Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

651: Emergency Parachute! The Fighter Jet Hit A Bird

After so much preparation and a strong display of strength, Li Ran's ultimate goal is naturally to open the Dragon 20.

"Mr. Song, can you let me open Dragon 20 now?" Li Ran asked Song Feilong with a smile, getting straight to the point.

"This..." Hearing this, Song Feilong hesitated.

Now it's not that he doubts Li Ran's flying skills. From the fact that Chujiao 6 can do such tricks in Li Ran's hands, it shows that Li Ran's flying skills are OK.

The biggest difference between beginners and experienced players is that the former uses the stable posture of the beginner 6, while the latter tries to maximize the potential of the beginner 6 and play tricks.

Li Ran's skills in piloting the Novice 6 were like a flying master, but Sein Feilong still had concerns.

The main reason is that the Dragon 20 is too precious. Even if it flies eight divisions, there are only two ace divisions, and they are usually treated as treasures. Moreover, the Dragon 20 is the most advanced fighter in performance, and it is more than a little bit more difficult to operate than the one taught by 6 in the beginning. .

There are people sitting behind Li Ran's Kaichujiao 6. If there is an accident, at least there will be someone to guide him, but the Dragon 20 can only be driven by one person. When it is in the air, no one can help.

"Mr. Song, do you have any concerns?" Li Ran asked again.

"Mr. Li, our Eighth Air Division only has two aircraft. I would like to ask again, is this really your first time flying a fighter jet?" Song Feilong asked.

"Yeah, this is my first time, and I won't lie to you about this." Li Ran confirmed.

"Okay, why don't you drive Long 7 to practice and get familiar with it?" Song Feilong asked tentatively.

It's not that Song Feilong still doesn't trust Li Ran, it's mainly that Long 20 is of great significance, and as a division commander, "253" if something goes wrong with Long 20, no matter what, he, the division commander, can't escape the blame.

From his perspective, it is indeed a bit difficult to handle.

His superior is the Chief of Staff, and he doesn’t have the leverage to bargain with his superiors like Li Ran. If something goes wrong, Li Ran has the General Staff boss behind him, so what does he have?

"Mr. Li, if you don't mind it, I am very willing to serve as your deputy again and sit in the passenger seat." Mr. Ye also stood up and said at this time.

On the one hand, he wanted to express his importance to Li Ran. On the other hand, he also wanted to see with his own eyes whether Li Ran Feilong 7 could still be as smooth as Fei Chu Jiao 6.

If the Li Ran Feilong 7 can still be as smooth and control as you want, then driving the Dragon 20 will be no problem.

Sein Feilong's idea was also prudent.

"Mr. Song, I can agree to this request, but I hope that if it meets your standards this time, there will be no Dragon 8 or Dragon 10." Li Ran said lightly.

Although Li Ran spoke calmly, his tone was very obvious.

This can be regarded as a kind reminder and a final notification. The meaning is very clear, that is, I hope this is the last time. After reaching the standard, I will not have to test fighter jets such as Dragon 8 and Dragon 10 again. of.

Although I am easy to talk to, I have my limits. If this cycle continues, it will be a great disrespect for me.

Do you really think that I am a reckless person? If I don’t have the right skills, I will demand to open Dragon 20? I will even go to the General Staff for this?

"Mr. Li, don't worry, this is the last time." Seeing Li Ran's promise, Song Feilong immediately promised.

He also heard the implication in Li Ran's words, and he just accepted it.

In fact, as long as Li Ran can drive the Dragon 7 as smoothly as the Kaichujiao 6, there will really be no problem. The Dragon 8 and Dragon 10 are just improvements on the Dragon 7 model, and there is no point in cycling them all the time. .

After making the agreement, Song Feilong immediately arranged for a Longjiao 7 fighter jet to come out without any ink.

Li Ran put on his anti-Dutch suit and air force protective gloves, got on the plane, and the colonel immediately followed.

After quickly checking each system and confirming that everything was OK, the maintenance staff made a gesture to indicate that the hangar could be opened.

Under the guidance of the air crew, Ran drove Long Jiao to the runway.

Sein Feilong also led people to continue to sit at the tower.

"Dongdong Yao please take off."

"The hole has been checked and you can take off."

"Dongdongyao received it!"

Li Ran piloted the Longjiao 7 to mark out the aircraft position and quickly entered the take-off position. After the ground crew showed the universal take-off gesture, Li Ran pushed the throttle stick to the maximum and gave the flight crew a thumbs-up gesture.

It has to be said that when the fighter jet took off, the gestures and gestures of the pilot and air crew in response were really cool.

This scene, if recorded on video and paired with music, would be absolutely explosive.


As the flight crew's countdown ended, Li Ran released the brakes, and Longjiao 7 suddenly started to arch forward. The powerful power instantly made Li Ran feel like he was pushing back.

This pushing feeling is much better than that of a supercar.

The high-horsepower engine roared, the speed continued to increase, and Longjiao 7 soon began to sprint forward.

When the speed reached the point where he could lift into the air, Li Ran immediately pulled the lever, retracted the landing gear, and flew into the air with a leap.


Inside the tower, everyone couldn't help but cheer when they saw Li Ran taking off so smoothly.

The silky smoothness of the fighter jets taking off gives people a visual enjoyment when watching it.

"Dongdong Yao, adjust the course to 105 and go to airspace No. 9." Song Feilong called Li Ran.

"Heading 105, airspace No. 9, it's clear." After Li Ran replied, he began to adjust the heading.

Don't think that you can fly wherever you want in the air with a fighter jet. The Air Force's training venue is the vast sky, but each airspace is specially designated.

Moreover, there are many fighter jets in the Eighth Air Division training. If they are not sure about the correct heading and position, accidents are likely to occur.

Li Ran flew Longjiao 7 towards the direction of course 105, and then began to rise in altitude. When the altitude reached 8,000, he passed through the clouds.

In the passenger seat, the colonel was very calm at this moment, but after he saw Li Ran taking off so smoothly and smoothly, he was convinced that Li Ran was a flying genius.

Talent is such a thing, I have to admire it. Li Ran can become a master pilot just by self-study. For the first time he flew a fighter jet, and his flying status was no worse than him. Such talent is really enviable.

The feeling of Kailongjiao 7 and Chujiao 6 is completely different. It is a modern fighter jet with more horsepower, faster speed and stronger control feeling.

Advanced performance can support Li Ran to make some difficult tactical moves.

Of course, the performance of the Longjiao 7 is also limited. Otherwise, there would be no Dragon 8 or Dragon 10. Now the Dragon 7 is used as a training aircraft in the Air Force 8th Division to train some fledglings in flying circles.

This is also where the ace division's confidence lies. The training aircraft all fly Dragon 7 directly, but ordinary air forces don't have such luxury.

After flying in the air, Li Ran made some tactical moves, just like Kaichu Jiao 7, still extremely smooth.

There was even a section where Li Ran increased the pressure, allowing the plane to reach supersonic speed, and briefly experienced the feeling of supersonic flight causing air explosions in the air.

Of course, it can only fly for a short time. The life of a fighter jet's engine is calculated in hours. Each pressurized supersonic flight will greatly reduce the life of the engine, which will cause much more damage than normal flight.

"Mr. Song, it's almost done [Did I pass?" Li Ran called to the tower.

"Mr. Li, you are really a flying genius." Song Feilong did not hide the praise in his words.

Seeing that Li Ran Feilong 7 still flies so smoothly and can be controlled easily, Song Feilong is really relieved now that there is no problem with using this technology to open the Dragon 20.

As long as you are careful, nothing will go wrong. Moreover, Li Ran is just having fun flying the Dragon 20, and he is not performing any combat missions, fighting against enemy aircraft or the like.

"Then I'll return."

"be safe."

Li Ran piloted the Dragon 7 and began to return, and soon he came to the sky above the Eighth Air Division.

"Dongdongyao, runway one has been cleared, you can land now."

"Dongdongya received, entering the second turn."

Li Ran controlled the fighter plane to start turning, the plane began to tilt, and the scenery on the ground could be clearly seen through the cockpit cover.

There is a village and a lake near the Kongba Division. The scenery is beautiful. In spring, many people go there for spring outings and camping.

After adjusting the angle of the turn, Li Ran began to lower the landing gear.

In the tower, there are people who use binoculars to watch whether each returning fighter successfully lowers its landing gear when it lands.

Because the landing gear is under the fighter, sometimes, maybe due to some clapping, the landing gear cannot be lowered successfully, or it may be lowered halfway. If the pilot does not notice, an accident will occur if the landing gear is landed like this.

Therefore, there are dedicated personnel watching to ensure that every landing fighter successfully lowers its landing gear when landing...

A noncommissioned officer used a telescope to see that the landing gear under the Longjiao 7 driven by Li Ran was successfully lowered, and immediately reported: "Report [the main and auxiliary landing gear are fully lowered."

"Okay, the landing gear was successfully lowered." After hearing the sergeant's report, Song Feilong gave Li Ran feedback.

"Dongdongya received it."

After Li Ran received the news, he prepared to land.

The colonel sitting in the co-pilot was in a very good mood at this time. This time, Li Ran's co-pilot seat was not in vain. As an ace pilot, it was difficult for him to make progress.

There are some things that others cannot teach him or give him guidance. He can only rely on his own perception.

However, the colonel benefited a lot from the flight that Li Ran took him on, and he had an epiphany. The colonel had a feeling that after this time, if he could fully understand this feeling, he would definitely be able to make progress again.


Suddenly, a small black shadow appeared directly in front of him. Li Ran's field of vision was beyond ordinary people's. Even though the fighter jet was extremely fast, Li Ran discovered what the small black shadow was and could tell it was a bird.

In such a short period of time, even if Li Ran controlled the fighter plane, it would be impossible to dodge. Immediately afterwards, Long Jiao 7 trembled violently.

This trembling made the colonel suddenly excited. As an ace pilot, the trembling of the fighter jet at this time meant that there was something wrong, which was not a good thing.

"What's going on?" the colonel asked immediately.

"I hit a bird." Li Ran said.

"What?" Hearing this, the colonel was immediately shocked.

At the same time, Song Feilong on the tower side also heard what Li Ran said, and his heart suddenly sank, and he finished the sentence in his heart.

The others also looked solemn and Tian was worried.

It is very dangerous for a fighter jet to hit a bird. Let alone a fighter jet, even a civilian aircraft hitting a bird is still very dangerous.

Even though it looks like a small bird, when a fighter jet hits it at such a speed, any impact will cause serious consequences.

As luck would have it, the bird successfully caused the engine of Longjiao 7 to malfunction after the impact, causing it to lose power instantly.

"What's the problem?" the colonel asked immediately.

At this time, he was sitting in the co-pilot and was the person closest to Li Ran. As an ace pilot, he had rich experience and asked immediately.

"Engine failure, loss of power." Li Ran made a clear judgment immediately and said, with some helplessness in his words.

I really didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. The key is that birds appear in the sky around the Kongba Division. This is very abnormal.

As an air force base, the presence of birds around shows that the relevant departments are not doing their job properly and it is a serious dereliction of duty.

But now is not the time to dwell on this issue, but how to get out safely.

"Skydiving, hole 2.4 holes, jump immediately." Song Feilong said immediately without any hesitation.

As the commander of the Kongba Division, Song Feilong is also an expert in flying. In this case, it is not impossible for the Dragon Sect to make an emergency landing.

You know, this is because the engine has lost power. The current height is 500 meters. Longjiao 7 has just completed three turns. When it loses power, it may fall to a height of two to three hundred meters in just a few seconds.

If it is a propeller aircraft, such as the Chujiao 6, with the design of the wings, even if it loses power, it can make an emergency landing safely and will not fall so fast.

But this is the Dragon 7. The design layout of the two fighter jets is completely different. Modern fighter jets do not have wing airflow to glide at all. They only rely on high-horsepower engines. This is the key. 0

Once the engine stops working, it will crash really quickly, and then the aircraft will crash and everyone will die.

Not to mention not being able to make an emergency landing, even if there was a chance to make an emergency landing, Feilong would not let Li Ran take the risk.

Just kidding, there is a legendary army officer and an ace pilot sitting on this Longjiao 7. If this was simply to save the plane from making an emergency landing, if an accident happened to the two of them, he would not be able to make up for it by shooting himself.

Isn't it just a Dragon Sect 7? He can afford the loss of the Eighth Air Division.

"Commander Li, parachute." The colonel sitting in the back also said immediately.

"You jump first." Li Ran responded immediately.

There were two people sitting on the fighter jet. Originally, they would parachute from the rear cabin first. If the former jumped first, the flames from the ejection seat would cook the rear. The temperature at that moment would be quite different.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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