Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

006: Go To Tibet As A Recruit

Chasing Li Ran who was running ahead, Wang Qiang, a first-term sergeant, sneered in his heart.

The new recruits are a little too young to play this trick in front of their veterans.

As a veteran, he has been through it all. What kind of new recruit has he never seen? He knows clearly that the new recruit in front of him just wants to sensationalize and make himself the center of attention. He likes to be in the limelight, but unfortunately he uses the wrong method.

Competing running between new recruits Danzi and veterans is equivalent to turning on the light in the toilet and looking for shit!

Wang Qiang deliberately kept a distance of five meters behind Li Ran. He wanted to see how long the recruit could last at this speed.

When Li Ran couldn't run anymore and stopped out of breath, he stepped forward and taunted him to let him know the gap between recruits and veterans.

Time passed little by little, and gradually, Wang Qiang suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The recruit in front of him didn't seem to have any intention of slowing down. He was already feeling a little tired, but the recruit in front didn't change at all.

"This kid has something."

Wang Qiang exclaimed inwardly and sped up again.

A scene that shocked him happened. As soon as he speeded up, Li Ran in front also speeded up.

"And the physical strength is accelerated?" Wang Qiang's eyes almost popped out of his head.

"I don't believe it. I am a veteran, or a veteran from a special area. How can I be surpassed by a recruit like you when running in such an area?" Wang Qiang looked serious and became serious.

Ten minutes later, Wang Qiang felt a little doubtful when he saw Li Ran riding ahead.

He couldn't catch up. He couldn't catch up. He had been chasing at the fastest speed for five minutes, but he still couldn't catch up. This speed made him very physically exhausted, and now he had to stop and take a breath.

But the recruit in front of him was still running, pulling him further and further away.

"MD, this guy must be a senior." Wang Qiang was speechless, gritted his teeth and continued to catch up.


"How long have you been waiting for me?" Wang Qiang looked at Li Ran with a complicated expression and asked.

"It didn't take long, almost three minutes." Li Ran said.

Three minutes~

Wang Qiang estimated the time it would take him to run the five kilometers, and he found that it was about seventeen minutes. Doesn't that mean that the recruit didn't even have fifteen minutes to run the five kilometers?

Didn’t finish the five-kilometer run in fifteen minutes?

These are top-notch results in the army.

In the army, if you run a five-kilometer cross-country course with light equipment, you will pass in twenty minutes, and you will be excellent in seventeen minutes. But now a new recruit has finished the run in less than fifteen minutes. This speed is really good.

"You are a soldier now. You must obey orders and are not allowed to act without authorization. Do you understand?" Wang Qiang scolded.

Even if this new recruit reveals his tricks to him, soldiers must obey discipline.

"Yes! Monitor." Li Ran smiled.

Li Ran is in a good mood now. The system task was successfully completed and he got 100 achievement points for free.

At the same time, he could see that his achievements made the veteran in front of him admire him. Otherwise, he would not have said such a simple word to him.

Sure enough, in the army, everything depends on strength.

Twenty minutes later, the recruit team arrived late. Every recruit looked tired and the queue was loose.

Running five kilometers before joining the army is indeed a kind of torture for the new recruits.

"Return to the team." Wang Qiang said to Li Ran.

"Yes!" Li Ran agreed and returned to the original queue.

The first-term noncommissioned officer walked up to the second lieutenant and whispered a few words in the second lieutenant's ear. The second lieutenant immediately focused his eyes on Li Ran. Enter the train station and prepare to board the train.

When the train arrived at the station, under the organization of the veterans, the recruits began to board the train one after another, directly occupying a section of the green leather train car.

After getting in the car, Li Ran found an empty seat and sat down. Wang Erniu saw Li Ran and quickly sat next to Li Ran.

"Brother, you are in great physical condition and you run so fast."

As soon as he sat down, Wang Erniu started talking.

"It's just so so. After you get trained in the army for a while, you can run very fast." Li Ran smiled.

"I still don't know where to go as a soldier. I asked a circle of people and they didn't know where to go." Wang Erniu said.

"If I guess correctly, we should go to the Tibetan area."

"Tibetan area?"

Hearing this, Wang Erniu immediately sat up straight and asked again: "Brother, how did you know?"

"Isn't it very simple? You can tell at a glance that you are going to a Tibetan area."

"How did you get it?"

Hearing this voice, the eyes of Li Ran, Wang Erniu and others were immediately attracted, because it was the former second lieutenant who asked this question.

At some point, the second lieutenant walked up to them and listened to the two of them talking.

Seeing the second lieutenant coming, Wang Erniu and others immediately became nervous. They all knew that the second lieutenant in front of them was not easy to mess with.

Chen Hai ignored Wang Erniu and others, kept staring at Li Ran, and said again: "Tell me, how did you tell that we were going to the Tibetan region?"

"Observe." Li Ran replied.

"How did you observe it?" The second lieutenant looked like he wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"From the very beginning, I noticed that the skin of you, Chief, and several squad leaders are very dry and chapped, not ordinary black." Li Ran said.

"Soldiers, as long as they are not in a government agency, train outside all year round, and experience exposure to wind and sun, their skin will be like this. This is not enough to prove that we are soldiers from Tibetan areas." The second lieutenant retorted.

"This is just one of the reasons. There is also the fact that the chief and several squad leaders have been very red from the beginning to now, as if they had drunk alcohol, but I did not smell the smell of alcohol, so it must have happened to the chief and several squad leaders. The performance of oxygen drunkenness is a phenomenon that can only occur after soldiers who have been serving in plateau areas all year round return to low altitude areas. Also, the direction the train is traveling in, I judge that the place we are going to should be Tibet. domain area.”

After hearing Li Ran's explanation, Wang Erniu and others immediately understood that this was the case.

They came directly to the platform after entering the train station. There were no signs of their destination around the platform, so many people were wondering where they would go to serve as soldiers. Unexpectedly, it was to go to Tibet.

"Your name is Li Ran, right."

"Yes, Chief."

"I remember you."

(I ask for all support for the new book. If I don’t leave the special forces, commanders, brothers who like me, please give me some support!)

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