Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

670: Preparations Before The Joint Military Exercise! There Is Only One Commander

"The teacher is back?"

After learning that Li Ran was back, the Z division chief was overjoyed and looked forward to it. Finally, Li Ran was back.

Although Li Ran went to Kongba Division for only one day, it seemed like a year had passed to him.

There are really too many things, including joint military exercises, and he is the official leader, so he dare not say that he can take this responsibility. Some things really must be decided by Li Ran himself.

"My teacher, you are finally back."

Seeing Li Ran come in, Zhengwei said excitedly, he was very happy.

"That's not the case. I've only been there for a day, why are you like this?"

Li Ran was surprised when he saw the tired look on his face. He seemed to have aged ten years overnight before he left.

It would have never been like this without suffering a huge blow.

"Commander, if you are not here, I will have to do the work of two people by myself. When the joint military exercise comes, I will not be able to handle it. There are some things that I have not been able to deal with. I am waiting for you to come back and make a decision." The committee member complained. .

Sometimes, having a lot to do and having a lot to do but not being able to make a decision are completely different things.

The former is just a little tiring at most, but the latter is more tiring and makes one's scalp numb.

The troops participating in the joint military exercise have all arrived from their respective stations after receiving the order, and are currently temporarily settled in Division Z, waiting for follow-up training.

Li Ran is not here, and there are some things that are really difficult for him to handle.

The key is that the unit chiefs who came to participate in the joint military exercise were all as good as 2,580,000 people. Seeing that Li Ran was not around, his official words were not very intimidating.

This is what the joint military exercise is like. Li Ran is the commander of the joint military exercise, but he commands not only the Z Division troops, but also other units. He has no strength and is really hard to speak.

In terms of appearance, everyone must be okay, but in execution, it is obvious that they will not be 100% dedicated.

"Which units have arrived so far?" Li Ran asked.

He heard the meaning behind Zhengwei's words, and asked calmly without saying too much.

"The Snow Leopard Special Forces have arrived. I have temporarily placed them in Division Z. However, for the follow-up training, they are waiting for your orders. I don't care." Zhengwei said.

"Who is leading the team?" Li Ran asked again.

"It's the chief of staff of the Snow Leopard Special Forces, Cui Bangguo, nicknamed Siberian Tiger." The official introduced: "This chief of staff Cui is a fierce man. He has set three records in the military region so far. No one can break it. He is a famous He is a ruthless person and the most distinctive chief of staff of the Snow Leopard Special Forces in history."

To become the chief of staff of a special forces, strength is definitely indispensable, especially personal combat strength.

And this Cui Bangguo has been promoted through the ranks after joining the Snow Leopard Special Forces. He has performed many actual combat missions. The most famous one was when he single-handedly killed more than thirty overseas mercenaries.

What is astonishing is not that one person killed more than thirty people, but that one person killed more than thirty foreign mercenaries in the woods with only a dagger and a rope without using a gun.

From then on, he became famous in one battle and was known as the face of the Snow Leopard Special Forces, becoming a famous werewolf.

This time, when we came to perform the joint military exercise, the captain of the Snow Leopard Special Forces gave full authority to Cui Bangguo, which showed his trust in Cui Bangguo.

Because Cui Bangguo is not only powerful, but also very smart, he has been trained as the next captain of the special forces.

"Take me to the Snow Leopard Special Forces station." Li Ran said.

As the commander of a joint military exercise, if you want to command effectively in a battle formation, the most important thing is that the units under your command must listen to you unconditionally.

Needless to say about the two troupes that Master Z participated in, it was definitely Li Ran who said one thing and they didn’t dare to say two.

But this is not necessarily the case for the Snow Leopard Special Forces. Li Ran came to work in the Z Division. This was the first time he had dealt with the Snow Leopard Special Forces. Therefore, before participating in the performance, he must make this military region special forces trust him unconditionally.

This kind of trust is not just a difference in level, it must be believed from the bottom of their hearts.

Big Brother Mao Xiong will also dispatch special forces to participate in this exercise. The famous Signal Flag Special Forces are powerful. This special force is the most powerful special forces in Mao Xiong, along with the Alpha Special Forces.

It's just that the Alpha Special Forces conduct internal anti-terrorism operations, and their combat style of never negotiating with terrorists makes them very famous.


However, the Signal Flag Special Forces are engaged in foreign operations. In terms of strength, they are no worse than the Alpha Special Forces, and are even more mysterious.

If you want to convince Big Brother Bear this time, you will naturally have to completely crush him.

Li Ran is not worried about the two regiments of the Z Division, and Li Ran is not worried about the Airborne Regiment of the Kong 8th Division. This visit to the Kong 8th Division is not without effect. Li Ran, the colonel leader of the Airborne Regiment, is in Kongba. I've seen him as a teacher.

Now only the Snow Leopard Special Forces have not said hello, and their chief officers complained as soon as they met, which means that Cui Bangguo, who leads the team, does not seem to be that easy to talk to.

In this way, under the leadership of his own team leader, Fei Ran arrived at the temporary station of the Snow Leopard Special Forces in Division Z.

Temporary residence.

The Snow Leopard Special Forces were arranged here by the official committee. This was originally the location of the Z Division Reconnaissance Battalion, but now it has made room for the Snow Leopard Special Forces.

"Captain, when can we start joint training?" A second lieutenant asked, looking at his chief of staff who was 1.9 meters tall and burly like a tiger.

"Wait for the order." Cui Bangguo said in a deep voice.

The burly man is naturally Cui Bangguo, the chief of staff of the Snow Leopard Special Forces. Cui Bangguo has high prestige among the Snow Leopard Special Forces.

"Captain, why don't you ask the Division Reconnaissance Battalion of Division Z to accompany us for some fun? Training like this is quite boring. They say that Division Z, under the leadership of Commander Li, is the strongest division in the army. I would like to see Division Z How strong can the division's reconnaissance battalion be?" the second lieutenant added.

After Cui Bangguo served as chief of staff, he often organized them to fight in the Snow Leopard Special Forces, not against people in his own unit, but against reconnaissance companies and directly affiliated reconnaissance battalions of other units.

The purpose is one, to improve actual combat capabilities through constant confrontation.

Under Cui Bangguo's training method, the members of the Snow Leopard Special Forces are very strong in individual combat and work well with each other.

Cui Bangguo raised his eyebrows when he heard the words of his team members. Before he could answer, a voice reached everyone's ears.

"I don't think the division reconnaissance camp is necessary. If you are interested, I can play with you."

Li Ran's voice came...

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!! Enter).

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