Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

718: Morav’S Helplessness! Defeat Is A Doomed Outcome

To be honest, after talking about reloading, Mao Xiong can be regarded as a big brother-level figure. There is no way, who makes the industrialized system complete and willful.

Mao Xiong has mastered all kinds of key technologies, and it may be electronic technology where Big Brother Mao Xiong is weak.

But Mao Xiong has only one requirement for the things he makes, which is that the skin must be rough, the flesh thick, and durable. As for the details, it doesn't matter, it can be used anyway.

Now, Mao Xiong's T30 main battle tank is actually okay when fighting Tiger 6, but it is actually a bit difficult to fight Tiger 9.

This gap is indeed not much different from the gap between Tiger 6 and Tiger 9 in the field army.

No, in the face of the strong impact of the Tiger 9, the Mao Xiong T30 main battle tank actually suffered heavy battle losses. The key is that the shells they fired themselves have a very high probability of being successfully evaded by the Tiger 9.

However, in this exercise, the number of Tiger 9s participating was limited and not all were dispatched. Otherwise, this heavy equipment fight would not have happened at all.

That would be purely abusing Mao Xiong, and the T30 main battle tank dispatched by Mao Xiong is not Mao Xiong's most advanced main battle tank, so it is meaningless.

Morav has already heard about the Tiger 9 in the field army, and has made relevant preparations for this. Since the T30 is not the opponent of the Tiger 9, he will attack the Tiger 9 in another way.

Morav has prepared quite sufficient rocket launchers for Tiger 9.

No matter what kind of main battle tank you are, there is nothing that a rocket launcher cannot solve. If it cannot be solved, then try another one.

Mao Xiong has prepared three rocket launcher battalions, but two battalions are equipped for the heavily armed force of the 159th Brigade, just to deal with the current situation.

To be honest, when it comes to fire coverage and shell coverage, Mao Xiong is also the founder. No one knows the power of the Katyusha rocket invented by Mao Xiong.

The damage caused by the Katyusha under the salvo is quite terrifying. Some people may say that the Katyusha is not accurate, but with the powerful and intensive firepower of the Katyusha, precision is still needed. yarn.

At this time, ten kilometers away from the battlefield, the Katyusha rocket launcher vehicles on Mao Xiong's side had already set up their formation. They would concentrate fire on the heavily armored battlefield.

Within the headquarters.

"Report, Katyusha has been prepared."

"Fire immediately, hit their mobile chains hard, and tear a hole for me to come out." Morav said fiercely.


Following Morav's order, the front-line Katyusha rocket launchers were launched immediately.

Whoosh whoosh~

For a time, rockets were fired densely towards the tanks of the field army with tongues of fire at their tails, covering a wide range of firepower.

Since the number of infantry is insufficient, Morav uses artillery and tank coordination to let the little brother see the power of Katyusha.

Why do their furry bear Katyusha scare people? It's because their own power lies here.

Of course, while the Katyusha rocket launcher crew on Mao Xiong's side fired shells, Li Ran also gave the order to fire.

Mao Xiong has a rocket vehicle crew here, and the field army also has one here, but Bohui?

Besides, the field army's rocket launcher crew is modeled after Big Brother's Katyusha, and after years of development, it has become more and more powerful. Its main focus is a range and power that is not inferior to the bear's Katyusha. Shah.

Just like that, the powerful artillery fire from both sides began to bombard each other directly.

Boom boom boom~

The fight between the heavily armed troops on both sides was quite fierce. For a while, vehicles collided with each other, and no one was convinced.

With artillery shells, charges, bombings, and cluster attacks, the heavily armed forces on both sides soon reached a climax.

On the plain, the heavy equipment of both sides were constantly interspersed and attacked. If the front was damaged in battle, the tanks at the back could directly make up for it, very quickly.

The biggest difference between modern warfare and ancient battlefields is the advancement of weapons. In fact, there is not much change in essence.

Before the age of artillery, when the two sides fought, they mainly relied on heavy cavalry charges to tear up the opponent's formation and crush them, thereby winning the victory.

Heavy armor battles in modern warfare are essentially this concept. However, whether it is the previous heavy cavalry or the current heavy armor, it is a great test of the commander's command and the coordination ability of the soldiers.

Under such a confrontation, the speed of the battle between the two sides increased sharply, but at this time no one cared about the battle losses, only the results.

The speed of both sides did not stop due to the bombardment of artillery fire. Under the bombardment of artillery fire, the heavy equipment of both sides had been trying their best to maintain the speed and rhythm of the charge.

Boom boom boom~

Soon, half an hour had passed since the two sides fought. During this half hour, the fight between the two sides also reached a very critical stage.

The battle line was stretched to a terrifying ten kilometers. In such an area, thousands of people and hundreds of heavy vehicles were constantly killing each other.

Sometimes, the distance between the tanks on both sides was only a few dozen meters, and they fired at each other in a roundabout way, and the fighting was very fierce.

In such a fierce and chaotic battle, it is almost impossible not to have an accident.

No, a Tiger 6 and a T90 were pushed to the side by the large force due to their inability to avoid them, and then rolled over. Fortunately, they only rolled over and no casualties were caused.

On the endless plain, the ground is now full of traces of tank tracks and various potholes. If viewed from the sky, the traces of tank tracks on the ground are like a maze, which is very spectacular.

Until now, the expression on Morav's face was very solemn. The battlefield was not as smooth as he expected, and the little brother's heavily armed troops were also very brave.

The main force sent out has almost finished the fight, but there is a lack of stamina. Originally, the coordination of infantry and tanks on their side was not enough, and now they must send out the prepared reserve team.

If the battle situation becomes stalemate, they, Mao Xiong, will really have no hope in this exercise and will completely fail.

If they fight a war of attrition, they are no match for the little brother, and it is impossible to fight a war of attrition.

While the momentum is still there and the stamina has not completely dissipated, it is just a little weak temporarily, so we must attack with all our strength.

Inside the headquarters!

"Reserves are dispatched, and they will be detoured from both wings to destroy them for me." Morav gave the order.


So, boom boom boom~

The reserve team that Morav has not sent out has begun to move in. This is the back-up prepared by Morav.

As the reserve team was dispatched, the battalion headquarters in charge and the major led the team immediately carried out combat deployment.

"Develop an assault formation with a distance of one thousand meters and a depth of 400 meters, and make circuitous penetrations from both sides.


After the battalion commander issued the order, the reserve team immediately began to change its formation. The quality of the officers and soldiers of the Mao Xiong Heavy Army was still very high.

The formation unfolded very quickly, without any sloppiness.

Here, seeing Big Brother Mao Xiong dispatching his reserve team, Li Ran didn't panic, everything was going according to plan.

Mao Xiong has a reserve team here, and he also has two tank companies left here, so don't be afraid.

These two companies only need to block the tactical penetration of Mao Xiong, the reserve team, and the other problems are not big.

"Order, all members of the 111th Brigade move to both wings to assist the tank company in blocking the tactical penetration of the Mao Xiong Reserve." Li Ran issued the order again.

This is the benefit of having enough infantry, so you are no longer afraid.

Although the strength of the two tank companies facing the two tank battalions is a bit small, the number of heavy equipment on their side is not as much as that of Mao Xiong.

But fortunately, there are enough infantry. It is enough to have enough infantry plus two tank companies to block Mao Xiong's two battalions.

As for the node position where Morav is going to issue tactical interposition, Li Ran is very clear about it.

It's not that he can detect the intelligence of the Mao Xiong headquarters, but as a senior commander, he can actually grasp the other party's intentions.

This depends on a commander's analysis and judgment of the overall battle situation.

You don't need to think about it to know that if Mao Xiong wants to make tactical interludes, he will definitely choose the middle position, and he will definitely hit the center of gravity.

After the Mao Xiong reserve team was dispatched, their speed reached their maximum speed, and they rushed towards the break of the battle line crazily, hoping to complete the tactical insertion in the fastest time.

But the tank company on the field army side was not a vegetarian, and rushed directly towards Mao Xiong's reserve team.

One attitude is that if you want to complete the tactical interlude, you have to pass through us first. Otherwise, you will not be able to go anywhere.

Ever since, instead of Nuo Da's heavily armored battlefield, a local armored war also started.

The Mao Xiong Reserve had a numerical advantage, but the two tank companies had a terrain advantage and a perfect shooting position.

Boom boom boom~

The two sides started shooting directly, mercilessly, and directed all the shells towards each other.

However, Mao Xiong's heavily armored forces were still strong. Even though the two tank companies had a geographical advantage, they still suffered a loss after a battle.

They were originally at a numerical disadvantage and suffered a loss. If this continues, the two tank companies will soon be exhausted.

In order to buy time for the reserve team, Morav issued another order.

All the remaining ammunition of the rocket launcher battalion was fired out. As a result, the battle losses on the heavy equipment side of the field army increased again.

Morav has only one idea now, and that is to complete the strangulation of the field army's heavy-armed troops as much as possible, and to end this heavy-armed battle as much as possible.

It's a miracle that their air force can persist until now. If the fight continues, once the field army's air force is freed up, all the advantages of their ground forces will be lost.

As everyone knows, the air force on the field army's side has been letting go.

The two tank companies used to block the attack suffered serious battle damage, but this does not mean that they were inferior. Their performance was still very impressive.

When two tank companies were blocking the tactical penetration of the Mao Xiong heavy reserve force, one of the tank crews used the back of two damaged infantry fighting vehicles, and then used the slope of the terrain as cover. When the Mao Xiong heavy equipment came from in front of him, When you pass by, just come to the next one.

Using this trick, this tank crew killed five T30s, and was finally targeted by the T30 crew, which ended his criminal life.

For this reason, Mao Xiong was almost mad to death. One of his Tiger 6s killed five of their T30s. There were not many of them in the first place, but they were suddenly tricked. It was too old, but it fit the bill. The little brother’s consistent fighting style.

In fact, this can't be blamed on the field army veteran. It was clearly because Mao Xiong was too careless. He was a little careless due to the large number of heavy equipment. He didn't even pay attention to the little brother's tank, and he didn't search carefully. Only then did the tank company get a chance.

This battle between two tank companies blocking the Mao Xiong tank reserve lasted for six minutes.

Although it was delayed for some time, at least Mao Xiong's reserve team still had dozens of tanks left to reach the intersection node. Unfortunately, when they arrived at the intersection node, they wanted to complete the heavy equipment of the field army ordered by Morav. It's very difficult.

Because all the infantry of the 111th Brigade were deployed here by Li Ran, it only took a few minutes.

The tank company bought them time.

After the infantry of the 111th Brigade arrived here, they had already taken advantage of the terrain to build a large number of defenses.

For a time, the officers and soldiers of the 111th Brigade seemed to be performing the original blocking mission of the 172nd Brigade Airborne Troopers, blocking the heavily armed troops, but the roles of both sides were reversed.

The officers and soldiers of the 111th Brigade were blocking Mao Xiong's heavy equipment, and the current number of tanks in the Mao Xiong Reserve was consumed by the previous two tank companies. It is basically impossible for the remaining tanks to quickly occupy this area. things.

Da da da~


Seeing the arrival of the Mao Xiong heavy reserve team, the airborne major who led the team gave the order and personally joined the battle. The fierce battle started immediately.

Mao Xiong's heavily-armed troops were immediately held back, unable to advance at all. This led to a scene that Morav least wanted and feared to see.

That is, heavy equipment has turned into a war of attrition. The number of infantry on his side is completely insufficient. In such a war of attrition, he can only watch them lose.

Within the headquarters.

After receiving the battle report from the heavy-armed troops on the front line, Morav looked very ugly and gritted his teeth angrily.

"Abominable, really abominable. Morav said angrily.

Every move he made was penetrated by the young commander of the Field Army, and the opponent's deployment kept him completely suppressed.

He could only watch as the heavily armed troops were dragged into attrition, gradually heading towards final defeat.

Thinking of this, Morav felt very unwilling.

His majestic Brigadier General Mao Xiong, the commander of heavy equipment, was beaten like this by a young commander who was a junior in the field army. How could he have the face to face China? How could he have the face to meet the elders?

Maybe the elders were already furious to death when they saw him beaten like this.


(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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