Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

688: Risk Of Court Martial! If You Are Brave, You Will Meet Someone Who Is Desperate For Your Life.

Back to half an hour ago, Li Ran successfully got through the phone call of the General Staff boss.

"What's the matter?" When the call was connected, the general staff chief asked directly.

Now that the drill has begun, Li Ran calls. The boss of the General Staff knows Li Ran too well, and he must be planning to do something again.

"Chief, let me ask for instructions on what to do." Li Ran said.

"What action?"

"I applied for the transport aircraft to carry out artificial rain enhancement over Anseong during its airborne transport mission.

"You kid are crazy."

Hearing this, the general staff boss did not hesitate and asked Li Ran directly if he was crazy.

You know, during the joint military exercise training, a paratrooper from the 111th Regiment died unexpectedly during the parachuting training. It was only a short time ago that Li Ran was about to do it again.

Originally, it was raining lightly over Anseong today. The weather was not very good, which already had an impact on skydiving.

Li Ran's action application is that he thinks the impact will be small and wants to increase the impact.

"Chief, judging from the tactical weight of this exercise, artificial rainfall enhancement must be carried out. This battalion must be prepared to sacrifice for the overall situation." Li Ran said unceremoniously.

Although this is just an exercise, the entire battalion of the 111th Regiment will be prepared to sacrifice for this exercise.

Even if this is an actual battle, from an overall tactical point of view, this battalion is bound to make sacrifices for the overall situation.

A battalion does not carry any food or drink, but only carries weapons and ammunition. The strategic value of this battalion is already obvious. It is a battalion that sacrifices for the overall situation.

If this were actual combat, Li Ran would not hesitate to make such a deployment.

In terms of tactical weight, sacrificing a battalion can capture the opponent's brigade. Do you want to do it? This is a great victory, and can even change the overall direction of a normal battle.

War is like this, there are sacrifices and bloodshed. How is it possible to win the war without anyone getting into trouble? Do you think it is just a game?

It's not as good as rock-paper-scissors between the commanders of both sides. Whoever wins will win the war.

Drills are actual combat, so Li Ran would apply for such action.

"Have you thought clearly? If an accident occurs due to your action this time, it will not be just a simple disciplinary action. "Maybe you will have to go to a military court." The head of the General Staff stated the seriousness seriously.

Last time it was an accident, this time it was Li Ran's manual intervention.

Artificial rainfall and increased rainfall will have a great impact on parachuting. If an officer or soldier in this battalion unfortunately has an accident, Li Ran, the planner of the operation, will undoubtedly be fully responsible.

It's even possible that Li Ran will go to a military court and be examined.

Paratroopers are originally an arm that is relatively easy to lose in battle. Once the commander fails to use them properly, he will bear a huge responsibility. This is one of the reasons why, with the development of modernization, some people in the military have proposed to abolish the airborne troops.

"Chief, I am a person who only cares about weight and nothing else when commanding. If I am timid in every exercise, and one day war really comes, will it be then that I realize the cruelty and ruthlessness of war?" Li Ran asked directly: " If I were to trade a battalion for a brigade, how would you choose?"

This rhetorical question left the chief of the General Staff at a loss for words.

After a while, the head of the General Staff said in a deep voice: "Agree to the action."


It was precisely because he consulted the General Staff boss that Li Ran had the confidence to carry out this artificial rainfall operation.

Of course, Li Ran did not act randomly. Before the exercise began, he also carried out artificial rainfall at night, and then asked the first battalion to conduct parachuting training.

Moreover, the paratroopers in the first battalion are all very experienced veterans. As for the Snow Leopard Special Forces, it goes without saying.

There is no doubt about the individual military quality of the special forces, including driving tanks, flying helicopters, and parachuting.


Several transport planes came to the sky above Anseong and directly launched rain-increasing bombs to carry out artificial rainfall. Not long after, the sky was full of rain.

Blah blah blah~

It was just a light rain at first, but in a blink of an eye it turned into a heavy downpour. The rain was very fierce.

The rain-increasing bombs in the army are much more effective than the artificial rainfall produced by the people.

that's all.

One thirty-five in the morning.

The weather changed, from light rain to moderate rain. On Mao Xiong's side, Major Mao Xiong, who was leading the team in the transport plane, looked at the weather outside and frowned.

The sudden change in the weather was not what worried Major Mao Xiong the most, but according to the radar, the field army's transport plane was not far away from them.

At the current speed, they will meet in a few minutes.

Of course, whether it is according to the rules of the exercise or an unwritten rule among the airborne troops, even on the battlefield, the airborne troops of both sides will not attack each other before landing.

We are already paratroopers, so the risk factor is high. When we meet on the battlefield, it is life and death. To put it bluntly, we only have one life. Who wants to die?

But the military orders are like mountains, and they have no choice but to carry out their tasks.

The invisible tacit understanding prevents the paratroopers from taking action before parachuting and landing. In that case, it would be bad for everyone and there is no need to die in the air.

The more Major Mao Xiong thought about it, the more he felt a headache. He came here to skydive. He was not familiar with the place and everything was strange. In addition, with the weather like this, if he skydive now, something would really happen, and someone might die.

After some observation, Major Mao Xiong had no choice but to take out his communicator and start calling.

"Call command." "

"Roger, please come in.

"We have successfully arrived in the sky above Anseong and found the field army transport aircraft group. According to the radar, the main force of their airborne troops will be dropped in Anseong."


"It's just that the weather has suddenly changed and the environment is complicated, so we can't skydive..."

Major Mao Xiong reluctantly reported the current details. According to the original plan, they were about to go skydiving.

But now, in this kind of weather, who dares to jump? No one wants to die.

However, the action plan formulated by the commanding officer cannot be changed without authorization. If the major makes an unauthorized decision to abandon the parachute without explaining the situation, once it affects the overall change in occupation, he will not be able to live with it. Maybe after the exercise is over, he will have to Go back to court martial.

Major Mao Xiong didn't dare to make a decision without permission. He had to explain the situation clearly. As for how to decide, it still depends on the orders from the headquarters.

Just the next second, Major Mao Xiong's eyes suddenly widened. If he could speak Chinese, he would definitely say "f*ck".

But the major still said a curse word in furry bear language, which roughly meant the same thing as fuck.

Because the radar shows that the Dragon Kingdom's transport plane is performing an airborne maneuver over Anseong at this time. What does this mean when the transport plane performs an airborne maneuver?

That means the airborne troops from the Dragon Kingdom are preparing to parachute.

Crazy, really crazy. Do you dare to skydive in such weather? Are you risking your life?

On the radar, the major watched the dragon country's transport plane continue to drop in height. Such a drop in altitude was definitely a parachute jump.

"Crazy, really crazy. They dared to parachute in such weather. Are they going to die?" The major was stunned and couldn't help shouting.

The major was shocked, but he immediately picked up the communication crystal and reported the situation.

"Headquarters, headquarters, the paratroopers of the Dragon Kingdom have parachuted. Repeat, the paratroopers of the Dragon Kingdom have parachuted." The major said in a very anxious tone.

I can't help it, it's really scary. Are all my fellows so unafraid of death?

Or do you have some tips for skydiving? Do you dare to skydive in such weather?

It's impossible. They, the furry bears, are the fighting nation. When did our little brother become so fierce?

The airspace above Anseong.

Although multiple transport planes are circling and descending, only one of the transport planes currently has officers and soldiers of the 111th Regiment in the cabin.

The cabin door slowly opened, and strong airflow blew on everyone's faces, along with rain.

The major leading the team had already begun to make gestures and began to countdown to the skydive.

When the skydiving gesture was waved forward, the noncommissioned officer at the front did not hesitate at all. He took the lead in picking out the cabin and started parachuting.

Then, one, two, three, and all the soldiers behind them parachuted together.

But the moment everyone jumped out of the cabin, the rain hit their faces directly, and they were completely wet in an instant.

A soldier wiped the rain off his face, and when he reached the height of the parachute, he opened the parachute.

With a full 60 kilograms of weight on his body, this soldier must be extra careful and brush it off!

The parachute opened successfully, and the soldier quickly began to operate the balance lever, constantly controlling the balance, and slowly landed, while feeling relieved in his heart.

The parachute opened successfully. As long as your luck is not too bad, there should be no problem in landing safely.

Below, it was pitch black, but there were spots of light in the distance, but it was a pity that those weak spots of light could not illuminate what was below them.

Although everyone wears night vision goggles to ensure the safety of skydiving, even with the help of night vision goggles, if you want to see clearly clearly, you have to be at least twenty meters above the ground. :

With such brightness and weather, blind landing is very difficult and the risk factor is very high.

Even though the parachute is open, landing firmly on the ground is the key. Otherwise, the 60 kilograms of weight on his body plus his own weight will cause injuries that may be fatal.

The height dropped little by little, and finally, the ground could be seen slightly clearly. At the moment when it was about to touch the ground, the soldier reacted quickly and immediately bent his legs to reduce the pressure caused by inertia.

Even so, the impact of the huge inertia still made his thighs hurt, even numb.

But fortunately, it landed firmly.

"Oh, my leg is so useless. It is estimated that this leg will soon be scrapped when I am discharged from the army." "The soldier sighed helplessly and quickly packed up his parachute.

Nine out of ten retired paratroopers have problems with their legs. The other one may not be visible on the surface, but he must have a hidden disease.

There is no way around it, the harm caused by arms is unavoidable.

Soon, all the first battalion of the 111th Regiment landed successfully, and no one had any accidents.


After everyone landed, they immediately began to assemble, and then the roll call began.

After confirming that everyone was present and no one was missing, the major breathed a sigh of relief and then ordered: "Act."


All the soldiers of the battalion took action immediately, and their figures quickly disappeared into the night.

the other side.

In the air, the furry bear is here.

"Yes, I understand." Major Mao Xiong breathed a sigh of relief. The people at the headquarters were "humane" after all, and asked them to give up parachuting temporarily and wait until the rain subsided before parachuting again.

This actually made Major Mao Xiong feel relieved. No one wanted to take risks with their lives.

Anyway, if you wait for an hour at most, the rain will almost stop, so the problem is not big, why not just jump an hour later.

Anyway, the two battalions he led were just to delay the main force of the Dragon Kingdom paratroopers who were airborne here, and they were not to complete the task of occupying Ancheng.

A little earlier, a little later, it doesn't have a big impact.


He refused to admit it, but the major said that the Dragon Kingdom paratroopers were crazy and not afraid of death, but he still admired him in his heart.

Being able to risk parachuting in such an environment regardless of danger is just an exercise. This kind of spirit is worthy of admiration.

Time passed little by little, and finally, the rain began to weaken and returned to the state of a small fish. This did not have a great impact on skydiving.

It is basically impossible to expect nothing less than a skydiving environment with clear weather and bright sunshine. You can only dream about it.

Seeing that the weather allowed parachute jumping, the major reported immediately. Soon, the major received the order from the headquarters.


Following the major's order, the officers and soldiers of the two battalions of the 159th Brigade immediately began parachuting. In order to avoid encountering the main force of the Dragon Kingdom's airborne troops, they specifically chose an opposite location.


In this way, they can avoid the embarrassment of their two battalions parachuting into the main encirclement of the Dragon Kingdom's airborne troops.

You know, the paratroopers of the Dragon Kingdom dared to parachute in such a harsh environment before. If they still jumped in the same position, wouldn't they be looking for shit?

They are here to perform a blocking mission, not an annihilation mission. If they were to be rounded up as soon as they landed, wouldn't it be a shame to throw them home?

The paratroopers of the Dragon Kingdom are not afraid of death. They might predict their parachuting position to trick them, so it's better to stay away.

But what the major doesn't know is that if he really takes people to land at the same location, after landing, they will find that the footprints on the ground are not actually the main force of the airborne regiment at all.


It's a pity that the major won't think about this, because the Mao Xiong paratroopers are now intimidated by the fearless spirit of the Dragon Kingdom paratroopers.

Therefore, for Major Mao Xiong, it is enough to keep the distance as much as possible, test slowly, and then block and delay.

They only have two battalions and the other side has five battalions, and they are not afraid of death. How can they fight?

Major Mao Xiong had even anticipated the brutality of the subsequent confrontation between the two sides.

It’s not easy to fight when a bold person encounters someone who is desperate for his life~

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!!).

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