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650: Vomited The Ace Pilot! Can Open Dragon 20

It is very dangerous for an airplane to enter a spiral during normal flight.

How to perfectly complete the spiral action depends entirely on the pilot's own judgment. He must push the lever to the bottom and at the same time fully push the rudder in the opposite direction of the spiral.

The key to completing a spin depends on the confidence and skill of the pilot and the performance of the aircraft.

At this time, Li Ran had already pressed the aircraft's throttle to the end and pulled the joystick to slow down the aircraft slowly.

Under such operation, the nose of the aircraft is raised high, and the aircraft is swaying and light.

The speedometer also kept changing. When the speed reached 130 kilometers per hour, the aircraft began to vibrate slightly.

The colonel had done the spiral movement before, but it felt completely different if he had done it while someone else had done it.

Although Li Ran had flown well before, this was Li Ran's first time flying after all, and the colonel always felt as if his life was in the hands of others.

"Commander Li, if you feel something is wrong and cannot control it, increase the accelerator and let it control itself." the colonel reminded.

At this moment, the benefits of Beginner 6 are reflected. When you can't control it, you only need to control the throttle and direction, and the rest will be solved by itself.

"Don't worry, Captain Wang, I don't want to lose my life here." Li Ran joked.

He clearly felt the colonel's nervousness, which was understandable, but Li Ran would not do anything he was unsure of.

Li Ran pushed the aircraft's control column all the way, and at the same time stepped on the rudder with his left foot to control the direction.

The nose of the plane tilted to the left and fell sideways. The huge plane was like an epileptic patient, trembling and rotating along the longitudinal axis of the plane. It stood up, and the speed of rotation was getting faster and faster, and it dropped rapidly towards the ground.

At this time, it is not an exaggeration to use the words "the world is spinning" to describe it.

This change also showed that the spiral movement had reached a critical moment, and the colonel's heart was in his throat.

At this time, the pilot's ability to resist dizziness is tested. If an ordinary person is in such a situation, he will become dizzy and vomit after a while.

But Li Ran was in perfect condition. Seeing that the distance displayed on the distance meter was almost the same, Li Ran stepped hard on the reverse right rudder with his left foot and pushed the control stick back again.

Under Li Ran's control, the jitter and rotation of Chujiao 6 immediately stopped. At the same time, the nose of the aircraft was downwards, and it dived directly and smoothly at a very fast speed.

The altitude continued to decrease, and the speed of the aircraft also continued to increase. Li Ran adjusted the throttle and dive angle of the aircraft again. Under the influence of gravity, the speed of Chujiao 6 reached 230km/h. Li Ran saw the right opportunity and immediately Pull up the control lever.

As Li Ran pulled the lever, the nose of the aircraft was pulled up, which meant that the dive was about to end, accompanied by tremendous pressure.

This kind of pressure is nothing to veteran pilots. It has no impact on Li Ran, and it has no impact on the colonel. However, there is no black vision or other conditions.

After a while, the plane successfully pulled up, and the view in front of him returned to the blue sky and white clouds before. However, Li Ran's movements did not stop, and the plane continued to pull up.

"Jin Dou, you are actually pulling Jin Dou."

Seeing this, an action noun came to the colonel's mind.

"This is simply not something a fledgling pilot can do." The colonel exclaimed inwardly.

Li Ran's movements are so smooth, and his timing is perfect. His control of details is even better than that of an ace pilot like him. Could this be something a fledgling pilot can do?

In this way, after Chujiao 6 reached a high point, Li Ran pushed the rod and continued to move downward in an arc, followed by another dive.

In this way, Li Ran went back and forth for two or three times.

Fortunately, the technicians of the Novice 6th and 8th Aircraft Division maintained the aircraft well and could withstand it being built like this by Li Ran.

"Captain Wang, how are you?" Li Ran asked with a smile after going back and forth several times.

"Beautiful." The colonel admired from the bottom of his heart.

By this time, the colonel was no longer panicking. Li Ran's flying skills conquered him and made him completely relieved.

After hearing what was said, Li Ran smiled and then made another sharp upward turn.

This time, the colonel was mentally prepared and was not worried at all, but was enjoying it.

Only pilots understand this feeling. When flying a fighter jet and doing various maneuvers, the ace pilot must enjoy it.

Except for fighter jets, no tool can bring this kind of pleasure.

0…………Please give me flowers‥

A right helix plus a half-pound bucket flip, a half-roll inversion and a left-right roll, a dive and a jump.

After Li Ran made several more moves, he was finally satisfied.

It's not that this is Li Ran's technical strength, but based on the performance of Chujiao 6, Song can support such actions.

It's not that Li Ran doesn't know how to perform difficult maneuvers like the Cobra maneuver, but the performance of the XJ6 is not enough to support it. This cannot be compensated by flight skills.

"Mr. Song, it's almost time. Let's go back now." Li Ran said through the communicator.

"It's finally over."

After hearing Li Ran's words, Song Feilong breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Ran drove the Chujiao 6 to the take-off and landing route, while the tower on the ground was providing guidance.


"Two turns to join." Li Ran reported.

"You can join." Sein Feilong responded.

After several turns, Li Ran successfully landed in the Chujiao 6. The moment he landed, the boulder in Song Feilong's heart fell completely.

Li Ran came down from Novice 6 with a smile on his face. The flight just now was really enjoyable and very exciting.

Although these may not be anything to the pilots of the Eighth Air Division, after all, Li Ran's first flight still felt different.

The colonel came down from Novice 6. He was originally in good condition, but the moment he got off the ground, he suddenly felt his stomach churn, and then he suddenly vomited in public.

This scene made Song Feilong and others dumbfounded.

Damn it, this Commander Li is so good at flying a plane that he was able to piss off the ace pilot of their Eighth Air Division. This is impossible without a certain level of strength.

"Captain Wang, are you okay?" Li Ran asked with concern. He also didn't expect that the colonel would vomit.

"It's okay, it's okay. You are the first person to fly a plane and spit me out, awesome." When the colonel said this, he couldn't help but give Li Ran a thumbs up.

The colonel vomited, so it was not a big problem. After all, he went there in fear. Who knew that Li Ran did not follow the routine, so it was good that he was not frightened and had a psychological shadow.

Of course, Li Ran's goal today is not just to open Chujiao 6, he has laid so much groundwork, all for the sake of opening Dragon 20.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank!!! B).

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