Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

587: Dimensionality Reduction Attack! Dragon 20 Joins The War! !

Taking advantage of your illness and killing you, the Kongliu Division organized all its forces to pursue the Kongba Division, which had been defeated and fled.

The Kong Eighth Division encountered a trap in this operation and suffered heavy losses, with more than half of the overall casualties, while the Kong Sixth Division only suffered losses of 23/10. Now in a fight, the Kong Eighth Division was no match for the Kong Sixth Division.

Faced with the pursuit of the Kong Sixth Division, the Kong Eighth Division could only flee.

in the air.

The Kongba Division, which was so menacing in the beginning, was so embarrassed to escape now.


Behind them, the fighter jets of the Sixth Air Division kept firing air-to-air missiles. Facing the incoming missiles, the fighter jets of the Sixth Air Division could only release jamming bombs while constantly raising the control stick.

"Eagle 6, Eagle 6, I'm bitten."

"Can it be avoided?"

"No, my jamming bomb is gone and locked by the radar. Before it is shot down, I will act as a decoy and you run."


At this time, a fighter jet of the Eighth Air Division was directly locked by three fighter jets of the Sixth Air Division while escaping, leaving no chance to escape.

At this last moment, the locked fighters of the Sixth Air Division tried their best to buy time for other fighters to retreat.

Boom boom boom~

White smoke emitted from the fighter jet of the Eighth Air Division, its mechanism was triggered, and it was judged to be a battle damage by the director.

After successfully capturing the three fighters of the Eighth Air Division, they continued to pursue the remaining fighters of the Sixth Air Division without any delay.

Such a scene, a sudden reversal, made the officers and staff in the director's department stunned and shocked.

For a moment, the director's department was filled with excitement.

"Let me go, Master Z is so awesome, he actually arranged a trap."

"This has been prepared for a long time. A hole was dug for the Kongba Division, and the Kongba Division just jumped in."

"You are so courageous. If you do this, it means that the convoy where the Z Division headquarters is located does not have air force cover. How dare you?"

"It's really awesome. It's completely unimaginable. It really taught me a lesson."

"It's really awesome. I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect it."

Many officers and staff members were talking about it, and they were all impressed by this show.

"Chief, the tactics of this Z Division are really bold. They used the headquarters to gamble on air supremacy. If Manzhi didn't fall for this, didn't they think about the consequences in advance?" The commander of the Northern Military Region couldn't help but marvel. road.

"This guy's tactical style has always been like this. He is bold and controls people's hearts." The chief of the General Staff said solemnly: "Now the battle damage ratio of the air forces of both sides lies entirely with the divisions.

"Yes, once the balance of air supremacy is broken, the meaning will be completely different." The admiral sighed.

In modern warfare, air supremacy is too important. Now that the air supremacy of both sides has been broken, it means that during the next maneuver of Division Z, the air force of the Combined Brigade will not pose much threat to them.

Not to mention, the Z Division still maneuvers in a broken-down manner, so the threat becomes even smaller.

However, it is very bold to set up the headquarters in a convoy without air force cover. If full ambition is not fooled, if the Eighth Air Division attacks freely, there is a high possibility that the blind cat will encounter a dead mouse.

In that case, the teacher will suffer a huge loss.

It can only be said that Li Ran really has a good grasp on Manzhi in terms of controlling people's hearts. He is worthy of being Manzhi's old leader and he has a very clear grasp of Manzhi.

Synthetic Brigade.

First Command.

At this time, the atmosphere in the headquarters was very heavy. Everyone present felt extremely heavy about the current battle situation. No one expected that the battle situation would turn around so quickly.

In a short period of time, they lost their air superiority, and the original air superiority of both sides was broken.

As for the Kong Liu Division, although it finally got rid of the pursuit of the Kong Liu Division, it still paid some price. Currently, the combat effectiveness of the Kong Liu Division is only 40%.

The combat effectiveness of the Eighth Air Division is at least seven levels, a full three-level gap. This is a huge gap for the Air Force.

"Brigade commander, the old brigade commander is really too old and dug a hole for us." The lieutenant colonel staff officer on the side said with an ugly face.

At this point, even idiots can realize that this is a trap Li Ran dug for them.

"I thought the situation was too simple, I was too naive, no wonder, I can consider the issues, how could my brigade commander not consider it?" | Manzhi said, blaming himself.

He originally thought that he was thinking carefully this time, and the old brigade commander was careful and careful, but now it seems that he is just a clown.

An order was issued to let the Eighth Air Division jump into the hole dug by Li Ran. As a result, the air superiority of both sides broke the balance.

At present, the combat effectiveness of the Air Force 6th Division and the Air Force 8th Division has nothing to do with their initiative in air supremacy and their combined brigade.

"Brigade commander, what should we do now? Are we going to let the units of Division Z come over like this?" the lieutenant colonel asked again.

Having lost the initiative to control the air, the combined brigade has now become very passive.

Originally, they had the final say on whether to attack or not, but now, the current strength of the Air Force 8 Division cannot take the initiative in air supremacy. If they are not careful, the final air force will be wiped out by the Air Force 6 Division.

"It looks like we have to use a special move." Manzhi said.

"Trick?" Hearing this, the lieutenant colonel was stunned. He didn't know what other tricks his synthetic brigade had mastered?

Is there any trick that can make up for the strength of both sides' air forces? The lieutenant colonel really can't figure it out.

"Notify the Eighth Air Division to use two Dragon 20s to participate in the battle, and report to the director's department at the same time." Manzhi said something that the lieutenant colonel did not expect at all.

"Brigadier, Dragon 20? Can we use Dragon 20 in this exercise?" the lieutenant colonel asked quickly, very excited.

He is no stranger to the Dragon 20. It is the most advanced fifth-generation aircraft and the fighter jet is very powerful.

Let's put it this way, the difference between the Dragon 20 and the Dragon 10 is that in the hands of the same pilot, one Dragon 20 can at least deal with 10 Dragon 10s without being shot down.

This is a fifth-generation terror fighter.

The construction materials and performance characteristics of the Dragon 20 are completely different and cannot be compared with the Dragon 10.

"Before the exercise started, our superiors gave us this privilege. Originally, I didn't plan to use it, but now it seems that I can't use it anymore," Manzhi explained.

Before the start of this exercise, his superiors made it clear to him that in this exercise, two Dragon 20s could be used to participate in the battle. On the one hand, it could be regarded as a test of performance, and on the other hand, it could also increase the strength of the Z Division.

But in Manzhi's view, this was a complete insult to him, the commander of the synthetic brigade.

The Combined Brigade itself has better equipment than the Z Division, and it gives him more leverage. It is obvious that he looks down on him, the commander of the Combined Brigade, and thinks that he will not have an advantage in the fight with Li Ran.

So Manzhi didn't intend to use it originally, in order to prove himself, but now it seems that there is indeed a big gap, so it won't work.

If the air superiority is not regained, Manzhi will lose even more confidence in the next battle.

On the plains, fighting a battle of annihilation with the First Heavy Armored Division of the Field Army, who the hell is not panicking?

That was the first heavy armored division of the field army, and it was still a heavy armored division in the hands of Li Ran, just like Rommel commanded a steel legion in a state of complete victory during World War II.

That was so stern that people would tremble when they heard it.

This privilege must be used now.

Soon, the director received a report from the synthetic brigade and used Dragon 20 to join the battle.

After seeing this report, there was an uproar immediately. Many officers and staff in the director's department did not know that the combined brigade could still use the Dragon 20 in this exercise.

Using Dragon 20 to beat Dragon 10 is not appropriate for a father to beat his son. It is too much.

"I'll go ahead and use the Dragon 20, or two of them. Is it that excessive to combine the brigade?"

"Why can the synthetic brigade use Dragon 20? Aren't they all Dragon 10?"

"This is too shameless. Not to mention two Dragon 20s, even one Dragon 20 participating in the war can now regain air superiority."

"This is a violation of the law for the synthetic brigade. You shouldn't play like this."

For a time, many people looked at the chief of the General Staff, wanting to see what his attitude was.

"Let two Dragon 20s take part in the battle." Under the gaze of many eyes, the chief of the general staff spoke slowly and agreed.

Seeing that the chief of the General Staff agreed, all the officers and staff were speechless. It seemed that the chief of the General Staff knew about it in advance and agreed.

Now that the General Staff bosses have agreed, they have nothing more to say.

Having said that, the Dragon 20's participation in the battle is indeed an increase in intensity for the Z Division, but the exercises have also become more beautiful.

Eighth Air Division, Air Force Base.

"Yes, I understand."

After receiving the call, the commander of the Air Force 8th Division immediately ordered two Dragon 20s to join the battle and join the Air Force 8th Division to perform exercise missions with the remaining fighter aircraft.

In the hangar, the door opened, and under the gaze of everyone, two handsome and domineering Dragon 20s slowly drove out under the guidance of the ground crew.

"So handsome."

"Hahaha, Long 20 joins the battle, now I don't think I can beat the Kong Sixth Division to death.

"Fifth-generation aircraft, I really want to fly fifth-generation aircraft."

"Two Dragon 20s going into battle would be too much of a bully for Kong Xing's troops."

The remaining pilots of the Sixth Air Force Division who could still participate in the war looked at the fifth-generation aircraft of their dreams and said with envy.

The Dragon 20 is currently not fully deployed. It is expensive and limited in quantity. The pilots who can fly the Dragon 20 are the best ace pilots. Not everyone can fly if they want to.

The main thing is that the Dragon 20 fighter jet is too abnormal.

The Dragon 20 fighter jet has been tested and multiple data simulations have been conducted. It is found that the Dragon 20 can defeat one Dragon 10 against ten Dragons 10.

What is a technical gap? This is a technical gap.

The two Dragon 20 fighter jets can completely make up for the remaining insufficient strength of the Eighth Air Division.

Boom boom boom~

The super powerful engine roared with great force.

Under the command of the ground crew, the two Dragon 20s, one after the other, drove out of the runway, lifted into the air, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Now it’s time to get back the lost ground.

Just sending out two Dragon 20 fighter jets is a sign of confidence in the Dragon 20 fighter jets. Confidence, just two Dragon 20 fighters can easily deal with the remaining Air Force Sixth Division.

As the two Dragon 20s moved towards the Kongliu Division with murderous intent.

Here, in the convoy of the Second Command Headquarters where the Z Division's main committee member is located.

Boom boom~

In the air, two fighter jets passed directly from low altitude, and the ultra-high speed produced a sonic boom, which caused the Q13 of Shizhishi Zhibing to look sideways.

"Damn, the Eighth Division is still here?"

"What's going on? The Eighth Division of Kong is here to find a place?"

"These two fighter jets are here to deliver food."

"No, these two don't seem to be Dragon 10 fighter jets?"

"What's going on?"

Inside the command vehicle.

"Report, the Eighth Air Division fighter jets have been detected. They are two Dragon 20s?"

Responsible for radar technology

The technician looked at the fighter signal detected by the radar and said with a stunned look on his face.

Good guy, what's going on? How did the Dragon 20 participate in the war? Aren't the air forces of both sides only equipped with the Dragon 10?

"What? Dragon 20?"

Hearing this, the chief officer of Division Z on the side also looked dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

"Yes, official, two Dragon 20s." The technician said, the radar detection was correct, it was indeed the Dragon 20.

"This is terrible, why does Dragon 20 exist? This thing is a dimensionality reduction blow to Dragon 10." The chief officer of Division Z couldn't help but murmured, his head was getting big.

The existence of two Dragon 20s is equivalent to breaking the balance of air supremacy currently controlled by both sides.

The air supremacy previously won by the Air Force Sixth Division would be wiped out by the attack of the two Dragon 20s, and even the Air Force Eighth Division would directly take away the air supremacy. This was a huge problem.

"Come on, the Eighth Division is just kidding. If you don't play like this, Long 20 will be dispatched. Isn't this bullying?" the lieutenant colonel on the side said dissatisfiedly, very angry.

They finally got the air supremacy, and now it's better. The Eighth Air Division sent out Dragon 20. It was just a fool's errand, and all their hard work before was wasted.

"Do you think the Kongba Division can send out Long 20 at will?" The official said directly: "It is definitely the intention of the combined brigade."

"Synthetic brigade? Even the synthetic brigade can't cheat like this." said the lieutenant colonel.

"The meaning of the synthetic brigade must be what the higher-ups meant. The higher-ups have tacitly acknowledged that there is no problem with the arrangements of the synthetic brigade. What can we say? Should we terminate the exercise now and report to the director?

Is there a status?" Zhengwei said angrily.

"Hey, the two Dragon 20s really think highly of our Z Division." The lieutenant colonel said helplessly.

"Contact the division commander immediately." The officer said to the communications soldier.

When things have reached this point, the decision must be made by the division commander Li Ran. Even if he is the official leader, he doesn't know what to do now.

Even though he is not from the Air Force, he still knows how terrifying the Dragon 20, a fifth-generation fighter jet, is.

The participation of two Dragon 20s in the battle will be a dimensionality-reducing blow to the Air Force Sixth Division!!!

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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