Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

667: Successful Crash Landing! Li Ran Angrily Denounced The Military Factory

Following Song Feilong's order, all the lights that could be turned on at the Eighth Air Division were turned on to provide Li Ran with as much brightness as possible.

In the family area near the runway, there are family buildings with all the lights turned on.

All kinds of high-power searchlights were also turned on, and for a while, brightness occupied a place.

All this is to provide a better safety guarantee for Li Ran, who is preparing to make an emergency landing.

At this time, Li Ran has also entered the emergency landing stage. It is already an emergency landing, so there is not much to say. He can directly control it roughly and cannot control so much.

Li Ran began to turn around and carried out a life-saving maneuver.

"Can it be aligned with the runway?" Song Feilong asked while observing Li Ran's aircraft attitude.


Li Ran lowered the nose of the plane slightly, aimed it at the runway, then began to adjust the speed and slowly descend in altitude.

In a normal landing, the pilot can judge the status of the fighter jet during landing based on the data provided on the instrument panel, but now the cabin is completely powered off and no data can be seen.

You can only judge the height through some surrounding lights as a reference and your own feelings.

These are a huge challenge for any driver, but for Li Ran, everything is actually under control.

Li Ran had already put down the landing gear, and nothing happened this time, so it went very smoothly.

"The landing gear is deployed, the altitude is at 100, keep the speed."

Song Feilong stared at Li Ran, his heart hanging with Li Ran's control. He had reached this step, but it was a very critical step.

If something happened to Li Ran, he would definitely be blamed for his death.

"Fifty meters away."

The altitude of the fighter jet driven by Li Ran continued to decrease slowly, and Sein Feilong reported Li Ran's altitude position at all times.

As the altitude of Li Ran's side gets lower and lower, everyone's hearts are in their throats. They all know that it has reached a critical moment. With the amount of fuel left in Long 20, 08 has no way to turn back. .

They know very well that in such a state, it is a huge test for a pilot's posture and skills.

But fortunately, everything has gone smoothly so far, and there have been no glitches on Li Ran's side.

Compared with everyone in the tower who was on tenterhooks, Li Ran acted with ease.

In the next second, a move that no one expected happened.

Li Ran directly opened the aircraft's parachute, and with a single stroke, the tail of the Long-20 seemed to pop out of a balloon, and the parachute was instantly tightened by the wind.

With the opening of the parachute, the speed of the fighter also slowed down again. This reasonable use of the parachute to reduce the speed of the fighter once again gave everyone in the Eighth Air Division a lot of insight and learning.

It turns out that it can still be done like this!

Li Ran pulled up the nose of the aircraft slightly, maintained the current attitude and began to descend, trying to control the landing as smoothly as possible.

Of course, this is only what Li Ran thinks is stable, but it is not the case for Song Feilong and others.

Inside the tower.

"Come with me."

Song Feilong roared and immediately led everyone to pick up Ji Ran around the runway.

Rescue convoys, fire convoys, and towing convoys are all on standby at designated locations. Once an accident occurs, they will arrive as soon as possible.

At this time, Li Ran no longer needs the tower. To be precise, the tower can no longer provide any help to Li Ran. Everything depends on Li Ran himself.

Among them, Li Ran's judgment, psychological quality and driving skills are tested.

"Damn it, this isn't a landing, it's clearly a fall.

"It's too violent, this method of operation is too rough."

"How dare you, Mr. Li? This is so courageous."

"He opened the parachute to control the impact of the aircraft on the landing gear when it made an emergency landing."

The people standing on the lawn around the runway looked at the posture of Long 20 from a distance, and all of them exclaimed in exclamation.

From their perspective, they can clearly see the state of Long 20 at this time, which can be said to be quite terrifying.

It is said to be a forced landing, but this is not a forced landing. It is equivalent to the fighter jet hitting the runway directly. The control method is very rough and rough.

But at this time, they all knew that it was not the time to care about the delicate control. At this time, being able to make an emergency landing safely was already the most outstanding thing.

"Commander Li is really a master among masters. His ability to open the parachute with one hand is amazing." The colonel exclaimed.

As an ace pilot, he was simulating it in his mind at this time. If he encountered this situation, how would he deal with it?

But after much deliberation, he really couldn't think of a suitable solution.

To be honest, with the failure of the landing gear and the power outage in the cabin, he really didn't dare to take a gamble and make an emergency landing. There was a high probability that he would fly directly to a safe airspace and then parachute.

But Li Ran chose to make an emergency landing, and now it is considered a successful emergency landing, because the Dragon 20 is already taxiing on the runway.

Afterwards, all you need to do is apply the brakes and bring the Dragon 20 to a complete stop.

Among them, the colonel keenly discovered that Li Ran's opening of the parachute was a key point.

If Li Ran had not controlled the timing well and released the parachute perfectly, the emergency landing might not have gone so smoothly, and another accident might have happened.

The colonel had indeed learned from Li Ran. Asking himself, it would have been impossible for him to be as "calm" as Ji Ran.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Long 20 driven by Li Ran finally made a successful emergency landing and slowly stopped there.

"Quick, save people."

Song Feilong roared and took the lead and rushed forward, and the others quickly followed.

Rescue convoys, fire convoys and other personnel all arrived.

However, Li Ran had already opened the hatch cover at this time, climbed out of the cabin calmly, and appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing that Li Ran was fine and could come out on his own, Song Feilong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Li, is something wrong?" Song Feilong asked.

"It's okay." Li Ran said, getting off the fighter jet.

The rescuers also wanted to conduct a check-up on Li Ran, but Li Ran refused.

"I'm really fine." Li Ran waved his hand to indicate that he was fine and there was no need to waste his efforts.

"Is everything okay?" Song Feilong asked worriedly.

"What can I do? I can fly normally." Li Ran said easily.


After hearing Li Ran's words, the people nearby took a breath of cold air. They all had strange expressions and didn't know what to say.

Can this be called a normal flight?

Li Ran came to their Kong Eighth Division in just one day, and an accident occurred that their Kong Eighth Division could not even happen in a year.

When flying at night, the cabin is powered off and the landing gear cannot be released normally. Is this a normal flight? What is normal?

The way he spoke was so relaxed, as if he didn't take it seriously at all.

Hearing Li Ran's words, Song Feilong finally let go of the huge stone in his heart, and then glanced at Long 20 again, his eyes filled with distress.

Dragon 20, this is currently the most advanced fighter jet of the field army. Usually, the Eighth Air Force Division treats it as a treasure, but something like this happened today. It is estimated that this Dragon 20 will not be able to run far after it is overhauled. The engine must be faster. Changed.

The colonel on the side is also full of heartache. This Dragon 20 is his car, and now it looks like this. Can it be heartbroken?

But from another perspective, Li Ran took some risks for him in advance.

If it weren't for Li Ran, it's very likely that he would be responsible for this situation.

The colonel climbed up onto the Dragon 20 to check and found that the cabin was indeed powered off and pitch black, and the main body of the landing gear was indeed deformed.

There is only one possibility for this, and that is that when Li Ran flew the Dragon 20 at supersonic speeds, the main body of the landing gear was severely compressed. It must be said that this is a technical point that needs to be improved.

"These people in the military factory only care about the beginning and not the end. They think that everything will be fine if they master the technology. They don't pay attention to quality control at all. Let's see if I don't scold them to death when I have time." Li Ran said directly.

After some driving, Li Ran felt that there was no problem with the performance of the Dragon 20, but the details, especially the quality control, still needed to be controlled.

Whether it was a power outage in the cabin or a slight deformation of the main body of the landing gear, this was actually due to a lack of control over the details. Overall, there were no major technical problems.

If you want to make your own airplane, then make it well. No matter the main body or the details, you must make it perfect. You cannot imitate rough people like Mao Xiong.

The main techniques are there, but the details are not paid attention to. This is not good.

"Mr. Li, in fact, it is not easy for the military factory. If you develop a fifth-generation aircraft in such a short time, there will inevitably be flaws." Song Feilong said with a smile, saying good things to the military factory.

Li Ran's words shocked Song Feilong. He didn't expect that Li Ran was related to the military factory, and he seemed to be very familiar with it.

You know, the status of the technical bosses in the military factory is not ordinary. They are quite professional technical talents, but in the eyes of Li Ran, they seem to be nothing.

"You don't have to speak for them. I know their temper. When I was a technical consultant there, they were like this. I have said this problem more than once.

It seems that as soon as I left, they forgot about it and their old habits happened again. "Li Ran said unceremoniously.

When I was a technical consultant at a military factory and took the lead in the development of the Tiger 9, an information-based main battle tank, I was reminded of the details.

But now it seems that as time has passed, because I have mastered so many techniques, I have become a little drifting, and I can’t even control the details.

Li Ran's words made Sein Feilong speechless. He didn't expect that Li Ran had worked as a technical consultant in a military factory. This was incredible.

No wonder Li Ran is so determined to try the Dragon 20 himself. It turns out that he wants to experience the performance of the Dragon 20 for himself, and he is so familiar with the instrument control of the Dragon 20, so it all makes sense.

"Mr. Li, there will be a dedicated person to handle the follow-up matters. You should go back and rest early." Song Feilong said.

Song Feilong is just looking forward to tomorrow arriving early, and sending the great god Li Ran away as soon as possible.

He said that he would not invite Li Ran for unnecessary things in the future. He almost gave him a heart attack once. If he came a few more times, he would probably lose his life.

Li Ran shrugged and did not refuse, but went back to rest.

This time, the visit of the Kongba Division was not in vain, and I finally got my fill of the addiction of flying a fighter jet. I flew them all from Chu Jiao 7 to Dragon Jiao 7 to Dragon 20. It was really enjoyable.

With Li Ran gone, it is certainly impossible for Song Feilong, the commander of the Eighth Air Division, to just walk away like this.

There are still things 487 that need him to handle and report later. The first thing at the moment is to report the matter to the cabin crew. The head of the cabin crew must know that Li Ran has landed safely. Otherwise, the flight attendant will not be able to sleep tonight. sleep well.

General staff!

It was getting late, and the lights in the General Staff boss's office were still on.

As the boss of the General Staff, I usually have a lot to do, and working overtime is the norm.

At this time, the phone rang on the table, which made people who were just about to go back to rest after get off work

The chief of the General Staff felt a little thump in his heart.

The phone call at this time is probably not a good thing. The main general staff boss is worried that it may have something to do with Li Ran again.

I was just afraid that something might happen. As soon as the General Staff boss answered the phone, the voice of Lieutenant General Air Force rang out.

Hearing the Lieutenant General's voice, before the Lieutenant General could speak, the head of the General Staff said directly: "Wait a moment.

After saying that, he first took out the quick-acting Jiuxin Pills that were kept in the drawer. Drawing on the lessons learned from the last time, this time the chief of the General Staff specially prepared the quick-acting Jiuxin Pills in the drawer.

In a drawer within easy reach.

"Say it." The chief of the General Staff took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

This time, the general staff boss made all preparations in advance.

"Chief, let me report on Comrade Li Ran's affairs in the Eighth Air Division. Don't worry, he is fine now. It's just that something unexpected happened when Feilong 20 was flying.

20 The landing gear could not be lowered normally, and the cabin was powered off. However, thanks to Commander Li's superb flying skills, the aircraft made an emergency landing successfully. "The Air Force Lieutenant General reported the situation in one breath.

In order not to make the same mistake as last time, the lieutenant general greeted Li Ran in advance and explained that Li Ran did not have any safety problems.


Hearing the lieutenant general say that Li Ran was safe and fine, the chief of the General Staff let out a sigh of relief and finally felt relieved.

"Didn't this kid just open Dragon Sect 7 when an emergency happened? Why did he get asked to open Dragon 20 again?" asked the boss of the General Staff.

The head of the General Staff understands Li Ran's temper and will not give up until he achieves his goal. However, according to his expectations, not long after the crash of Kailong Jiao 7, even if Kailong 20 had to be slowed down,

The fastest is tomorrow.

"Chief, Commander Li insisted on opening this, and there is no problem with Commander Li's safety evaluation. It's just that in terms of psychological evaluation, we are a little helpless.

11 Lieutenant General has some questions.

"What do you mean?" The chief of the General Staff heard that there was something in the lieutenant general's words and asked directly.

Therefore, the lieutenant general had to report the details of the incident to the chief of the General Staff [mainly the fact that Ji Ran and ten people had to mess up a doctor of psychology and ten doctors of psychology.

Zuo is too sad.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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