Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

007: It’S Really Hard For Plateau Soldiers

On the train.

Li Ran became the focus of the recruits.

As a new recruit, Li Ran's perfect reasoning in front of the second lieutenant was simply amazing.

If it weren't for Li Ran, they still wouldn't know that they were going to serve as soldiers in the Tibetan area.

"Brother, I have never been to the Tibetan region in my life. I heard that the scenery there is very beautiful." Wang Erniu was a little excited and full of expectations for the Tibetan region.

Looking at Wang Erniu with an excited face, Li Ran smiled and said nothing more.

He didn't want to offend Wang Erniu. The scenery in Tibet was indeed beautiful, but behind the beauty, people needed to protect it!

And they are the ones who protect!

On the plateau with an altitude of more than 4,000 meters, the environment is very harsh. Soldiers are also soldiers, and being a soldier in Tibetan areas is the most difficult.

The dry cracks on the face and hands of the person responsible for picking them up can tell it all.

The most important thing is that at such a high altitude, altitude sickness will occur. If coupled with high-intensity training, the average person's physical fitness will simply not be able to bear it.

Li Ran now somewhat understands the meaning of what the second lieutenant said to them before.

Why does it mean that some people may go today and be sent back in a few days?

Serving as a soldier in the Tibetan army further tests a person's perseverance and physical fitness.

On the other side, the second lieutenant was browsing the basic information of this batch of recruits. As a special area, only he knew the hardships of recruiting soldiers.

"Chen Pai, I don't know how many of these new recruits can be left." Wang Qiang couldn't help but say from the side.

"How many can be left?" Chen Hai said solemnly: "Safety protection during the training period must be ensured."

"I understand." Wang Qiang nodded.

"We need to pay close attention to this new recruit named Li Ran. At present, this guy's physical fitness is very good and his mind is very flexible. He is a good prospect for a scout."

While warning Wang Qiang, Chen Hai was also very surprised.

He had no idea that the veterans he brought out in the plateau area could not outrun any of the new recruits in a five-kilometer run.

In addition, this new recruit analyzed that they were soldiers from the Tibetan area in just a short meeting, and their minds were very unusual.

For this recruitment operation in the capital area, their Tibetan areas were temporarily allocated by their superiors, so no information was disclosed to these new recruits in advance.

The original plan was to wait until the destination was announced, but a new recruit analyzed it in advance. It was amazing.


It’s a long way from Beijing Railway Station to Tibet.

After more than forty hours of driving, the train finally arrived.

"Take your luggage and get off the station now and get in line." Wang Qiang shouted at the top of his lungs in the carriage.

Everyone got off the bus one after another with their luggage.

After more than 40 hours of driving, many people on the bus were so numb.

As soon as they got off the bus, some people felt a little uncomfortable. The altitude was not too high at this time, and this slight discomfort was still within the acceptable range of everyone.

"Now let's start the roll call."

"Li Zhong."




"Wang Erniu."



After the roll call, make sure everyone is there and no one is left behind.

"Report! The roll call has been completed. Ninety people were supposed to be present, but they actually turned out to be ninety."

Chen Hai nodded, looked at everyone and said: "Everyone must have known when we were in the car that the area where we are serving as soldiers this time is the Tibetan region. If you come to serve as a soldier in the Tibetan region, I can tell you without reservation that it is better than other soldiers." Serving as a soldier in the plateau area is even more difficult. Here, you not only have to receive training, but you also have to resist the discomfort caused by the lack of oxygen in the plateau area. I hope you are mentally prepared."

The Fifth Border Defense Regiment, which is affiliated to the Tibetan Military Region, sent three personnel carriers to pick up these recruits and will carry them to the recruit training base of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment.

There, the recruits will receive three months of recruit training and will be assigned to various companies based on their performance.

On a troop carrier.

"It's over, it's over. I heard that being a soldier in Tibet is the hardest."

"Oh my god, I didn't expect to be assigned here."

"It's also good to be a soldier in Tibet. I heard that the salary for being a soldier here is higher than in other areas."

"If you want to get the allowance here, you have to be able to persevere."

Many people were talking about it for a while.

"Brother, is it really hard to be a soldier here?" Wang Erniu couldn't help but ask Li Ran after hearing the discussion.

Li Ran nodded: "It is indeed very difficult, mainly because the plateau climate is harsh and unpredictable, and altitude sickness is easy to occur. The physical load will be heavy and it is very hard, but you can get used to it as long as you persevere. Come on."

"I'll work hard." Wang Erniu nodded seriously.

As the troop carrier continued to drive to higher altitudes, the oxygen concentration in the air became lower and lower, and many people in the carriage felt a little dizzy.

Finally arriving at the recruit training base of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, the troop carrier slowly stopped.

"get off."

There was a loud roar outside the car.

Everyone got up and prepared to get off the car. Due to the high altitude and low oxygen concentration, the car was bumpy all the way, and some people even got up a little unsteadily.

There are two veterans standing at the back of each car to help the recruits get out of the car to prevent them from getting dizzy and falling off if they are not accustomed to the environment here.

"Brother, my head is so dizzy and I want to vomit." As soon as Wang Erniu got out of the car, he couldn't help but vomited into the plastic bag in his hand.

The plastic bags were given to them by veterans of the Fifth Border Guard Regiment when they got on the bus. They didn't say what they were used for, but they were obviously prepared for now.

The Fifth Border Defense Regiment is stationed on a plateau more than 4,000 meters above sea level, where the oxygen concentration is thin and the weather is harsh. Here, wind and sun damage are much more serious than in other areas, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is very large.

The discomfort reactions of the new recruits were all expected by the veterans, so there was no expression fluctuation and it was very calm.

Of the ninety recruits in total, almost two-thirds all suffered from dizziness and vomiting, and most of the remaining one-third felt very uncomfortable.

There is only one exception! That's Li Ran.

Li Ran stood there as if nothing happened, looking left and right, like a curious baby, looking at this recruit training base that could only be described as shabby.

(The new book asks for all support, flowers, evaluation votes, monthly votes, and thanks!!)

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