Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

668: Give Credit To Li Ran! Discovered Li Ran’S “Good Deeds”


After hearing what the lieutenant general said, the general staff leader was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say.

In order to assess Li Ran's mental health and safety, Master Kongba called in two psychological experts, one with a PhD in psychology and the other with a professor.

As a result, one of the beautiful psychology doctors fell in love with Li Ran at first sight and fell in love with Li Ran to the death.

After another psychology professor evaluated Li Ran's thoughts, he shouted that he wanted to go back for a divorce. This was an old professor with a golden wedding. He usually had a good relationship with his wife, but because of Li Ran's torture, he wanted a divorce.

"There's nothing else. Let him go back tomorrow. You guys too. Don't you know that Li Ran's psychological quality is different from ordinary people? Now it's better. The preparations were not done well, and the two psychology experts were harmed. ." General Staff Officer Da Zhu said.

In fact, what Li Ran did in this matter was not authentic. For an army division commander to come to the 8th Air Force Division and cross arms like this, even if Li Ran had the support of him and some big bosses in the army, it was actually somewhat unjustifiable.

But fortunately, Li Ran is still a cheerful person. He knows that he has brought a lot of trouble to the 8th Air Force Division, and he also specially put forward ideas and suggestions for the future development of the Air Force, which can be regarded as a way to make up for it.

The boss of the General Staff knows how terrifying Li Ran's psychological quality is, and also knows how abnormal Li Ran's psychological methods are. It is not strange to make two psychology experts do this, it is a normal operation.

"Chief, there is nothing we can do. Commander Li's files are top secret and I don't have the right to check them. How can we prepare in advance?" the lieutenant general said aggrievedly.

A division commander's file has reached the highest confidentiality level, and even a lieutenant general doesn't have permission to view it. What can he do?

As for making preparations, how to make preparations? It’s completely impossible.

"Okay, stop complaining. This guy has brought a lot of trouble to the Eighth Air Division, but he has also made up for it for you. How many units want to get his guidance have no chance. He proposed to form a professional air force. The idea of ​​​​the Blue Army will definitely elevate the training of your air force to a new level, so just have fun~" "The chief of the General Staff said angrily.

Although it was wrong, he still preferred Li Ran in his heart.

Li Ran went through a lot of trouble when he came to the Eighth Air Division this time. Although it was a lot of trouble, it was not really a mistake at all. The crash was an accident. Li Ran also saved several lives.

Such a malfunction occurred in the Long 20, which can be regarded as Li Ran taking personal risks to find out the problem of the Long 20.

There is no problem with Li Ran's stance technique. If there were no such accidents and there were no problems with the Long 20, this would not have happened.

Besides, Li Ran also made compensation, which was an explanation to the flight attendant.

"Chief, I understand, and I'm not complaining. We will definitely remember Commander Li's help to our Air Force, so we thought of asking Commander Li for some credit." The lieutenant general was also cheerful and said directly.

From a pilot's perspective, Li Ran has indeed made a meritorious service.

Although the plane crashed, innocent people were saved. Relying on superb flying skills and excellent psychological quality, the Dragon 20 successfully made an emergency landing, which can be regarded as saving the property of the army.

From these aspects, there is absolutely no problem in giving Li Ran a first-class merit.

"It's up to your flight commander to decide this matter yourself," the chief of the General Staff said, also feeling amused.

These days, when a division commander goes to the Air Force Division to do a lot of work, he will be tortured from top to bottom, and he will be on tenterhooks. In the end, he will give Li Ran a credit.

If word spreads, it is estimated that no other person will be treated like this.


After reporting clearly to the head of the General Staff, and understanding the attitude of the head of the General Staff, the lieutenant general will know how to do the follow-up matters.

Kongba division!

It was getting late. After Song Feilong was busy handling the follow-up finishing work, he received a call from the General Staff and learned the attitude conveyed by his superiors before leaving the office.

Before going back to the dormitory to rest, Song Feilong came to the dormitory arranged for Li Ran, thinking about communicating with Li Ran again.

When he arrived at the dormitory, he found that the lights in Li Ran's dormitory were turned off. Song Feilong was a little disappointed for a while.

The lights were turned off, and it seemed that Li Ran had taken a rest. Originally, he wanted to cultivate a relationship with Li Ran, communicate more, and learn more about the details of forming a professional blue force of the Air Force from Li Ran.

This matter has become a top priority in Song Feilong's mind. Li Ran came up with the idea under the guidance of Li Ran, but as the founder of the Army's professional Blue Army unit, Li Ran must be clearer in this regard and control the details better. in place.

Just when Song Feilong was about to leave, the lights in Li Ran's dormitory suddenly turned on.

Seeing the light turn on, Song Feilong was overjoyed, it was God's will!

Just when Song Feilong was about to seize this opportunity, unexpectedly, the door of Li Ran's dormitory opened and a beautiful figure walked out of the room.

The beautiful figure is very charming, but the hair is a little messy. It is none other than Li Ruoxi.

"`"Fuck. "

Seeing Li Ruoxi, Song Feilong jerked up and wanted to slap himself twice. He saw something he shouldn't have seen. He shouldn't have come if he knew this. Seeing Li Ran's "good thing."

Just when Song Feilong was thinking of leaving secretly before Li Ruoxi saw him, who knew.

"Mr. Song."

Li Ruoxi then called out to Song Feilong.

"Dr. Li, what a coincidence, you also came to see Mr. Li?" Hearing Li Ruoxi calling him, Song Feilong knew that it was impossible to leave secretly, so he pretended not to know anything.

"If Mr. Li is not free, I will leave now or find him tomorrow." Song Feilong said again. He just wanted to leave here quickly and couldn't delay other people's good things. Who knows if Li Ruoxi's coming out now is a "truce in the middle" .”

"He is free now, Li Wang Zhao) I will leave first, you go in to find him." Li Ruoxi smiled slightly, said hello and left directly, very free and easy.

It was as if she wasn't worried about what she and Li Ran did in the dormitory being spread.

"I didn't expect this woman to be so terrifying once she gets wild." Looking at Li Ruoxi's leaving figure, Song Feilong sighed inwardly.

If it hadn't been for Li Ran, they would have never known that this beautiful female doctor of psychology had such a wild side.

Dong dong dong shake~

Song Feilong knocked on the door politely, and then said: "Mr. Li, is it convenient to go in now?"

Song Feilong thought that Li Ruoxi had just left, and Li Ran might be "cleaning the battlefield" or "talking frankly" to give Li Ran some time to prepare.

"Please come in."

Li Ran's voice came from inside the house.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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