Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

607: Li Ran Style Command! I Don't Want Casualty Figures

As the saying goes, predict the opponent's deployment in advance, so that you can respond better and in a timely manner.

For the chief officer of the Synthetic Brigade, there is no need for him to predict now, because they have already invaded and monitored the old brigade commander's radio station, which is equivalent to the old brigade commander playing with him openly.

If the old brigade commander has any plans, he will tell them directly on the radio. He only needs to listen and use his brain to respond.

But when he listened very carefully to the old brigade commander's deployment on the radio, he found that it didn't seem to be the case.

The radio signal is not stable, with interruptions and noise from time to time.

But this does not affect the synthesis brigade's main story clearly.

But when they heard the content on the radio, the commander of the synthetic brigade was dumbfounded. Is this really a deployment?

"Fifth Battalion and Third Battalion, you two come closer."

"Regiment 112, attack harder."

"You guys play synergy like this? How do you usually train?"

Li Ran's voice came from time to time on the radio, but what he said was not a deployment, but a reprimand.

It seems that it was just like daily training. If he was not satisfied with the performance of the units below, Li Ran, the division commander, reprimanded him.

These words have nothing to do with deployment.

"Come on, what the old brigade commander said doesn't seem to be about the next deployment." The lieutenant colonel on the side also heard it and couldn't help but say.

"No, Brigadier Tu must be using some kind of secret code." The leader of the Synthetic Brigade said stubbornly.

Yes, it must be some kind of secret code.

With the wisdom of the old brigade commander, he would definitely guess that they would invade and monitor the radio station, so he made preparations in advance and planned to use some kind of secret code to communicate.

For example, this approach might be a code word or a synonym for a certain tactic.

"Credit? Even if it's a secret code, what can such two simple sentences mean?" The lieutenant colonel couldn't help but ask again.

"Although I don't know, I am sure that hiding the brigade commander is definitely not that simple." The official once again stood firm.

The next second, the sound came from the radio again.

It's just that the voice doesn't belong to Li Ran, but to the leader of the 112th Regiment.

"Division Commander, the attack is blocked." The colonel of the 112th Regiment said on the radio: "Our battle losses are very fast."

"Remember, I don't want your battle losses, I only want Haicheng." After the colonel's voice ended, Li Ran's voice sounded again.

After saying that, Zhao Zhong's voice disappeared again.

After hearing this, the officers of the Hesheng Brigade and everyone present stared at each other for a moment, not knowing what was happening.

The old brigade commander still has the same character as before, but what are these words?

The key point is that after talking about it for this reason, this should not be a secret code. If I use any secret code to explain it, it won't make sense.

The lieutenant colonel focused on his own commander, which made the commander of the combined brigade feel embarrassed for a while.


The colonel coughed twice, relieved his embarrassment, and said: "The old brigade commander is still the same, but did you find the key information points from the old brigade commander's conversation just now?"

What key information point?" the lieutenant colonel asked in confusion.

"It's stupid, that is, the old brigade commander did not personally command the front line, but completely delegated the command to the chief officers of each unit. This is a good thing for us. The old brigade commander definitely underestimated the enemy. He thinks we are not worthy of being his opponent. We are under pressure from fighting against the old brigade commander. Can we still feel pressure from fighting against the unit commanders of Division Z? Moreover, they have said that their battle losses are very high, and they cannot bear this. pressure."

The official of the Hesheng Brigade stated his analysis in a precise manner, giving people the feeling that it was not nonsense [it was all nonsense].

After hearing the sophistry of his own boss, the lieutenant colonel didn't bother to say anything more.

Being looked down upon by the old brigade commander makes you seem very proud, right? Shouldn't that be embarrassing?

If Division Z can't bear such battle losses now, can its own combined brigade be able to bear it? The key point is that it can't bear it either.

Although the old brigade commander has been successfully invaded and monitored, there is still no key information at all. What should we do next?

"Let the front line continue to hold on. It seems that the old brigade commander wants to fight a war of attrition with us. They are not afraid, so what should we be afraid of." After some thought, the colonel added: "Remember, let each unit be more flexible. It is necessary to fight hard [to give full play to the advantages of Tiger 9 in the charge."


After the lieutenant colonel left, the main committee of the combined brigade initiated contact with the first headquarters where Manzhi was located.

As soon as the contact was connected, a proud voice sounded.

"How's it going? Have the things I sent you come in handy?" Manzhi asked proudly.

Although the combined brigade has not taken advantage of the battle so far and has even lost a strategic position, Manzhi is still not panicking.

The "secret" of Division Z has been discovered by him, and now all he needs to do is target it.

The three elements of modern warfare are command, logistics, and communications. Command is not considered. Logistics. There are only so many logistics for Z Division and there is no need to consider them. In terms of communications, the Combined Brigade is in the lead and has already found the weak points of Division Z. .

"It's useless." Zhengwei said angrily.

"What's wrong? Has the invasion not been successful yet?" Hearing this, Manzhi asked in confusion.

Could it be that the technical personnel of the synthetic brigade couldn't even invade this old antique? If that's the case, this exercise is over and they have to study hard.

"The invasion was successful. I also heard what the old brigade commander said. It was useless. The official 443 said helplessly: "The old brigade commander did not have a clear deployment at all. What he said was too general, and the command authority was delegated. He completely lost it. Keep us in mind. "

After hearing his own explanation, Manzhi fell silent for a while.

He really didn't expect that the old brigade commander could command Z Division to fight them, and he could be so calm and not take them seriously. This was an insult to the combined brigade.

It is also an even bigger insult for him, the commander of the synthetic brigade.

"Don't worry, the old brigade commander is underestimating the enemy. As long as the old brigade commander relaxes, we have many opportunities. I have already asked the Army Aviation Brigade to take action." Manzhi said slowly.

"What do you plan to do with the Army Aviation Group? The Z Division's Army Aviation Group has not been dispatched yet." asked the official.

"I'm going to airdrop the special operations brigade into Haicheng, and occupy Haicheng first." Manzhi said: "The special operations brigade is good at street fighting. As long as we can occupy Haicheng first, we will have a way out. The strength of the special operations brigade is yours." You know, fighting street fighting in Haicheng is like adding more power to a tiger. If the old brigade commander dares to enter Haicheng rashly, we can decapitate him.

"I hope it goes as smoothly as you said."

Jian Manzhi expected it to be as good as he expected, but the senior colonel was not as good as he thought.

He always felt that there must be someone hiding behind Brigadier Ni's side.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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