Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

625: It’S You Who Are Embarrassed, It’S None Of My Business! Go Home On Vacation

Because before the review meeting was held, the head of the General Staff asked Li Ran to come and speak, and something like this happened. Only then did the head of the General Staff speak positively about the exercise of both parties during the meeting.

On the one hand, the Z Division and the Combined Brigade performed well. It is definitely the most representative and teaching exercise of the year. On the other hand, if the general staff boss is worried about deliberately finding faults, don't let Li Ran mistakenly think that he thinks Master Z has not yet started, and he is deliberately delaying Li Ran's promotion.

The meeting only lasted less than forty minutes and ended.

After the meeting, the head of the General Staff left first.

As the boss of the General Staff, he has a lot to do every day. After returning to the General Staff in the capital, he has to carefully analyze the matter about Li Ran's promotion.

The main problem is that now that Li Ran has been promoted, what will happen to Li Ran's position?

Should a major general be allowed to serve as a division commander? The key is that in the position of commander of a heavy armored division, there has never been a precedent for a major general to be a division commander.

At the level of major general, the corresponding position is even more like a carrot and a pit. When someone sits, someone will leave. It is not so easy to arrange.

So at this point, the General Staff boss is ready to analyze and discuss carefully and make an appropriate decision.

After all, Li Ran's promotion to major general has indeed been delayed for a long time. Of course, this time is relative.

For others, it is normal to not be promoted even in a lifetime, not to mention such a short period of time.

After the General Staff boss left, the Northern Military Region General Commander went to Manzhi and had a conversation with Manzhi. The main point he wanted to express was that although the Combined Brigade lost this time, don't give up or give up. discouraged.

There is no shame in losing to Master Z or to Li Ran, the founder of the Synthetic Brigade. It is not shameful at all. Don’t feel any psychological pressure and continue to work hard.

After some instruction, the general took Tan Fei and left.

As for admonishing Li Ran, there is no need at all. It is not the superior's turn to do such a thing.

After all the military bosses left, Man Zhi found Li Ran and said like a child who had done something wrong: "Old brigade commander, I'm ready.

"Preparation? What preparation?"

Seeing Manzhi looking like he was going up the mountain of swords and getting off the pan, Li Ran smiled.

"Just scold me hard, I can handle it." Manzhi said.

I remember when Li Ran was the commander of the synthetic brigade, once they made mistakes and did stupid things, Li Ran would show no mercy to them. He would scold them to death, and sometimes even attack them.

Of course, everyone knows it's for their own good and that's all.

Having not been trained by Li Ran for such a long time, Manzhi was actually looking forward to this feeling.

"Scolding you? Why am I scolding you? What's wrong with you?" Hearing Manzhi say this, Li Ran was stunned for a moment.

Good guy, let yourself scold him when you come up. I'm afraid it's not some kind of masochism.

"My command of this exercise was a complete mess. I lost the battle. I lost the face of the combined brigade and you, the old brigade commander. Aren't you angry?" Manzhi asked.

"Stop it, although the combined brigade lost this exercise, from a command point of view, there is nothing wrong with you." Li Ran commented.

After hearing this, the depression and sadness in Manzhi's heart immediately disappeared.

To be honest, in Manzhi's heart, the approval from the old brigade commander Li Ran was much more valuable than the approval from the commander of the military region.

The old brigade commander said there was nothing wrong with his command this time, which means there really was nothing wrong.

"Old brigade commander, since you said there was nothing wrong with my command, I still don't understand why I lost this time?" Manzhi asked, this was the point he was most confused about now.

"The reason is not very clear." Li Ran said very directly: "Because no matter how good your command is, you are definitely not as good as me. If you are better than me, how can you not defeat me?"

Full of ambition, the old brigade commander spoke so directly and without any tact. He didn't know how to respond for a while.

"Calm down, although the Synthetic Brigade lost this time, it was not lost to others, but to the Z Division. If other units know about this, the best we can do is help them vent their anger, which means nothing." Li Ran comforted He said, but after comforting him, he added: "But let me remind you, I am no longer the brigade commander of the Hesheng Brigade. Don't use my name in the future and always say things like losing my people. You are now the commander of the Hesheng Brigade." Brigadier, if you are embarrassed, you are also the one who is embarrassed, do you understand?"

0......Please give me flowers......

"I understand." Manzhi nodded.

"That's it, work hard." Li Ran patted Manzhi on the shoulder and planned to leave.

"Old brigade commander, let's get together tonight?" Manzhi said.

"No, I'm on vacation." Li Ran waved his hand.

After the exercise, Li Ran asked for a week's leave from the General Staff boss and was ready to go home and rest.

The exercise between the Z Division and the combined brigade is over. For a while, the Z Division can slow down for a short time.

During Li Ran's vacation, just leave the work in the division to Zheng Zheng to handle it on his behalf.

As for Master Z, Li Ran plans to be a hands-off shopkeeper from now on. He has been doing everything by himself before, and after a lot of hard work, he finally brought Master Z to the Taoist road, and he will be able to turn around later.

In this way, the exercise has just ended, and all units of Division Z have to temporarily camp at the Zhuhe exercise ground for one night, rest for one night, and then set off for their return journey the next day.

And Li Ran, the division commander, was planning to fly back to the capital from the military airport to take a vacation.

Before leaving.

"Are you leaving now? Don't you want to leave until the follow-up matters are almost settled after returning to the division?" Division Z asked in surprise when he learned that Li Ran was going to take a vacation.

The exercise is over, but there are a lot of things to do next.

Generally, within a week after the end of the exercise, a special evaluation meeting will be held in the division headquarters. Besides the first time, there are still many things that need to be handled by the division commander Li Ran. As a result, Li Ran will go directly back for vacation now.

Who will handle these matters?

"During my absence, you will be responsible for the overall situation of your sovereignty. Anyway, these few things are not trivial to you, Zhengwei." Li Ran smiled.


Before the official could say anything, Li Ran interrupted: "Sooner or later I will leave from Master Z. When I leave, these things will definitely still fall on you, so you should adapt in advance.

After speaking, Li Ran left without giving the colonel any time to speak, leaving only a handsome figure behind.

But Li Ran's words left Division Z's chief executive stunned for a moment.

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank me! Corpse).

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