Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

608: Casualty Indicators During The Exercise! Someone Crashed

Combined brigade and station.

"After receiving the order from the headquarters, our special operations brigade is responsible for the task of occupying Haicheng. The Army Aviation Brigade will arrive soon and will send us there. This mission can only succeed and cannot fail. Do you understand me clearly?"


The colonel of the special operations brigade of the combined brigade stood in front of the fully armed members of the special operations brigade and gave a pre-war training.

The members of the special operations team, who were armed to the teeth, roared in high spirits, and everyone was full of desire for battle.

From the beginning of the exercise until now, they have been in a state of standby. The fighting on the front line has been so fierce. As a result, their special operations team has indeed been on standby. They can't wait for a long time.

The blood in the body has already begun to boil, waiting for this opportunity to come.

There is no way, who allows frontline tank battles, their special operations brigade, the brigade that is good at special operations does not have an advantage.

Although their personal combat qualities are very strong, they are still too insignificant in the face of tank battles. Entering Haicheng to fight street battles is what they are good at.

Boom boom boom~

Not far from the tarmac, there was a roaring sound in the sky. It was the sound of the airflow driven by the high-speed rotating propellers.

The Army Aviation Brigade of the Synthetic Brigade has arrived.

Armed helicopters will escort the transport helicopters, airdrop them into Haicheng, and occupy Haicheng.

"Quick, quick, get on the plane."

Following the captain's order, the members of the special operations group began to board the plane in an orderly manner, lowering their heads, leaning over, and quickly boarding the plane.

After everyone had boarded the plane, Captain Yin also boarded the plane.

This time the entire special operations brigade is dispatched, and under the leadership of the brigade captain, there will be a fierce street battle.

"We're all here, let's go."

After receiving the order, the helicopter pilot pulled up the control column and the aircraft began to take off.

In the cabin, it is worth mentioning that there is a female special operations team member named Tang Xin, codenamed "Rose" in the special operations brigade of the synthetic brigade.

Due to the different structures of women and men, some women's physiques are not as good as those of men.

And for some reasons, women have more things to do and are more troublesome than men.

Especially in the special operations brigade of the synthetic brigade, every member of the special operations brigade has gone through rigorous tests before joining. The tests set were all those set by Li Ran when he was the brigade commander of the synthetic brigade. Very strict.

It not only tests a person's endurance and resilience, it is also a huge test for a person's psychological quality.

A woman can successfully pass the test and become a member of the special operations brigade, which shows Tang Xin's quality.

At this time, most of the special forces members were closing their eyes, waiting for the next battle. They knew that the next battle would be a hard battle.

Only the male second lieutenant He Guang sitting next to Tang Xin looked at Tang Xin with affectionate eyes.

"When this exercise is over and we successfully defeat the old brigade commander, I will propose to you." He Guang said to Tang Xin in a low voice, fearing that his comrades around him would hear it.

Little did they know that at this time, the rest of the special operations team around them were all pretending to be asleep, their ears twitching, listening to the conversation of the young couple.

"Is the old brigade commander so easy to defeat?" Hearing this, Tang Xin said lightly. Although the expression on his face was very cold, he was still very happy in his heart.

After getting on the plane, he took He Guang's sniper rifle over and was carefully wrapping it in camouflage cloth to achieve a better camouflage effect.

"The old brigade commander is strong, but I believe in our current brigade commander. Mainly I believe in myself." Unable to embarrass himself in front of his beloved, He Guangfen said with a smile: "I have a hunch that this time I can behead someone with my own hands." The old brigade commander, shot in the head.

As the most outstanding sniper in the special operations team, He Guang has this confidence.

The most important thing is that He Guang has experienced actual combat missions, and basically all members of the synthetic brigade special operations brigade have experienced actual combat missions.

This was the purpose that the old brigade commander had made clear to them when he was still here.

Special operations teams that have experienced actual combat are the real special forces. Compared with conventional troops, they need to experience more dangers and hardships.

"Bragging, what if you can't do it~?" Tang Xin asked deliberately.

"If I can't do it, then I won't propose." He Guang was also dumbfounded. When Tang Xin asked him this question, he directly said such words without emotional intelligence.


Tang Xin was also angry when she heard this, and cursed dissatisfiedly, saying that she was stupid, but then she thought about it, she seemed to like He Guang's stupid energy.

The teammates on the side couldn't listen anymore and said deliberately.

"Oh, what a fool."

"Yes, you said that the proposal of marriage was closely related to the killing of the old brigade commander."

"The key is that you can find a partner and get married before our brothers do. Are you angry?"

"It's so irritating. Why can Mao find someone?"

"The drought will kill you, and the flood will kill you."

"Waterlogging? Where to fight floods?"

The deputy captain who led the team was in a daze. When he heard this, he woke up and asked quickly where he thought there was a flood.

"It's not your turn to make a fuss over a small matter like fighting floods. Just keep sleeping." The team leader beside him said angrily.


There was roaring laughter in the cabin, and the atmosphere was very joyful.

The captain who led the team also had a smile on his face when he saw this scene. To be honest, he was also looking forward to beheading the old brigade commander.

This time, they must show the old brigade commander the strength of their special operations brigade, and let the old brigade commander know how terrifying the special operations brigade he trained back then has grown to be.

If Li Ran knew what the captain was thinking, he would probably say bluntly, "You are being sentimental."

When Li Ran was still the commander of the synthetic brigade, he really didn't spend much time on the special operations brigade. At most, he only formulated special assessment projects and changed equipment for them.

It's just a special operations brigade, and Ji Ran really doesn't need to worry about it.

Li Ran has always looked down upon special forces and always believed that armor command is a commander's goal.

After flying for nearly forty minutes, the helicopter successfully arrived at the top of Haicheng. Below were complex buildings.

In order to avoid being detected by the Z Division, the flight route was deliberately detoured and detoured as far away from the frontline battlefield as possible.

"Black Hawk, I'll land first."

"Black Hawk received it, Anal."


Under the cover of an armed helicopter, a transport plane began to land slowly on a wide street in the city.

When the surrounding environment is relatively safe at present, there is no need to rappel, just land directly on the ground.

Unexpectedly, just when the armed helicopter started to land.


In a corner not far away, a missile was fired directly.

"Six o'clock direction, dangerous."

Fortunately, the co-pilot had been observing the environment, and when he noticed the flames coming towards this place, he quickly reminded him.

The pilot quickly made a tactical evasive action and narrowly avoided the missile.

The people in the cabin were also somewhat off guard because of such a big tactical move.

"Alarm, there is an ambush, there is an ambush."

Seeing that one of the Red Arrow III missiles missed, a soldier from the Z Division reconnaissance battalion who was hiding in the corner fired a few more rounds.


A bolt of flames was fired directly at the helicopter of the Army Aviation Group of the Combined Brigade.

"There is an ambush from Division Z on the ground. How did they know we landed here?"

Seeing this, the members of the special operations brigade who led the team also noticed something was wrong and said in confusion.

They were not surprised that the Z Division sent people to occupy Haicheng. What surprised them was how the Z Division's people happened to ambush their landing point and knew their landing location in advance. This was not scientific at all.

"Call command, call command."

There was an ambush on the ground, and the helicopter of the synthetic brigade was unable to land for a while, so it had to stay away temporarily. At the same time, the colonel leading the team called the headquarters.

"Command received it, please tell me."

"There is an ambush from Division Z at the landing point, making the landing difficult." The colonel quickly reported the situation.

the other side.

Combined brigade, first echelon headquarters.

Manzhi was surprised when he received the report from the colonel.

"The old brigade commander moved so fast? How did they know the landing coordinates of the Army Aviation Brigade?" Manzhi said to himself, while Tian Fen was confused.

"Brigade commander, why don't you let the Army Aviation Group change its position to land?" said the lieutenant colonel on the side.

"No, this is the best landing point. If we land in another position, we will be in a very passive situation in the street fighting. We have to land no matter what." Manzhi refused directly.

Of course, the landing area chosen is not chosen randomly, it is all determined based on the strategic location.

This landing area is the best position. Once given up, it will be completely occupied by Z Division.

"This should be just the leading small force of the Z Division. It is impossible for their large force to occupy this place so quickly, otherwise the [Special Forces Brigade] will definitely suffer battle losses now.

After calming down and analyzing, Manzhi made this conjecture.

Although he didn't know how Z Division knew their landing area, or the old brigade commander expected that they would definitely occupy this area, so he sent the vanguard troops to rush here at full speed to ambush.

Since it is the vanguard, its strength will definitely not be sufficient. Otherwise, the special operations brigade still on the helicopter will definitely suffer battle losses.

"Let the armed helicopter cover you while you rappel. No matter what, we must capture this place first." Manzhi gave the order to the colonel.


After receiving the order, the colonel said to everyone: "Get ready to rappel. There are people from Division Z ambushing on the ground. Pay attention to safety and move quickly."


The escorting helicopter gunships provided fire cover to the landing area.

Da da da~


The cannons carried by the armed helicopters continued to baptize some corners on the ground, and air-to-surface missiles were also continuously launched to suppress the officers and soldiers of the Z Division reconnaissance battalion hidden in the corners.

Under the cover of such firepower, the combined brigade special operations brigade immediately began rappelling.

One after another, along the rope, they landed directly on the ground, very fast and very crisply.

The special forces team members who landed immediately took a fighting stance and set up a cordon around them.

"I'll go down first, pay attention to safety."

It was He Guang's turn. After He Guang warned Tang Xin on the side, he put on dust-proof goggles, then grabbed the rope and started rappelling.

Who knows, at this moment.


Another unexpected anti-air missile shot towards this side.

"pay close attention."

The pilot quickly pulled the control stick and flicked his tail to perform tactical evasion.

Although the cannonball was successfully avoided through tactics, He Guang's side was caused by the sudden rotation of the plane and the inertia that caused him to lose his grip on the rope. As soon as he let go, he fell directly from mid-air.

"He Guang. 11

Seeing He Guang fall down like this, Tang

Xin shouted anxiously and quickly followed the rope down.

The height of this mid-air was at least five or six meters away. From this height, He Guang just lay down and fell down. After falling heavily to the ground, his whole body instantly became speechless.

He vomited blood and fell into coma.

"Call the command center, call the command center, there was an accident on our side, a team member fell from the helicopter, please ask for rescue, please ask for rescue."

The captain quickly called the headquarters.

“Let the rescue team go and take the person away immediately.

Manzhi (Zhao Mohao) ordered quickly, feeling dry in his heart.

An accident still happened. Although there were certain accident indicators in the exercise, every special operations team member was an elite, and he did not want anyone to sacrifice during the exercise.

"He Guang, He Guang." Tang Xin came to He Guang and shouted loudly.

But at this time, He Guang had fallen into a coma and did not respond at all.

"Medical team, put him on a stretcher, be careful." the colonel said quickly.

On the other side, the officers and soldiers of Division Z lurking in the corner also noticed something was wrong. The major leading the team noticed that an accident had occurred on the Combined Brigade side, and immediately signaled to stop the attack and quickly walked over.

"What happened?" the major asked quickly.

"One of our team members fell from the plane and needs to be sent away for treatment immediately," the colonel said.

At this time, they no longer cared about the drills or the identity of the two sides as opponents.

"Okay, you land a plane and send him away immediately." The major said.

Soon, a plane landed slowly, and everyone quickly sent He Guang aboard. Tang Xin also wanted to follow, but was held back by the colonel.

"I want to follow him." Tang Xin said.

"Calm down. We are practicing now. This is war. It is his great fortune to send him away in time. If you leave, it will be a violation of battlefield discipline. Return to your position."

Put it on. "The colonel said seriously.

After some inner struggle, Tang Xin immediately returned to her true self.

After the plane transporting He Guang left, the two sides fought again, as if what happened before had never happened.

An accident occurred during the exercise, and if you can do your best to treat it, you will definitely do your best to treat it [the rest of them can only express their inner blessings.

But a drill cannot end just because of one person's accident.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!! Liang).

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