Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

669: The Flight Attendant Awards First-Class Merit! The Legend Of Li Ran Lives On Forever

The door opened much faster than Sein Feilong expected.

"Mr. Song, you're still up so late, what do you want from me?"

After Song Feilong came in, Li Ran asked with a smile.

"Originally, I saw that the lights in your room were dark, and I was about to leave, but I didn't expect..." Song Feilong didn't finish his words, and his words were a little awkward.

It is actually quite unreasonable for him to come here at this time. After all, whether he will continue to do good things in the future, his coming here is a bit untimely.

"Did you see everything just now?" Li Ran asked more directly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, I didn't see anything." Upon hearing this, Song Feilong quickly assured.

Song Feilong is now in Li Ran's dormitory, and he doesn't even dare to look around, for fear of seeing something "inconvenient".

Hearing Li Ran say this again, he quickly promised that he would definitely not tell anything about Li Ran.

"Don't be so nervous. In fact, there is really nothing between Dr. Li and me." Seeing Song Feilong's appearance, Li Ran knew that Song Feilong had misunderstood, and said helplessly.

Indeed, if we only look at it from the surface, if a man and a woman are alone in the same room at night, no one will believe it if they say that nothing happened.

But in fact, nothing happened. To be precise, Li Ran was not even prepared. Li Ruoxi suddenly barged in and took action without saying a word to conquer herself.

Although Li Ran likes to be passive, how can he do something that has not been emotionally prepared in the early stage?

With Li Ran's "good words and persuasion", Xiao Zhi finally succeeded in persuading Li Ruoxi to leave with emotion and reason.

Unexpectedly, this scene was caught by Song Feilong. In fact, to be precise, not only Song Feilong, but also everyone nearby knew about it.

Because Li Ran lives in the family building, which is also called the sender building, and the family members of military officers come here to visit and live together, they must do something.

Therefore, in the army, the last place that sentries want to stand guard is the family building. At night, the sound really keeps echoing in the ears, making people uncomfortable.

"Understood, Mr. Li, I know everything about men." Song Feilong said with a smile: "But if you don't come to the door, it would be treacherous. In fact, Dr. Li is also very good. He has a sweet voice and a good temperament. He is a famous beauty. Mr. Li, you are really It’s the talent of the man and the beauty of the woman.”

"Let's get down to business."

Li Ran knew that this 777 matter would only become darker and darker, and there was no particular significance in continuing to explain.

If this spreads out, no one will believe it except myself.

Besides, this matter cannot be hidden, because not only Song Feilong saw Li Ruoxi coming to his place.

When it came to business, Song Feilong also became serious and said: "The head of the Air Force has informed me that in recognition of your handling of critical situations these two times, Commander Li, you will be awarded a personal first-class merit award, which is regarded as the highest honor of our Air Force." Thank you, Mr. Li.

Two critical situations occurred on the same day, which was indeed very rare in the Kongba Division.

However, Li Ran handled both crises perfectly. In addition, Li Ran proposed to Song Feilong the idea of ​​forming a professional air force blue force. It is not too much to give him first-class merit.

This is not only a personal commendation of Li Ran by the Air Force, but also a thank you to the big brother of the Army. It can be said that it gives the big brother of the Army enough face.

"Then thank Commander Yue for me." Li Ran smiled.

The commander of the air force is a commander named Yue, and Li Ran knows it.

Li Ran went to the General Staff to enrich his resume and worked in various departments. It was not in vain.

If you want to reach a high position, you must expand your career, see more, remember more, and see more.

However, Li Ran didn't expect that he could achieve first-class merit by visiting the Kongba Division. After spending a whole day here, he originally thought of proposing that idea just to make up for the opponent's shortcomings.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected gain.

"Commander Li, you deserve this. Your handling of critical situations twice has great reference significance for our 8th Air Force Division and even the entire Air Force." Song Feilong said immediately.

Every occurrence of a crisis means that they can minimize the occurrence of such a crisis next time, and they will have a very important reference experience on how to deal with such a crisis if it occurs again.

You know, Li Ran's experience in handling critical situations these two times was equivalent to risking his life to accumulate experience for them.

Hearing this, Li Ran smiled and said nothing more.

"The second thing is about the formation of a professional blue force of the Air Force. I know that Commander Li, you are the founder of the professional blue force of the Army and have rich experience in this area. I would like to ask for advice from you. " Sein Feilong said.

No one knows the details of building a professional Blues team better than Li Ran.

Before Li Ran left, it was a very precious opportunity to ask Li Ran for advice. Song Feilong knew it, and the head of the aviation department also greeted him and asked him to seize this opportunity.

"It's a small matter, if you have anything you want to ask, just ask, I'll tell you everything." Li Ran smiled.

This is indeed a small matter for him. Song Feilong is willing to lower his low profile in order to ask for advice, which also shows that he values ​​his own ideas and more respects and trusts his abilities.

If others hold you up like this, it's natural to be polite.

"Then please excuse me, Mr. Li. I, Song Feilong, will remember your kindness for the rest of my life." Seeing Li Ran agreeing directly, Song Feilong said very excitedly.

To him, Li Ran's behavior was tantamount to selfless help, and such kindness was tantamount to reincarnation.

"I'm serious, everything is for the field army." Li Ran smiled.

Song Feilong did not waste time and took out a small notebook. Before coming, he had tried his best to record some details that he did not understand in his mind, so that he could quickly and directly ask for advice from Li Ran without wasting time. , targeted.

Just like that, in Li Ran's house, Song Feilong humbly asked for advice. Li Ran also told Song Feilong everything he knew, which can be regarded as ten meeting gifts to Master Kong.

The next day!

In the auditorium of Kongba Division.

All the chief officers of the units of the Eighth Air Division were present. Everyone was dressed in formal attire, and they all knew what they were there for. They were attending a commendation meeting for Li Ran.

That's right, just to commend Li Ran, a commendation meeting was specially prepared. Although it was a bit hasty, all the necessary specifications were in place.

Not only that, to the surprise of many people in the Eighth Air Division, their Air Force Chief Lieutenant General Yue Jun actually came in person.

The moment the Lieutenant General appeared, there was an uproar.

Everyone was surprised that the Air Force Commander came in person, which also caused Li Ran's status in their hearts to change qualitatively again.

They knew that Li Ran had a high status in the army and was a legendary officer, but looking at it now, they still underestimated Li Ran's cards.

The commander of the Air Force personally came to present the award to Li Ran. This kind of treatment is not something ordinary people can get, and it is cross-service and involves many levels.

"Order of the Zi Kong Division, in order to commend Comrade Li Ran for facing a critical situation, staying calm, properly handling the crisis, and saving people's lives and property as well as the army's property [he is personally assigned to Li Ran."

Song Feilong on the side loudly read the order from the flight commander. After finishing his words, the lieutenant general gave Li Ran a personal first-class military medal with a smile on his face.

But when he saw Li Ran's chest full of military medals, he was stunned for a moment. With so many military medals, he didn't know where to start, and there was no place for them.

However, if you want to find a position, you can still find it. The lieutenant general put a military medal on Li Ran, then patted Li Ran on the shoulder, and said with great appreciation: "Comrade Li Ran, I have admired your name for a long time. When I saw you today, I really appreciated it." Extraordinary, are you interested in joining our Air Force? If you are interested (aifj), our Air Force is always welcome."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

They did not expect that the commander of the Air Force would say such a thing in public. This was tantamount to a direct invitation, and he also made it very clear: "If Li Ran is willing to come, he will directly enter the air force."

Serving in the Air Force is equivalent to serving in the army, that is, serving directly at the military district headquarters.

"Chief, it doesn't matter whether I come to the Air Force or not. Commander Zhou has to agree." Li Ran smiled.

Commander Zhou in Li Ran's mouth is naturally the commander of the Northern Military Region.

Hearing Li Ran's words, the lieutenant general's expression did not change. Thinking of the tempers of the army commanders, he gave up and kept the idea of ​​poaching Li Ran in his heart.

Yue Jun had no doubt at all. If he really dug up Li Ran, he probably dug him up in the morning, and the army commanders came over at noon. "He was admitted to the hospital in the afternoon.

The commanders of the army are more temperamental than the last. If they knew that he dared to distract their people, they would not be lenient at all.

"Hahaha." Yue Jun smiled and relaxed the atmosphere and said: "If you have time, come and be a guest. Our flight department's door is always open for you."

"Thank you, chief." Li Ran saluted.

The more Yue Jun looked at Li Ran, the more he liked him. The more he looked at him, the more he felt that Li Ran was interested in him. Today's big brother in the army is really awesome.

When the Field Army Air Force was first established, the Air Force had a very high status within the Field Army. For a period of time, the Air Force was the representative of Gao Dashan. The City Army was rough and

This is why the Air Force is called the pride of heaven.

However, in the past two years, the big brother of the Army has changed a lot. The equipment has been replaced very quickly, and the appearance has been completely new. Among the Yue Army, the current changes in the Army have a certain relationship with Li Ran.

If such talents can come to the Air Force, they will definitely take the Air Force to a new level.

It's a pity that the army will definitely not let such a talent go. Even if he breaks his skin, he won't be let go. And if he really wants to take action, he can't defeat the commanders of the army, let alone the army commanders. The commander was already higher in rank than him.

Bang bang bang bang~

In the auditorium, warm applause broke out.

Everyone present applauded excitedly, and their inner admiration for Li Ran was beyond the sky.

A division commander from the army just visited the Eighth Division and taught them a lesson. Such a person is worthy of the word legend.

After the award ceremony, Li Ran was ready to return to the Z Division. The time spent in the Eighth Air Division this time was beyond Li Ran's original plan, but fortunately, the experience was good, the fighter jets were launched, and the latest Dragon 20 was also launched.

As for the Eighth Air Division, he began to plan and arrange preparations for participating in joint military exercises.

Master Z!

Even though Li Ran only went to the Eighth Division for one day, the main staff of the Z Division was extremely busy.

The main thing is about the joint military exercise. The participating troops are not just a unit of the Z Division, but also other units and troops participate in the joint exercise, and during the preparation time, they all come to the Z Division for intensive training.

Fortunately, Division Z's comprehensive training ground is large enough, otherwise, it might not be able to accommodate so many people.

In the office!

"The teacher doesn't know when he will come back. If he doesn't come back, I will be exhausted." The official who worked overtime all night said with a tired face.

"Well, I heard that the division commander was so troubled by the Eighth Air Division that all the fighter jets crashed." The chief of staff on the side answered.

In the army, if there is any trouble, it will spread quickly.

No, the trouble Li Ran caused in Kongba Division has spread to Z Division.

Not to mention the Z Division, no one in the entire army knows about these units. The commander of the Z Division went to visit the Eighth Air Division, but he personally flew a fighter jet and it crashed. Fortunately, everyone was fine.

Of course, the cause of the crash was not Li Ran's fault, but this incident caused a great sensation within the army.

Discussions in all units were filled with applause for Li Ran, and they were very united.

Although there is usually a competitive relationship between various units, now they are cross-arms. The Army and the Air Force are one family, so of course they must be united.

Furthermore, many units have long been dissatisfied with Air Force Deputy "Zhang"'s face.

Just because he was flying a fighter jet, he was so superior. He looked down on Lao Lu and thought he was shabby and rough.

The Army is the big brother and no one can shake it.

Li Ran's struggles in the Eighth Air Division undoubtedly gave the Army a sigh of relief.

"Commander Li is really awesome. He can actually fly fighter jets. Now I see what else the Air Force can do. We in the Army can also fly fighter jets."

"That's right, flying in the sky is endlessly superior. Didn't we say it was made by the Army? Even we rough guys can drive their treasures.

"I haven't said it yet. Commander Li's crash was due to the Air Force's failure to do a good job. If Commander Li had an accident, his Air Force's skin would be ripped off.

"Mr. Li is handsome. He can even fly a fighter jet. I heard he even kidnapped a beautiful woman with a doctorate in psychology."

"Sure enough, wherever Mr. Li goes, there is the legend of Mr. Li.

In response to such discussions, the superior leaders of each military region of the Army seemed to have reached a tacit understanding and did not stop them.

In their view, as long as Li Ran is safe and there is no problem, whatever Li Ran does is no big deal.

On the other side, Li Ran finally successfully arrived at Division Z after flying for several hours!!!

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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