Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

606: The Climax Is Coming! Tank Battle

With only half of the company left, the major and his men persisted for another ten minutes before finally reaching the final state of being exhausted and exhausted.

Although the major led his men in the final battle, risking his own life and causing as many casualties as possible to the combined brigade and delaying it, there was really nothing he could do now.

Whether in the eyes of the dead officers and soldiers of the mechanized infantry battalion or in the eyes of the remaining officers and soldiers of the combined brigade, they all thought it was over.

It is impossible for the blocking force of the 113th Regiment to stop them one step further.

But from the bottom of their hearts, the officers and soldiers of the Combined Brigade are full of respect for the major and others.

A mere mechanized infantry battalion was able to support a complete combined battalion for such a long time, and even caused half of their battle losses. This mechanized infantry battalion had nothing wrong with its combat effectiveness.

The officers and soldiers of the combined brigade already admired such an opponent from the bottom of their hearts.

If it were them, they might not be able to do better than the major.

At this time, the officers and soldiers of the Combined Brigade had surrounded the major. Looking around, they were all officers and soldiers of the Combined Brigade.

"Comrade Major, surrender, you have done enough." The captain of the synthetic brigade said to the major in a deep voice.

"Surrender? The 113th Regiment only has officers and soldiers who died in battle, but no officers and soldiers who surrendered." The major said disdainfully, with a sad expression on his face.

If he was asked to surrender, he would rather die in battle. Surrender was impossible. All his battalions were wiped out, and he was the only one left as the battalion commander.

If he surrendered like this, what else would he, the battalion commander, do?

"Comrade Major, don't make the last fearless resistance. We guarantee that you will be treated humanely." the captain said again.

At this time, there was the idea of ​​capturing the major. In the view of Captain "Nine Seven Seven", it would be a good blow to the morale of the Z Division.

Therefore, even though he admired the major in front of him in his heart, he had to go to the major to persuade him to surrender.

The major smiled disdainfully and didn't bother to talk to the captain, but there was an old-fashioned radio station next to the major.

"Coordinates, 120, 45, request fire coverage." The major said.

"Fire coverage? Mr. Hong, what do you mean? Are you crazy? Even if it is a practice ammunition, at such a close range, are you going to die?"

The conversation between the major and the captain reached the ears of the commander of the 113th Regiment through the connected radio.

After hearing the major reporting the coordinates and requesting fire coverage, the colonel said immediately.

"There is no time, for the sake of victory, fire at me." After the major roared, he threw away the radio and raised his gun to aim at the captain, hoping to take away one more person at this last moment.

It's a pity that the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade will certainly not give the major this opportunity.

Da da da~

Gunshots rang out, white smoke came out of the major's body, and he was judged to have been killed in action.

After hearing the major's last words, the captain's expression also changed, and he quickly shouted: "Retreat quickly.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

At the moment when the major reported the precise coordinates and expressed his firm attitude, the grenade crew supporting the 113th Regiment covered this area with firepower.

Boom boom boom~

Dense explosions continued to explode all around. Under such saturated firepower, all the remaining officers and soldiers of the Sixth Battalion of the Combined Brigade were killed.

A shell also exploded next to the major. The huge explosion made the major's ears buzz and he fell to the ground.

After the saturated artillery fire coverage ended, when he saw the major lying on the ground, the captain had no time to think and shouted: "Help."

The officers and soldiers of the synthetic brigade beside him rushed forward and gave the major treatment.

The major was brave and lucky. Although a training bomb exploded next to the major, it did not cause any substantial damage to the major.

Cough cough cough~

After coughing twice, the major spit out the dirt in his mouth and gradually recovered.


The major principal breathed a sigh of relief and said with some relief: "It's almost gone."


Seeing that the major still looked indifferent at this time, the captain couldn't help but say.

If this were on a real battlefield, if the shell just exploded, the major would definitely be dead. Even they, at this time, would not dare to use themselves as the exact coordinate point to guide the artillery fire coverage. They are really crazy.

Are all the officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment desperate for their lives?

"You can't win without being a lunatic." After hearing the captain's words, the major smiled and sighed: "Now I know how much courage it takes for the older generation to make such a decision. I really admire it."

Indeed, the moment the major made this decision, he felt deeply in his heart.

This is just an exercise, but looking back in history, the older generation has really done this before. They carried explosives to blow up bunkers and blocked the muzzle of machine guns with their bodies. This is so much courage and awe-inspiring.

On the front line, the 113th Regiment also ended the battle at this time and captured the position held by the Combined Brigade. Although it suffered heavy losses, it was the final winner.

At the last moment, a howitzer battalion gave support to the 113th Regiment and helped the 113th Regiment win the position. However, when the position was taken, Major Qianlu was at the end of his skills.

At this last moment, it was worthwhile to provide accurate coordinates to guide fire coverage and take away nearly half of the battalion of the combined brigade.

One person can replace half a battalion of the synthetic brigade. This account is not a loss no matter how you calculate it.

In this confrontation, Division Z took the lead and won a key strategic position.

Director's Department!

At this time, there was silence in the director's office.

Everyone has been dumbfounded by the fierce battle between the two sides, especially at this last moment. The major sacrificed himself in exchange for precise fire coverage, which moved everyone.

"This battalion commander is great and has a bloody spirit."

"I believe that if the older generation were still around, they would be very happy to see such a scene.

"Rolling a grenade under a tank to blow up the tracks, a recruit going deep behind enemy lines for the squad leader, and a battalion commander sacrificing his life for victory. What a classic scene worth recalling. The 113th Regiment fought well."

"I really didn't expect that the position would be captured by the 113th Regiment in this way. Master Li has trained well."

No matter whether they were mid-level or senior officers or senior generals present, they all agreed that the 113th Regiment fought well in this battle.

It showed the style of the field army, the will of the ancestors, and the spirit that the field army has always followed!

The combined brigade fought equally well. It was completely a foreign army's fighting style, and it still matched the most powerful Yingjiang. Facts have proved that in front of such a field army, even Yingjiang can't do it.

As the battle on the 113th Regiment's side came to an end, the battle for the important strategic city of Haicheng also began on the other side.

The 114th Regiment, the only composite regiment of the Z Division. During this exercise, a total of two battalions of the 114th Regiment were transferred. The remaining two battalions directly joined the 112th Regiment and joined the battle for Haicheng.

The 114th Regiment and the two battalions of the 114th Regiment were maneuvering towards Haicheng at full speed. Haicheng was surrounded by a plain area, which was quite comfortable for the heavily armed troops.

Similarly, Manzhi also knew the importance of Haicheng and invested important forces of the combined brigade.

As soon as the two sides met, long-range firepower took the lead in opening fire on each other.

Boom boom boom~


Tactical missiles, rockets, and other heavy firepower were all used.

On the combined brigade side, Tiger 9 used a triangle assault formation to respond to the Z Division's attack. The horizontal battlefield line on both sides was stretched to a full 1,600 meters, which was quite a long battle line.

The Tiger 9 on both sides fired first. At this time, the advantage of the Tiger 9's ultra-long range performance was once again reflected.

The combined brigade is all equipped with Tiger 9s, while on the 112th Regiment side, only one battalion of the 114th Regiment is a tank battalion [all equipped with Tiger 9s.

For a time, as soon as they met, the firepower was suppressed to a certain extent.

But this is not important. The 114th Regiment is also in a triangle assault formation, with two Tiger 6s and one Tiger 9. What is worth pondering is that the Tiger 9 is on the side of the triangle formation, not The front.

The advantage of this is that the Tiger 6 rushing at the front is always ready to cover the battle damage for the big brother Tiger 9 next to him.

This is a real tank battle, including Tiger 6, Tiger 9, the previous main battle tank of the field army, and the latest main battle tank.

Both sides held their breath and wanted to break through the opponent's formation as soon as possible and tear a hole in the opponent's battle line to expand the results of the battle.

Such a battle is a great test for the heavily armed forces, especially for the commanders of the heavily armed forces.

Because, in such a battle situation, any wrong order issued by Ichiban may lead to chaos in the heavy equipment cluster, which may lead to the enemy's attack.

Inside the command vehicle.

At this time, a scene of the two sides fighting appeared on the screen.

All the drones flew out, high in the sky, to detect the fighting situation between the two sides on the ground. Li Ran looked at the screen with a calm expression, and continued to issue deployments one by one for the heavy-armed cluster to make corresponding adjustments... .)

It is worth mentioning that compared with the combined brigade, Z Division's communications are very weak.

Although antiques are practical, they are still outdated.

Moreover, the cooperation between the heavy-armed troops is very close, and the level of coordination is very high. If you practice with outdated antiques, there will always be certain errors.

Li Ran, the commander of Z Division, is using his commanding skills to issue simple and clear instructions one after another to help the officers and soldiers of Z Division reduce errors.

Reducing errors not only depends on Li Ran's personal performance, but also the quality of the officers and soldiers of the division is also a big test.

the other side.

Combined brigade, second echelon headquarters.

The commander of the synthetic brigade serves as the headquarters of the second echelon and is directing this battle. Inside the headquarters, there are also real-time images captured by drones.

Judging from the current battlefield situation, the two sides are fighting in a very stalemate, evenly matched.

This made the official of the Synthetic Brigade couldn't help but sigh after looking at it for a while.

Do the officers and soldiers of Division Z really rely on these antiques to communicate?

Within the command headquarters, some old antiques were also sent over, with the purpose of allowing technical personnel to invade and monitor the radio station of Division Z, in order to help Division Z's commander understand the intentions of the old brigade commander Li Ran in advance, so as to respond. .

The main committee member of Division Z also learned from Manzhi that Division Z's current communications all rely on these antiques.

But from the perspective of the cooperation between the heavy equipment of the Z division, it seems that they are coordinated by old antiques. The coordination is quite high, not as good as their synthetic travel.

"Commander, should we dispatch the aviation brigade?" the lieutenant colonel on the side suggested.

So far, the Army Aviation Group of the Combined Brigade has not been used to actually join a battle.

Similarly, there was no such thing on the Z Division side. The Z Division just asked the Army Aviation Brigade to airdrop some troops and did not join the battle.

"No, Z Division hasn't been used yet, we can't use it first." The official of the Synthetic Brigade refused: "Don't forget, Z Division also has Tiger 9s, and Tiger 9s are capable of flying helicopters. We still have There is no need for the Army Aviation Brigade to exchange heavy equipment with the Z Division."

That's right, Tiger 9

Another major feature of the aircraft is its ability to attack armed helicopters.

As for the Tiger 6, it really doesn't work. Facing armed aircraft, it will only get beaten.

However, as a new generation of information-based main battle tanks, the Tiger 9 has certain air strike capabilities. If you want to say that the Tiger 9 is not good at fighting fighter jets, but the Tiger 9 is still good at fighting helicopters.

There is a great chance.

Especially on the current battlefield, if the Army Aviation Brigade is dispatched rashly, once it is defeated by the Tiger 9 of Division Z, how can we resist the Army Aviation Brigade of Division Z in the future?

"1.5 But if the fight continues like this, we will definitely be consumed first." The lieutenant colonel added.

In this battle, the Z Division had more tanks than the Combined Brigade. Although the Combined Brigade was all tigers, they could not withstand the overwhelming number of tanks on the Division's side.

Although there is only one battalion of Tiger 9s, the rest are all Tiger 6s, which has a huge advantage over Tiger 9s in quantity.

With the support and cooperation of Tiger 9, basically two Tiger 6 can now kill one Tiger 9. Even with such a battle loss ratio, the combined brigade cannot afford it.

"Let the infantry squad fight around the protective Tiger 9. The infantry and tanks should coordinate well. Don't attack rashly. Our goal is not to take down Haicheng, as long as it is to block the Z Division.

. "The official of the Hesheng Brigade issued the order.


"Report, the invasion is successful, we have monitored the district division's communications.

At this time, the technician on the side suddenly reported.

Hearing this, the official of the Hesheng Brigade looked overjoyed and said quickly: "Open it."


The old antique radio station nearby first emitted a few electric noises, and then Li Ran's voice soon sounded.

The commander of the synthetic brigade is very familiar with Li Ran's voice. There is no veteran of the synthetic brigade who is not familiar with the voice of the brigade commander.

Now that they had finally completed monitoring the Z Division radio station, he could then respond by judging the old brigade commander's deployment.

The next battle shouldn't be so difficult, the fighter plane is coming.

Just when the official of the Hesheng Brigade was happy, the development of things did not seem to be what he expected.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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