Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

687: Surprise Is The Key To Victory! Adventurous Action Application

Although Li Ran committed tactical fraud, and Mao Xiong mistakenly believed that Li Ran would put the main force of the airborne troops in Ancheng just because of an interview video.

But Mao Xiong is not a fool, and the staff of the headquarters are not just for free.

There must be backup means. Once Mao Xiong discovers that the offensive firepower of the Anseong Field Army is not right, it won't take long to realize that there is a fraud.

Once he realizes there is a fraud, Mao Xiong will definitely activate his backup plan and respond in time.

Although the furry bear looks silly, he is not a fool, nor is he a simple-minded loser with well-developed limbs.

In the past, the wooly bear was very glorious. Even if it later declined, the same saying remains: a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

In order to complete this tactical deception and let Mao Xiong attack all of our airborne troops in Ancheng, Li Ran made two preparations.

The first step was the transport planes that transported the airborne troops. After placing the main force deep in the 108th echelon and the second echelon, they flew specifically to the sky above Anseong. Several transport planes circled back and forth, giving the illusion of airdropping the main force.

You know, Mao Xiong's radar reconnaissance force will definitely conduct reconnaissance on Anseong.

Once you only send one transport plane to airdrop over Ancheng, even a fool can find something fishy.

Hey, how big is the transport function of your field army?

Can one transport plane hold nine battalions? The next airborne regiment? This is definitely impossible.

In the second-hand preparation, all the pressure fell on the 1st Battalion of the 111th Regiment that was parachuted in Ancheng. They are the most powerful battalion of the 111th Regiment, so when fighting Mao Xiong in Ancheng, they must show the momentum of at least five battalions. .

The fake ones must be confused with the real ones, making Mao Xiong mistakenly think that they are fighting against the main force of the 111th Regiment.

If the offensive momentum of the first battalion is insufficient and the food is stopped, there is a high probability that something will happen to the Mao Xiong.

These two preparations are extremely important to complete Mao Xiong's tactical fraud, and no one can go wrong.

Although the strategic value of Anseong was quite high in this exercise, accounting for almost half of the total score, Li Ran still gave up.

In a word, pay attention to winning with a surprise soldier, and go against the routine.

Normal people would deploy heavy troops to Anseong to capture this city of great strategic value, but Li Ran did not.

Only in this way can we come up with surprising moves and complete the counterattack against the furry bear tactics.

Of course, the price of making a surprise move is quite high. The strategic value of Anjo is so tempting. Basically, no commander-in-chief can refuse such an offer.

In order to complete this tactical fraud, Li Ran was very well prepared.

The airborne training of the 111th Regiment, and even the military channel's special interview, all of this was Li Ran's handiwork and was all part of Li Ran's plan.

For the sake of safety, Li Ran also made special preparations in the first battalion of the 111th airborne regiment, which greatly enhanced the combat effectiveness of the first battalion.

First of all, if a battalion wants to produce the firepower of five battalions, it must be enough in terms of firepower.

Just relying on rifles, this kind of thing is simply impossible, that is, heavy firepower requires Dai.

What individual anti-tank missiles, mortars, heavy machine guns, etc.

The firepower configuration of the first battalion is completely beyond the normal configuration of a battalion. Basically every soldier carries heavy weapons and as much ammunition as they can carry.

This leads to a problem. First, the amount of supplies a soldier can carry is limited.

If there are more weapons and ammunition belts, there will definitely be much less supplies, and a battalion of soldiers has no supplies.

Food, drink, everything, even the space in compressed biscuits was used to hold bullets. The officers of the 10th Battalion did not bring any of them.

This is a huge test for the officers and soldiers of the first battalion, because they don't know how long they will fight.

They have to hold on as long as they fight. An city is an abandoned city, and there are no supplies in the city.

Therefore, their physical exertion has no other source of supplement except rest, and they are likely to face the threat of severe shortage of water and food.

But they believed in Li Ran and the commander-in-chief Li Ran. In order to play the airborne troop card, they had no complaints.

Secondly, the number of combatants in the first battalion has also been strengthened.

Li Ran transferred many of the precision shooters and snipers of the 111th Regiment, as well as the snipers of the Snow Leopard Special Forces, into the first battalion.

For street fighting in the city, the threat of snipers is too great.

It is no exaggeration to say that after a sniper occupies an absolutely favorable sniper position, he can even guard a street by himself, dragging out a company of enemy officers and soldiers who are unable to move forward.

Two sniper teams can even drag out a battalion!

The complex environment in the city is destined to be a stage for snipers to perform. Moreover, the bear is in the light and we are in the dark. The bear who can definitely fight is helpless.

In order to be fully prepared, the most critical point is that the first battalion must be the first to parachute into Anseong, and cannot parachute into Anseong together with Mao Xiong.

The first battalion must be airborne in Ancheng first, with the bear behind. This can buy the first battalion enough time to deploy its position, and at the same time, it will not be discovered by the bear.

In this case, there is a problem!

That means our 907th transport plane and Mao Xiong's transport plane arrived in Ancheng at basically the same time.

Li Ran doesn't have that much ability to delay Mao Xiong's airborne landing. Mao Xiong also knows the importance of every second on the battlefield and will definitely land in Ancheng as soon as possible.

This requires Li Ran to come up with a way to interfere with the landing of the Mao Xiong airborne troops and buy time for the first battalion.

For ordinary commanders, such a goal is simply impossible to achieve, but for Li Ran, it can be achieved.

As we all know, weather has a great impact on airborne parachuting. During daily parachuting training, the unit chief will observe the weather in advance. If the weather is good, parachute training will be carried out. If the weather is bad, the training will be abandoned.

You can't compromise the safety of soldiers for training, right?

Tonight, according to the weather forecast, there was only light rain, which would have some impact on skydiving, but not much.

Well-trained paratroopers can still complete the mission and successfully parachute.

So, half an hour before the departure of the 111th Regiment, Li Ran called the General Staff boss and asked for instructions on how to apply for it.

Because the requested action is very bold and may cause an accident if you are not careful, you must ask for permission.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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