Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

627: Dad! I'm Going To Retire And Inherit The Family Property

On the dinner table.

Li Ran and Li Jun, father and son, rarely drank together.

In order to allow Li Ran and Li Jun to have a good talk, as a mother, Makoto quickly finished eating and gave up her space to the father and son.

One cup after another, Li Ran drank at a speed that made Li Jun swallow his saliva. To be honest, he, a big boss who often socialized, was afraid of Li Ran's drinking behavior.

Drinking is the same as drinking water, as if what you drink into your mouth is not wine but water.

"Man, if you drink like this, I won't drink with you." Li Jun was frightened by Li Ran's drinking attitude and said directly.

"Then I'll slow down and take one sip at a time." Li Ran said, "It's not that I haven't had the chance to drink with you before. This time I want to have fun with you no matter what."

"What do you call having fun? What do you call drinking to death?" Li Jun said dissatisfied.

In all his years of socializing, he has met some very good drinkers, but he has never seen anyone drink like his own son.

But what Li Jun didn't know was that with Li Ran's physical condition, a few bottles of liquor would not actually have much impact on Li Ran. The body's metabolism is very fast, which is faster than ordinary people.

Li Ran also knew that the speed with which he drank had frightened his father, so he simply slowed down.

In this way, the father and son drank and ate at the same time. After drinking for three rounds, Li Jun also got drunk. Of course, Li Jun knew what the mission of drinking with Li Ran was, so he kept restraining himself.

"Son, how have you been in the army during this time?" Li Jun asked casually, bringing up the topic.

"It's okay, just like that, training with belts and drills." Li Ran said very calmly.

During this period of time in the army, Li Ran had a very ordinary life. Leading the troops and doing exercises, there was no challenge.

"I don't even know now whether it was right or wrong to send you to join the army. I always feel like you have become a different person after joining the army." Li Jun couldn't help but say.

Although it is said that people change in the army, Li Ran's change was so great that even Li Jun found it incredible.

Some people are born with talents, he knows this, some are good at singing, dancing, playing football, etc.

These are God's gifts. He never expected that his son, who was an average boy when he was in school, was a complete delinquent. He didn't expect that when he joined the army and became a soldier, it would be like being enlightened by a master and opening up the two channels of Ren and Du. Just took off.

It seems that Li Ran's talent is to be a soldier.

"You will regret it for two years if you are a soldier, and you will regret it for a lifetime if you are not a soldier. When you were a soldier at that time, you were a compulsory soldier for three years. I have no regrets at all. A good man was born to be a soldier." Ji Ran said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go."

Li Jun agreed very much with Li Ran's words and immediately raised his glass and touched it with Li Ran.

It is definitely right to be a soldier. A good man should be a soldier. Whether he is a compulsory soldier or he can stay in the army, at least he will look like a man after he is discharged from the army.

"Dad, I plan to stay in the army for a while, finish what I have to do, and then retire." Li Ran spoke slowly.

"Retreat? Retreat to where?" Hearing this, Li Jun asked curiously without reacting.

"Retired, where else can I retire?" Li Ran smiled.

Li Jun, who had just taken a sip of tea to quench his thirst, couldn't hold it back and squirted out all of it.

Fortunately, Li Ran reacted quickly and dodged directly.

"Are you planning to retire?" Li Jun asked in disbelief, with some excitement in his tone.

He has been waiting for this day for too long. Didn't he expect that this day would finally come?

Back then, what he and Li Ran had said was that he would serve as a compulsory soldier in the army for two years and get some training before he could retire and go home to inherit the family property.

He originally thought that the past two years would be difficult for his son, but who knew that after Li Ran joined the army, he got out of hand and became more and more addicted. The speed of meritorious service and promotion in the army shocked him even more as a former soldier. shocked.

If it weren't for the leaders of the Armed Forces Ministry and the district leaders who personally delivered the certificates every time, he once suspected that his son had found an actor outside to deceive him.

In fact, no, the family's properties are increasing, and he is getting busier and busier than when he first started his business.

All this was because Li Ran was asked to serve as a soldier.

He had long hoped that Li Ran could come back from the army as soon as possible, find a wife, have a child, inherit the family property, and let him enjoy family happiness.

Even senior leaders of the field army came to talk to him before, hoping that he could support the army and not hinder Li Ran's military career.

Seeing that Li Ran's army is getting bigger and bigger, this hope is getting slimmer and slimmer.

In the end, Li Jun was desperate and had an attitude of letting nature take its course.

Li Ran can inherit the family property when he comes back. He is still in middle age, so it won't be a problem for him to work for ten or twenty years.

Unexpectedly, Li Ran said he planned to quit now, which was an unexpected surprise for him.

"Yes, I plan to quit and finish what needs to be done." Li Ran nodded.

"Why did you suddenly think of retiring? Did you commit something wrong in the army?" Li Ran's uncharacteristic behavior made Li Jun a little worried and couldn't help but ask.

He knew that Li Ran was now the principal of the university. Such a young university teacher was definitely highly valued by his superiors, and there was no doubt about Li Ran's ability.

Li Jun, who had served as a soldier, had never heard of anyone in the army who could become a college division commander at this age.

But it is very clear that the younger the senior officer is, the farther he can go in his military career. 617

You can't get too high just by relying on qualifications.

If nothing unexpected happens, Li Ran's military career will definitely not end as a senior colonel.

"What can I do?" Li Ran said with a smile: "I just haven't made any progress for a long time. I have been stuck in the position of a teacher in this university, which is quite boring.


After hearing Li Ran's inhumane words, Li Jun couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Good guy, he really knows a lot.

Is this the first time I’ve seen someone despise someone with such a low rank and position as a university professor?

With this military rank and position, many people can only dream of sitting in this position. In the army, some people have a smooth life and "only sit in this position in ten lifetimes."

And Li Ran, who has only been in the army for two years, is not satisfied from sitting in this position as a new recruit?

If this spreads out, aren't you afraid of being beaten up by the crowd?

"So the reason why you want to retire is because you dislike the fact that your military rank and position are now low?" Li Jun asked.

"Yes, and I made it clear to the General Staff boss before I took this vacation." Li Ran was very direct and made no secret.

After Li Jun heard this, he was so frightened that he almost fell off the bench.

Li Jun even wondered if he heard wrongly. No, he hoped he heard wrongly.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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