Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

589: Suicide Attack! Let's Masturbate Together

With the encouragement of the principal of the Kong Sixth Division, everyone in the Kong Sixth Division was no longer so afraid of Long 20.

Besides, fear is useless. Can fear solve the problem?

At worst, they didn't believe it. How could two Dragon 20s overwhelm their entire remaining division?

And this time, the commander of the Air Force 6th Division personally led the team and flew it himself, which shows the determination of the senior colonel.


At the base of the Sixth Air Division, a high-pitched siren sounded. As the sound sounded, the officers and soldiers of the Sixth Air Division immediately began to get busy and entered their respective combat positions.

The ground staff were at the airport, waving hand signals and safely sending out fighter jets one after another.

On the tower side, the radar power was turned to the maximum, keeping in contact with every Dragon 10 pilot's fighter jet that took off.

The commander of the Air Force Sixth Division was personally at the tower to make decisions in response to various situations, because the commander of the Z Division personally led the team to fly up.

Boom boom boom~

The Dragon 10 fighter formation of the Sixth Air Division spread out in a battle formation at high altitude and faced the two approaching Dragon 20s.

Only two Dragon 20s dared to come to the base of his Air Force 6th Division in a arrogant manner. This was a provocation to their Air Force 6th Division.

This battle is not only a battle of shame for the Air Sixth Division, but also a battle of honor. If they can defeat Long 20, then they will really bring out the momentum of the Air Sixth Division this time, and their superiors will be able to see it. .

Boom boom boom

In the air, there are constant air explosions caused by supersonic speeds, which are very loud.

"All units should be aware that once Long 20 is discovered, report it immediately and do not engage in one-on-one combat. Remember, they have the ability to block radar detection. To detect them [requires us to use the naked eye]

On the radio, the voice of the Commander of the Kong Sixth Division sounded.

At this moment, the colonel felt that the blood in his body was gradually boiling.

Fighting against Long 20 makes them feel excited just thinking about it. If they win, it will be a turnaround for the Kong Liu Division.


The remaining pilots of their respective Dragon 10 fighter jets all responded.

Each Dragon 10 fighter will have a wingman. In battle, there will be at least two fighters in a squad. But now, such a small-scale formation is definitely no match for the Dragon 20. If the attack is dispersed, the Dragon 20 will only destroy it faster.

The Dragon 20's fuselage has materials that can shield radar detection, so the function of the radar at this time becomes insignificant.

Of course, this does not mean that the radar will not be able to detect 683, but even if the radar detects traces of the Dragon 20, the Dragon 20 may have already appeared in front of you by then.

As for Dragon 20, they have been able to detect your traces for a long time. How can you be the opponent of Dragon 20 if you are so passive?

Not to mention the speed of the Dragon 20. Once it reaches full speed, these Dragon 10 fighters really can't catch up.

This air battle is undoubtedly the most exciting and anticipated air battle in the current exercise.

Because, this air battle was joined by Dragon 20 fighter jets.

In the director’s department!

Everyone was looking at the big screen. Because the fighter jets were too fast, it was impossible for the drone to film the entire fighter combat process.

They can currently only compensate to a certain extent in their minds by watching data.

If you really want to see a detailed air battle, you can only wait until the exercise is over and the fighter jets of the two air force divisions land. There will be black boxes inside that will record the entire battle process.

Now we can only look at the battle damage data of both sides to judge who has an advantage.

Even so, it still aroused discussion among many people.

"Dragon 10 versus Dragon 20 is like a son fighting daddy. How can they be opponents?"

"To be honest, I really didn't expect Long 20 to participate in the war. This exercise was so exciting.

"I estimate that 80% of them want to actually evaluate the capabilities of the Dragon 20 in actual combat, but the data of the Dragon 20 is just too perfect."

"With only two Dragon 20s, you dare to go to the base of the Air Force 6th Division to fight. How confident you are. If you defeat the Air Force 6th Division, you will really be invincible."

"All the Kong Sixth Division was dispatched, and all the division commanders were on board. It seems they are really angry."

A group of military officers and staff members were talking quietly among themselves.

Some people are optimistic about the Kong Eighth Division, and some people still have expectations for the Kong Sixth Division. In any case, the Sixth Division has the advantage in terms of numbers.

But more people are optimistic about the Dragon 20. The reason is very simple. The combat performance data of the Dragon 20 is too beautiful. Whether it is technology or performance, it crushes the Dragon 10. The two sides are not at the same level.

Just two Dragon 20s dared to directly find the base of the Air Force Sixth Division to fight. This is self-confidence, which shows that they don't care about the Air Force Sixth Division at all and don't take it seriously.

While everyone was discussing, the data on the big screen was updated.

Two fighter jets of the Air Force Sixth Division were shot down by Dragon 20s, one Dragon 10 and one wingman.


After seeing this battle situation, the whole place was in an uproar.

Isn't this speed too fast? In just one encounter, the two fighter jets of the Air Force Sixth Division were gone? The Dragon 20 is too powerful.

"I'll go, the two fighter jets will be gone now?"

"It's too fast. The combat power of Long 20 is too terrifying."

"Hiss, if we continue at this speed, Kong Liu won't be able to hold on for long."

"I have already said that the performance of the Dragon 20 is so perfect that there is no pressure at all to beat the Dragon 10."

"The Kong Sixth Division is in danger this time. Quantitative changes may not lead to qualitative changes."

In an instant, the public opinion was almost one-sided. In one encounter, Long 20 taught the officers and soldiers of the Sixth Air Division a lesson, making everyone believe that Long 20 would win.

Similarly, the pilots of the Sixth Air Division who were fighting were also shocked at this time.

"Teacher, this is too perverted, because the speed of 20 is too fast."

"It was already in front of me, and the radar just detected it, so there was no time to react."

"Our two fighter jets were gone in a few seconds. It was too difficult."

"I found him, he was above me."

On the radio, such a disparity in strength made the officers and soldiers of the Sixth Air Division feel a little discouraged for a while.

All the confidence that was finally raised was destroyed.

At this time, a pilot shouted quickly because he discovered that the Dragon 20 was flying above him at some point.

"Big Eagle, raise the altitude, increase the pressure, and get rid of him."

The colonel's urgent voice sounded on the radio.

Hearing this, the pilot of the Dragon 10 fighter jet targeted by the Dragon 20 above gritted his teeth, quickly increased the pressure, turned the horsepower to the maximum, and at the same time pulled the lever, trying to increase altitude.

But these don’t have much effect on the Dragon 20 above, because whether it’s speed or height, the Dragon 20 has too little pressure to deal with my 10.

The Dragon 10 rose in altitude and turned on the maximum horsepower, and the Dragon 20 followed suit, keeping it above the Dragon 10, like a cat with its claws on a mouse.

"Commander, I can't get rid of it. You can find an opportunity to attack it and leave me alone."

The pilot said aggrievedly. He could now feel the joking mood of the Dragon 20 pilot above him, and he didn't take him seriously at all.

"Attention, all teams, surround him and fight him." The colonel was not a person who was sloppy and said immediately.


If you launch an attack rashly, it is very likely that your own fighter jets will be hit.

But now, after seeing the strength of the Dragon 20 fighter jet, the colonel understands that, let alone one for one, even three for one, if you can ensure that you can kill a Dragon 20, you will make money.

You know (aiaf), there are two Dragon 20s coming this time. The fighter jets are not as simple as one plus one equals two?

The cooperation of the two Dragon 20s was really a killing spree.

While the two Dragon 20s haven't formed an attack yet, they still have a chance.

So, four Dragon 10s, under the cover of their wingmen, approached the target, took aim, and launched air-to-air missiles.


Long 20 seemed to have expected it. Facing the flying missile, it once again pulled up and easily avoided it.


Just after evading it, several more missile attacks came. Long 20 directly released interference bombs, and then left calmly, without any panic, "very calm."

"Damn, just a little bit."

Seeing that there was no hit, a pilot said angrily.

But he knew in his heart that such an attack seemed a little worse, but in fact it was much worse.

Because this Dragon 20 is just teasing them now, and has not really fought with them yet.

At this time, hoo hoo hoo

Several missiles were fired again, and another Dragon 20 fighter jet took action and successfully hit, but this time it hit a wingman.

The wingman was judged to have been damaged in battle, slowed down, and slowly withdrew from the battle.

"Teacher, this can't go on like this. They are just playing tricks on us." Someone said angrily.

This feeling of prey and hunter made him very uncomfortable, and their current role was that of prey. The two Dragon 20s were not in a hurry to eat them in one go, but were deliberately teasing them.

"Made, you really treat our Kong Sixth Division as a soft persimmon." The senior colonel is also very aggrieved now. He has never been so aggrieved since he became a division commander.

"Listen to my order and commit suicide." The colonel gritted his teeth and said.

The suicidal attack method is the last resort of the Air Force Sixth Division. Once this attack method is used, it is equivalent to the colonel fighting with the idea of ​​​​annihilating the entire Air Force Sixth Division.

Air Force 6th Division Base, Tower.

After hearing what their teacher said, everyone in the tower looked very solemn.

Is the pressure so great? He actually pushed his own teachers to this point, suicidal style of play, which is a style of play with no hope at all, a style of play when you are desperate.

"Teacher, don't be impulsive and look for another opportunity."

The chief officer of Division Z said quickly and contacted the commander of Kongliu Division.

"The performance of the Dragon 20 fighter jet is even more terrifying than I expected. If we don't fight like this, we really have no chance." The colonel said in a heavy voice: "Get ready on your tower side, let all the ground air defense troops pull out, we Now split into two teams and separate the two Dragon 20s.


The air force base also has ground air defense forces to prevent the local air force from sneak attacks on the base camp, so air defense firepower must be prepared.

Of course, with the continuous advancement of science and technology, fighter jets are getting faster and higher, and ground air defense firepower is honestly not a particularly big threat to fighter jets.

It is really difficult to shoot down a fighter jet with just ground-based anti-aircraft weapons.

But if at the same time, with the cooperation of our own fighter jets, there is no chance.

The performance gap between the Dragon 10 and the Dragon 20 is too great. The commander of the Kong Liu Division believes that it is necessary to use all the firepower of the Dragon Six Division.

Moreover, the two Dragon 20s must be separated and cannot be allowed to fight in formation together.

In that case, the Kong Sixth Division would have no chance.

Following the colonel's order, all the anti-aircraft firepower at the Sixth Air Division base was pulled out, including anti-aircraft guns and tactical missiles.

All of the Sixth Air Division

The amount of anti-air defense firepower is equivalent to that of an air defense battalion.

At the same time, on the tower side, the radar power has been turned to the maximum, and all kinds of reconnaissance equipment have been activated, looking for opportunities to see if they can capture traces of the Dragon 20.

"It is divided into groups A and B. Group A will lead a Dragon 20 to the base to fight. Group B will lead another Dragon 20 away and lead it to the 241,12 coordinate area, where there is Z

A battalion of the division, let them assist. "The colonel said immediately.


In the air, the fighter formations of the Sixth Dragon Division immediately dispersed, and the two groups immediately went back in the opposite direction.

Seeing this, the two Dragon 20s didn't care if there was any fraud, one chased the other, and followed directly without caring at all.

The advanced performance makes the pilots of the Dragon 20 fighter very confident and no longer afraid at all.

On the Z Division side, the 4th Battalion of the 114th Regiment.

"Report, received a call from the 6th Air Force Division, they are seeking support from our air defense battalion.

In the battalion vehicle, the 4th battalion commander received a report from the correspondent.

"Give me the order to set up a position immediately and prepare to support the Sixth Air Division."

After hearing the report, the major waved his hand and suddenly felt energetic.


The major's hands have been itchy for a long time. As the 4th Battalion of the 114th Synthetic Regiment, their battalion has nothing but a lot of anti-aircraft firepower, and they all have the most advanced anti-aircraft firepower equipment.

The major had been looking forward to whether they would have the opportunity to masturbate freely during this exercise, and had been waiting until now.

The major was desperate when he heard that the Eighth Division had entered a trap and suffered heavy losses.

No matter what the situation, they haven't taken action yet, but the Eighth Division has stopped. What's the point? Unexpectedly, he is finally waiting for him.

After the major general gave the order, the entire battalion of officers and soldiers immediately set up shooting positions on the spot, waiting for the enemy's arrival.

If you want to shoot accurately, you must be stable, so it is very important to build a stable shooting position in the right place, and now the enemy is still coming to your door, so it is even more pointless.

What a pressure...

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!!).

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