to let the Eighth Air Division continue to send fighter jets for reconnaissance. As long as traces of the Sixth Air Division are found, he will find a way to attack the escorting troops below.

the other side.


As the deputy commander of Division Z, although the colonel was damaged in the battle and his body was covered in white smoke, which made him cough and choke, he did not feel too sad.

Although he was damaged in battle, the Eighth Air Division lost three fighter jets, three at once. How many times did the Eighth Air Division lose its fighter jets?

Although he is now killed in battle, it actually does not have much impact on the entire Z Division.

"Deputy Commander, this Eighth Air Division is really ruthless. A squadron came to attack us and is determined to eat us." The lieutenant colonel couldn't help but say.

Their counterattack just now was very fierce in conjunction with the Kong Sixth Division, but the Kong Eighth Division's attitude was that of fighting Saburo at all costs.

"If my guess is correct, the combined brigade should think that there is a headquarters among the troops that have time to escort troops." The colonel said slowly.

At this time, they were all killed, so to speak, and the combined brigade couldn't hear them anyway.

"Isn't it?" After hearing this, the lieutenant colonel and staff officer who was also killed in action couldn't help but ask.

In his opinion, shouldn't it be like this?

If your own division commander is in the army and encounters such a situation, then the entire Kong Sixth Division must not come over to support?

"Do you think the teacher is an ordinary person?" the colonel asked, "Give the lieutenant colonel ten looks that you understand.

The lieutenant colonel was stunned, as if he had thought of something, and said in surprise: "Sir, does he have such a big appetite?"

"Understood? Otherwise, how can I be a division commander?"

The colonel now knows what Li Ran meant when he said they were bait and wanted to catch big fish.

The big fish of love is heading towards the Eighth Air Division, wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to gain direct control of the air.

He never expected that his teacher would have such a bold idea [This is tantamount to gambling.

But when he thought of Li Ran's reputation and work style, the senior colonel felt relieved.

If you don’t have courage and bold ideas, how can you become the commander of Division Z at this age?

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank!!! Zero).

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