Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

626: A Happy Event Is Coming Soon! Something Seems Wrong With My Son

As the Z division's official committee member, the senior colonel is considered to be the best among ordinary military officers.

It can be said that those who can serve as chief officers in Division Z, the first heavy armored division of the field army, and such a key unit, are not simple people. Who doesn't have two skills?

However, when a group of outstanding people gather together, the light of many people will always be obscured.

In the past, when Qi Long was the commander of Division Z, he was blocked by Qi Long. After Li Ran came, Li Ran's personal light was able to block everyone.

Hearing what Li Ran said, Master Z's official immediately felt that there was something in Li Ran's words.

What does it mean that he has to leave sooner or later? What does it mean that he has to deal with these things sooner or later and adapt in advance? Could it be?


As if he thought of something, Master Z Zhengwei suddenly took a breath of air and his eyes widened.

Could it be that my teacher is having a happy event and is about to be promoted?

The more the Chairman of Division Z thinks about this possibility, the possibility is too great. Every carrot is a pitfall. The Chairman of Division Z is very clear that the next commander of Division Z will definitely not appear until Li Ran moves his position. .

But everyone knew that with Ji Ran's performance and talent, he wouldn't be able to sit in the position of commander for long.

At least he won't sit in this position for ten or eight years like most division commanders.

But he still didn't expect it to be so soon. If Li Ran goes one step further, he will become a major general and will go to the group army headquarters. The key is that the last division commander has only been there not long ago.

If my teacher passes away soon, it means that someone will definitely leave. The key is who will leave? And who will be transferred?

After thinking about it for a while, Master Z was puzzled and simply stopped thinking about it after "Three Zero Zero".

That's not something he should worry about, nor is it something he can worry about anymore.

On Li Ran's side, take a special car to the military airport at the Zhuhe exercise ground, and then take a transport plane to the capital military airport.

A few hours later, Li Ran successfully arrived in the capital.

We arrived at the courtyard house by car. Since the last time, the General Staff rewarded Li Ran with a courtyard house, at Li Ran’s suggestion, the family moved from the small western-style house in the suburbs of Beijing to the courtyard house.

Although with the development of the times, traffic in the Fourth Ring Road of Beijing has become more and more congested and housing prices have become higher and higher, this has not affected Li Ran's family.

The Siheyuan is located in a particularly good location and has a good reputation. Relevant departments have secretly deployed relevant personnel nearby to ensure the safety of Ji Ran and his family.

This kind of treatment is not something that a big university can have, which makes Li Ran not an ordinary big university.

Arriving at the gate, Li Ran pressed the doorbell, and soon the door opened.

Xia Qin was shocked when she opened the door and saw that the person coming was Li Ran.

"Mom, I'm back."

Seeing a familiar face that he hadn't seen for a long time, he said with a warm smile.


Xia Qin, who had no greeting at all and was not prepared at all, was stunned for a moment. After making sure that she was not dazzled, she was very happy and gave Li Ran a big hug excitedly.

Whose child is not loved by their parents? What's more, she only has a child like Li Ran, an only child.

At first, because Li Ran was uneducated and incompetent, Li Ran was allowed to join the army in order to train him. However, he never thought that he would get out of control and Li Ran would get better and better in the army.

Other people's children would serve as soldiers, and they would serve as compulsory soldiers for at most two years before returning. However, when it came to hers, her precious son had become a soldier and might have to be a soldier for the rest of his life.

For this reason, when Li Ran was away, Xia Qin often talked about this matter with Li Ran's mother, Li Jun, at home.

When talking about the decision to send Li Ran to serve as a soldier, I don’t know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

This good thing and bad thing are relative. In the general direction, it is definitely a good thing. Li Ran went to serve as a soldier and gave full play to his value in the army. If he did well, it means he did a good job, which means that his superiors trust him and have confidence in the army and the army. It's all good for the country.

The bad thing is that being in the army is hard. With a son like that, he has been serving as a soldier in the army. He sees little and is separated from him all the time. What parent wouldn’t want that?

"Son, why did you come back suddenly?"

After her excitement calmed down a bit, Xia Qin asked again.

"Take a vacation and go home and see." Li Ran smiled.

"Vacation? Before you took a vacation, you would tell your family in advance. Why did you suddenly come back this time?" Xia Qin asked again.

"I applied temporarily with my boss, but I feel a little tired." Li Ran smiled.

"What's wrong? Did you encounter anything unhappy in the army?"

As a mother, Xia Qin always has delicate thoughts. She felt that Li Ran seemed to have something on her mind.

"There's nothing unhappy. I miss you. Where is my dad?" Li Ran said, changing the subject.

"Your dad is at the company now and hasn't come back yet. I'll call your dad soon."

Li Ran walked into the courtyard. The courtyard of Nuo University was clean and tidy. Seeing that his mother was the only one at home, Li Ran asked curiously: "Mom, why haven't you found a nanny?"

"No, I usually have nothing to do at home alone. I just clean up the house and find a nanny. Then I have nothing to do." Xia Qin explained.

Unlike ordinary wealthy families, the more likely reason is that Xia Qin and Li Jun started from scratch, and the couple endured all kinds of hardships together.

So even though I have made a lot of money now, my life style is not extravagant and is very low-key.

It feels like an ordinary home.

Seeing Li Ran return to her room, Xia Qin picked up the phone and called her husband. Soon the call was connected and Li Jun's voice rang out.

"Wife, what's wrong?"

Li Jun, who was still at the company, knew the call was from Makoto when he saw it was from home. He spoke very gently.

"My son is back," Xia Qin said.

"Son? Li Ran is back?" Hearing this, Li Jun was stunned for a moment before he remembered that he had a son.

Who knows that his son is too promising, and he will find things for him to do.

Originally, he had reached an age where he could retire and enjoy happiness. However, under Li Ran's "instigation", the business grew bigger and bigger, and the company's business became wider and wider.

The key is that Li Ran just acts as a hands-off shopkeeper and doesn't worry about anything. He can serve as a soldier in the army with peace of mind and let him, the father, take care of everything.

"I came back suddenly, saying that I had temporarily applied for leave with my boss, but I think my son seems to have something on his mind and is not in a good mood. Come back early in the evening to have dinner at home, and see what gifts you can buy for your son to comfort him. " Xia Qin said.

"Okay, I'll go back when I'm done with what I'm doing, and I'll ask someone to prepare some gifts." Li Jun agreed.

within the company.

After hanging up the phone, Li Jun called his secretary over while handling things.

"Mr. Li, are you looking for me?" the secretary said respectfully after arriving.

"Prepare some gifts for me." Li Jun said.

He has a lot of things on his hands right now, and it might be too late to buy gifts after he is done.

"Mr. Li, what kind of gifts are you preparing? Who are the customers?" the secretary asked again.

Giving gifts requires knowledge and you need to take appropriate measures. Different groups need different gifts.

"It's not a gift. My son is back. Buy some gifts for my son and I will take them back later." Li Jun said.

"It turns out I bought it for Mr. Li." Hearing this, the secretary's eyes lit up and he asked tentatively: "Mr. Xiao Li didn't come to the company?"

"Look, when I mention my son, all of your eyes light up. You are not up to par. When my son came to the company before, none of you could take him down.

My son doesn't feel anything for you, so it doesn't matter whether he comes to the company or not. "Li Jun joked without any scruples.

In fact, everyone in the company now knows that the boss's son is handsome and rich, making him a perfect partner.

There are no beautiful young girls in the company who want to climb high and become a phoenix, but unfortunately, none of them like Li Ran.

Li Jun doesn't mind what kind of woman his son finds as his wife, and he doesn't have any sense of family status. Now he just hopes that Li Ran can marry a wife as soon as possible and have a child.

"As long as Mr. Li is not married, there is still a chance." The secretary joked.

"Okay, I don't have time to joke with you anymore. You are all young people. You know what young people like. Buy more." Li Jun arranged.

"I'll do it right away.

After the secretary left, Li Jun recalled what his wife had said before, that his son was unhappy and had something on his mind, and he became curious for a moment.

If you are unhappy in the army and have something to worry about, either you have been criticized by your superiors, or your work has not been going well recently, or you have fallen out of love. Other than that, there should be nothing else.

By the time Li Jun finished his work and returned home, it was already six o'clock in the evening.

This time is earlier than usual. Li Jun usually doesn't get home until at least ten o'clock or even eleven o'clock in the evening.

"Son, look what gift I brought you daddy?"

As soon as Li Jun entered the courtyard, a hearty voice rang out, and there were people behind him putting large and small bags of things inside...

"Dad, why did you buy so many things for me? I can't use them."

Seeing his father moving large and small bags of things home, Li Ran was confused. To be honest, he really had no use for these things. He would return to the army in a week, and these things could not be used in the army.

"Who says you can't use it? Everything I bought for you is practical." When Li Jun heard this, he said dissatisfiedly: "Look, belts, watches, suits, mobile phones, computers, clothes, shoes..."

Li Jun bought everything from head to toe, everything he wore. They were all new products. They couldn't be called famous brands. They were considered luxury goods and were expensive.

"Dad, I can't use these things in the army. The sign hasn't been torn off. You should return it as soon as possible. You can't do this if you have money. It's unnecessary." Li Ran said helplessly.

If you stay in the army for a long time, you will develop a habit, that is, you have no particular concept of money, and you will not think about pursuing famous brands, luxury goods, etc.

The only clothes in the army are regular uniforms and training uniforms, which are the same for everyone, including the same food and clothing.

"I bought everything, why should I give it back? I worked so hard to make money just for you. If I can't bear to spend such a small amount of money, why should I work so hard?" Li Jun said dissatisfied: "I'll take it all. Come on, if you don’t like it, give it away."

"Okay, I'll take it, thank you dad." Li Ran thanked him.

"And this is for you." Li Jun prepared more than that. He took out a bank card and handed it to Li Ran and said: "This is the card I opened for you. You can swipe it as you like. You can rest for these days." Buy whatever you want.”

Li Jun feels very good about himself now. He feels that he has the temperament of a domineering boss, the kind that is arrogant and inhumane.

"Dad, can you stop acting like a nouveau riche? Do you know that your behavior makes me feel that you are deliberately corrupting senior officers of the field army?" Li Ran said speechlessly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? What does it mean to corrode a senior officer of the field army? At home, you are your son and I am me. This is the love I give to my son." Li Jun said dissatisfied.

"Okay, the food is ready. Come and eat quickly. You two have a good drink tonight.

cup. Xia Qin intervened at this time.

"It's been a long time since I drank. Take out my treasured Moutai." Li Jun waved his hand.

On the dinner table.

This is the first time in such a long time that Li Ran drinks with Li Jun, and the first time that the two of them drink together.

"Dad, I'd like to toast you this first glass of wine."

After Li Ran finished speaking, he picked up the cup, smacked it down, and then filled it up.


Li Jun cheered, picked up the cup and finished it in one gulp, very happy.

"Mom, I'd like to toast you with this drink."

Another drink of Li Ran1.1.

"Okay, drink slowly." Xia Qin didn't drink, so she took one less sip at this time.

"I'll toast you two together for the third cup." Li Ran raised his glass again and finished it in one gulp.

Bang bang bang, three glasses of wine were consumed directly. Li Jun was stunned by the speed of drinking.

You know, if a father and son drink together, they will drink at least 2 taels a cup. Li Ran's few words mean that he has drunk 6 taels of wine. This is a high-level Moutai.

Is this drinking alcohol or drinking water?

Seeing Li Ran drinking like this, Li Jun's heart also sank. It seems that his son did encounter something in the army this time, and it was something serious. Otherwise, he wouldn't be like this.


This is the first time Li Ran has been like this since he joined the army. Thinking of this, Li Jun felt a little distressed.

In any case, Li Ran is actually still young, only twenty years old.

"This fourth cup"

While Li Jun was thinking, Li Ran filled up the glass in front of him again. When he was about to drink the fourth glass, Li Jun couldn't stand it anymore.

"Wait a minute." Li Jun stopped Li Ran.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Li Ran didn't know why.

"Son, that's not how you drink wine. You thought you were drinking water. If you drink like this, no one can hold it. Let's eat the food first. We have plenty of time tonight. Let's drink slowly.

Li Jun said.

Li Jun decided to figure things out no matter what tonight.

He wants Li Ran to understand that no matter how big the obstacles are, he, as his father, will always be his supporter.


(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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