Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

588: Air Combat Upgrades! Battle Of Honor Among Rod Pullers

The addition of Long 20 instantly put tremendous pressure on the officers and soldiers of Z Division.

You know, this is the Dragon 20, the most advanced fifth-generation aircraft. No matter how good diplomatic rhetoric is, nothing can compare to the flying of this thing. This is the deterrent effect.

As the Eighth Air Division sent two Dragon 20s to join the battle, the balance of air power between the two sides was broken again, this time tilted towards the Combined Brigade.

The Z division official knew the seriousness of the matter and did not dare to delay. He immediately contacted Li Ran to report the matter.

Here, the headquarters led by Li Ran.

"I know."

After hearing the Z division chief's report about Long 20's participation in the war, Li Ran acted very calmly and said calmly.

"Sir, do you know?" Hearing this, Division Z's chief officer was shocked. He didn't expect that his division commander actually knew about this.

"Before the exercise started, the military region greeted me and I agreed." Li Ran said, still very calm.

Time goes back to the day when Li Ran led the 113th Regiment and returned to the station after training.

At the division headquarters, Li Ran had just returned [the commander of the military region personally came to the division to find Li Ran.

"Hello, Commander."

Seeing the general arriving, Li Ran immediately saluted and said hello, not knowing what his commander was doing at this time.

"I came to see you for something and wanted to see your attitude." The commander said with a smile.

"Commander, if you have anything to say, just say it." Li Ran smiled.

"Okay, that's it. This time your Z Division and the Combined Brigade are engaged in an exercise. I want to give you a little more intensity. I wonder if you can accept it?" the commander said.

"Intensity? Is there any strength to fight against the Synthetic Brigade?"

Hearing this, Li Ran did not express his position directly, but asked a question with a smile.

The commander was stunned for a moment by such arrogant words, and then laughed and cursed: "Only a brat like you has the confidence to speak like this."

Indeed, if anyone else said this, it would be a complete bragging in the eyes of the admiral.

But only when he arrived at Li Ran, the general did not doubt the division of Ji Ran's words.

When it comes to fighting the Synthetic Brigade, there is absolutely no one who is more experienced than Li Ran, because Li Ran founded the Synthetic Brigade. As the founder of the Synthetic Brigade, isn’t it just a matter of hand to fight against the Synthetic Brigade?

"If you put it that way, I think this matter is even more necessary." The general said slowly: "The General Staff intends to test the actual combat performance of the Dragon 20 in the exercise, so they are thinking of dispatching two Dragon 20 this time. , the command of the Dragon 20 fighter jets belongs to the Eighth Air Division, that is, the Combined Brigade, which means that during the exercise with the Combined Brigade, your side will be attacked by the Dragon 20, is there any problem? "

The Dragon 20 has been built, and although various data performances have been tested, the Dragon 20 has never been deployed in any exercise.

Just taking advantage of this opportunity for the exercise and confrontation between the Combined Brigade and Z Division, let the Dragon 20 be dispatched to try and fight, and see if in actual combat, the Dragon 20 can beat ten with one.

"I have no objection, I'm very honored." Li Ran said, agreeing.

Although compared with Dragon 10 and Dragon 20, the gap between the two sides is not the slightest. The addition of Dragon 20 will definitely bring huge pressure to their side, but these are nothing to Li Ran.

Can the addition of just two advanced fighter jets turn the situation around?

If this is the case, our ancestors didn’t have fighter escorts in the past, so wouldn’t they still fight the eagle sauce and call it daddy?

Therefore, these external equipment factors are nothing at all in Li Ran's opinion.

"Then it's settled. I will notify the synthetic brigade later. Remember, this exercise must be effective." The admiral warned.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission."

This is what happened, so Li Ran was not surprised at all when he heard his official report that Long 20 had participated in the war.

Previously, the Eighth Air Division entered the trap he designed and suffered heavy losses. The air superiority of both sides had broken the balance and was in the hands of the Z Division.

At this battle situation, Li Ran would really feel strange if Manzhi still didn't send out Dragon 20.

So now that Long 20 is participating in the battle, Li Ran is not surprised at all, on the contrary, he is looking forward to it.

"Commander, now there are two Dragon 20s joining us. How should we deal with it~||?" asked the official.

At this time, Zhengwei breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Since his teacher knew about it in advance and he didn't sound too surprised when he spoke now, it means that his teacher must have some idea in mind.

In this case, he doesn't need to worry too much. His teachers don't panic, so it's useless for him to panic.

"Inform the Kongliu Division, and we'll talk about the rest later." Li Ran said something that the lecturer Zheng Zhengwei had never expected.

"Sir, is this all gone?" Hearing this, the commander of Division Z was confused.

"Otherwise?" Li Ran asked back.

"Sir, this is Dragon 20, Dragon 20, Dragon 20." The official said Dragon 20 three times in succession, as the so-called important things were said three times.

"I know that if we let the Kongliu Division fight first and then we can talk about it later, the Kongliu Division might not take Long 20 to heart at all." Li Ran said.

"All right."

Seeing Li Ran's resolute attitude, Division Z's official knew that this was the only way to go.

But what do you mean that Master Kongliu doesn’t take Long 20 to heart? Is it possible? Master Kongliu really doesn’t take Long 20 to heart?

If the commander of Kongliu Division hears Li Ran's statement now, he will definitely scold Li Ran without any concern for his image, you fart.

How could their Air Force Division not take the Dragon 20 to heart? That was the Dragon 20, a fighter jet that their Air Force Division dreamed of test-flying.

They also belong to the Air Force Division, but not every Air Force Division is equipped with the same fighter jets on both sides.

In the Air Force, there are also powerful divisions and ordinary Air Force divisions. Take the Air Force 6th Division and the Air Force 8th Division as examples, due to their different base locations.

The Eighth Air Division has encountered more than three times more emergency air incidents than the Sixth Air Division in the past, and even undergoes special air incident training every day.

Likewise, the fighter jets equipped by the Eighth Air Division will naturally be the most advanced fighter jets.

Generally, when the latest fighter jets are installed, the 8th Air Force Division will be installed first, and other air force units will wait for the fighter jets replaced by the 8th Air Force Division.

This is the fact. "The Eighth Air Division is a major air force division.

Even the Kong Sixth Division had no equipment for a Dragon 20. If it hadn't fallen into a trap this time, how could the Kong Eighth Division have been defeated so easily by the Kong Sixth Division?

Over here, the base of the Sixth Air Division.

After receiving the report from Division Z, the commander of the Air Force Sixth Division immediately held an emergency meeting.

In the conference room, all the chief officers of the units of the Sixth Air Division were present.

"Everyone, I have received the latest reconnaissance information from the Z Division. Two Dragon 20s from the Eighth Air Division are heading towards our base." The colonel said the news slowly, with a very heavy expression on his face.

Upon hearing this, the expressions of everyone in the conference room froze instantly.

What? Dragon 20? The Kongba Division dispatched Dragon 20?

Everyone present even wondered if their ears had heard wrongly.

Are you kidding? This is the Dragon 20. The Dragon 20 is dispatched, and it is coming directly towards their air force base. What are they doing? Are the two Dragon 20s planning to challenge his entire Air Force 6 Division?

"Commander, didn't it say that Long 20 was participating in this exercise?" An ace regiment leader of the Air Force 6th Division on the side couldn't help but said.

In previous exercises, there were regulations and agreements on what type of fighter planes would be dispatched and how many sorties they could dispatch in total.

This time, the Kongba Division was dispatched unexpectedly without any prior greeting, which they couldn't accept for a while.

"Z division said that before the exercise started, the superiors informed the Z division commander, and Mr. Li agreed." The colonel said.

"Mr. Li agrees, but that doesn't mean we agree."

"That's right, this is Dragon 20, it's just for fun."

"They can dispatch Dragon 20, why don't they give it to us, even one."

"The Dragon 20 fighter jet, I dream of flying it."

For a moment, in the conference room, the chief officer of Long Sixth Division made a very dissatisfied voice.

In their opinion, why can the Eighth Air Division dispatch Dragon 20 fighter jets? They can't?

Could it be that just out of thin air, the Eighth Master is the ace master? Just out of thin air, the Eighth Master has Dragon 20? That’s too unfair. After all, the master among them should be given a cross to enjoy themselves.

"It's useless to say all this now. I've called you here for a meeting to ask if you have any good tactics to deal with it." The colonel said angrily.

It is completely meaningless to discuss these things now and who is right and who is wrong.

The key is whether the remaining fighter jets of the Sixth Air Force Division are capable of meeting the challenge if the Dragon 20 comes, or two.

"Commander, I have seen the performance data and combat simulations of the Dragon 20 fighter jets. If nothing goes wrong, one Dragon 20 can fight 10 Dragon 10s. Now there are two of them. The current remaining strength of our Air Force Sixth Division is ideal. I can barely handle it now." The chief of staff of the Kong Sixth Division said with an ugly expression.

It's not that they are timid, an air force division was frightened like this by two fighter jets, but the performance data of my 20 is really beautiful.

The key is that this thing is a fifth-generation fighter, a stealth fighter. The fuselage is coated with special materials, which makes it difficult for even radar to detect.

Fighters from both sides fought, but our own radar could not detect the Dragon 20. How could we talk about targeting and shooting it down?

Isn’t that pure nonsense!

"`"The performance data of the Dragon 20 fighter jet is too excellent, but we have a numerical advantage and we are still fighting on our territory. The colonel said in a deep voice: "Ask the tower to cooperate with the fighter team, turn on the radar power to the maximum, and fight nearby. Don't go too far." "

This is what the colonel thought. The Eighth Air Division sent two Dragon 20 fighter jets over, obviously with the intention of conducting actual combat testing of the performance of the Dragon 20 fighter jets.

This is why the two Dragon 20 fighter jets did not attack the ground troops of the Z Division but went directly to the base of their Air Force 6th Division.

It looks like a provocation, but it is actually a provocation.

The colonel bluntly believed that in the minds of everyone in the Air Force 8 Division, the Dragon 20 fighter jets were capable enough to fight against the Air Force 6 Division on the territory of the Air Force 6 Division.

If the attack is placed in other airspace, it would be too bullying for Long 10, and the effect may not be achieved, and an opportunity is wasted.

To put it simply, they are worried that they will lose too quickly and the battle will end soon, which will be boring.

"Commander, would they be willing to fight us where we are?" Hearing this, someone asked a question.

"They will fight like this." The colonel said: "Although this is a bit unpleasant to say, it is undeniable that in their hearts, our Dragon 10 fighter fleet is not worthy of being their opponent, and they do not want it to end too quickly. "

Saying this is really hurtful and hurts morale.

But everyone present knew clearly that what their teacher said was correct. In fact, it was just like that, and they didn't want to admit it.

"Commander, they are too bullying. If you fight with them, no one will be afraid of you." The colonel of the Ace Regiment of Kong Sixth Division slammed the table and said angrily.

In this life, I have never suffered such humiliation.

What’s wrong with Long 20? How could he be so scornful?

No one? He still didn’t believe it. Long 10 had no chance at all.

"That's right, Commander, fight with them and let the Kongba Division know that we are not soft persimmons either.

"You're right, whoever you're afraid of is Long 20.

"We (get Zhao) still have a chance even if we use wheel warfare."

"The Kongba Division is said to be an ace division. This time they took the initiative to use Long 20. In fact, they have already lost. Even if we lose, the superiors will have nothing to say."

For a time, everyone present was filled with indignation, impassioned and indignant.

We are all bloody men, members of the Air Force, and the pride of heaven. No one can bear such humiliation.

"I feel relieved that everyone has such fighting spirit." The colonel said solemnly: "This time I personally piloted a Dragon 10, and we will show our signature tactics to the Eighth Air Division and the superior leaders.

Look, our Long Sixth Division is not a useless person who can only pull a lever. "

"Okay, let's fight them."

As we all know, the food of the Air Force is not only much better than that of other conventional units, but also has Air Force stoves.

The allowances for fighter pilots are also higher than those for officers and soldiers in regular units, because air force pilots still have drawbar fees.

What is the rod fee? It means that Air Force pilots fly fighter jets in the sky, and they can earn hundreds of dollars for an hour of flying.

Nowadays, the drawbar fees for air force pilots are getting higher and higher. The drawbar fees are different for pilots who fly different fighter jets and have different qualifications.

It's strange to say that the pilots of the Air Force Sixth Division like to pull the stick. Their family conditions are not very good, and they all rely on these subsidies to support their families. For this reason, I heard that they can pull the stick and run.

One is faster than the other.

The pilots of the Air Force Sixth Division are well-known for this characteristic, and are even jokingly called lever masters by outsiders.

At this time, the commander of Kongtou Division vowed to make Kongba Division understand the true strength of their division.

Even if it is a sparrow versus an eagle, one against one is no match, but as long as the number of sparrows is large enough, it can still cause a qualitative change.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!!).

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